2024 Republican nominee poll

Paul Ryan or Don Jr?

  • Ryan

  • Trump

Results are only viewable after voting.
Pompeo !...though he wasnt an option in the OP, and if Trump doesnt run
Intelligent, with an excellent presidential (no drama) temperament, and foreign relations experience.
With a good cabinet pick, his financial skills will be an added bonus.
Everything Ive seen him do thus far makes me believe he would be loyal to America first.
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During the Trump years, I think the only person would could have beaten him was Tucker.
But he hasn't got 3 billion dollars to run a campaign.
The GOP could be screwed. They betrayed their base and camp followers. Maybe a new party will be formed, or there will be an internal putsch from 20-40 years olds. The current crop (mitch and Graham etc) won't even be alive till 2024.
Something similar happened in the UK with the conservatives there. They won more working class voters than the Labout (socialist) party.
Like hitlers beer hall putsch?
trump doesn’t need to run again in 2024. Whoever he endorses will continue his policies and tactics. So who’s going to be the gop nominee in 2024? Paul Ryan or Don jr?
No one gives a damn about your fucking poll, moron. Furthermore, Ryan is a never Trumper. He doesn't have a chance. Republicans don't vote for back stabbers.
So vote for trump. Right now it’s five to five
He just polled 75 million votes, and was beaten by a cheat.

Why Republicans can’t win in 2024

81 million Americans voted AGAINST Trump
That was before his temper tantrum over losing and his attack on Congress

The Trump name is POISON
As the Reuters article pointed out, the know nothing slums came out to vote for handouts.
A record turnout rejected Trump

He was that bad
We obviously disagree on election fraud.
I thought it was clear to a blind person that electoral irregularities happened. Maybe we watch different channels.
During the Trump years, I think the only person would could have beaten him was Tucker.
But he hasn't got 3 billion dollars to run a campaign.
The GOP could be screwed. They betrayed their base and camp followers. Maybe a new party will be formed, or there will be an internal putsch from 20-40 years olds. The current crop (mitch and Graham etc) won't even be alive till 2024.
Something similar happened in the UK with the conservatives there. They won more working class voters than the Labout (socialist) party.
Like hitlers beer hall putsch?
Yes. Hitler analogy. Cool
He just polled 75 million votes, and was beaten by a cheat.

Why Republicans can’t win in 2024

81 million Americans voted AGAINST Trump
That was before his temper tantrum over losing and his attack on Congress

The Trump name is POISON
As the Reuters article pointed out, the know nothing slums came out to vote for handouts.
A record turnout rejected Trump

He was that bad
We obviously disagree on election fraud.
I thought it was clear to a blind person that electoral irregularities happened. Maybe we watch different channels.
Not even clear in the 60 court cases you lost

The claim that the election was stolen was a LIE perpetrated by a President who can’t admit that he lost
He just polled 75 million votes, and was beaten by a cheat.

Why Republicans can’t win in 2024

81 million Americans voted AGAINST Trump
That was before his temper tantrum over losing and his attack on Congress

The Trump name is POISON
As the Reuters article pointed out, the know nothing slums came out to vote for handouts.
A record turnout rejected Trump

He was that bad
We obviously disagree on election fraud.
I thought it was clear to a blind person that electoral irregularities happened. Maybe we watch different channels.
Not even clear in the 60 court cases you lost

The claim that the election was stolen was a LIE perpetrated by a President who can’t admit that he lost
There was not ONE day in court.
Show me the link to the court cases. Who took the dock? Who pored over the affidavits? Which whistle blower was allowed to speak?
Not one court case was allowed.
He just polled 75 million votes, and was beaten by a cheat.

Why Republicans can’t win in 2024

81 million Americans voted AGAINST Trump
That was before his temper tantrum over losing and his attack on Congress

The Trump name is POISON
As the Reuters article pointed out, the know nothing slums came out to vote for handouts.
A record turnout rejected Trump

He was that bad
We obviously disagree on election fraud.
I thought it was clear to a blind person that electoral irregularities happened. Maybe we watch different channels.
Not even clear in the 60 court cases you lost

The claim that the election was stolen was a LIE perpetrated by a President who can’t admit that he lost
Trump had 3 cases. the rest were private individuals. Seriously what news channel are you on. I'm not even American and I'm better clued in.
He just polled 75 million votes, and was beaten by a cheat.

Why Republicans can’t win in 2024

81 million Americans voted AGAINST Trump
That was before his temper tantrum over losing and his attack on Congress

The Trump name is POISON
As the Reuters article pointed out, the know nothing slums came out to vote for handouts.
A record turnout rejected Trump

He was that bad
We obviously disagree on election fraud.
I thought it was clear to a blind person that electoral irregularities happened. Maybe we watch different channels.
Not even clear in the 60 court cases you lost

The claim that the election was stolen was a LIE perpetrated by a President who can’t admit that he lost
Trump had 3 cases. the rest were private individuals. Seriously what news channel are you on. I'm not even American and I'm better clued in.

60 cases claiming fraud
Thrown out for lack of evidence

The 2020 election was as fair and honest as any election in history

Trump did not lose because he was cheated.
He lost because he is a bad president.
So what does a Republican have to do to win in 2024?

Convince 7 million out of 81 million voters that he is not Trump

More importantly, convince voters in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona that he didn't mean it when he tried to throw out their 2020 votes
All a Republican needs to do to win in 2024 is say he's not Kamala Harris.
Your choice is me or Kamala Harris, pick one.
If you liked the last two years under democrat control vote for Kamala, if not vote for me.
The optics is going to be very important too. She's gonna play the Race Card and Vagina Card in each debate.
How does one combat that?
Simple, the race card reply is: who has actually done more for minorities, democrats or republicans. The democrats talk a good game but don't do anything. Republicans have a solid record of helping minorities to run on. How about keeping cheap foreign labor out? How about raising salaries? How about more and better jobs?

The vagina card never works.

All the GOP candidate has to do is refer to the Biden/Harris record of where the US does not want to go.
He just polled 75 million votes, and was beaten by a cheat.

Why Republicans can’t win in 2024

81 million Americans voted AGAINST Trump
That was before his temper tantrum over losing and his attack on Congress

The Trump name is POISON
As the Reuters article pointed out, the know nothing slums came out to vote for handouts.
A record turnout rejected Trump

He was that bad
A record turnout? Also known as "ballot stuffing" and/or "voter fraud". How about that NY congress race, where they are still finding votes? Total bullshit.
He just polled 75 million votes, and was beaten by a cheat.

Why Republicans can’t win in 2024

81 million Americans voted AGAINST Trump
That was before his temper tantrum over losing and his attack on Congress

The Trump name is POISON
As the Reuters article pointed out, the know nothing slums came out to vote for handouts.
A record turnout rejected Trump

He was that bad
We obviously disagree on election fraud.
I thought it was clear to a blind person that electoral irregularities happened. Maybe we watch different channels.
Not even clear in the 60 court cases you lost

The claim that the election was stolen was a LIE perpetrated by a President who can’t admit that he lost
Trump had 3 cases. the rest were private individuals. Seriously what news channel are you on. I'm not even American and I'm better clued in.

60 cases claiming fraud
Thrown out for lack of evidence

The 2020 election was as fair and honest as any election in history

Trump did not lose because he was cheated.
He lost because he is a bad president.
Trump lost because after 4-years of MSM "anti-Trump" fake news and ignoring the Bidens money-laundering schemes, that the FBI is still investigating, he ran out of patience.
Trump's 1st term was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, probably twice!!

Looking back, Trump's accomplishments are outstanding: Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
He just polled 75 million votes, and was beaten by a cheat.

Why Republicans can’t win in 2024

81 million Americans voted AGAINST Trump
That was before his temper tantrum over losing and his attack on Congress

The Trump name is POISON
As the Reuters article pointed out, the know nothing slums came out to vote for handouts.
A record turnout rejected Trump

He was that bad
We obviously disagree on election fraud.
I thought it was clear to a blind person that electoral irregularities happened. Maybe we watch different channels.
Not even clear in the 60 court cases you lost

The claim that the election was stolen was a LIE perpetrated by a President who can’t admit that he lost
Trump had 3 cases. the rest were private individuals. Seriously what news channel are you on. I'm not even American and I'm better clued in.

60 cases claiming fraud
Thrown out for lack of evidence

The 2020 election was as fair and honest as any election in history

Trump did not lose because he was cheated.
He lost because he is a bad president.
Link to trial please.

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