Republicans don’t have anyone capable of beating Biden
Republicans don't have anyone capable of beating anyone

Republicans don’t have anyone capable of beating Biden
Republicans don't have anyone capable of beating anyone
Yep, in 2024 the democrat will have a 95% probability of winning, just like in 2016...

What is the Probability Republicans will claim they were cheated when they lose in 2024?

100 percent
Seems it was THE best shot............since you whined and cried to the admins to get it removed, because it "hurt your feewings"!!!! Poor, poor widdle lefty snowflake!!!!
Another "Conservative" without even a shred of evidence. That treasonous orange ass you kiss daily lied from January on about the Covid. He, and people like you are responsible for the death toll in the US. The dumb bastard removed all the people and protocols that Presidents Bush and Obama had put in place in 2018. Left us completely defenseless against a pandemic.

I mentioned before that you Nazis don't give a flying fuck that your boy is behind this. Only your filthy Reich matters to you. That you killed 600,000 Americans, meh - no big deal, your Reich has power and that is the ONLY thing that matters to you.

Go ahead and lie Nazi. You don't give a fuck about the massive slaughter by your Reich and their Chinese allies - you are a Nazi and will burn the world to ensure that your dictators rule.
You dumb fucking liars expect us to take your or Trump's word on anything at all?

You Nazis are the enemy of every decent human on earth.

Now it's exposed that your Reich is up to their neck in this bioweapon that killed millions.

You fucking scum don't just have blood on your hands, you're swimming in the blood of millions of your victims. Like your hero Hitler, you THINK you are beyond reckoning, but like him you'll find out differently. Fauci helped create.

Dr. Mengele wrote;

In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic? Many ask reasonable questions: given the possibility of such a scenario – however remote – should the initial experiments have been performed and/or published in the first place, and what were the processes involved in this decision?

Scientists working in this field might say – as indeed I have said – that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks. It is more likely that a pandemic would occur in nature, and the need to stay ahead of such a threat is a primary reason for performing an experiment that might appear to be risky.

Yet the EcoHealth Alliance diverted $600,000 in grants from the NIH to the WIV in the form of sub-grants from 2014 through 2019, for the purpose of studying bat coronaviruses.

The U.S. government has reportedly assessed that the WIV was conducting gain-of-function research in some form, according to a March Politico excerpt of Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin’s book on the subject. Jamie Metzl, an expert on gene editing for the World Health Organization, has also said that the WIV performed gain-of-function research.

Fauci maintains that no U.S. funding that went to the WIV was directed toward gain-of-function research, but he conceded during congressional testimony this week that it is impossible to guarantee that researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology did not use American funds to perform gain-of-function research on coronaviruses.}

Covid-19 is a bioweapon - Fauci helped in the development of the bioweapon - you don't care about anything but your Reich.
And this is "Somehow" on Biden? Or just Fauci?
MY gawd you contards will stoop to new lows.......daily.

AND the WHOLE WORLD bought into the CT to take down trump.
The Con Man trump did this to himself.

Look at the Nazis circle the wagons after they got caught.

What disgusting vermin you are.
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You dumb fucking liars expect us to take your or Trump's word on anything at all?

You Nazis are the enemy of every decent human on earth.

Now it's exposed that your Reich is up to their neck in this bioweapon that killed millions.

You fucking scum don't just have blood on your hands, you're swimming in the blood of millions of your victims. Like your hero Hitler, you THINK you are beyond reckoning, but like him you'll find out differently. Fauci helped create.

Dr. Mengele wrote;

In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic? Many ask reasonable questions: given the possibility of such a scenario – however remote – should the initial experiments have been performed and/or published in the first place, and what were the processes involved in this decision?

Scientists working in this field might say – as indeed I have said – that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks. It is more likely that a pandemic would occur in nature, and the need to stay ahead of such a threat is a primary reason for performing an experiment that might appear to be risky.

Yet the EcoHealth Alliance diverted $600,000 in grants from the NIH to the WIV in the form of sub-grants from 2014 through 2019, for the purpose of studying bat coronaviruses.

The U.S. government has reportedly assessed that the WIV was conducting gain-of-function research in some form, according to a March Politico excerpt of Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin’s book on the subject. Jamie Metzl, an expert on gene editing for the World Health Organization, has also said that the WIV performed gain-of-function research.

Fauci maintains that no U.S. funding that went to the WIV was directed toward gain-of-function research, but he conceded during congressional testimony this week that it is impossible to guarantee that researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology did not use American funds to perform gain-of-function research on coronaviruses.}

Covid-19 is a bioweapon - Fauci helped in the development of the bioweapon - you don't care about anything but your Reich.
Total and complete nonsense
What is the Probability Republicans will claim they were cheated when they lose in 2024?

100 percent

Think Republicans will point out that you Nazis funded the bioweapon that killed 600,000 Americans and then blamed Trump for what you did? :dunno:

In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic? Many ask reasonable questions: given the possibility of such a scenario – however remote – should the initial experiments have been performed and/or published in the first place, and what were the processes involved in this decision?

Scientists working in this field might say – as indeed I have said – that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks. It is more likely that a pandemic would occur in nature, and the need to stay ahead of such a threat is a primary reason for performing an experiment that might appear to be risky.} - Dr. Josef "Fauci" Mengele on why a pandemic killing million is worth it to develop bioweapons.
What is the Probability Republicans will claim they were cheated when they lose in 2024?

100 percent

Think Republicans will point out that you Nazis funded the bioweapon that killed 600,000 Americans and then blamed Trump for what you did? :dunno:

In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic? Many ask reasonable questions: given the possibility of such a scenario – however remote – should the initial experiments have been performed and/or published in the first place, and what were the processes involved in this decision?

Scientists working in this field might say – as indeed I have said – that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks. It is more likely that a pandemic would occur in nature, and the need to stay ahead of such a threat is a primary reason for performing an experiment that might appear to be risky.} - Dr. Josef "Fauci" Mengele on why a pandemic killing million is worth it to develop bioweapons.
You Goofy
You dumb fucking liars expect us to take your or Trump's word on anything at all?

You Nazis are the enemy of every decent human on earth.

Now it's exposed that your Reich is up to their neck in this bioweapon that killed millions.

You fucking scum don't just have blood on your hands, you're swimming in the blood of millions of your victims. Like your hero Hitler, you THINK you are beyond reckoning, but like him you'll find out differently. Fauci helped create.

Dr. Mengele wrote;

In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic? Many ask reasonable questions: given the possibility of such a scenario – however remote – should the initial experiments have been performed and/or published in the first place, and what were the processes involved in this decision?

Scientists working in this field might say – as indeed I have said – that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks. It is more likely that a pandemic would occur in nature, and the need to stay ahead of such a threat is a primary reason for performing an experiment that might appear to be risky.

Yet the EcoHealth Alliance diverted $600,000 in grants from the NIH to the WIV in the form of sub-grants from 2014 through 2019, for the purpose of studying bat coronaviruses.

The U.S. government has reportedly assessed that the WIV was conducting gain-of-function research in some form, according to a March Politico excerpt of Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin’s book on the subject. Jamie Metzl, an expert on gene editing for the World Health Organization, has also said that the WIV performed gain-of-function research.

Fauci maintains that no U.S. funding that went to the WIV was directed toward gain-of-function research, but he conceded during congressional testimony this week that it is impossible to guarantee that researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology did not use American funds to perform gain-of-function research on coronaviruses.}

Covid-19 is a bioweapon - Fauci helped in the development of the bioweapon - you don't care about anything but your Reich.
Total and complete nonsense
Another Nazi who doesn't give a fuck that your Reich is complicit in the deaths of millions. The Obama regime helped create the bioweapon that killed 600,000 Americans.

Fact acknowledged by Fauci himself.
Biden will cruise to victory in 2024 against whatever Trump clone Republicans run
Joe Biden will run again in 2024
Republicans can’t beat him

He cannot physically get there, sorry.
You said that before

Biden is in better shape mentally and physically than Trump

Again, I feel sorry for you, he isn't but your abject partisanship will betray you. I have no malice for joe but he is indeed slipping into darkness. Sorry but it's true.
No question Biden beats Trump intellectually. Trump can barely read and is unwilling to actually grasp complex subject matter.

Physically, Biden engages in running, biking, swimming and weight lifting while Fat Donnie waddles in and out of his golf cart
Joe Biden will run again in 2024
Republicans can’t beat him

He cannot physically get there, sorry.
You said that before

Biden is in better shape mentally and physically than Trump

Again, I feel sorry for you, he isn't but your abject partisanship will betray you. I have no malice for joe but he is indeed slipping into darkness. Sorry but it's true.
No question Biden beats Trump intellectually. Trump can barely read and is unwilling to actually grasp complex subject matter.

Physically, Biden engages in running, biking, swimming and weight lifting while Fat Donnie waddles in and out of his golf cart

Joe doesn't do any of that stuff, good lord. Let me help you, I am not a rump guy.

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