20th of April is Adolph Hitler's birthday

Adolph Hitler was greatly misunderstood. ... :cool:

Not speaking a word of German myself, I can understand why.


I’m a German speaker, and I don’t understand his rants.
Starting from chapter 3, Mein Kampf is literally unreadable; none of the sentences make sense.

Translated from German to Arabic then back to English ... things are bound to get a little mixed up.

He wrote it in prison.
He told the people what they wanted to hear, he scared them and then gave them scapegoats for their anger and fear. Why does that sound familiar?
Reminds me of B. Hussein O, who condemned the people as "Deplorables clinging to their firearms and bibles" and pushed forward with his own Risky Medical Scheme.
I guess you can't tell the difference between a Black man and a White woman. Very sad. Obama's 'Risky Medical Scheme' was derived from a plan by a Republican governor nominated by the GOP as their candidate for president.
No wonder righties were so eager to get bakeries and party supply stores open again. Time for them to celebrate.

I don’t think the Führer would appreciate American cakes and cookies. Too sweet.

The doughnuts are just not the same.
I'm sure he wouldn't care for BBQ either, the fucking queer was a vegan beta male who read speeches, just like that assclown obozo.

Except even obozo would actually eat meat, not just suck on it.

In just several years he turned Germany from a broken impoverished nation to a world power. To do that the people had to be suffering. He was given an entrance and he slammed the door open and took control. Is it possible here at some point?
Adolph Hitler was chosen as Time magazine's "Man of the Year" in 1938 and placed on the cover. (true story, look it up)

A champion of the common man. He fought valiantly against globalists and bolshevik communists. (most were jews)

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..I've been reading WW2 for over 40 years..I read about it just about every week....but hitler's Bday is the last thing I would be thinking about

...there have always been and always will be hitlers--he was not like the MOST evil/once in a life time person/etc.....there is nothing ''special'' about him....the only difference is that he was in charge of a very disciplined/organized/industrious/efficient/''military'' country/''powerful''/etc country
..so he was able to take over France and Britain---''quickly'' [ blitzkrieg ] ..and many other countries...and able to kill MILLIONS--because they set that up just like a killing factory ==efficiency-organization
...was he totally wacko? I'd say no....I'd say Pol Pot was more wacko--but Pol Pot did not have an efficient/industrialized/etc country....
...was hitler ''evil''--sure---but it depends on how you define evil ....
...was hitler ''evil''--sure---but it depends on how you define evil ....
Personally, I don't believe Hitler was evil. He was just a zealous patriot and nationalist, who wanted to free his country from economic enslavement by the banking cabal, and restore Germany to its former leadership position in Europe. ... :cool:
...was hitler ''evil''--sure---but it depends on how you define evil ....
Personally, I don't believe Hitler was evil. He was just a zealous patriot and nationalist, who wanted to free his country from economic enslavement by the banking cabal, and restore Germany to its former leadership position in Europe. ... :cool:
..the $$$/economic problems were caused by WW1....
...was hitler ''evil''--sure---but it depends on how you define evil ....
Personally, I don't believe Hitler was evil. He was just a zealous patriot and nationalist, who wanted to free his country from economic enslavement by the banking cabal, and restore Germany to its former leadership position in Europe. ... :cool:

You must be thinking of the Austro Hungarian Empire.
Sunni, I'd had hope for you, that you were beginning to be a reasonable person. But then you pull shit like this and I realize you're just another batshit crazy Muslim.
This has nothing to do with religion. I'm just posting historical facts. ... :cool:
No you are NOT Historical facts are that Hitler lead Germany into a World War for domination of Europe and the Soviet Union. He personally ordered the systematic MURDER of 12 MILLION defenseless men women and children in concentration camps. He caused to be killed tens of millions of soldiers and civilians. He looted Europe and stole countless billions in treasure and art. He is not misunderstood at all. He was a MONSTER.
That’s what they all say. Especially your type.
Actually, the war in Europe was between the Christian countries of England, France, Germany, Italy, and America. ... :cool:
Honest question here. Jews claim the Germans killed 6 million of them that makes me wonder how many Jew there were to start with and how many were in concentration camps to begin with?
It is a FACT that 12 MILLION people died in Germany's Concentration camps, 6 million were Jews.

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