20th of April is Adolph Hitler's birthday

Most people been taught that Adolph Hitler hated Jews and wanted to kill them. But in fact Hitler was sympathetic towards the Chosen people and tried to help them.

Yes, it's true Hitler wanted to cleanse Europe of the jews, but he didn't want them harmed.

In the late 1930's he directed the Nazi leadership to implement the Madagascar Plan. Which was a brilliant plan to re-settle all of Europe's jews on the large island of Madagascar of the coast of east Africa.

Unfortunately, due to a British warship blockade, and the war starting to go bad for the Germans, the humane plan to quarantine the jews on an island never happened. ... :cool:

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And yet he ordered the SS to create death camps and murdered any undesirable that was to young to old or enfeebled to work. Then he systematically ordered the murder of millions more as the war went on, all PROVEN by testimony and German records.
And yet he ordered the SS to create death camps and murdered any undesirable that was to young to old or enfeebled to work. Then he systematically ordered the murder of millions more as the war went on, all PROVEN by testimony and German records.
It was never proven the Fuhrer had anything to do with alleged death camps or murder.
To be fair, he should be given the benefit of the doubt. ... :cool:
And yet he ordered the SS to create death camps and murdered any undesirable that was to young to old or enfeebled to work. Then he systematically ordered the murder of millions more as the war went on, all PROVEN by testimony and German records.
It was never proven the Fuhrer had anything to do with alleged death camps or murder.
To be fair, he should be given the benefit of the doubt. ... :cool:
LOL you are an idiot. Hitler was Supreme Leader NOTHING happened that he did not know of and order to happen. The record is clear he ordered the slaughter.
Here ya go retard.

The question of overall responsibility for the atrocities committed under the Nazi regime traverses the oligarchy of those in command, foremost among them Adolf Hitler. In October 1939, he authorized the first Nazi mass killing for those labeled "undesirables" in the T-4 Euthanasia Program.[7][8] The Nazis termed such people as being "Lives unworthy of life." or lebensunwertes Leben in German.[9] Before the euthanasia program in Germany-proper was over, the Nazis killed between 65,000–70,000 persons.[10] Historian Henry Friedlander calls this period during which the 70,000 adults were killed, the "first phase" of the T4 Program since the program and its contributors precipitated the Holocaust.[11] Sometime between late June 1940 when planning for Operation Barbarossa first started and March 1941, orders were approved by Hitler for the re-establishment of the Einsatzgruppen (the surviving historical record does not permit firm conclusions to be drawn about the precise date).[12] Hitler encouraged the killings of the Jews of Eastern Europe by the Einsatzgruppen death squads in a speech of July 1941.[13] Evidence suggests that in the fall of 1941, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler and Hitler agreed in principle on the complete mass extermination of the Jews of Europe by gassing, with Hitler explicitly ordering the "annihilation of the Jews" in a speech on 12 December 1941, by which time the Jewish populations in the Baltic states had been effectively eliminated.[14] To make for smoother intra-governmental cooperation in the implementation of this so-called "Final Solution to the Jewish Question", the Wannsee conference was held near Berlin on 20 January 1942, with the participation of fifteen senior officials, led by Reinhard Heydrich and Adolf Eichmann; the records of which provide the best evidence of the central planning of the Holocaust. Just five weeks later on 22 February, Hitler was recorded saying to his closest associates: "We shall regain our health only by eliminating the Jew."[15]

....the surviving historical record does not permit firm conclusions to be drawn .......Evidence suggests that in the fall of 1941,...... Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler and Hitler agreed in principle on the complete mass extermination of the Jews of Europe
All you linked to is a bunch of "could be" and "maybe" nonsense.
Like I've stated before, not one piece of evidence or records at the Nuremberg bogus show trials of the Nazis was ever presented that Hitler ordered the mass killing of any group of people.
In essence, Mein Fuhrer was an innocent man. ... :cool:
....the surviving historical record does not permit firm conclusions to be drawn .......Evidence suggests that in the fall of 1941,...... Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler and Hitler agreed in principle on the complete mass extermination of the Jews of Europe
All you linked to is a bunch of "could be" and "maybe" nonsense.
Like I've stated before, not one piece of evidence or records at the Nuremberg bogus show trials of the Nazis was ever presented that Hitler ordered the mass killing of any group of people.
In essence, Mein Fuhrer was an innocent man. ... :cool:
LOL you ignored the other info that CLEARLY states that Hitler ordered murders before the final solution. You are dismissed for being an idiot.
....the surviving historical record does not permit firm conclusions to be drawn .......Evidence suggests that in the fall of 1941,...... Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler and Hitler agreed in principle on the complete mass extermination of the Jews of Europe
All you linked to is a bunch of "could be" and "maybe" nonsense.
Like I've stated before, not one piece of evidence or records at the Nuremberg bogus show trials of the Nazis was ever presented that Hitler ordered the mass killing of any group of people.
In essence, Mein Fuhrer was an innocent man. ... :cool:
I guess you missed these tidbits right?
In October 1939, he authorized the first Nazi mass killing for those labeled "undesirables" in the T-4 Euthanasia Program.[7][8] The Nazis termed such people as being "Lives unworthy of life." or lebensunwertes Leben in German.[9] Before the euthanasia program in Germany-proper was over, the Nazis killed between 65,000–70,000 persons.[10] Historian Henry Friedlander calls this period during which the 70,000 adults were killed, the "first phase" of the T4 Program since the program and its contributors precipitated the Holocaust.[11]


Sometime between late June 1940 when planning for Operation Barbarossa first started and March 1941, orders were approved by Hitler for the re-establishment of the Einsatzgruppen (the surviving historical record does not permit firm conclusions to be drawn about the precise date).[12] Hitler encouraged the killings of the Jews of Eastern Europe by the Einsatzgruppen death squads in a speech of July 1941.[13]

all lies right Sunni man?
It's a cool religion because their wives have to keep their mouths shut.

It's obvious you haven't dated a Muslim girl.
On a side note...I am telling you. It is baked in the cake. When the sex robots are perfected in looks and obedience, half the men will live with them. Robot rights and marrying robots will be a new social justice agenda.

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