20th of April is Adolph Hitler's birthday

The Treaty of Versailles?
Germany was stabbed in the back during WWl by a certain segment of the population. Which caused them to lose the war and be humiliated by the surrender terms.
Every citizen knew the group of people responsible. Hitler just verbalized their thoughts on a national stage. .. :cool:

A certain segment of the population? Was there anyone left? By that stage, he’d run out of Jews to kill. So he started on Germans themselves.

In the end, he had to forcibly recruit young boys to be soldiers in the German Army.
You mean like the American Draft?

No, I don’t mean like the American Draft. I mean like the German forced recruitment 1944.
Yes like the American draft during Vietnam, same difference

I don’t think so.
Why is it Different.... The government forces young men into the Army to fight in a war against their will. Seems the same to me

The difference is..........the age.

Boys are not young men.
Merely semantics, both are evil.
The globalists, bolsheviks, zionists, and other forces of evil, conspired against Hitler to bring him down and destroy Germany. ... :cool:
So Thousands of GI's and dozens of Generals all lied about the camps. Why exactly would they do that? All the millions of pictures the thousands of eye witness testimony NOT just from Jews was all lies, again why would all those people lie about it? The German documents and the testimony from German prison guards again all lies. Man you amaze me in your ABJECT IGNORANCE. The physical evidence is a lie too right, someone came in after the war and built all those camps right Sunni man?
Yep, a TRUE monster. I can't believe Sunni Man is actually defending him. WTF?
I suspect that Sunni is trolling everybody, lol.
hitler was ok--he just went a little too far
A little to far? 12 MILLION murdered men women and children 10's of millions dead in a world war? Destroyed almost all of Europe and looted it. And you say a little to far?
I BELIEVE he's being sarcastic, Sgt......

You would make an excuse for this clown.
..you people are clowns---you see RACISM where it is not ....you look like fools by concentrating on unimportant fake crap/lies/propaganda --just like the nazis

According to fools like you there is no such thing as racism. Everyone has always been treated equally.
hahhahahahahhahhhhah---you fked up--there is racism, most of it from the blacks
Yep, a TRUE monster. I can't believe Sunni Man is actually defending him. WTF?
I suspect that Sunni is trolling everybody, lol.
hitler was ok--he just went a little too far
A little to far? 12 MILLION murdered men women and children 10's of millions dead in a world war? Destroyed almost all of Europe and looted it. And you say a little to far?
I BELIEVE he's being sarcastic, Sgt......

You would make an excuse for this clown.
..you people are clowns---you see RACISM where it is not ....you look like fools by concentrating on unimportant fake crap/lies/propaganda --just like the nazis

According to fools like you there is no such thing as racism. Everyone has always been treated equally.
hahhahahahahhahhhhah---you fked up--there is racism, most of it from the blacks

Sorry Monica, but history in America proves who the real racist in this country have been and are to this day.
So Thousands of GI's and dozens of Generals all lied about the camps. Why exactly would they do that?
Of course there were work camps. The Germans had to have a place to put the people. So they built barracks to house them, provided employment, fed them, and erected fences and guard towers to protect their guests.
But the Allies made up bogus stories about gas chambers and other nonsense to besmirch the Germans. ... :cool:
Indeed, the work camps provided the Nazis with ammunition, uniforms, etc. Who would of thought Jewish prisoners would actually make stuff to go after Whitey Allies! The quality was lessor than original stuff made by Germans, but with resources were running down. There used to be collector conventions were such items were still available.

This collector is an expert on German WWII memorabilia.

So Thousands of GI's and dozens of Generals all lied about the camps. Why exactly would they do that?
Of course there were work camps. The Germans had to have a place to put the people. So they built barracks to house them, provided employment, fed them, and erected fences and guard towers to protect their guests.
But the Allies made up bogus stories about gas chambers and other nonsense to besmirch the Germans. ... :cool:
So again all the EYE WITNESS testimony from those that SURVIVED these camps are all lies? Why? All the testimony from DOZENS of Generals all lies? Why? The testimony from Camp Guards all LIES RIGHT? Again WHY? The pictures, the physical evidence the MASS GRAVES, the bodies, all faked right Sunni man? But WHY? The testimony from THOUSNDS of British and American soldiers that was these camps and all the bodies all the mass graves all lies, please explain why all these men lied and maintained that lie for over 70 years? The documents from Germany and her Government all fabricated, but why?
So again all the EYE WITNESS testimony from those that SURVIVED these camps are all lies? Why? All the testimony from DOZENS of Generals all lies?
There is no doubt that many people died from over work, disease, and starvation due to Allied bombing; especially towards the end of the war.
But not the mythical 6 million. It's not even close to that number. ... :cool:
So again all the EYE WITNESS testimony from those that SURVIVED these camps are all lies? Why? All the testimony from DOZENS of Generals all lies?
There is no doubt that many people died from over work, disease, and starvation due to Allied bombing; especially towards the end of the war.
But not the mythical 6 million. It's not even close to that number. ... :cool:
It was 12 million and it is not mythical, Thousands of eye witness military men saw the results. Dozens of Generals SAW the results. Thousands of victims testified to the horrors and it was not allied bombing you LYING PIECE OF HUMAN GARBAGE. There is tons of PHYSICAL evidence TONS of photos. Captured German documents. Testimony from Captured German guards as well. Your religion is evil and would dance on a Jews grave if found one. 6 Million Jews and 6 Million gypsies, Christians and other undesirables were all gassed machine gunned or starved to death. Not because of any action by the Allies BUT because Hitler ORDERED it done.
So again all the EYE WITNESS testimony from those that SURVIVED these camps are all lies? Why? All the testimony from DOZENS of Generals all lies?
There is no doubt that many people died from over work, disease, and starvation due to Allied bombing; especially towards the end of the war.
But not the mythical 6 million. It's not even close to that number. ... :cool:
It was 12 million and it is not mythical, Thousands of eye witness military men saw the results. Dozens of Generals SAW the results. Thousands of victims testified to the horrors and it was not allied bombing you LYING PIECE OF HUMAN GARBAGE. There is tons of PHYSICAL evidence TONS of photos. Captured German documents. Testimony from Captured German guards as well. Your religion is evil and would dance on a Jews grave if found one. 6 Million Jews and 6 Million gypsies, Christians and other undesirables were all gassed machine gunned or starved to death. Not because of any action by the Allies BUT because Hitler ORDERED it done.
Sunni Man converted to a religion about which he learned nothing.
It's a cool religion because their wives have to keep their mouths shut.
So again all the EYE WITNESS testimony from those that SURVIVED these camps are all lies? Why? All the testimony from DOZENS of Generals all lies?
There is no doubt that many people died from over work, disease, and starvation due to Allied bombing; especially towards the end of the war.
But not the mythical 6 million. It's not even close to that number. ... :cool:
It was 12 million and it is not mythical, Thousands of eye witness military men saw the results. Dozens of Generals SAW the results. Thousands of victims testified to the horrors and it was not allied bombing you LYING PIECE OF HUMAN GARBAGE. There is tons of PHYSICAL evidence TONS of photos. Captured German documents. Testimony from Captured German guards as well. Your religion is evil and would dance on a Jews grave if found one. 6 Million Jews and 6 Million gypsies, Christians and other undesirables were all gassed machine gunned or starved to death. Not because of any action by the Allies BUT because Hitler ORDERED it done.
Sunni Man converted to a religion about which he learned nothing.
It's a cool religion because their wives have to keep their mouths shut.
I am pretty sure his wife runs his life.
There is no reason to turn an informative thread about an alleged historical event. Into a personal attack thread directed towards the poster who made the OP.

Are you afraid of learning the truth? ... :cool:
There is no reason to turn an informative thread about an alleged historical event. Into a personal attack thread directed towards the poster who made the OP.

Are you afraid of learning the truth? ... :cool:
LOL, your lies are ANYTHING but the truth. I repeat why did literally THOUSANDS of Soldiers LIE about the camps, why did Dozens of Generals lie about the camps. Why did thousands of survivors of the camps lie in sworn depositions to the Courts that tried the Germans? How did the allies build the fake camps and provide all the bodies for the mass graves? How come every Nation involved in the war against German all had people tour the camps and provide the same testimony INCLUDING the Soviets? How have all these thousands of witnesses stayed silent for over 70 years on what you claim is a lie? Who took and how were the pictures faked?

Why did German Officer's, NCO's and troops all testify that the camps were in fact killing camps designed to murder undesirables? Who forged all the German documents touting the plan and the camps? Please enlighten us to all these VERY important questions since you claim they are all liars and the evidence is fake.
12 million died in those camps.Worst case of suicide we ever seen said the Nazis.
Yep, a TRUE monster. I can't believe Sunni Man is actually defending him. WTF?
I suspect that Sunni is trolling everybody, lol.
hitler was ok--he just went a little too far
A little to far? 12 MILLION murdered men women and children 10's of millions dead in a world war? Destroyed almost all of Europe and looted it. And you say a little to far?
I BELIEVE he's being sarcastic, Sgt......

You would make an excuse for this clown.
..you people are clowns---you see RACISM where it is not ....you look like fools by concentrating on unimportant fake crap/lies/propaganda --just like the nazis

According to fools like you there is no such thing as racism. Everyone has always been treated equally.
hahhahahahahhahhhhah---you fked up--there is racism, most of it from the blacks

Sorry Monica, but history in America proves who the real racist in this country have been and are to this day.
....I know--the blacks--they are so obsessed with race that it warps their minds = Jussie Smollet

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