20th of April is Adolph Hitler's birthday

Yep, a TRUE monster. I can't believe Sunni Man is actually defending him. WTF?
I suspect that Sunni is trolling everybody, lol.
hitler was ok--he just went a little too far
A little to far? 12 MILLION murdered men women and children 10's of millions dead in a world war? Destroyed almost all of Europe and looted it. And you say a little to far?
I BELIEVE he's being sarcastic, Sgt......

You would make an excuse for this clown.
..you people are clowns---you see RACISM where it is not ....you look like fools by concentrating on unimportant fake crap/lies/propaganda --just like the nazis

According to fools like you there is no such thing as racism. Everyone has always been treated equally.
There is definitely racism!!! But anyone may be racist not just white people.

In this country the racist are mainly, white, male, conservative, Republican and right wing.
Yep, a TRUE monster. I can't believe Sunni Man is actually defending him. WTF?
I suspect that Sunni is trolling everybody, lol.
hitler was ok--he just went a little too far
A little to far? 12 MILLION murdered men women and children 10's of millions dead in a world war? Destroyed almost all of Europe and looted it. And you say a little to far?
I BELIEVE he's being sarcastic, Sgt......

You would make an excuse for this clown.
..you people are clowns---you see RACISM where it is not ....you look like fools by concentrating on unimportant fake crap/lies/propaganda --just like the nazis

According to fools like you there is no such thing as racism. Everyone has always been treated equally.
There is definitely racism!!! But anyone may be racist not just white people.

In this country the racist are mainly, white, male, conservative, Republican and right wing.
Nope. I am a Jew, probably experienced more antisemitism/racism than you and mostly NOT from white, male, conservative folks.

How do you explain that, Captain BDS?

Unlike you, I deal with it and not whine about it.
Adolph Hitler was greatly misunderstood. ... :cool:

Then he secretly agreed to split Poland with the Soviets and invaded Poland, a peaceful nation that had not attacked anyone since it was established at the end of WW1. Again Hitler lied, deceived and raped another neighboring country with his panzers and Wermacht.

Yet the USSR shared in the spoils of victory and sat on the Nuremberg tribunals. Today their poisonous ideology is in our media and schools and the Basis of the party that controls the US House.
Yep, a TRUE monster. I can't believe Sunni Man is actually defending him. WTF?
I suspect that Sunni is trolling everybody, lol.
hitler was ok--he just went a little too far
A little to far? 12 MILLION murdered men women and children 10's of millions dead in a world war? Destroyed almost all of Europe and looted it. And you say a little to far?

WWI destroyed Europe.
Nobody in their right mind misses Hitler.
I'd rather that not be misunderstood Disir
WW2 and the 3rd Reich were hands down one of the lowest points in humanities history

But does anyone really think the then (1938) German populace woke up one day wishing a genocidal maniac for a leader?

They in fact did not.

The facts are Hitler rose to power and prominence over time, time that he took coerce the German people with carefully calculated tactics that first seemed benign , for their safety, or their welfare.

the National Socialist German Workers' Party insidiously infiltrated with Hitler's well spoken assurances ,promises , and confidence via his many public appearance speeches to them.

So evil yes, but genius because no world leader since that could work a crowd like that

and you folks in ascii, are always so willing to shoot the messenger when his name or nazi are mentioned

Take the 1st two words then>

National Socialist

what do you see happening in America RIGHT NOW?

what's the new term? WOKE?


Skinner v Oklahoma
Buck v Bell
^^^ Still on the books.

US sexually transmitted disease experiments on Guatamala
Tuskegee experiments
Forced sterilization of Native American women

Need more? Look here: Eugenics: Compulsory Sterilization in 50 American States

See that time line? Yeah...............

Didn't need a Hitler, hey?

Hitler was a piss poor writer but was charismatic on stage.

I was in a discussion during the week concerning the American Eugenics programm.

But this is the thing: the Germans took it to another level. They went too far. They were gassing their own before they got to the Jews

Sterilizing people who cant provide for their children is a far cry from gassing an entire people.
Oh Africans fought for the Nazis.o_O
Actually quite a few Africans fought for the Axis powers during WWll.
England and France had colonized several African countries. Whereas, Hitler never expressed much interest in Africa.
Thus some blacks joined the Germany army to help it defeat England and France in the hope of freeing their colonized country and its people. ... :cool:

This is true. Gandhi was pro-Nazi because he hated the British. You still see this today with American elites importing people who hate them simply because they feel like it will hurt Anglo-America.
No, I don’t mean like the American Draft. I mean like the German forced recruitment 1944.
I was one of the people who was drafted during the Vietnam War into the US Army.
And yes, it was a forced recruitment.
If you refused to be inducted into the army. You would be sent to prison. ... :cool:

Hitler recruited young boys. There were no adult men left in Germany to fight.

Please don’t tell me you’re a young boy.
Ya he only had to murder 6 million of them to get it done, what a deal.
Why do you continue to believe in a fairy tale? ... :dunno:

The mythical 6 million figure is just a fantasy number. Made up in order to extort sympathy money from the western nations.

Go to Germany, France, Italy and a few other European nations and you will learn it is not a fairytale.
He caused to be killed tens of millions of soldiers and civilians. He looted Europe and stole countless billions in treasure and art. He is not misunderstood at all. He was a MONSTER.

I think that as aptly describes the Communists and their 50 year reign of terror over Europe.
The Treaty of Versailles?
Germany was stabbed in the back during WWl by a certain segment of the population. Which caused them to lose the war and be humiliated by the surrender terms.
Every citizen knew the group of people responsible. Hitler just verbalized their thoughts on a national stage. .. :cool:

A certain segment of the population? Was there anyone left? By that stage, he’d run out of Jews to kill. So he started on Germans themselves.

In the end, he had to forcibly recruit young boys to be soldiers in the German Army.
You mean like the American Draft?

No, I don’t mean like the American Draft. I mean like the German forced recruitment 1944.
Yes like the American draft during Vietnam, same difference

I don’t think so.
Why is it Different.... The government forces young men into the Army to fight in a war against their will. Seems the same to me
The Treaty of Versailles?
Germany was stabbed in the back during WWl by a certain segment of the population. Which caused them to lose the war and be humiliated by the surrender terms.
Every citizen knew the group of people responsible. Hitler just verbalized their thoughts on a national stage. .. :cool:

A certain segment of the population? Was there anyone left? By that stage, he’d run out of Jews to kill. So he started on Germans themselves.

In the end, he had to forcibly recruit young boys to be soldiers in the German Army.
You mean like the American Draft?

No, I don’t mean like the American Draft. I mean like the German forced recruitment 1944.
Yes like the American draft during Vietnam, same difference

I don’t think so.
Why is it Different.... The government forces young men into the Army to fight in a war against their will. Seems the same to me

The difference is..........the age.

Boys are not young men.

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