20th of April is Adolph Hitler's birthday

Translated from German to Arabic then back to English ... things are bound to get a little mixed up.
Misinformed people like to claim Mein Kampf is a popular book among arabs.
But in all my travels and visiting dozens of mosques. I've never seen one or heard the book being discussed. .. :cool:
The king of Saudi Arabia once gave out Protocols of the Elders of Zion, but I have never heard of Mein Kamph being popular.
Sunni, I'd had hope for you, that you were beginning to be a reasonable person. But then you pull shit like this and I realize you're just another batshit crazy Muslim.
This has nothing to do with religion. I'm just posting historical facts. ... :cool:
No you are NOT Historical facts are that Hitler lead Germany into a World War for domination of Europe and the Soviet Union. He personally ordered the systematic MURDER of 12 MILLION defenseless men women and children in concentration camps. He caused to be killed tens of millions of soldiers and civilians. He looted Europe and stole countless billions in treasure and art. He is not misunderstood at all. He was a MONSTER.
Yep, a TRUE monster. I can't believe Sunni Man is actually defending him. WTF?
Adolph Hitler was greatly misunderstood. ... :cool:
Sunni, Hitler promised at the Munich Conference that the Sudetenland would be his last demand for territory, and that the remaining territory of Czechoslovakia would be left unmolested. Then as soon as the Czechs cleared the mountain fortifications, Hitler took the rest of the Bohemian area and forced the Slovakian portion into a tributary status. He lied about his claims and promises without exception.

Then he secretly agreed to split Poland with the Soviets and invaded Poland, a peaceful nation that had not attacked anyone since it was established at the end of WW1. Again Hitler lied, deceived and raped another neighboring country with his panzers and Wermacht.

He then went on an orgy of conquest of small neutral nations; Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Yugoslavia, Greece, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania.

Hitler was only misunderstood by the pacifist morons that did not grasp Hitlers banal evil character and his lust for wars of conquest.

The strength of a Democratic process is that it rewards, generally, those who have been warning the public of such threats, in this case it was Winston Churchill.

Hitler, Stalin and Mao all deserve to be understood as the revolting amoral monsters they are.
Nobody in their right mind misses Hitler.
I'd rather that not be misunderstood Disir
WW2 and the 3rd Reich were hands down one of the lowest points in humanities history

But does anyone really think the then (1938) German populace woke up one day wishing a genocidal maniac for a leader?

They in fact did not.

The facts are Hitler rose to power and prominence over time, time that he took coerce the German people with carefully calculated tactics that first seemed benign , for their safety, or their welfare.

the National Socialist German Workers' Party insidiously infiltrated with Hitler's well spoken assurances ,promises , and confidence via his many public appearance speeches to them.

So evil yes, but genius because no world leader since that could work a crowd like that

and you folks in ascii, are always so willing to shoot the messenger when his name or nazi are mentioned

Take the 1st two words then>

National Socialist

what do you see happening in America RIGHT NOW?

what's the new term? WOKE?

A little to far? 12 MILLION murdered men women and children 10's of millions dead in a world war? Destroyed almost all of Europe and looted it. And you say a little to far?

yet this is the "Alt-Right", and you guys have embraced them.

Hitler lost and committed suicide. I don't respect losers.

Okay, so why are all those Neo-Nazis (Who Trump calls "Very fine people") getting welcomed at Trump Rallies?
Yep, a TRUE monster. I can't believe Sunni Man is actually defending him. WTF?
I suspect that Sunni is trolling everybody, lol.
hitler was ok--he just went a little too far
A little to far? 12 MILLION murdered men women and children 10's of millions dead in a world war? Destroyed almost all of Europe and looted it. And you say a little to far?
please read what my response is to..Jim's reply
Nobody in their right mind misses Hitler.
I'd rather that not be misunderstood Disir
WW2 and the 3rd Reich were hands down one of the lowest points in humanities history

But does anyone really think the then (1938) German populace woke up one day wishing a genocidal maniac for a leader?

They in fact did not.

The facts are Hitler rose to power and prominence over time, time that he took coerce the German people with carefully calculated tactics that first seemed benign , for their safety, or their welfare.

the National Socialist German Workers' Party insidiously infiltrated with Hitler's well spoken assurances ,promises , and confidence via his many public appearance speeches to them.

So evil yes, but genius because no world leader since that could work a crowd like that

and you folks in ascii, are always so willing to shoot the messenger when his name or nazi are mentioned

Take the 1st two words then>

National Socialist

what do you see happening in America RIGHT NOW?

what's the new term? WOKE?


Skinner v Oklahoma
Buck v Bell
^^^ Still on the books.

US sexually transmitted disease experiments on Guatamala
Tuskegee experiments
Forced sterilization of Native American women

Need more? Look here: Eugenics: Compulsory Sterilization in 50 American States

See that time line? Yeah...............

Didn't need a Hitler, hey?

Hitler was a piss poor writer but was charismatic on stage.

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