20th of April is Adolph Hitler's birthday

Nobody in their right mind misses Hitler.
I'd rather that not be misunderstood Disir
WW2 and the 3rd Reich were hands down one of the lowest points in humanities history

But does anyone really think the then (1938) German populace woke up one day wishing a genocidal maniac for a leader?

They in fact did not.

The facts are Hitler rose to power and prominence over time, time that he took coerce the German people with carefully calculated tactics that first seemed benign , for their safety, or their welfare.

the National Socialist German Workers' Party insidiously infiltrated with Hitler's well spoken assurances ,promises , and confidence via his many public appearance speeches to them.

So evil yes, but genius because no world leader since that could work a crowd like that

and you folks in ascii, are always so willing to shoot the messenger when his name or nazi are mentioned

Take the 1st two words then>

National Socialist

what do you see happening in America RIGHT NOW?

what's the new term? WOKE?


Skinner v Oklahoma
Buck v Bell
^^^ Still on the books.

US sexually transmitted disease experiments on Guatamala
Tuskegee experiments
Forced sterilization of Native American women

Need more? Look here: Eugenics: Compulsory Sterilization in 50 American States

See that time line? Yeah...............

Didn't need a Hitler, hey?

Hitler was a piss poor writer but was charismatic on stage.

I was in a discussion during the week concerning the American Eugenics programm.

But this is the thing: the Germans took it to another level. They went too far. They were gassing their own before they got to the Jews
Adolph Hitler was chosen as Time magazine's "Man of the Year" in 1938 and placed on the cover. (true story, look it up)

A champion of the common man. He fought valiantly against globalists and bolshevik communists. (most were jews)

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The Leftist media never disappoints.

They did openly love their little socialist at one point.

Now they have to pretend he was a right winger.

Pretty much was like today's Republicans, they all had the mindset of the sheetwearers.
It would have been interesting to see what Hitler did with the Muslims after he was done using them in North Africa.

They're not exactly the whitest or most Christian of people after all.
It would have been interesting to see what Hitler did with the Muslims after he was done using them in North Africa. They're not exactly the whitest or most Christian of people after all.
Hitler had no problem with either muslims or black Africans.
He just believed that every racial/religious group should continue to reside in their own country. .... :cool:
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Mr. Hitler was the Father of Modern Day liberalism. The 3 pillars of National Socialism are gun control, government controlled health care and genocide.
NAZISM was fascist....far right. Communism is far left.

Needless to say, I disagree completely. They were just two versions of Ultraliberal Totalitarianism. Really, not that much difference between Mr. Stalin's gulags, and Mr. Hitler's death camps.

No real difference between Hitler and his former gay bumbuddy, Rohm either.

No diff between Stalin and Trotsky.

Or Big Brother and Emmanuel Goldstein.

All of these characters were totalitarians with identical ideologies, where the state tells the people what to do.

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