21 Democrat Run Cities Scared To Death... How will they vote?


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide

I just asked this fascinating question to a few democrats that live in some of them. Interestingly they are going to vote for the republican congress persons who wants law and order. IF this is wide spread, and I think it is, how will these House seats change the landscape of the HOR (House of Representatives)?

IF the cities vote republican and remove some 36 representatives, seats that the democrats now posses, how will it affect the HOR?

I think democrats have badly misjudged how this violence, they have perpetuated and enabled, is going to play out. This can change the HOR to a republican held congress.

What do you think?
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What I find rather interesting is in Baltimore, this young lady now leads by 12% over her democrat rival...

NO one wants to take this on? WOW.. They must really be worried... When no lib will defend what they are doing it rings very loud.... The Liberal silence is deafening!
I think there is a backlash of people who don't like all this violence and don't want to defund the police and have fewer cops on the street. I think they know that the big cities where most of the rioting is going on are controlled by democrats who refuse to take the necessary steeps to quell the violence and damage. Nationally, the democrats are turning a blind eye to the problem, and there's nobody on the Left calling for decisive action to stop the madness.

Will that cost them in the November elections? It should, but how many democrats are going to walk away from their party and vote for Trump? I doubt that many disaffected Dems will vote for Trump, but I wouldn't be surprised f they don't vote for Biden either. I think many of them will not vote at all, or possibly vote for a 3rd party candidate. At this point, I think the race for the WH is a tossup, and so is the Senate majority IMHO. But the House looks like it'll stay in Dem hands, but you never now. The polls cannot be trusted, and anything can happen.
I think there is a backlash of people who don't like all this violence and don't want to defund the police and have fewer cops on the street. I think they know that the big cities where most of the rioting is going on are controlled by democrats who refuse to take the necessary steeps to quell the violence and damage. Nationally, the democrats are turning a blind eye to the problem, and there's nobody on the Left calling for decisive action to stop the madness.

Will that cost them in the November elections? It should, but how many democrats are going to walk away from their party and vote for Trump? I doubt that many disaffected Dems will vote for Trump, but I wouldn't be surprised f they don't vote for Biden either. I think many of them will not vote at all, or possibly vote for a 3rd party candidate. At this point, I think the race for the WH is a tossup, and so is the Senate majority IMHO. But the House looks like it'll stay in Dem hands, but you never now. The polls cannot be trusted, and anything can happen.
A lot of angry people want out of those hell holes and many saw progress under Trump until the virus was unleashed. It matters how many remember that their lives were getting better and people like Klacik are giving them options no one has offered before. Its changing in cities and I'm betting it has changed enough for people to change their stances.
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I think there is a backlash of people who don't like all this violence and don't want to defund the police and have fewer cops on the street. I think they know that the big cities where most of the rioting is going on are controlled by democrats who refuse to take the necessary steps to quell the violence and damage. Nationally, the democrats are turning a blind eye to the problem, and there's nobody on the Left calling for decisive action to stop the madness.

Will that cost them in the November elections? It should, but how many democrats are going to walk away from their party and vote for Trump? I doubt that many disaffected Dems will vote for Trump, but I wouldn't be surprised f they don't vote for Biden either. I think many of them will not vote at all, or possibly vote for a 3rd party candidate. At this point, I think the race for the WH is a tossup, and so is the Senate majority IMHO. But the House looks like it'll stay in Dem hands, but you never know. The polls cannot be trusted, and anything can happen.
A lot of angry people want out of those hell holes and many saw progress under Trump until the virus was unleashed. It matters how many remember that their lives were getting better and people like Klacik are giving them options no one has offered before. Its changing in cities and I'm betting it has changed enough for people to change their stances.

Yeah, but many if not most of those people live in blue cities and blue states, so how many of them will vote for Trump or not vote for Biden, enough to make a difference? How many will vote for a GOP Rep or Senator? How many will vote out their mayor and city council that is mostly democrats? It's possible, but I won't be counting any chickens.

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