21st Century Monkey


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
I Am A 21st Century Average American Monkey

I’'m fifty-something years old.

I’'m in good health.

I have an average wife and two average dogs.

Between us, AVG-Wife and I have three average kids, all living on their own, all reasonably well secure for their ages.

I work forty hours a week for the largest organization on the planet as a problem solver and information technician. I employ most of my skills in this work, and I’m reasonably well paid for the work I do. I regret not finishing college.

I live in a climate controlled structure located in a park-like setting on the Treasure Coast of Florida, USA. I feel secure enough in my dwelling that I often leave my keys in the Jeep, I rarely lock my door, and I don’t feel a necessity at this moment in history to own a firearm.

In Florida, in July, 2014, the environment can be hot, muggy and thick with ‘skeeters. Sometimes, when AVG-WIFE doesn’t need it, I get to haul my ass from the climate controlled comfort of my home, to the climate controlled chaos of my occupation, in a climate controlled, chemically fueled, personally owned machine we call her ‘smurfy ride’. The rest of the time I get to haul-ass to work in the non-air conditioned Jeep that’s hauling dogs in AVG-Avatar.

These private transportation machines travel in two dimensions along expensive pathways built and maintained by all of us, somewhat coercively, using the tool of ‘government’. Most people pay transportation infrastructure taxes in a reasonably fair proportion compared to how much they use the infrastructure, and I can’'t imagine not being able to get to the other side of the county in 30 minutes, any point in Florida with in several hours, and any point in the United States within a few days - all in a personally owned machine traveling privately on publicly owned shared infrastructure.

And, if I’'m willing to fly commercial, the shared infrastructure is in place for even a lower middle-class mutt like me to have the resources to get me to the other side of the country in just a few hours, and the other side of the planet within thirty-six hours.

Cars, air conditioning, and the infrastructure that make them both possible are among my favorite reasons to consider myself lucky to be living my life now and here.

Life is good. :thup:

I am so down with mobility, infrastructure and air conditioning.

I am female so I also really dig bread that has been made, sliced and packaged and already decapitated and plucked chickens. I am also quite ecstatic that somebody else has to kill, slice and dice the cute animals. Oh, refrigerators, washing machines, dryers and stoves/ovens rock. Ready to wear clothing is convenient.

And the shoes are fabulous.
The only thing better than shoes that you don't have to cobble together yourself is off-the-shelf shoes with wheels!

:smoke: Can you tell that I have a thing for wheels?
Refrigeration Rocks! :rock:
:thup: As does industrial food production when combined with a fairly competent government tasked with enforcing production rules and maintaining food safety.

Last weekend, this average American Monkey went to his favorite 21st Century hunting grounds: Costco.

Just a few hours later we had steaks and shrimp sizzling over real charcoal and friends over.

The Internet.

The Internet ROCKS!! :rock:

:smoke: There is a LOT of stuff going on on this li'l planet! Some of it pretty cool.

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How many Monkeys through history would be jealous enough to kill over the access that the average 21st Century American Monkey has to trustworthy water?

Thank you, Government!
Trustworthy ROCKS!!! :rock:

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I can't believe that I'm saying that I love my stupid smart-phone,
but I love my stupid smart-phone!

As long as I have power, boredom will be a choice. :thup:

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