22 year old let's black dude beat the shit out of him. VIDEO

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Free speech isnt free. There is always a consequence to your actions. if youre bad enough to say something stupid to a Black guy expect to get that ass kicked.
...and expect to get that ass shot.

But, yes. We know some of you black dudes are a bunch of ass hurt, self-hating little bitches who are not real men.

If you think I am making shit up, do some research. Men test each other and establish hierarchy through ridicule. As long as black dudes act like women when insulted, they will always be thought of as emotionally weak and lower on the totem pole, but don't take my word for it.

White guy should have controlled his mouth and there wouldnt have been anything.

There's no doubt in my mind that if by a miracle this thug is caught, he will make that claim. It's the way it is today.

And by the way, it doesn't excuse this kind of criminal behavior. It's rampant in your community, and you need to call it out instead of trying to defend it.
Thats your prerogative. Disrespect is not allowed from whites. You want to talk shit to me as a white boy you better doing it in a car accelerating or from the internet.

My just LOOK how bad youah ass thinks it is!!!! Grab me some watermelon boi.
There's no doubt in my mind that if by a miracle this thug is caught, he will make that claim. It's the way it is today.

And by the way, it doesn't excuse this kind of criminal behavior. It's rampant in your community, and you need to call it out instead of trying to defend it.

He would rather nurture it, and continue to see his young men die.

It is more important to him to be able to blame whitey, than to NOT see his young men die.
Thats your prerogative. Disrespect is not allowed from whites.
I will disrespect your ass all day long and if you act like a woman, you will get shot.

Act like a man and you get respect, but you get nothing without earning it.

Black men are weak emotionally. They have no place leading anything.

What do you have to say about that?
And look at the black thug. He doesn't look like he is any bigger, or outweighs the waif, yet the waif fights like a girl, and let's himself get pummeled by the thug. Fucking embarrassing.
Funny how you don't use that same dumbass assessment when a 28yr old allegedly was getting his ass whooped by a 17yr old whom he outweighed by almost 50lbs.
Youre on the internet so you are safe like I explained earlier. In person you would get that ass beat and take it in stride.
In person, you would get shot dead if you tried any of that shit, and you would STILL be disrespected.

I don't respect you because you are a woman. Words hurt your little bitch ass to the point of demonstrating your emotional weakness.
I dare you to ask him.
Your gonna have to double dog dare me.

For clarity you want me to ask Asclepias why DD titled this thread

"22 year old let's black dude beat the shit out of him. VIDEO?"​

Funny how you don't use that same dumbass assessment when a 28yr old allegedly was getting his ass whooped by a 17yr old whom he outweighed by almost 50lbs.

We'll never know the complete truth of what happened between Trayvon and Zimmerman. Anyway, I don't have anything good to say about that guy, other than to say there wasn't clear cut evidence to convict him of anything.
Tell me what you would say to me that you think would cause me to get violent. Is there anything? NO? Because I am a real man.
I don't provoke people so why would I want to say something to you for you to get violent? I'm reactive. You dont fuck with me I dont fuck with you. You fuck with me and that will be the last time you fuck with anyone ever again.
What can a black dude say to a white dude that will make the white dude get violent? Anything?

Some people need to get their emotional weakness under control.
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