23 years ago today april 19 1993. Bill Clinton burns 80 americans alive at Waco

Because they aren't that stupid and nobody cares?
HAHAHA. You mean you democrats want us to forget about it. Most americans never will.
you sure as hell forgot about your murderer gwb with 1000's of kills to his credit fast enough ,,,,repubs have very selective memories
Selective memory is Republican's specialty.

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No Revising history is what liberals always try to do.

Go fuck off.

Hillary is still married to Bill the butcher which means she is a psychopath just like him.

Let me get this right.
You're suggesting that the wife of a man who had no direct involvement in a mass suicide by a bunch of heavily armed idiots is a psychopath because they killed themselves.
Call me a wet liberal if you will, but you're talking bollocks.

How did the children kill themselves? Buy driving tanks and using flammable tear gas? Illegal tear gas? What is wrong with you people?
In Clintonspeak children are so much like villages! Remember, IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO RAISE A CHILD....and the ever-popular: IN ORDER TO SAVE THE VILLAGE WE MUST FIRST DESTROY IT. See, in Slick's (and of course Mrs. Slick's) mind, those children were NOT killed; they were saved!
If churches illegally possess weaponry and fire on and kill police officers then yes they are fair game. The Ruby Ridge clowns were no better.

Are you one of those republicans who thinks Mosques should be raided and monitored btw?

Shooting women through walls? Yes, that was very honorable of the government to do, I see your point
You could probably learn something from the above video in post 51 too.

What would I learn? Funny video. Had nothing to do with Waco or Ruby Ridge. Funny how you're all authoritarian police force while every time a black kid gets shot it's the cop's fault
Funny how you're all authoritarian police force when an unarmed black kid is minding his own business, but when an armed cult breaks the laws and threatens the lives of law enforcement it's the cops fault.

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Again, I support waiting until the facts come in and punishing the guilty. There are more than two choices, you don't need to support the kid or the cop before anything is even investigated.

Maybe you should ... think
Whomever the GOP nominee is they will have a field day with the Clinton's baggage.
This I agree with, but Waco won't be one of them. Folks tend not to have much sympathy for cults that stock up on weapons and resist arrest.

Waco was never going to end without blood. Koresh had too much control over his followers and was well and truly intent on dying.
Whomever the GOP nominee is they will have a field day with the Clinton's baggage.
This I agree with, but Waco won't be one of them. Folks tend not to have much sympathy for cults that stock up on weapons and resist arrest.

Waco was never going to end without blood. Koresh had too much control over his followers and was well and truly intent on dyin
Fuck you.

They could of had David anytime they wanted peacefully, Janet Reno and the ATF were playing thugs and you know it.

They tried to take him peacefully......Koresh went for his guns

Bullshit. They never attempted to take him in peacefully. They wanted a show, and that's what they got.


What you expect from USMBs leading anarchist

So when did they attempt to take him in peacefully? That should be easy to prove.

Let me see..

If ATF agents showed up at my door with a warrant, I would surrender peacefully

Koresh chose to kill them

Another one of Janet Renos peaceful warrants according to libtards

Look at that pig's face. He's glaring right at that baby.

"14-Year-Old shot in the back
"After claiming the sawed-off shotgun was too short by a quarter-inch, federal agents sent Randy Weaver a summons to court. But his notice, either on purpose or on accident, included the wrong court date. When Weaver didn’t show up, federal authorities went to his home to arrest him. Dozens of federal paramilitary agents, camouflaged and heavily armed, crept through the bushes and trees surrounding the Weaver home.
"The Weaver’s dog sensed the agents and sounded the alarm. Assuming it was just an unwelcome animal, 14-year-old Sammy Weaver and the dog went out to chase it away. Running ahead through the brush, the dog came upon a US Marshal who shot the dog dead. Nobody knows what happened next, except that the US Marshal who shot the dog was himself killed and a terrified 14-year-old Sammy Weaver was fatally shot in the back while running back to his parents. "

Then they killed Vicky Weaver while she was holding a baby...

Ruby Ridge is back - Vicky Weaver’s FBI murderer found

Progressives love this shit.
Whomever the GOP nominee is they will have a field day with the Clinton's baggage.
This I agree with, but Waco won't be one of them. Folks tend not to have much sympathy for cults that stock up on weapons and resist arrest.

Waco was never going to end without blood. Koresh had too much control over his followers and was well and truly intent on dying.

People have a lot of sympathy for innocent victims minding their own business the government murders in cold blood.
Because Republicans love an authoritarian police state. That's what they call "Freedom!" and "'Murica!!"

Then why do we support gun rights, the only way to stop a fascist govt?. It's you gun-grabbing liberals who want a govt controlling everyone's life and a public with no way to fight back. THINK
This I agree with, but Waco won't be one of them. Folks tend not to have much sympathy for cults that stock up on weapons and resist arrest.

Waco was never going to end without blood. Koresh had too much control over his followers and was well and truly intent on dying.

STock up on weapons??? HAHAHA. . The Branch Davidians were in the gun repair business. That's how they paid their bills, You've made a fool of yourself again.
Because Republicans love an authoritarian police state. That's what they call "Freedom!" and "'Murica!!"

Then why do we support gun rights, the only way to stop a fascist govt?. It's you gun-grabbing liberals who want a govt controlling everyone's life and a public with no way to fight back. THINK
Taz is a huge coward, and he is terrified of the thought of anybody within a mile of where he stands being able to protect themselves.
Because Republicans love an authoritarian police state. That's what they call "Freedom!" and "'Murica!!"

Then why do we support gun rights, the only way to stop a fascist govt?. It's you gun-grabbing liberals who want a govt controlling everyone's life and a public with no way to fight back. THINK

:laugh2: I'm not a gun grabber, assclown. I oppose just about all restrictions on gun ownership. I own multiple guns.
Because Republicans love an authoritarian police state. That's what they call "Freedom!" and "'Murica!!"

Then why do we support gun rights, the only way to stop a fascist govt?. It's you gun-grabbing liberals who want a govt controlling everyone's life and a public with no way to fight back. THINK

:laugh2: I'm not a gun grabber, assclown. I oppose just about all restrictions on gun ownership. I own multiple guns.
He just doesn't want other people to have them.

Because Republicans love an authoritarian police state. That's what they call "Freedom!" and "'Murica!!"

Then why do we support gun rights, the only way to stop a fascist govt?. It's you gun-grabbing liberals who want a govt controlling everyone's life and a public with no way to fight back. THINK

:laugh2: I'm not a gun grabber, assclown. I oppose just about all restrictions on gun ownership. I own multiple guns.
He just doesn't want other people to have them.


Care to provide some proof of that claim? I'm the one who started this thread

$1,000 Gun Tax Pushed as “Role Model” for States
Whomever the GOP nominee is they will have a field day with the Clinton's baggage.
This I agree with, but Waco won't be one of them. Folks tend not to have much sympathy for cults that stock up on weapons and resist arrest.

Waco was never going to end without blood. Koresh had too much control over his followers and was well and truly intent on dying.

Resisting arrest? The arrest was armed agents coming in unidentified at night, how is that resisting arrest?

If they committed crimes, prove it. That you don't like what they were isn't a crime. I don't like what they were either. And if they did some of the accusations against them then prove it in a court of law like you would have to for anyone else. Kuresh was frequently in town, basic competence would have been to wait for his next stop and arrest him there.

Your post is pathetic, just defending an authoritarian police State. What about Ruby Ridge? Shooting unarmed women through walls work for you too?
Whomever the GOP nominee is they will have a field day with the Clinton's baggage.
This I agree with, but Waco won't be one of them. Folks tend not to have much sympathy for cults that stock up on weapons and resist arrest.

Waco was never going to end without blood. Koresh had too much control over his followers and was well and truly intent on dying.

People have a lot of sympathy for innocent victims minding their own business the government murders in cold blood.
Read up on Koresh. He was hardly minding his own business. When police did show up to arrest him, not only did he resist but he encouraged his followers to resist to death. No way that does not end in blood. As a lot of folks have found in recent times, once you resist law enforcement people stop being sympathetic with what happens to you.
Whomever the GOP nominee is they will have a field day with the Clinton's baggage.
This I agree with, but Waco won't be one of them. Folks tend not to have much sympathy for cults that stock up on weapons and resist arrest.

Waco was never going to end without blood. Koresh had too much control over his followers and was well and truly intent on dying.

People have a lot of sympathy for innocent victims minding their own business the government murders in cold blood.
Read up on Koresh. He was hardly minding his own business. When police did show up to arrest him, not only did he resist but he encouraged his followers to resist to death. No way that does not end in blood. As a lot of folks have found in recent times, once you resist law enforcement people stop being sympathetic with what happens to you.

The BATF fired first, moron. In fact, they probably fired at each other and are responsible for all the BATF death and injuries that occurred.
Waco is clear evidence that Mrs. Tuzla Clinton will see no fallout from any scandal. The establishment takes care of their own.
The internet didn't exist in 1993 and hopefully we can NOW make an issue of waco.

It was all over the news, the soulless didn't care then, they are not going to care now. Sad commentary what happened at Waco and what happened to America.

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