23 years ago today april 19 1993. Bill Clinton burns 80 americans alive at Waco

They refused a lawful search warrant and murdered federal agents

Conservatives call them heroes

Fuck you.

They could of had David anytime they wanted peacefully, Janet Reno and the ATF were playing thugs and you know it.

They tried to take him peacefully......Koresh went for his guns

Bullshit. They never attempted to take him in peacefully. They wanted a show, and that's what they got.


What you expect from USMBs leading anarchist

So when did they attempt to take him in peacefully? That should be easy to prove.

Let me see..

If ATF agents showed up at my door with a warrant, I would surrender peacefully

Koresh chose to kill them
The BATF opened fire on them, douche bag. People have a right to defend themselves, even from the feds.

They refused a lawful search warrant and murdered federal agents

Conservatives call them heroes

Fuck you.

They could of had David anytime they wanted peacefully, Janet Reno and the ATF were playing thugs and you know it.

They tried to take him peacefully......Koresh went for his guns

Bullshit. They never attempted to take him in peacefully. They wanted a show, and that's what they got.


What you expect from USMBs leading anarchist

Again trying to revise history? They wanted a war.
The BATF opened fire on them, douche bag. People have a right to defend themselves, even from the feds.

They refused a lawful search warrant and murdered federal agents

Conservatives call them heroes

Fuck you.

They could of had David anytime they wanted peacefully, Janet Reno and the ATF were playing thugs and you know it.

They tried to take him peacefully......Koresh went for his guns

Bullshit. They never attempted to take him in peacefully. They wanted a show, and that's what they got.


What you expect from USMBs leading anarchist

The ATF arrived in a fucking horse trailer

It was a raid not a peaceful attempt by the ATF
They've put a utah county commissioner in jail for driving his atv on blm PUBLIC land.
Fuck you.

They could of had David anytime they wanted peacefully, Janet Reno and the ATF were playing thugs and you know it.

They tried to take him peacefully......Koresh went for his guns

Bullshit. They never attempted to take him in peacefully. They wanted a show, and that's what they got.


What you expect from USMBs leading anarchist

So when did they attempt to take him in peacefully? That should be easy to prove.

Let me see..

If ATF agents showed up at my door with a warrant, I would surrender peacefully

Koresh chose to kill them
ATF fired first. You fire on peaceful Americans, Americans fire back.

Your cringing cowardice is not in question here.
I mean nobody cares. David Koresh (was it? I haven't googled it as I still remember it) was going for a another one of those mass sucide things anyway, best to get in there and see if you can at least drag a few away for unbrainwashing. Did the right thing.

Suicide by tank? Really? The adults brought it on themselves, but the children Reno and Clinton killed? That was suicide?

Here is the BS rationale that the Clinton Administration gave for their raid with 150 very armed para-military group.

Waco, Texas: Where A Part Of America'S Heart And Soul Died.

Once the ATF realized that their assault on the Branch Davidian home to serve a search warrant on the suspicion that the group may be in possession of illegal firearms was a total failure and disaster, they immediately resorted to insisting that the real motivation for the raid was to rescue the children inside the home from alleged neglect and abuse by David Koresh. First of all, child abuse cases are under the jurisdiction of the State - not the federal government. Texas State officials responded that they had indeed done their job and that their recent investigations had produced no evidence that the children within the home were being neglected or abused in any way.

Second, is it rational and humane to send 150 ATF and other law enforcement officers with guns drawn to storm a home on a quiet Sunday morning to "rescue" children from alleged child abuse? What the ATF did on that February 27 Sunday morning was child abuse of the worst kind. If this is the government's way of saying, "Good morning, we're here to help you and serve the best interests of the children" then I hope and pray they will never "protect" my children and grandchildren. This "we acted in the best interests of the children to rescue them from neglect and abuse" is the same rationale the FBI, President Clinton, and Janet Reno used to justify the assault on the Branch Davidian home on April 19 with tanks and chemical weapons.

An April 21, 1993, Atlanta Constitution article reported that "the White House said today it had `mountains of evidence' the children were being abused by David Koresh and his cult and that this was a prime reason for launching the April 19 ill-fated assault on the Waco, Texas, compound." Incredible!

What is really sad is those who just don't care.
I mean nobody cares. David Koresh (was it? I haven't googled it as I still remember it) was going for a another one of those mass sucide things anyway, best to get in there and see if you can at least drag a few away for unbrainwashing. Did the right thing.

Suicide by tank? Really? The adults brought it on themselves, but the children Reno and Clinton killed? That was suicide?

Here is the BS rationale that the Clinton Administration gave for their raid with 150 very armed para-military group.

Waco, Texas: Where A Part Of America'S Heart And Soul Died.

Once the ATF realized that their assault on the Branch Davidian home to serve a search warrant on the suspicion that the group may be in possession of illegal firearms was a total failure and disaster, they immediately resorted to insisting that the real motivation for the raid was to rescue the children inside the home from alleged neglect and abuse by David Koresh. First of all, child abuse cases are under the jurisdiction of the State - not the federal government. Texas State officials responded that they had indeed done their job and that their recent investigations had produced no evidence that the children within the home were being neglected or abused in any way.

Second, is it rational and humane to send 150 ATF and other law enforcement officers with guns drawn to storm a home on a quiet Sunday morning to "rescue" children from alleged child abuse? What the ATF did on that February 27 Sunday morning was child abuse of the worst kind. If this is the government's way of saying, "Good morning, we're here to help you and serve the best interests of the children" then I hope and pray they will never "protect" my children and grandchildren. This "we acted in the best interests of the children to rescue them from neglect and abuse" is the same rationale the FBI, President Clinton, and Janet Reno used to justify the assault on the Branch Davidian home on April 19 with tanks and chemical weapons.

An April 21, 1993, Atlanta Constitution article reported that "the White House said today it had `mountains of evidence' the children were being abused by David Koresh and his cult and that this was a prime reason for launching the April 19 ill-fated assault on the Waco, Texas, compound." Incredible!

What is really sad is those who just don't care.
And what is creepy are those who approve.
Fuck you.

They could of had David anytime they wanted peacefully, Janet Reno and the ATF were playing thugs and you know it.

They tried to take him peacefully......Koresh went for his guns

Bullshit. They never attempted to take him in peacefully. They wanted a show, and that's what they got.


What you expect from USMBs leading anarchist

So when did they attempt to take him in peacefully? That should be easy to prove.

Let me see..

If ATF agents showed up at my door with a warrant, I would surrender peacefully

Koresh chose to kill them

They started shooting first, douche bag.
Waco is clear evidence that Mrs. Tuzla Clinton will see no fallout from any scandal. The establishment takes care of their own.

Those who say they don't care or worse speak for others saying no on care. Those who approve of such action or dismiss it for political reasons are soulless and I believe that there is justice in this universe and the justice they will find is the same fate that Clinton condemned those children.
They tried to take him peacefully......Koresh went for his guns

Bullshit. They never attempted to take him in peacefully. They wanted a show, and that's what they got.


What you expect from USMBs leading anarchist

So when did they attempt to take him in peacefully? That should be easy to prove.

Let me see..

If ATF agents showed up at my door with a warrant, I would surrender peacefully

Koresh chose to kill them

They started shooting first, douche bag.

I remember that day very vividly. The News programs showed a video of the start of the raid. They were filming the raid. I have never seen that video again. The ATF probably started the shooting taking out the dogs, but never the less they fired first. And if it were not an attack what were they doing on the roof firing indiscriminately into the building? Yeah, they wanted to make a "Tough Cops" show and teach America a lesson about the power of Washington.
I didn't realize until this forum just how many sick fucks there are in this country.
As they fdid at Ruby Ridge. As they fully intended to do at the Bundy ranch, and at the refuge....except some marines showed up on the other side.. And looky there..suddenly things go peaceful.

In Oregon things went peaceful when David Frey created an outside line with Gavin Seim, and Seim started to broadcast.live. Amazing.
Michael Schroeder, he lay for four days in a gully after the ATF murdered him. Took them 11 days to inform the family.
Because they aren't that stupid and nobody cares?
HAHAHA. You mean you democrats want us to forget about it. Most americans never will.
you sure as hell forgot about your murderer gwb with 1000's of kills to his credit fast enough ,,,,repubs have very selective memories
Selective memory is Republican's specialty.

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And the left wing who posts such shit are soulless aholes who deserve the same fate that Clinton condemned those children.
They outright murdered finicum. And they would have everybody in the car if they weren't incompetent pigs.
Hillary is still married to Bill the butcher which means she is a psychopath just like him.

Let me get this right.
You're suggesting that the wife of a man who had no direct involvement in a mass suicide by a bunch of heavily armed idiots is a psychopath because they killed themselves.
Call me a wet liberal if you will, but you're talking bollocks.
So are churches fair game Old, all of those religious nutjobs together singing and begging for it? You and ISIS would make a killer team.

Were you as giddy over Ruby Ridge?
If churches illegally possess weaponry and fire on and kill police officers then yes they are fair game. The Ruby Ridge clowns were no better.

Are you one of those republicans who thinks Mosques should be raided and monitored btw?

Shooting women through walls? Yes, that was very honorable of the government to do, I see your point
You could probably learn something from the above video in post 51 too.

What would I learn? Funny video. Had nothing to do with Waco or Ruby Ridge. Funny how you're all authoritarian police force while every time a black kid gets shot it's the cop's fault
Funny how you're all authoritarian police force when an unarmed black kid is minding his own business, but when an armed cult breaks the laws and threatens the lives of law enforcement it's the cops fault.

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