23 years ago today april 19 1993. Bill Clinton burns 80 americans alive at Waco

I think the Republicans in Congress are still investigating this aren't they? They just want to get to the bottom of the utter breakdown in Hillary's failure to peacefully settle the Waco fiasco (because she was alive when it happened), which was part of her coverup for White Water, and which was the impetus for Ben Gassy.

"We only want to get to the truth and spend a hundred million dollars for no reason. Don't like it? Suck it." - Trey Gowdy -
Link to that quote

the definition of parody
Why aren't the stupid republicans talking about this? Hillary is still married to Bill the butcher which means she is a psychopath just like him.
Because most Americans realized the butcher was the pedophile who tried to protect himself with kids as human shields and sealed their fates by dispersing cans of fuel in the structure so that he could burn them to death without any chance of their escape.

What evidence is there for these "cans of fuel?" The building was lit by Kerosene lamps, so it was no surprise that there were containers of Kerosene in the building. The building itself was made entirely of wood and was highly flammable. As for "hiding behind children," is every parent who has a child living with them "hiding behind children?" What was he hiding from? He wasn't doing anything illegal.

Just like every boot licking leftwing douche bag, you repeat the FBI cover story without questioning it.
The history is already written and no amount of trying to rewrite it using dubious and unfounded conspiracy theories will change it. The government negotiators begged for the children to be released and that asshole refused. And yes, any parent who would refuse or decline to release their children during a standoff with law enforcement would be viewed as hiding behind their kids because that is what it is. And not doing anything wrong, there was a warrant for his arrest and he refused to comply, using violence with firearms to prevent his being served.
"TheOldSchool, post: 14056696, member: 39852"]76 religious nutjobs, all begging for it

So are churches fair game Old, all of those religious nutjobs together singing and begging for it? You and ISIS would make a killer team.

Were you as giddy over Ruby Ridge?
If churches illegally possess weaponry and fire on and kill police officers then yes they are fair game. The Ruby Ridge clowns were no better.

Are you one of those republicans who thinks Mosques should be raided and monitored btw?

Shooting women through walls? Yes, that was very honorable of the government to do, I see your point
You could probably learn something from the above video in post 51 too.

What would I learn? Funny video. Had nothing to do with Waco or Ruby Ridge. Funny how you're all authoritarian police force while every time a black kid gets shot it's the cop's fault
Funny how you're all authoritarian police force when an unarmed black kid is minding his own business, but when an armed cult breaks the laws and threatens the lives of law enforcement it's the cops fault.
I think the Republicans in Congress are still investigating this aren't they? They just want to get to the bottom of the utter breakdown in Hillary's failure to peacefully settle the Waco fiasco (because she was alive when it happened), which was part of her coverup for White Water, and which was the impetus for Ben Gassy.

"We only want to get to the truth and spend a hundred million dollars for no reason. Don't like it? Suck it." - Trey Gowdy -
Link to that quote

the definition of parody

A better word for you to look up is hyperbole
So are churches fair game Old, all of those religious nutjobs together singing and begging for it? You and ISIS would make a killer team.

Were you as giddy over Ruby Ridge?
If churches illegally possess weaponry and fire on and kill police officers then yes they are fair game. The Ruby Ridge clowns were no better.

Are you one of those republicans who thinks Mosques should be raided and monitored btw?

Shooting women through walls? Yes, that was very honorable of the government to do, I see your point
You could probably learn something from the above video in post 51 too.

What would I learn? Funny video. Had nothing to do with Waco or Ruby Ridge. Funny how you're all authoritarian police force while every time a black kid gets shot it's the cop's fault
Funny how you're all authoritarian police force when an unarmed black kid is minding his own business, but when an armed cult breaks the laws and threatens the lives of law enforcement it's the cops fault.

Wanting to wait until evidence comes in and then hold the guilty party accountable is "authoritarian?" No it's not, you're a fucking imbecile
I think the Republicans in Congress are still investigating this aren't they? They just want to get to the bottom of the utter breakdown in Hillary's failure to peacefully settle the Waco fiasco (because she was alive when it happened), which was part of her coverup for White Water, and which was the impetus for Ben Gassy.

"We only want to get to the truth and spend a hundred million dollars for no reason. Don't like it? Suck it." - Trey Gowdy -
Link to that quote

the definition of parody

A better word for you to look up is hyperbole

Hyperbole in parody is gestalt.
The same individuals that were responsible for Waco, shot Weavers dog, killed his son, then blew his wife's head off as she stood by the door holding another child. All because Weaver failed to appear on a charge of selling 2 sawed off shotguns. The real reason is Weaver went to posse comitatus meeting and was put on the FBI target list. Since going to a meeting isn't a federal offense, they murdered his family for failure to appear.
Not America's finest moment.
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I think the Republicans in Congress are still investigating this aren't they? They just want to get to the bottom of the utter breakdown in Hillary's failure to peacefully settle the Waco fiasco (because she was alive when it happened), which was part of her coverup for White Water, and which was the impetus for Ben Gassy.

"We only want to get to the truth and spend a hundred million dollars for no reason. Don't like it? Suck it." - Trey Gowdy -
Link to that quote

the definition of parody

A better word for you to look up is hyperbole

Hyperbole in parody is gestalt.

Parody done effectively exaggerates to make a point. All point is lost in hyperbole by definition
So are churches fair game Old, all of those religious nutjobs together singing and begging for it? You and ISIS would make a killer team.

Were you as giddy over Ruby Ridge?
If churches illegally possess weaponry and fire on and kill police officers then yes they are fair game. The Ruby Ridge clowns were no better.

Are you one of those republicans who thinks Mosques should be raided and monitored btw?

Shooting women through walls? Yes, that was very honorable of the government to do, I see your point
You could probably learn something from the above video in post 51 too.

What would I learn? Funny video. Had nothing to do with Waco or Ruby Ridge. Funny how you're all authoritarian police force while every time a black kid gets shot it's the cop's fault
Funny how you're all authoritarian police force when an unarmed black kid is minding his own business, but when an armed cult breaks the laws and threatens the lives of law enforcement it's the cops fault.

Michael Brown was robbing a gas station, you fucking douche bag. That's hardly "minding your own business." The Branch Davidians, on the other hand, were minding their own business, and in this country owning guns isn't a crime. They threatened no one and they broke no laws. The warrant the BATF thugs used was invalid. The whole thing was a gross violation of the rights of the Davidians. Anyone who defends it is no better than some Nazi SS concentration camp guard.
I think the Republicans in Congress are still investigating this aren't they? They just want to get to the bottom of the utter breakdown in Hillary's failure to peacefully settle the Waco fiasco (because she was alive when it happened), which was part of her coverup for White Water, and which was the impetus for Ben Gassy.

"We only want to get to the truth and spend a hundred million dollars for no reason. Don't like it? Suck it." - Trey Gowdy -
Link to that quote

the definition of parody

A better word for you to look up is hyperbole

Hyperbole in parody is gestalt.

Parody done effectively exaggerates to make a point. All point is lost in hyperbole by definition

Making jokes about death is macabre, thus the term 'gallows humor'. The dead don't laugh.
76 religious nutjobs, all begging for it.
too bad it wasn't the RNC building in session

You just exposed your conception of government, and it's chilling.
it would be a far better america a far better world without those lice of yours in congress and those racist scum that swarm in your red states It's a sad joke the way you wrap the flag around you

Yeah, well there's no misunderstanding your expressed desire to murder the entire RNC. I imagine you hold yourself up as an example of the better class of people you want to populate the country with after you exterminate the riff-raff, right?
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"TheOldSchool, post: 14056696, member: 39852"]76 religious nutjobs, all begging for it

So are churches fair game Old, all of those religious nutjobs together singing and begging for it? You and ISIS would make a killer team.

Were you as giddy over Ruby Ridge?
If churches illegally possess weaponry and fire on and kill police officers then yes they are fair game. The Ruby Ridge clowns were no better.

Are you one of those republicans who thinks Mosques should be raided and monitored btw?

The BATF opened fire on them, douche bag. People have a right to defend themselves, even from the feds.

They refused a lawful search warrant and murdered federal agents

Conservatives call them heroes
David Koresh set the fires and refused to let the people leave

Conservatives like Speedo defend him

That's FBI slander. There isn't a shred of evidence to support it.

Yes there is plenty of evidence. Multiple fires started in multiple locations.
Koresh refusing even the children being allowed to escape. Children shot rather than being allowed to flee a fire

THAT is your hero
"TheOldSchool, post: 14056696, member: 39852"]76 religious nutjobs, all begging for it

So are churches fair game Old, all of those religious nutjobs together singing and begging for it? You and ISIS would make a killer team.

Were you as giddy over Ruby Ridge?
If churches illegally possess weaponry and fire on and kill police officers then yes they are fair game. The Ruby Ridge clowns were no better.

Are you one of those republicans who thinks Mosques should be raided and monitored btw?

The BATF opened fire on them, douche bag. People have a right to defend themselves, even from the feds.

They refused a lawful search warrant and murdered federal agents

Conservatives call them heroes

I've been told that just because a black guy resist arrest doesn't mean that the cops can start shooting. This means that the government has rules on how it can deal with resistance in those situations. The fifth amendment actually says no person shall be derprived of life, liberty, and property without the due process of law so where was the law that said the tanks can burn the place down?
"TheOldSchool, post: 14056696, member: 39852"]76 religious nutjobs, all begging for it

So are churches fair game Old, all of those religious nutjobs together singing and begging for it? You and ISIS would make a killer team.

Were you as giddy over Ruby Ridge?
If churches illegally possess weaponry and fire on and kill police officers then yes they are fair game. The Ruby Ridge clowns were no better.

Are you one of those republicans who thinks Mosques should be raided and monitored btw?

The BATF opened fire on them, douche bag. People have a right to defend themselves, even from the feds.

They refused a lawful search warrant and murdered federal agents

Conservatives call them heroes

I've been told that just because a black guy resist arrest doesn't mean that the cops can start shooting. This means that the government has rules on how it can deal with resistance in those situations. The fifth amendment actually says no person shall be derprived of life, liberty, and property without the due process of law so where was the law that said the tanks can burn the place down?

Tanks did not burn the place down. They were only there to protect the occupants and knock down walls

Child molestor Koresh ordered the fires ...it was his Armageddon

Conservatives celebrate his memory
So are churches fair game Old, all of those religious nutjobs together singing and begging for it? You and ISIS would make a killer team.

Were you as giddy over Ruby Ridge?
If churches illegally possess weaponry and fire on and kill police officers then yes they are fair game. The Ruby Ridge clowns were no better.

Are you one of those republicans who thinks Mosques should be raided and monitored btw?

The BATF opened fire on them, douche bag. People have a right to defend themselves, even from the feds.

They refused a lawful search warrant and murdered federal agents

Conservatives call them heroes

I've been told that just because a black guy resist arrest doesn't mean that the cops can start shooting. This means that the government has rules on how it can deal with resistance in those situations. The fifth amendment actually says no person shall be derprived of life, liberty, and property without the due process of law so where was the law that said the tanks can burn the place down?

Tanks did not burn the place down. They were only there to protect the occupants and knock down walls

Child molestor Koresh ordered the fires ...it was his Armageddon

Conservatives celebrate his memory

Thank God we burned it down and killed everyone in there or who knows what would have happened to those children.
If churches illegally possess weaponry and fire on and kill police officers then yes they are fair game. The Ruby Ridge clowns were no better.

Are you one of those republicans who thinks Mosques should be raided and monitored btw?

The BATF opened fire on them, douche bag. People have a right to defend themselves, even from the feds.

They refused a lawful search warrant and murdered federal agents

Conservatives call them heroes

I've been told that just because a black guy resist arrest doesn't mean that the cops can start shooting. This means that the government has rules on how it can deal with resistance in those situations. The fifth amendment actually says no person shall be derprived of life, liberty, and property without the due process of law so where was the law that said the tanks can burn the place down?

Tanks did not burn the place down. They were only there to protect the occupants and knock down walls

Child molestor Koresh ordered the fires ...it was his Armageddon

Conservatives celebrate his memory

Thank God we burned it down and killed everyone in there or who knows what would have happened to those children.
Thank God you can celebrate a child molestor who killed his own flock

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