23 years ago today april 19 1993. Bill Clinton burns 80 americans alive at Waco

"TheOldSchool, post: 14056696, member: 39852"]76 religious nutjobs, all begging for it

So are churches fair game Old, all of those religious nutjobs together singing and begging for it? You and ISIS would make a killer team.

Were you as giddy over Ruby Ridge?
If churches illegally possess weaponry and fire on and kill police officers then yes they are fair game. The Ruby Ridge clowns were no better.

Are you one of those republicans who thinks Mosques should be raided and monitored btw?

The BATF opened fire on them, douche bag. People have a right to defend themselves, even from the feds.

They refused a lawful search warrant and murdered federal agents

Conservatives call them heroes

Apparently, the federal court disagreed with you. They were acquitted. And were given over 3 million to make amends for the atrocious over reach of our government into the lives of it's citizens.
"TheOldSchool, post: 14056696, member: 39852"]76 religious nutjobs, all begging for it

So are churches fair game Old, all of those religious nutjobs together singing and begging for it? You and ISIS would make a killer team.

Were you as giddy over Ruby Ridge?
If churches illegally possess weaponry and fire on and kill police officers then yes they are fair game. The Ruby Ridge clowns were no better.

Are you one of those republicans who thinks Mosques should be raided and monitored btw?

The BATF opened fire on them, douche bag. People have a right to defend themselves, even from the feds.

They refused a lawful search warrant and murdered federal agents

Conservatives call them heroes

Fuck you.

They could of had David anytime they wanted peacefully, Janet Reno and the ATF were playing thugs and you know it.

"TheOldSchool, post: 14056696, member: 39852"]76 religious nutjobs, all begging for it

So are churches fair game Old, all of those religious nutjobs together singing and begging for it? You and ISIS would make a killer team.

Were you as giddy over Ruby Ridge?
If churches illegally possess weaponry and fire on and kill police officers then yes they are fair game. The Ruby Ridge clowns were no better.

Are you one of those republicans who thinks Mosques should be raided and monitored btw?

The BATF opened fire on them, douche bag. People have a right to defend themselves, even from the feds.

They refused a lawful search warrant and murdered federal agents

Conservatives call them heroes

Apparently, the federal court disagreed with you. They were acquitted. And were given over 3 million to make amends for the atrocious over reach of our government into the lives of it's citizens.
They were murderers and child molesters

They refused a lawful search warrant and murdered federal agents
"TheOldSchool, post: 14056696, member: 39852"]76 religious nutjobs, all begging for it

So are churches fair game Old, all of those religious nutjobs together singing and begging for it? You and ISIS would make a killer team.

Were you as giddy over Ruby Ridge?
If churches illegally possess weaponry and fire on and kill police officers then yes they are fair game. The Ruby Ridge clowns were no better.

Are you one of those republicans who thinks Mosques should be raided and monitored btw?

The BATF opened fire on them, douche bag. People have a right to defend themselves, even from the feds.

They refused a lawful search warrant and murdered federal agents

Conservatives call them heroes

Fuck you.

They could of had David anytime they wanted peacefully, Janet Reno and the ATF were playing thugs and you know it.

They tried to take him peacefully......Koresh went for his guns
"TheOldSchool, post: 14056696, member: 39852"]76 religious nutjobs, all begging for it

So are churches fair game Old, all of those religious nutjobs together singing and begging for it? You and ISIS would make a killer team.

Were you as giddy over Ruby Ridge?
If churches illegally possess weaponry and fire on and kill police officers then yes they are fair game. The Ruby Ridge clowns were no better.

Are you one of those republicans who thinks Mosques should be raided and monitored btw?

The BATF opened fire on them, douche bag. People have a right to defend themselves, even from the feds.

They refused a lawful search warrant and murdered federal agents

Conservatives call them heroes

The evidence shows the BATF came in firing. The Davidians weren't even given a chance to surrender. Furthermore, the search warrant wasn't lawful. The BATF committed murder, not the Davidians. In fact, the videos of the initial entry indicate the BATF agents may have fired through the building and shot other BATF agents.

Any way you look at it, the BATF is guilty of a giant cluster fuck. There was absolutely no reason anyone had to die, and the BATF and the FBI are solely responsible for the fact that so many did.
So are churches fair game Old, all of those religious nutjobs together singing and begging for it? You and ISIS would make a killer team.

Were you as giddy over Ruby Ridge?
If churches illegally possess weaponry and fire on and kill police officers then yes they are fair game. The Ruby Ridge clowns were no better.

Are you one of those republicans who thinks Mosques should be raided and monitored btw?

The BATF opened fire on them, douche bag. People have a right to defend themselves, even from the feds.

They refused a lawful search warrant and murdered federal agents

Conservatives call them heroes

Fuck you.

They could of had David anytime they wanted peacefully, Janet Reno and the ATF were playing thugs and you know it.

They tried to take him peacefully......Koresh went for his guns

Bullshit. They never attempted to take him in peacefully. They wanted a show, and that's what they got.
The BATF opened fire on them, douche bag. People have a right to defend themselves, even from the feds.

They refused a lawful search warrant and murdered federal agents

Conservatives call them heroes

I've been told that just because a black guy resist arrest doesn't mean that the cops can start shooting. This means that the government has rules on how it can deal with resistance in those situations. The fifth amendment actually says no person shall be derprived of life, liberty, and property without the due process of law so where was the law that said the tanks can burn the place down?

Tanks did not burn the place down. They were only there to protect the occupants and knock down walls

Child molestor Koresh ordered the fires ...it was his Armageddon

Conservatives celebrate his memory

Thank God we burned it down and killed everyone in there or who knows what would have happened to those children.
Thank God you can celebrate a child molestor who killed his own flock

He wasn't accused of molesting anyone, douche bag. The FBI and the BATF killed the Davidians. No fact could be more obvious.
Yes there is plenty of evidence. Multiple fires started in multiple locations.
Koresh refusing even the children being allowed to escape. Children shot rather than being allowed to flee a fire

THAT is your hero

Clinton sent in TANKS!!!! He wanted to destroy the evidence in the compound and kill the witnesses.
Thank God you can celebrate a child molestor who killed his own flock

You haven't a shred of evidence the kids were molested. Just another lie created by the media. And anyway, how did Clinton "save" the kids??? By burning them alive!!!!
So are churches fair game Old, all of those religious nutjobs together singing and begging for it? You and ISIS would make a killer team.

Were you as giddy over Ruby Ridge?
If churches illegally possess weaponry and fire on and kill police officers then yes they are fair game. The Ruby Ridge clowns were no better.

Are you one of those republicans who thinks Mosques should be raided and monitored btw?

The BATF opened fire on them, douche bag. People have a right to defend themselves, even from the feds.

They refused a lawful search warrant and murdered federal agents

Conservatives call them heroes

Fuck you.

They could of had David anytime they wanted peacefully, Janet Reno and the ATF were playing thugs and you know it.

They tried to take him peacefully......Koresh went for his guns

Quit trying to revise history, David would go into town everyday for breakfast the ATF was itching for a fight.
If churches illegally possess weaponry and fire on and kill police officers then yes they are fair game. The Ruby Ridge clowns were no better.

Are you one of those republicans who thinks Mosques should be raided and monitored btw?

Shooting women through walls? Yes, that was very honorable of the government to do, I see your point
You could probably learn something from the above video in post 51 too.

What would I learn? Funny video. Had nothing to do with Waco or Ruby Ridge. Funny how you're all authoritarian police force while every time a black kid gets shot it's the cop's fault
Funny how you're all authoritarian police force when an unarmed black kid is minding his own business, but when an armed cult breaks the laws and threatens the lives of law enforcement it's the cops fault.

Michael Brown was robbing a gas station, you fucking douche bag. That's hardly "minding your own business." The Branch Davidians, on the other hand, were minding their own business, and in this country owning guns isn't a crime. They threatened no one and they broke no laws. The warrant the BATF thugs used was invalid. The whole thing was a gross violation of the rights of the Davidians. Anyone who defends it is no better than some Nazi SS concentration camp guard.

If only mike brow was the only black
Lives matters shooting . Hell, today is the one year Aniversary of that dude in Baltimore getting his neck broke !
Thank God you can celebrate a child molestor who killed his own flock

You haven't a shred of evidence the kids were molested. Just another lie created by the media. And anyway, how did Clinton "save" the kids??? By burning them alive!!!!

Yeah, because the proper response to child molestation is to incinerate the victims.

If only these douche bags could see how idiotic they sound.
If churches illegally possess weaponry and fire on and kill police officers then yes they are fair game. The Ruby Ridge clowns were no better.

Are you one of those republicans who thinks Mosques should be raided and monitored btw?

The BATF opened fire on them, douche bag. People have a right to defend themselves, even from the feds.

They refused a lawful search warrant and murdered federal agents

Conservatives call them heroes

Fuck you.

They could of had David anytime they wanted peacefully, Janet Reno and the ATF were playing thugs and you know it.

They tried to take him peacefully......Koresh went for his guns

Bullshit. They never attempted to take him in peacefully. They wanted a show, and that's what they got.


What you expect from USMBs leading anarchist
They refused a lawful search warrant and murdered federal agents

Conservatives call them heroes

I've been told that just because a black guy resist arrest doesn't mean that the cops can start shooting. This means that the government has rules on how it can deal with resistance in those situations. The fifth amendment actually says no person shall be derprived of life, liberty, and property without the due process of law so where was the law that said the tanks can burn the place down?

Tanks did not burn the place down. They were only there to protect the occupants and knock down walls

Child molestor Koresh ordered the fires ...it was his Armageddon

Conservatives celebrate his memory

Thank God we burned it down and killed everyone in there or who knows what would have happened to those children.
Thank God you can celebrate a child molestor who killed his own flock

He wasn't accused of molesting anyone, douche bag. The FBI and the BATF killed the Davidians. No fact could be more obvious.

Your hero David Koresh was forcing 12 year olds to become his new "wives"
I've been told that just because a black guy resist arrest doesn't mean that the cops can start shooting. This means that the government has rules on how it can deal with resistance in those situations. The fifth amendment actually says no person shall be derprived of life, liberty, and property without the due process of law so where was the law that said the tanks can burn the place down?

Tanks did not burn the place down. They were only there to protect the occupants and knock down walls

Child molestor Koresh ordered the fires ...it was his Armageddon

Conservatives celebrate his memory

Thank God we burned it down and killed everyone in there or who knows what would have happened to those children.
Thank God you can celebrate a child molestor who killed his own flock

He wasn't accused of molesting anyone, douche bag. The FBI and the BATF killed the Davidians. No fact could be more obvious.

Your hero David Koresh was forcing 12 year olds to become his new "wives"

If that's true, then why didn't they have a warrant for that? I guess they thought that incinerating the victims was a good way to solve the problem.
The BATF opened fire on them, douche bag. People have a right to defend themselves, even from the feds.

They refused a lawful search warrant and murdered federal agents

Conservatives call them heroes

Fuck you.

They could of had David anytime they wanted peacefully, Janet Reno and the ATF were playing thugs and you know it.

They tried to take him peacefully......Koresh went for his guns

Bullshit. They never attempted to take him in peacefully. They wanted a show, and that's what they got.


What you expect from USMBs leading anarchist

So when did they attempt to take him in peacefully? That should be easy to prove.

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