23 years ago today april 19 1993. Bill Clinton burns 80 americans alive at Waco

Whomever the GOP nominee is they will have a field day with the Clinton's baggage.
This I agree with, but Waco won't be one of them. Folks tend not to have much sympathy for cults that stock up on weapons and resist arrest.

Waco was never going to end without blood. Koresh had too much control over his followers and was well and truly intent on dying.

People have a lot of sympathy for innocent victims minding their own business the government murders in cold blood.
Read up on Koresh. He was hardly minding his own business. When police did show up to arrest him, not only did he resist but he encouraged his followers to resist to death. No way that does not end in blood. As a lot of folks have found in recent times, once you resist law enforcement people stop being sympathetic with what happens to you.

He was standing in the doorway when shot, as was another man through the door. That is why the FBI took and LOST the front door. It must have told something they didn't want said.
:laugh2: I'm not a gun grabber, assclown. I oppose just about all restrictions on gun ownership. I own multiple guns.

HAHAHA. Stop with that obvious lie. You're a gun-hating fascist like all libs. You want more more more govt and less less less personal freedom.
The internet didn't exist in 1993 and hopefully we can NOW make an issue of waco.

It was all over the news, the soulless didn't care then, they are not going to care now. Sad commentary what happened at Waco and what happened to America.

It was all over the news until Clinton burned the 80 americans alive. Then the media blackout started.
Clinton's and Reno's war on children:


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