23 Yr Old Shot In The Back By Ohio Sherrif's Deputy

Why is exercising your constitutional rights a stupid decision??

Because we live in the real world and a black man open-carrying is just asking for trouble. I'd know better and wouldn't want to get killed by police like this guy did.

Self preservation.
Which is why this man is a true hero......
View attachment 426512

Can't let fear cower you into not exercising your rights...that fear is what allows the bullshit to perpetuate itself.....

Defending themselves against "white racists", when it's mostly black people they need to worry about? Almost 700 people shot and killed in Chicago this year. Most of them were black.

Only 6 of those were shot by police.

Chicago Crime, Murder & Mayhem | Criminal Infographics | HeyJackass!

It's pretty obvious that "white racists" and not even the police, are your problem.
Not in this case tho, eh?
It is clear that conservatives really don't feel black people should be able to exercise the same "2nd amendment rights" that they have in the way they themselves do -- unless of course, they are truly truly truly the "good kind of black"

So I can see why they are so cavalier about denying black people their other constitutional rights, like voting.....I can see why they don't blink an eye at the prospects of throwing out millions of black votes, just for funsies....unless of course, they are truly truly truly the "good kind of black votes" that voted for their cult daddy..
I’m about as conservative as they come. And I absolutely feel black folks should exercise their rights, including carrying a weapon. I’ll go so far as to say that I disagree with people losing their 2nd ammendment rights when convicted of a felony, Unless it’s rape or murder.
I even support people being armed who I completely disagree with, or think are assholes.
Just look at those NFA assclowns who protested for BLM. Total assholes in my opinion, and I’d say it was verified that they were clowns by the fact that they kept shooting themselves. But I agree with them being armed, I agree with them protesting. They had something they believe in, they felt the need to protect themselves, and they should not be stopped from doing it. I disagree with them, but support their rights even when I disagree.
I’m a conservative, you’re a lib. Fine. We disagree on a lot, this is true. But don’t assume that because we disagree in some things we disagree on all.
you have a problem with blacks getting shot by police? Great, so do I. Do some cops fuck up? Yup. Are there some who just hate black folks and can’t wait for the an excuse to shoot them? Possibly. I’ve not known someone to think like this, but that doesn’t mean it’s not possible. But you seem to want to ignore the criminality in the black community, ignore the reasons behind negative stereotypes and prejudices. You seem to just assume the cops was itching to shoot black folks.
Majority of violent crimes, which include rape, murder, etc are committed by men, period...So should men in general have less than equal protection under the law??

Or does your logic only stop at "race"?

Albino Asian women probably commit a far lower amount of crime than "white conservatives" like yourself, should this group have more of a right to carry a weapon than you do?
Did I argue or even state that anyone has more or less of a right to carry a weapon? In fact I said the opposite. And no, women don’t have any more or less of a right than men.
My logic is sound and consistent. I’m not the one who first looks at race, then molds the reality of the situation to fit my preconceived notions.

But to use your analogy of men committing more violent crimes than women...
If there is a rape or murder, who is more often suspected? If a woman is walking somewhere alone at night, who would she be more concerned with... a man walking after her or a woman?
If the cops are called for a bar fight... who are the cops more suspicious or as the likely culprit when they show up, a man or a woman?
We all know the answers to these questions, because our answers are based in reality. Of course the man is of greater concern, the more likely suspect, the greater danger, etc.
You know this to be true, you pointed it out with your man/woman example above.
but when you substitute gender for race, suddenly you get all butt hurt, ignore statistics and the reality that we all see and experience, cry about being discriminated against unjustly, and claim everything is just a result of evil racism as opposed to cold hard realities.
Everyone reading this post knows what I have said here is the absolute truth, and that you clowned on yourself with your own example. But I doubt you will take 2 seconds to actually think about what I’ve said and reanalyze your thought process. You’ll just hammer out some more bullshit about racism and whitey out to get you.
And thinking like yours is why blacks people will remain in the predicament they are in.
No, your goofy ass tried to "what about black on black crime" my right to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights....

Then acted like a pussy when I debunked your goofy ass talking point
Why is exercising your constitutional rights a stupid decision??

Because we live in the real world and a black man open-carrying is just asking for trouble. I'd know better and wouldn't want to get killed by police like this guy did.

Self preservation.
Which is why this man is a true hero......
View attachment 426512

Can't let fear cower you into not exercising your rights...that fear is what allows the bullshit to perpetuate itself.....

Defending themselves against "white racists", when it's mostly black people they need to worry about? Almost 700 people shot and killed in Chicago this year. Most of them were black.

Only 6 of those were shot by police.

Chicago Crime, Murder & Mayhem | Criminal Infographics | HeyJackass!

It's pretty obvious that "white racists" and not even the police, are your problem.
Not in this case tho, eh?
How do you figure?
I don’t see anyone arguing against a black guy arming himself or exercising his rights.
The contention seems to be that one side believes the cop saw a black man and said “look, a negro!!” And walked up to him and shot him.
The other side doesn’t buy that, and is saying they bet there is way more to what happened than that.
If group A. Is correct, I’d imagine nearly everyone would like to see the cop hung.
Legal carry is for white men only.

It's fucked up but if I was black I wouldn't carry a gun openly because it's a stupid decision.
Why is exercising your constitutional rights a stupid decision??
He was waving a gun around while driving down the street-------------I'd be pretty upset if the cops didn't stop him.......

Oddly Kyle Rittenhouse gets made a hero by many for waving his gun around. (illegally at that)
it wasn't illegal if it was out for self defense

Yes it was. It was illegal for him to be there with a gun.

It's all been discussed and linked to and you know it.
hahhahahah--you lied

"WOSU has confirmed that 23-year-old Casey Goodson Jr., who law enforcement say was "waving a gun" at officers before his fatal encounter with a Franklin County Sheriff's Deputy, had a concealed carry license."

On the bright side, the officer who shot him did say he was waving a gun at him....we just gotta take his word for it.....

He would have no reason to lie about something like that -- now if this guy was voting illegally, then I am sure that cop would lie about it and cover it up..as usual...
Why did this cop not have a body cam on? That in itself is suspicious.
It is clear that conservatives really don't feel black people should be able to exercise the same "2nd amendment rights" that they have in the way they themselves do -- unless of course, they are truly truly truly the "good kind of black"

So I can see why they are so cavalier about denying black people their other constitutional rights, like voting.....I can see why they don't blink an eye at the prospects of throwing out millions of black votes, just for funsies....unless of course, they are truly truly truly the "good kind of black votes" that voted for their cult daddy..
I’m about as conservative as they come. And I absolutely feel black folks should exercise their rights, including carrying a weapon. I’ll go so far as to say that I disagree with people losing their 2nd ammendment rights when convicted of a felony, Unless it’s rape or murder.
I even support people being armed who I completely disagree with, or think are assholes.
Just look at those NFA assclowns who protested for BLM. Total assholes in my opinion, and I’d say it was verified that they were clowns by the fact that they kept shooting themselves. But I agree with them being armed, I agree with them protesting. They had something they believe in, they felt the need to protect themselves, and they should not be stopped from doing it. I disagree with them, but support their rights even when I disagree.
I’m a conservative, you’re a lib. Fine. We disagree on a lot, this is true. But don’t assume that because we disagree in some things we disagree on all.
you have a problem with blacks getting shot by police? Great, so do I. Do some cops fuck up? Yup. Are there some who just hate black folks and can’t wait for the an excuse to shoot them? Possibly. I’ve not known someone to think like this, but that doesn’t mean it’s not possible. But you seem to want to ignore the criminality in the black community, ignore the reasons behind negative stereotypes and prejudices. You seem to just assume the cops was itching to shoot black folks.
Majority of violent crimes, which include rape, murder, etc are committed by men, period...So should men in general have less than equal protection under the law??

Or does your logic only stop at "race"?

Albino Asian women probably commit a far lower amount of crime than "white conservatives" like yourself, should this group have more of a right to carry a weapon than you do?
Did I argue or even state that anyone has more or less of a right to carry a weapon? In fact I said the opposite. And no, women don’t have any more or less of a right than men.
My logic is sound and consistent. I’m not the one who first looks at race, then molds the reality of the situation to fit my preconceived notions.

But to use your analogy of men committing more violent crimes than women...
If there is a rape or murder, who is more often suspected? If a woman is walking somewhere alone at night, who would she be more concerned with... a man walking after her or a woman?
If the cops are called for a bar fight... who are the cops more suspicious or as the likely culprit when they show up, a man or a woman?
We all know the answers to these questions, because our answers are based in reality. Of course the man is of greater concern, the more likely suspect, the greater danger, etc.
You know this to be true, you pointed it out with your man/woman example above.
but when you substitute gender for race, suddenly you get all butt hurt, ignore statistics and the reality that we all see and experience, cry about being discriminated against unjustly, and claim everything is just a result of evil racism as opposed to cold hard realities.
Everyone reading this post knows what I have said here is the absolute truth, and that you clowned on yourself with your own example. But I doubt you will take 2 seconds to actually think about what I’ve said and reanalyze your thought process. You’ll just hammer out some more bullshit about racism and whitey out to get you.
And thinking like yours is why blacks people will remain in the predicament they are in.
No, your goofy ass tried to "what about black on black crime" my right to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights....

Then acted like a pussy when I debunked your goofy ass talking point
Do you have reading comprehension problems? Are you mixing posters up? I never said black on black crime has anything to do with your rights. In fact I said I disagree with people losing their rights due to having felonies.
You’ve de-bonked nothing. Youve side stepped, ignored, or at best misconstrued everything I have posted and in turn you make yourself sound like an ignorant, race baiting jack ass. Probably not a hard impression for you to make.
It is clear that conservatives really don't feel black people should be able to exercise the same "2nd amendment rights" that they have in the way they themselves do -- unless of course, they are truly truly truly the "good kind of black"

So I can see why they are so cavalier about denying black people their other constitutional rights, like voting.....I can see why they don't blink an eye at the prospects of throwing out millions of black votes, just for funsies....unless of course, they are truly truly truly the "good kind of black votes" that voted for their cult daddy..
I’m about as conservative as they come. And I absolutely feel black folks should exercise their rights, including carrying a weapon. I’ll go so far as to say that I disagree with people losing their 2nd ammendment rights when convicted of a felony, Unless it’s rape or murder.
I even support people being armed who I completely disagree with, or think are assholes.
Just look at those NFA assclowns who protested for BLM. Total assholes in my opinion, and I’d say it was verified that they were clowns by the fact that they kept shooting themselves. But I agree with them being armed, I agree with them protesting. They had something they believe in, they felt the need to protect themselves, and they should not be stopped from doing it. I disagree with them, but support their rights even when I disagree.
I’m a conservative, you’re a lib. Fine. We disagree on a lot, this is true. But don’t assume that because we disagree in some things we disagree on all.
you have a problem with blacks getting shot by police? Great, so do I. Do some cops fuck up? Yup. Are there some who just hate black folks and can’t wait for the an excuse to shoot them? Possibly. I’ve not known someone to think like this, but that doesn’t mean it’s not possible. But you seem to want to ignore the criminality in the black community, ignore the reasons behind negative stereotypes and prejudices. You seem to just assume the cops was itching to shoot black folks.
Majority of violent crimes, which include rape, murder, etc are committed by men, period...So should men in general have less than equal protection under the law??

Or does your logic only stop at "race"?

Albino Asian women probably commit a far lower amount of crime than "white conservatives" like yourself, should this group have more of a right to carry a weapon than you do?
your reasoning is not reasonable
It is clear that conservatives really don't feel black people should be able to exercise the same "2nd amendment rights" that they have in the way they themselves do -- unless of course, they are truly truly truly the "good kind of black"

So I can see why they are so cavalier about denying black people their other constitutional rights, like voting.....I can see why they don't blink an eye at the prospects of throwing out millions of black votes, just for funsies....unless of course, they are truly truly truly the "good kind of black votes" that voted for their cult daddy..
I’m about as conservative as they come. And I absolutely feel black folks should exercise their rights, including carrying a weapon. I’ll go so far as to say that I disagree with people losing their 2nd ammendment rights when convicted of a felony, Unless it’s rape or murder.
I even support people being armed who I completely disagree with, or think are assholes.
Just look at those NFA assclowns who protested for BLM. Total assholes in my opinion, and I’d say it was verified that they were clowns by the fact that they kept shooting themselves. But I agree with them being armed, I agree with them protesting. They had something they believe in, they felt the need to protect themselves, and they should not be stopped from doing it. I disagree with them, but support their rights even when I disagree.
I’m a conservative, you’re a lib. Fine. We disagree on a lot, this is true. But don’t assume that because we disagree in some things we disagree on all.
you have a problem with blacks getting shot by police? Great, so do I. Do some cops fuck up? Yup. Are there some who just hate black folks and can’t wait for the an excuse to shoot them? Possibly. I’ve not known someone to think like this, but that doesn’t mean it’s not possible. But you seem to want to ignore the criminality in the black community, ignore the reasons behind negative stereotypes and prejudices. You seem to just assume the cops was itching to shoot black folks.
Majority of violent crimes, which include rape, murder, etc are committed by men, period...So should men in general have less than equal protection under the law??

Or does your logic only stop at "race"?

Albino Asian women probably commit a far lower amount of crime than "white conservatives" like yourself, should this group have more of a right to carry a weapon than you do?
your reasoning is not reasonable
I don’t think anything said to this guy will make him actually think about anything.
Legal carry is for white men only.

It's fucked up but if I was black I wouldn't carry a gun openly because it's a stupid decision.
Why is exercising your constitutional rights a stupid decision??
He was waving a gun around while driving down the street-------------I'd be pretty upset if the cops didn't stop him.......

Oddly Kyle Rittenhouse gets made a hero by many for waving his gun around. (illegally at that)
it wasn't illegal if it was out for self defense

Yes it was. It was illegal for him to be there with a gun.

It's all been discussed and linked to and you know it.
hahhahahah--you lied

"WOSU has confirmed that 23-year-old Casey Goodson Jr., who law enforcement say was "waving a gun" at officers before his fatal encounter with a Franklin County Sheriff's Deputy, had a concealed carry license."

On the bright side, the officer who shot him did say he was waving a gun at him....we just gotta take his word for it.....

He would have no reason to lie about something like that -- now if this guy was voting illegally, then I am sure that cop would lie about it and cover it up..as usual...
Why did this cop not have a body cam on? That in itself is suspicious.
According to the articles I read, Franklin County Sheriff's task force officers either aren't issued or aren't required to wear body cameras...

Sounds like something those "police reforms" the libs keep yapping about could address....

"Casey Goodson, 23, was fatally shot by a 17-year veteran of the Franklin County Sheriff's Department, identified as deputy Jason Meade, working for the US Marshal's fugitive task force looking for violent offenders Friday. The victim was not the person being sought by the US Marshal's Task Force, Columbus Police said -- the state's criminal investigations bureau declined to look into the case due to a three-day delay in police calling for assistance."

Basically, a sheriff's deputy reported seeing a man with a gun and went to confront him; there was a verbal exchange and then shots were fired...no other officers witnessed the shooting and there is no body cam footage...Goodman was returning home from a Subway sandwich shop, still carrying the sandwich in his hand when he was shot thru his front door -- where he fell into the kitchen in front of his 5 yr old brother and grandmother...his keys were still left in the front door....

The main question the family has is; why would the police even be confronting Goodson if Ohio is an open carry state and Goodson was legally carrying a weapon since he has a concealed carry license?

No, the main question is why he would disobey a sheriffs orders. Open carry or not, if they are rounding up violent offenders and a man with a gun gets into a verbal altercation with them and then attempts to flee the scene, all hell can break loose.

Him being black just matters to liberals.
Legal carry is for white men only.

It's fucked up but if I was black I wouldn't carry a gun openly because it's a stupid decision.
Why is exercising your constitutional rights a stupid decision??
He was waving a gun around while driving down the street-------------I'd be pretty upset if the cops didn't stop him.......

Oddly Kyle Rittenhouse gets made a hero by many for waving his gun around. (illegally at that)
Kyle shot 3 convicted felons who were trying to kill him. Of course, he is a HERO---------this idiot doing drive-bys and threatening cops with gun would be the opposite.

This man was carrying legally. Kyle was carrying illegally. Your motives here are clear.
Hun, you would be stupid to not carry a weapon in KENOSHA. They tried to murder Kyle, if hadn't had the gun, they would have succeeded. Everyone including a 17 year old has the right to self defense.

Going out in the street looking for issues is not self defense.
Legal carry is for white men only.

It's fucked up but if I was black I wouldn't carry a gun openly because it's a stupid decision.
Why is exercising your constitutional rights a stupid decision??
He was waving a gun around while driving down the street-------------I'd be pretty upset if the cops didn't stop him.......

Oddly Kyle Rittenhouse gets made a hero by many for waving his gun around. (illegally at that)
Kyle shot 3 convicted felons who were trying to kill him. Of course, he is a HERO---------this idiot doing drive-bys and threatening cops with gun would be the opposite.

This man was carrying legally. Kyle was carrying illegally. Your motives here are clear.
Hun, you would be stupid to not carry a weapon in KENOSHA. They tried to murder Kyle, if hadn't had the gun, they would have succeeded. Everyone including a 17 year old has the right to self defense.

Going out in the street looking for issues is not self defense.
you never linked your claim = loser and wrong
Maybe this will help explain to Biff why blacks folks waving guns around get stopped and asked questions by the police..

It's because DESPITE being 6% of the population black men commit half of all violent crimes in the country.

Not only that.. but blacks are responsible for 85% of all interracial crimes.

Maybe if black folks would stop being the perpetrators of violent crimes at an exceedingly high rate then they wouldn't be "racially profiled" as criminals.

It's crazy how you moronic social justice types ignore all statistics on crime in regards to the impact that may have when blacks interact with police, and have somehow convinced self loathing whites to do so also.
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Maybe this will help explain to Biff why blacks folks waving guns around get stopped and asked questions by the police..

It's because DESPITE being 6% of the population black men commit half of all violent crimes in the country.

Not only that.. but blacks are responsible for 85% of all interracial crimes.

Maybe if black folks would stop being the perpetrators of violent crimes at an exceedingly high rate than they wouldn't be "racially profiled" as criminals.

It's crazy how you moronic social justice types ignore all statistics on crime in regards to the impact that may have when blacks interact with police, and have somehow convinced self loathing whites to do so also.
And again....

Men make up a majority of crimes....so why should you be allowed to have the same constitutional rights as women??

I don't recognize your arbitrary racial distinction
Maybe this will help explain to Biff why blacks folks waving guns around get stopped and asked questions by the police..

It's because DESPITE being 6% of the population black men commit half of all violent crimes in the country.

Not only that.. but blacks are responsible for 85% of all interracial crimes.

Maybe if black folks would stop being the perpetrators of violent crimes at an exceedingly high rate than they wouldn't be "racially profiled" as criminals.

It's crazy how you moronic social justice types ignore all statistics on crime in regards to the impact that may have when blacks interact with police, and have somehow convinced self loathing whites to do so also.
And again....

Men make up a majority of crimes....so why should you be allowed to have the same constitutional rights as women??

I don't recognize your arbitrary racial distinction
You keep conflating “having rights” with being suspects/profiled.
Are you incapable of understanding this discussion, or are you choosing not to?
Maybe this will help explain to Biff why blacks folks waving guns around get stopped and asked questions by the police..

It's because DESPITE being 6% of the population black men commit half of all violent crimes in the country.

Not only that.. but blacks are responsible for 85% of all interracial crimes.

Maybe if black folks would stop being the perpetrators of violent crimes at an exceedingly high rate than they wouldn't be "racially profiled" as criminals.

It's crazy how you moronic social justice types ignore all statistics on crime in regards to the impact that may have when blacks interact with police, and have somehow convinced self loathing whites to do so also.
And again....

Men make up a majority of crimes....so why should you be allowed to have the same constitutional rights as women??

Wait... what? You aren't making any sense.

We are talking about how black folks are extremely violent, have been for decades, and how you don't seem to think that matters at all..?

Or don't seem to understand why this might have an impact on how the people responsible for dealing with criminals (the police) would be affected by the FACT that black people are disproportionately responsible for being the violent criminals...

It's really pretty simple cause and effect stuff here..if blacks want to stop being treated as criminals by the police, than they should probably stop committing extraordinary amounts of crimes.
Maybe this will help explain to Biff why blacks folks waving guns around get stopped and asked questions by the police..

It's because DESPITE being 6% of the population black men commit half of all violent crimes in the country.

Not only that.. but blacks are responsible for 85% of all interracial crimes.

Maybe if black folks would stop being the perpetrators of violent crimes at an exceedingly high rate than they wouldn't be "racially profiled" as criminals.

It's crazy how you moronic social justice types ignore all statistics on crime in regards to the impact that may have when blacks interact with police, and have somehow convinced self loathing whites to do so also.
And again....

Men make up a majority of crimes....so why should you be allowed to have the same constitutional rights as women??

I don't recognize your arbitrary racial distinction
You keep conflating “having rights” with being suspects/profiled.
Are you incapable of understanding this discussion, or are you choosing not to?
You are incapable of understanding the fact that NO ONE should be subject to being racially profiled...

And you dic suckers wonder why you are called racist....
Maybe this will help explain to Biff why blacks folks waving guns around get stopped and asked questions by the police..

It's because DESPITE being 6% of the population black men commit half of all violent crimes in the country.

Not only that.. but blacks are responsible for 85% of all interracial crimes.

Maybe if black folks would stop being the perpetrators of violent crimes at an exceedingly high rate than they wouldn't be "racially profiled" as criminals.

It's crazy how you moronic social justice types ignore all statistics on crime in regards to the impact that may have when blacks interact with police, and have somehow convinced self loathing whites to do so also.
And again....

Men make up a majority of crimes....so why should you be allowed to have the same constitutional rights as women??

Wait... what? You aren't making any sense.

We are talking about how black folks are extremely violent, have been for decades, and how you don't seem to think that matters at all..?

Or don't seem to understand why this might have an impact on how the people responsible for dealing with criminals (the police) would be affected by the FACT that black people are disproportionately responsible for being the violent criminals...

It's really pretty simple cause and effect stuff here..if blacks want to stop being treated as criminals by the police, than they should probably stop committing extraordinary amounts of crimes.
Why don't you coward ass racists ever campaign on your racism instead of hiding it like pussies??

If you feel blacks should be treated DIFFERENTLY than everyone else -- stand on it...push policies for it...

And stop whining like bitches when you get opposition to your racism

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