23 Yr Old Shot In The Back By Ohio Sherrif's Deputy

Why don't you coward ass racists ever campaign on your racism instead of hiding it like pussies??

If you feel blacks should be treated DIFFERENTLY than everyone else -- stand on it...push policies for it...

And stop whining like bitches when you get opposition to your racism

You are the one crying, and throwing a bitch fit.. because your narrative is being destroyed by facts that you cannot handle..
So you just have now defaulted to your crybaby sjw setting of screaming "racism". :boo_hoo14:

You are a fucking child... :blsmile:
Why is exercising your constitutional rights a stupid decision??

Because we live in the real world and a black man open-carrying is just asking for trouble. I'd know better and wouldn't want to get killed by police like this guy did.

Self preservation.
Which is why this man is a true hero......
View attachment 426512

Can't let fear cower you into not exercising your rights...that fear is what allows the bullshit to perpetuate itself.....
And this guy is the reason why no one trusts the inner city black "folks". You guy shoot each other up in the 1000s every year, then when a policeman shoots a black dude, you fucking lose your mind(hard to lose something you never had, i always say), call everyone a racist because 1 person died by a cop, but again, dont give a rats ass, when you have blacks gunning down blacks, many of which are children. When you tards, clean up your act , take responsibility for your actions, then you might get some sympathy from the rest of US, until then, nano nanoo...
Maybe this will help explain to Biff why blacks folks waving guns around get stopped and asked questions by the police..

It's because DESPITE being 6% of the population black men commit half of all violent crimes in the country.

Not only that.. but blacks are responsible for 85% of all interracial crimes.

Maybe if black folks would stop being the perpetrators of violent crimes at an exceedingly high rate than they wouldn't be "racially profiled" as criminals.

It's crazy how you moronic social justice types ignore all statistics on crime in regards to the impact that may have when blacks interact with police, and have somehow convinced self loathing whites to do so also.
And again....

Men make up a majority of crimes....so why should you be allowed to have the same constitutional rights as women??

I don't recognize your arbitrary racial distinction
You keep conflating “having rights” with being suspects/profiled.
Are you incapable of understanding this discussion, or are you choosing not to?
You are incapable of understanding the fact that NO ONE should be subject to being racially profiled...

And you dic suckers wonder why you are called racist....
Profiling of every type occurs, both as a function of police work and as a natural function of the human brain.
Let me give you an example...
A store is broken into in the middle of the night. Next morning an inventory is taken. The following items are missing...
Murray’s pomaid
Ez curl durags
3 cartons of newports
2 cases of shlitz malt liquor
1 flat screen tv
Jay-z box set
A box of chicken wings.
Now... describe your suspect.

let’s now switch the items. The following items are stolen...
Work boots
Box of Bubba burgers
A case of natty ice
2 cartons of Marlboro reds
The complete hank Williams cd collection
Describe your suspect.

let’s switch again....
High heels
A box of tampons
2 cases of white claw hard seltzer
Brittany speers box set.
Bottle of self tanning cream
Describe your suspect.

Do you have an idea of who your suspect may be? Look at that. You profiled.
Why is exercising your constitutional rights a stupid decision??

Because we live in the real world and a black man open-carrying is just asking for trouble. I'd know better and wouldn't want to get killed by police like this guy did.

Self preservation.
Which is why this man is a true hero......
View attachment 426512

Can't let fear cower you into not exercising your rights...that fear is what allows the bullshit to perpetuate itself.....

Defending themselves against "white racists", when it's mostly black people they need to worry about? Almost 700 people shot and killed in Chicago this year. Most of them were black.

Only 6 of those were shot by police.

Chicago Crime, Murder & Mayhem | Criminal Infographics | HeyJackass!

It's pretty obvious that "white racists" and not even the police, are your problem.
No, exercising their constitutional rights, period....there is no other context needed to exercise your constitutional rights...

But dic sucking racists like yourself always throw a hissy fit when they can't dictate to others what they wouldn't want dictated to themselves...

You pussies whine like bitches when asked to wear a mask to go into a Walmart -- but celebrate black people being treated as second class citizens
I dont whine to go into a Walmart, because i dont wear a mask, because free people do what they want, and tell the prog masters to go fuck themselves. Are you a slave there biffy boy?

"Casey Goodson, 23, was fatally shot by a 17-year veteran of the Franklin County Sheriff's Department, identified as deputy Jason Meade, working for the US Marshal's fugitive task force looking for violent offenders Friday. The victim was not the person being sought by the US Marshal's Task Force, Columbus Police said -- the state's criminal investigations bureau declined to look into the case due to a three-day delay in police calling for assistance."

Basically, a sheriff's deputy reported seeing a man with a gun and went to confront him; there was a verbal exchange and then shots were fired...no other officers witnessed the shooting and there is no body cam footage...Goodman was returning home from a Subway sandwich shop, still carrying the sandwich in his hand when he was shot thru his front door -- where he fell into the kitchen in front of his 5 yr old brother and grandmother...his keys were still left in the front door....

The main question the family has is; why would the police even be confronting Goodson if Ohio is an open carry state and Goodson was legally carrying a weapon since he has a concealed carry license?
Biff---You are such a giant TOOL. Try reading other articles and see what other people besides the criminals family and sleazy money grubbing lawyer are trying to push.

Lawyers LIE especially the ambulance chasing racist ones like you are apparently getting your story from. They always try to make criminals sound like choir boys.

Goodson was shot after driving down the street waving a GUN-----the photos of the crime scene show not the house but the road. The police story is completely different than the family attorney's story that you quote. I believe the cops over the sleazy family attorney and oh look--the evidence is already backing the cops--

And btw, you need to learn how to think logically-----------the lying family's story claims that Goodson put his keys into the front door to unlock it---why would he need to unlock the door with his keys if atleast 4 people mentioned in the story are at home? Secondly, the family claims that Goodson was still holding the unopened subway sandwich that he brought home to share with the family of atleast 5 now----really? One sandwich for atleast 5 people? Comeon now---

Failing to have any common sense as you so desperately want to push the racist dribble----you should stop being a blind foolish racist and atleast listen (read) different articles from both and all sides before posting and making up your one-track racist foolish mind. You may then figure out how to see the truth instead of your just hate for cops and whites.

I used to work 7 till 7. I would often stop on my way home to get something to eat because the rest of the family didn't want to wait that late. If it was winter and dark the door would often be locked when I got home.
Yes, but in this case..the specifically stated that the guy just gotten back from a dental appointment (implying during the day) and picked up a sandwich that he was going to share with the family (implying that he wasnt a thug but a nice guy)..........so during the day the house is locked up? And again 1 sandwich for 5 people minimum? Comeon now----

You are sharing things not presented. Yes, lots of people keep their doors locked for various reasons.
His family that standing in the kitchen when he was coming in didn't open the door for him? YOu really believe the ambulance chaser and haven't figured out that the ambulance chasing attorney has both motive and is certainly lying.....
the probable answer is that the Black Brain Disease strikes again

BBD is an often fatal virus that affects black people raised by pop culture to believe that they do not have to cooperate with the police if they feel wronged or become angry
Are you on drugs?
There are always circumstances that are not emphasized. Did he try to flee? Was there and verbal enlargement with the police? Did he get physical? The story says there was reportedly a verbal exchange prior to the shooting.

Why do many young people, especially young black people think they don't have to obey commands given by a law-enforcement officer? Getting mouthy with the police is pretty stupid, as that tends to make them a little nervous.

I carry a weapon every day and have been pulled over a few times while carrying. I always have my driver's license and concealed carry card in my hand when the officer walks up to the window, with the other hand in plain view.

If people would use a little common sense, they wouldn't be getting shot by the police. If the guy was shot in the back, that means he was either walking or running away, and the police already knew he had a weapon.

He was shot in the back while ENTERING HIS OWN FUCKING HOUSE.
There are always circumstances that are not emphasized. Did he try to flee? Was there and verbal enlargement with the police? Did he get physical? The story says there was reportedly a verbal exchange prior to the shooting.

Why do many young people, especially young black people think they don't have to obey commands given by a law-enforcement officer? Getting mouthy with the police is pretty stupid, as that tends to make them a little nervous.

I carry a weapon every day and have been pulled over a few times while carrying. I always have my driver's license and concealed carry card in my hand when the officer walks up to the window, with the other hand in plain view.

If people would use a little common sense, they wouldn't be getting shot by the police. If the guy was shot in the back, that means he was either walking or running away, and the police already knew he had a weapon.

He was shot in the back while ENTERING HIS OWN FUCKING HOUSE.
That in itself proves nothing.
If you are firing at the cops, and turn to run inside and get shot in the back, you aren’t automatically the victim.
Not saying that’s what happened, just saying.
I guess we will see what evidence comes out.
That in itself proves nothing.
If you are firing at the cops, and turn to run inside and get shot in the back, you aren’t automatically the victim.
Not saying that’s what happened, just saying.
I guess we will see what evidence comes out.

None will until the police roll in the big tanker of WHITEWASH.

Nobody has even suggested the victim fired at all.

Stop deep-throating jackboots. It's embarassing.
That in itself proves nothing.
If you are firing at the cops, and turn to run inside and get shot in the back, you aren’t automatically the victim.
Not saying that’s what happened, just saying.
I guess we will see what evidence comes out.

None will until the police roll in the big tanker of WHITEWASH.

Nobody has even suggested the victim fired at all.

Stop deep-throating jackboots. It's embarassing.
I’m not saying he did fire. I’m saying we really don’t know anything that happened. All we have is the attorney for the family, and I think we all know how reliable that is.
Maybe the cop is a total power tripping douche who gunned somebody down because they didn’t drop down and suck him off at his command. It’s possible. Or maybe there is much more to this, and it will turn out to be the classic case of “he a good boy, he dindu nuffins” who just so happens to be suspected of a violent crime, fought the cops off, pulled his weapon, and got capped.
My point is we don’t know. I’m not going to jump and assign guilt to anybody, at least not yet.
And I am far from a cop worshipping jackboot type. Far, far from it.

"Casey Goodson, 23, was fatally shot by a 17-year veteran of the Franklin County Sheriff's Department, identified as deputy Jason Meade, working for the US Marshal's fugitive task force looking for violent offenders Friday. The victim was not the person being sought by the US Marshal's Task Force, Columbus Police said -- the state's criminal investigations bureau declined to look into the case due to a three-day delay in police calling for assistance."

Basically, a sheriff's deputy reported seeing a man with a gun and went to confront him; there was a verbal exchange and then shots were fired...no other officers witnessed the shooting and there is no body cam footage...Goodman was returning home from a Subway sandwich shop, still carrying the sandwich in his hand when he was shot thru his front door -- where he fell into the kitchen in front of his 5 yr old brother and grandmother...his keys were still left in the front door....

The main question the family has is; why would the police even be confronting Goodson if Ohio is an open carry state and Goodson was legally carrying a weapon since he has a concealed carry license?
Biff---You are such a giant TOOL. Try reading other articles and see what other people besides the criminals family and sleazy money grubbing lawyer are trying to push.

Lawyers LIE especially the ambulance chasing racist ones like you are apparently getting your story from. They always try to make criminals sound like choir boys.

Goodson was shot after driving down the street waving a GUN-----the photos of the crime scene show not the house but the road. The police story is completely different than the family attorney's story that you quote. I believe the cops over the sleazy family attorney and oh look--the evidence is already backing the cops--

And btw, you need to learn how to think logically-----------the lying family's story claims that Goodson put his keys into the front door to unlock it---why would he need to unlock the door with his keys if atleast 4 people mentioned in the story are at home? Secondly, the family claims that Goodson was still holding the unopened subway sandwich that he brought home to share with the family of atleast 5 now----really? One sandwich for atleast 5 people? Comeon now---

Failing to have any common sense as you so desperately want to push the racist dribble----you should stop being a blind foolish racist and atleast listen (read) different articles from both and all sides before posting and making up your one-track racist foolish mind. You may then figure out how to see the truth instead of your just hate for cops and whites.

I used to work 7 till 7. I would often stop on my way home to get something to eat because the rest of the family didn't want to wait that late. If it was winter and dark the door would often be locked when I got home.
Yes, but in this case..the specifically stated that the guy just gotten back from a dental appointment (implying during the day) and picked up a sandwich that he was going to share with the family (implying that he wasnt a thug but a nice guy)..........so during the day the house is locked up? And again 1 sandwich for 5 people minimum? Comeon now----

You are sharing things not presented. Yes, lots of people keep their doors locked for various reasons.
His family that standing in the kitchen when he was coming in didn't open the door for him? YOu really believe the ambulance chaser and haven't figured out that the ambulance chasing attorney has both motive and is certainly lying.....

Common everywhere. People lock their doors.
Maybe this will help explain to Biff why blacks folks waving guns around get stopped and asked questions by the police..

It's because DESPITE being 6% of the population black men commit half of all violent crimes in the country.

Not only that.. but blacks are responsible for 85% of all interracial crimes.

Maybe if black folks would stop being the perpetrators of violent crimes at an exceedingly high rate than they wouldn't be "racially profiled" as criminals.

It's crazy how you moronic social justice types ignore all statistics on crime in regards to the impact that may have when blacks interact with police, and have somehow convinced self loathing whites to do so also.
And again....

Men make up a majority of crimes....so why should you be allowed to have the same constitutional rights as women??

I don't recognize your arbitrary racial distinction
I don't recognize any logic in your posts
There are always circumstances that are not emphasized. Did he try to flee? Was there and verbal enlargement with the police? Did he get physical? The story says there was reportedly a verbal exchange prior to the shooting.

Why do many young people, especially young black people think they don't have to obey commands given by a law-enforcement officer? Getting mouthy with the police is pretty stupid, as that tends to make them a little nervous.

I carry a weapon every day and have been pulled over a few times while carrying. I always have my driver's license and concealed carry card in my hand when the officer walks up to the window, with the other hand in plain view.

If people would use a little common sense, they wouldn't be getting shot by the police. If the guy was shot in the back, that means he was either walking or running away, and the police already knew he had a weapon.

He was shot in the back while ENTERING HIS OWN FUCKING HOUSE.
That in itself proves nothing.
If you are firing at the cops, and turn to run inside and get shot in the back, you aren’t automatically the victim.
Not saying that’s what happened, just saying.
I guess we will see what evidence comes out.

No one is even claiming he fired. If he had it would have been part of the response by the police.
There are always circumstances that are not emphasized. Did he try to flee? Was there and verbal enlargement with the police? Did he get physical? The story says there was reportedly a verbal exchange prior to the shooting.

Why do many young people, especially young black people think they don't have to obey commands given by a law-enforcement officer? Getting mouthy with the police is pretty stupid, as that tends to make them a little nervous.

I carry a weapon every day and have been pulled over a few times while carrying. I always have my driver's license and concealed carry card in my hand when the officer walks up to the window, with the other hand in plain view.

If people would use a little common sense, they wouldn't be getting shot by the police. If the guy was shot in the back, that means he was either walking or running away, and the police already knew he had a weapon.

He was shot in the back while ENTERING HIS OWN FUCKING HOUSE.
That in itself proves nothing.
If you are firing at the cops, and turn to run inside and get shot in the back, you aren’t automatically the victim.
Not saying that’s what happened, just saying.
I guess we will see what evidence comes out.

No one is even claiming he fired. If he had it would have been part of the response by the police.
I know that. You are missing my point.
There are always circumstances that are not emphasized. Did he try to flee? Was there and verbal enlargement with the police? Did he get physical? The story says there was reportedly a verbal exchange prior to the shooting.

Why do many young people, especially young black people think they don't have to obey commands given by a law-enforcement officer? Getting mouthy with the police is pretty stupid, as that tends to make them a little nervous.

I carry a weapon every day and have been pulled over a few times while carrying. I always have my driver's license and concealed carry card in my hand when the officer walks up to the window, with the other hand in plain view.

If people would use a little common sense, they wouldn't be getting shot by the police. If the guy was shot in the back, that means he was either walking or running away, and the police already knew he had a weapon.

He was shot in the back while ENTERING HIS OWN FUCKING HOUSE.
That in itself proves nothing.
If you are firing at the cops, and turn to run inside and get shot in the back, you aren’t automatically the victim.
Not saying that’s what happened, just saying.
I guess we will see what evidence comes out.

No one is even claiming he fired. If he had it would have been part of the response by the police.
I know that. You are missing my point.

You don't have one. The cop said he wouldn't drop his gun. He had a carry permit and in Ohio you can open carry. He had no reason to drop his legally held gun.

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