23 Yr Old Shot In The Back By Ohio Sherrif's Deputy

Legal carry is for white men only.

It's fucked up but if I was black I wouldn't carry a gun openly because it's a stupid decision.
Why is exercising your constitutional rights a stupid decision??
He was waving a gun around while driving down the street-------------I'd be pretty upset if the cops didn't stop him.......

Oddly Kyle Rittenhouse gets made a hero by many for waving his gun around. (illegally at that)
it wasn't illegal if it was out for self defense

Yes it was. It was illegal for him to be there with a gun.

"Casey Goodson, 23, was fatally shot by a 17-year veteran of the Franklin County Sheriff's Department, identified as deputy Jason Meade, working for the US Marshal's fugitive task force looking for violent offenders Friday. The victim was not the person being sought by the US Marshal's Task Force, Columbus Police said -- the state's criminal investigations bureau declined to look into the case due to a three-day delay in police calling for assistance."

Basically, a sheriff's deputy reported seeing a man with a gun and went to confront him; there was a verbal exchange and then shots were fired...no other officers witnessed the shooting and there is no body cam footage...Goodman was returning home from a Subway sandwich shop, still carrying the sandwich in his hand when he was shot thru his front door -- where he fell into the kitchen in front of his 5 yr old brother and grandmother...his keys were still left in the front door....

The main question the family has is; why would the police even be confronting Goodson if Ohio is an open carry state and Goodson was legally carrying a weapon since he has a concealed carry license?
Biff---You are such a giant TOOL. Try reading other articles and see what other people besides the criminals family and sleazy money grubbing lawyer are trying to push.

Lawyers LIE especially the ambulance chasing racist ones like you are apparently getting your story from. They always try to make criminals sound like choir boys.

Goodson was shot after driving down the street waving a GUN-----the photos of the crime scene show not the house but the road. The police story is completely different than the family attorney's story that you quote. I believe the cops over the sleazy family attorney and oh look--the evidence is already backing the cops--

And btw, you need to learn how to think logically-----------the lying family's story claims that Goodson put his keys into the front door to unlock it---why would he need to unlock the door with his keys if atleast 4 people mentioned in the story are at home? Secondly, the family claims that Goodson was still holding the unopened subway sandwich that he brought home to share with the family of atleast 5 now----really? One sandwich for atleast 5 people? Comeon now---

Failing to have any common sense as you so desperately want to push the racist dribble----you should stop being a blind foolish racist and atleast listen (read) different articles from both and all sides before posting and making up your one-track racist foolish mind. You may then figure out how to see the truth instead of your just hate for cops and whites.

I used to work 7 till 7. I would often stop on my way home to get something to eat because the rest of the family didn't want to wait that late. If it was winter and dark the door would often be locked when I got home.
Yes, but in this case..the specifically stated that the guy just gotten back from a dental appointment (implying during the day) and picked up a sandwich that he was going to share with the family (implying that he wasnt a thug but a nice guy)..........so during the day the house is locked up? And again 1 sandwich for 5 people minimum? Comeon now----

You are sharing things not presented. Yes, lots of people keep their doors locked for various reasons.
dem babble of the day.
It is clear that conservatives really don't feel black people should be able to exercise the same "2nd amendment rights" that they have in the way they themselves do -- unless of course, they are truly truly truly the "good kind of black"

So I can see why they are so cavalier about denying black people their other constitutional rights, like voting.....I can see why they don't blink an eye at the prospects of throwing out millions of black votes, just for funsies....unless of course, they are truly truly truly the "good kind of black votes" that voted for their cult daddy..
There are always circumstances that are not emphasized. Did he try to flee? Was there and verbal enlargement with the police? Did he get physical? The story says there was reportedly a verbal exchange prior to the shooting.

Why do many young people, especially young black people think they don't have to obey commands given by a law-enforcement officer? Getting mouthy with the police is pretty stupid, as that tends to make them a little nervous.

I carry a weapon every day and have been pulled over a few times while carrying. I always have my driver's license and concealed carry card in my hand when the officer walks up to the window, with the other hand in plain view.

If people would use a little common sense, they wouldn't be getting shot by the police. If the guy was shot in the back, that means he was either walking or running away, and the police already knew he had a weapon.
Yep no way a cop can do any wrong. Even if the man had no criminal record and on his own property. I happen to know the cop involved by the way. The cop happens to be well an idiot. Watched him get in a scuffle with a couple Columbus cops. But hey you feel you should not be safe on own property I guess
It is clear that conservatives really don't feel black people should be able to exercise the same "2nd amendment rights" that they have in the way they themselves do -- unless of course, they are truly truly truly the "good kind of black"

So I can see why they are so cavalier about denying black people their other constitutional rights, like voting.....I can see why they don't blink an eye at the prospects of throwing out millions of black votes, just for funsies....unless of course, they are truly truly truly the "good kind of black votes" that voted for their cult daddy..

You suck. You're just making the problem worse.
,,sure, that stuff was horrible....I agree
...but most of the stuff complained about now is ludicrous = cops DEFENDING themselves/trying to restrain jackass criminals

I'll tell you something you won't hear from a lot of left wingers. It's true that black people commit more violent crime. I think for that reason a lot of people are afraid of black strangers more so than white strangers. The police are humans too. When you're a cop and you know that statistically you are far more likely to be killed by a black person or have to arrest a black person it's probably hard not to develop a natural bias. It's important for us to train our cops better so that kind of thing can be mitigated.
I disagree--it's all in my thread....I'll try to state everything--there is MUCH to it, I probably won't remember it all--I'll link at end
.....even Floyd's death was not murder--he restrained him the wrong way-1.MANY cops do not participate in situations like this even once a week-so it's not like making a cheese sandwich
2. like combat, you can train all you want, but you won't be ready for the real thing
3. high IQ--highly trained people '''kill'' HUNDREDS of innocent people =pilots
4. highly trained people kill innocents and their own kind = the military
5. humans kill when they don't even try to--even themselves--so imagine a high adrenaline situation with your life on the line and/or dealing with uncooperative jackass criminals

''''''Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.'''''

my thread:
There are always circumstances that are not emphasized. Did he try to flee? Was there and verbal enlargement with the police? Did he get physical? The story says there was reportedly a verbal exchange prior to the shooting.

Why do many young people, especially young black people think they don't have to obey commands given by a law-enforcement officer? Getting mouthy with the police is pretty stupid, as that tends to make them a little nervous.

I carry a weapon every day and have been pulled over a few times while carrying. I always have my driver's license and concealed carry card in my hand when the officer walks up to the window, with the other hand in plain view.

If people would use a little common sense, they wouldn't be getting shot by the police. If the guy was shot in the back, that means he was either walking or running away, and the police already knew he had a weapon.
Yep no way a cop can do any wrong. Even if the man had no criminal record and on his own property. I happen to know the cop involved by the way. The cop happens to be well an idiot. Watched him get in a scuffle with a couple Columbus cops. But hey you feel you should not be safe on own property I guess

Actually I do. Sometimes one of my law-enforcement buddies stops by for a chat. Or they call me and tell me when they're qualifying at the range, so I can have the free brass.
Legal carry is for white men only.

It's fucked up but if I was black I wouldn't carry a gun openly because it's a stupid decision.
Why is exercising your constitutional rights a stupid decision??
He was waving a gun around while driving down the street-------------I'd be pretty upset if the cops didn't stop him.......

Oddly Kyle Rittenhouse gets made a hero by many for waving his gun around. (illegally at that)
it wasn't illegal if it was out for self defense

Yes it was. It was illegal for him to be there with a gun.
,,sure, that stuff was horrible....I agree
...but most of the stuff complained about now is ludicrous = cops DEFENDING themselves/trying to restrain jackass criminals

I'll tell you something you won't hear from a lot of left wingers. It's true that black people commit more violent crime. I think for that reason a lot of people are afraid of black strangers more so than white strangers. The police are humans too. When you're a cop and you know that statistically you are far more likely to be killed by a black person or have to arrest a black person it's probably hard not to develop a natural bias. It's important for us to train our cops better so that kind of thing can be mitigated.
I disagree--it's all in my thread....I'll try to state everything--there is MUCH to it, I probably won't remember it all--I'll link at end
.....even Floyd's death was not murder--he restrained him the wrong way-1.MANY cops do not participate in situations like this even once a week-so it's not like making a cheese sandwich
2. like combat, you can train all you want, but you won't be ready for the real thing
3. high IQ--highly trained people '''kill'' HUNDREDS of innocent people =pilots
4. highly trained people kill innocents and their own kind = the military
5. humans kill when they don't even try to--even themselves--so imagine a high adrenaline situation with your life on the line and/or dealing with uncooperative jackass criminals

''''''Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.'''''

my thread:

You really think the fact that black people commit more crime doesn't fuel a natural bias in police officers?
Legal carry is for white men only.

It's fucked up but if I was black I wouldn't carry a gun openly because it's a stupid decision.
Why is exercising your constitutional rights a stupid decision??
He was waving a gun around while driving down the street-------------I'd be pretty upset if the cops didn't stop him.......

Oddly Kyle Rittenhouse gets made a hero by many for waving his gun around. (illegally at that)
it wasn't illegal if it was out for self defense

Yes it was. It was illegal for him to be there with a gun.
Don't you know ny know these shit stains know everything?
Legal carry is for white men only.

It's fucked up but if I was black I wouldn't carry a gun openly because it's a stupid decision.
Why is exercising your constitutional rights a stupid decision??
He was waving a gun around while driving down the street-------------I'd be pretty upset if the cops didn't stop him.......

Oddly Kyle Rittenhouse gets made a hero by many for waving his gun around. (illegally at that)
it wasn't illegal if it was out for self defense

Yes it was. It was illegal for him to be there with a gun.

It's all been discussed and linked to and you know it.
There are always circumstances that are not emphasized. Did he try to flee? Was there and verbal enlargement with the police? Did he get physical? The story says there was reportedly a verbal exchange prior to the shooting.

Why do many young people, especially young black people think they don't have to obey commands given by a law-enforcement officer? Getting mouthy with the police is pretty stupid, as that tends to make them a little nervous.

I carry a weapon every day and have been pulled over a few times while carrying. I always have my driver's license and concealed carry card in my hand when the officer walks up to the window, with the other hand in plain view.

If people would use a little common sense, they wouldn't be getting shot by the police. If the guy was shot in the back, that means he was either walking or running away, and the police already knew he had a weapon.
Yep no way a cop can do any wrong. Even if the man had no criminal record and on his own property. I happen to know the cop involved by the way. The cop happens to be well an idiot. Watched him get in a scuffle with a couple Columbus cops. But hey you feel you should not be safe on own property I guess

Actually I do. Sometimes one of my law-enforcement buddies stops by for a chat. Or they call me and tell me when they're qualifying at the range, so I can have the free brass.
Well good for you. Ya give me a reach around for such good treatment. I bet you do. Then ya get your pearl necklace don't ya
,,sure, that stuff was horrible....I agree
...but most of the stuff complained about now is ludicrous = cops DEFENDING themselves/trying to restrain jackass criminals

I'll tell you something you won't hear from a lot of left wingers. It's true that black people commit more violent crime. I think for that reason a lot of people are afraid of black strangers more so than white strangers. The police are humans too. When you're a cop and you know that statistically you are far more likely to be killed by a black person or have to arrest a black person it's probably hard not to develop a natural bias. It's important for us to train our cops better so that kind of thing can be mitigated.
I disagree--it's all in my thread....I'll try to state everything--there is MUCH to it, I probably won't remember it all--I'll link at end
.....even Floyd's death was not murder--he restrained him the wrong way-1.MANY cops do not participate in situations like this even once a week-so it's not like making a cheese sandwich
2. like combat, you can train all you want, but you won't be ready for the real thing
3. high IQ--highly trained people '''kill'' HUNDREDS of innocent people =pilots
4. highly trained people kill innocents and their own kind = the military
5. humans kill when they don't even try to--even themselves--so imagine a high adrenaline situation with your life on the line and/or dealing with uncooperative jackass criminals

''''''Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.'''''

my thread:

You really think the fact that black people commit more crime doesn't fuel a natural bias in police officers?
If it's democrat cops it does. Democrats are always criminal pos.
It is clear that conservatives really don't feel black people should be able to exercise the same "2nd amendment rights" that they have in the way they themselves do -- unless of course, they are truly truly truly the "good kind of black"

So I can see why they are so cavalier about denying black people their other constitutional rights, like voting.....I can see why they don't blink an eye at the prospects of throwing out millions of black votes, just for funsies....unless of course, they are truly truly truly the "good kind of black votes" that voted for their cult daddy..
you're babbling crap and as usual HATING whitey like the racist you are
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Legal carry is for white men only.

It's fucked up but if I was black I wouldn't carry a gun openly because it's a stupid decision.
Why is exercising your constitutional rights a stupid decision??
He was waving a gun around while driving down the street-------------I'd be pretty upset if the cops didn't stop him.......

Oddly Kyle Rittenhouse gets made a hero by many for waving his gun around. (illegally at that)
it wasn't illegal if it was out for self defense

Yes it was. It was illegal for him to be there with a gun.

It's all been discussed and linked to and you know it.
if you don't have the links you don't have them
There are always circumstances that are not emphasized. Did he try to flee? Was there and verbal enlargement with the police? Did he get physical? The story says there was reportedly a verbal exchange prior to the shooting.

Why do many young people, especially young black people think they don't have to obey commands given by a law-enforcement officer? Getting mouthy with the police is pretty stupid, as that tends to make them a little nervous.

I carry a weapon every day and have been pulled over a few times while carrying. I always have my driver's license and concealed carry card in my hand when the officer walks up to the window, with the other hand in plain view.

If people would use a little common sense, they wouldn't be getting shot by the police. If the guy was shot in the back, that means he was either walking or running away, and the police already knew he had a weapon.
Yep no way a cop can do any wrong. Even if the man had no criminal record and on his own property. I happen to know the cop involved by the way. The cop happens to be well an idiot. Watched him get in a scuffle with a couple Columbus cops. But hey you feel you should not be safe on own property I guess
I don't trust the police for shit, but if you don't want problems you can't act like a complete fool around them.

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