237 years later - Has government dependency hurt Whites in America?

The Native Americans disagree with you. They didn't believe anyone could own land. With a few notable exceptions, they never staked a claim to any of it.

But white people did have that system. Under that system why did they take the land if it was not theirs to take. Another handout to themselves.

The land was unoccupied. The Indians were hunter gatherers. The didn't stay put in a single location. They wandered over large tracts of land. The claim that the Indians "owned" whatever land they happened to wander over is an absurd misinterpretation of the word "own."

If you are a gold prospector and you find gold, is that a "hand out" to yourself?

The idea couldn't be more absurd.

Just because you wander doesnt mean the land is not yours. I dont have to stay in my house and worry about someone taking ownership of it when i go on a months vacation. You cant prospect something thats already been discovered and used. Whites stole the land and gave themselves a hand out. Just admit it.
Is that earning it? You keep avoiding the question.

I don't understand the significance of your question. Any money you obtain through voluntary exchange is earned, according to the IRS. Also as a matter of ethics. On the other hand, money obtained at gunpoint, such as welfare, isn't earned. It's plunder.

Still avoiding the question. Is making a declaration you are a business and getting tax write offs "earning" it? You are aware you can expense your income down to nothing and operate at a loss just because you declared you were a business. Thats a handout.

The money a business earns comes from it's customers through voluntary exchange. It doesn't come from the government, like welfare. Every dime of revenue a business takes in is earned. Your belief that a business can arbitrarily determine what it's "expenses" are and thereby pay no taxes is false. A business can only deduct valid expenses - that is, money that it actually spends. A business owner cannot deduct his mortgage payment or his groceries as business expenses because those expenses aren't required to run his business.

You obviously don't have the slightest clue about how a business operates or how the tax laws apply to business.
Where in the hell did I say anything that even remotely resembles your characterization?

If you want to write off your expenses, then incorporate yourself. It's a very simple matter. Any accountant can do it for you. Then every dime you spend will be deductible.

Is that earning it? You keep avoiding the question.

Yes it is,you pay fees for incorporating,unless money grows on trees somone earned that money,then you have to grow your business,unless you don' want to make money,once again something you must do to earn money.There are no free deductions,a deduction is the result of an expense paid out.

Educate yourself before you try and argue with someone that does own a business.

You are an idiot. Did you read the post. You can expense a flat screen TV and say its for your clients and write it off. Just because I say its for clients doesnt mean I'm earning it. Also before you make an ass of yourself i am also a business owner.
Is that earning it? You keep avoiding the question.

Yes it is,you pay fees for incorporating,unless money grows on trees somone earned that money,then you have to grow your business,unless you don' want to make money,once again something you must do to earn money.There are no free deductions,a deduction is the result of an expense paid out.

Educate yourself before you try and argue with someone that does own a business.

You are an idiot. Did you read the post. You can expense a flat screen TV and say its for your clients and write it off. Just because I say its for clients doesnt mean I'm earning it. Also before you make an ass of yourself i am also a business owner.

No your not try again junior , yes I read your mishmash of double speak trying to sound clever.
so how did you get the money for the flat screen? steel it?
But white people did have that system. Under that system why did they take the land if it was not theirs to take. Another handout to themselves.

The land was unoccupied. The Indians were hunter gatherers. The didn't stay put in a single location. They wandered over large tracts of land. The claim that the Indians "owned" whatever land they happened to wander over is an absurd misinterpretation of the word "own."

If you are a gold prospector and you find gold, is that a "hand out" to yourself?

The idea couldn't be more absurd.

Just because you wander doesnt mean the land is not yours. I dont have to stay in my house and worry about someone taking ownership of it when i go on a months vacation. You cant prospect something thats already been discovered and used. Whites stole the land and gave themselves a hand out. Just admit it.

You have a title to your house. At some point someone claimed the land and made use of it. The government gave them a formal title. It was then exchanged voluntarily from one party to another until you came to own it.

When no one stakes a claim to the land, then it's unowned. At one time no land on Earth was owned. The concept of ownership only came about because lowland bottom farmers staked out a plot of land, tilled the soil and then harvested a crop. They mixed their labor with the land and it thereby became their property. The Indians never did anything accept chase buffalo across the plains. They were parasites on the land. If you want to call the land in America "stolen," then you would have to call every square acre on Earth "stolen." If you believe that, then you're a communist.
Is that earning it? You keep avoiding the question.

Yes it is,you pay fees for incorporating,unless money grows on trees somone earned that money,then you have to grow your business,unless you don' want to make money,once again something you must do to earn money.There are no free deductions,a deduction is the result of an expense paid out.

Educate yourself before you try and argue with someone that does own a business.

You are an idiot. Did you read the post. You can expense a flat screen TV and say its for your clients and write it off. Just because I say its for clients doesnt mean I'm earning it. Also before you make an ass of yourself i am also a business owner.

No, you can't do that. It's illegal. If you put the TV in your business, then you could get away with it, but not if it's in your home. Many dental offices, bars and other businesses do have flat screen TVs and the owners do expense them, but that's actually a legitimate business expense.

If you're a business owner, then why haven't you expensed your flat screen TV?
they all play this perpetually dumb game where they become confused at the simplest questions. Its like a kid pulling a rabbit out of a hat. You just pat them on the head because they think they are the first to do it.

You're the dumbshit in this "game." Only the truly stupid think a business expense is a form of welfare. Now run along and go play with your toys.
If you're a business owner, then why haven't you expensed your flat screen TV?

Because he isn't one,there is no way a legit owner would argue a position such as he has.
And they got checks handed to them?
Gee that was before we even had a Federal Income Tax. :eusa_whistle:

They had vast quantities of land and resources handed to them via the U.S. Government.

The land had to be distributed somehow. Anyone could get free land by homesteading, including blacks. Do you actually imagine that having the government retain ownership of all the land in the U.S. was a feasible or practical idea?

You're being stupid again.
I don't understand the significance of your question. Any money you obtain through voluntary exchange is earned, according to the IRS. Also as a matter of ethics. On the other hand, money obtained at gunpoint, such as welfare, isn't earned. It's plunder.

Still avoiding the question. Is making a declaration you are a business and getting tax write offs "earning" it? You are aware you can expense your income down to nothing and operate at a loss just because you declared you were a business. Thats a handout.

The money a business earns comes from it's customers through voluntary exchange. It doesn't come from the government, like welfare. Every dime of revenue a business takes in is earned. Your belief that a business can arbitrarily determine what it's "expenses" are and thereby pay no taxes is false. A business can only deduct valid expenses - that is, money that it actually spends. A business owner cannot deduct his mortgage payment or his groceries as business expenses because those expenses aren't required to run his business.

You obviously don't have the slightest clue about how a business operates or how the tax laws apply to business.

Are you dumb, stupid or both? The tax write off is a handout. The business can operate at a loss. That means no earned income.
The Native Americans disagree with you. They didn't believe anyone could own land. With a few notable exceptions, they never staked a claim to any of it.

But white people did have that system. Under that system why did they take the land if it was not theirs to take. Another handout to themselves.

The land was unoccupied. The Indians were hunter gatherers. The didn't stay put in a single location. They wandered over large tracts of land. The claim that the Indians "owned" whatever land they happened to wander over is an absurd misinterpretation of the word "own."

If you are a gold prospector and you find gold, is that a "hand out" to yourself?

The idea couldn't be more absurd.


American Indians have the exact same kind of government you folks advocate for, small.

They did, as the indigenous people in this country, have the "inalienable" right to determine how best to run their own lands.

But it didn't work out that way. A "bigger government" came in and took their land.

That's generally how it works.
Yes it is,you pay fees for incorporating,unless money grows on trees somone earned that money,then you have to grow your business,unless you don' want to make money,once again something you must do to earn money.There are no free deductions,a deduction is the result of an expense paid out.

Educate yourself before you try and argue with someone that does own a business.

You are an idiot. Did you read the post. You can expense a flat screen TV and say its for your clients and write it off. Just because I say its for clients doesnt mean I'm earning it. Also before you make an ass of yourself i am also a business owner.

No, you can't do that. It's illegal. If you put the TV in your business, then you could get away with it, but not if it's in your home. Many dental offices, bars and other businesses do have flat screen TVs and the owners do expense them, but that's actually a legitimate business expense.

If you're a business owner, then why haven't you expensed your flat screen TV?

I have. Its home based. I can not earn a cent and write it off. Thats not earning it.
The Native Americans disagree with you. They didn't believe anyone could own land. With a few notable exceptions, they never staked a claim to any of it.

But white people did have that system. Under that system why did they take the land if it was not theirs to take. Another handout to themselves.

The land was unoccupied. The Indians were hunter gatherers. The didn't stay put in a single location. They wandered over large tracts of land. The claim that the Indians "owned" whatever land they happened to wander over is an absurd misinterpretation of the word "own."

If you are a gold prospector and you find gold, is that a "hand out" to yourself?

The idea couldn't be more absurd.

The U.S. Government created the rules governing acquisition and "ownership" of native lands--and the subsequent distribution. Therefore, the government doled out wealth. Therefore, "welfare."
they all play this perpetually dumb game where they become confused at the simplest questions. Its like a kid pulling a rabbit out of a hat. You just pat them on the head because they think they are the first to do it.

You're the dumbshit in this "game." Only the truly stupid think a business expense is a form of welfare. Now run along and go play with your toys.

Wow..playing dumb AND addressing the wrong person or attempting to get me to defend something I never said.

This guy is good at stupid
Still avoiding the question. Is making a declaration you are a business and getting tax write offs "earning" it? You are aware you can expense your income down to nothing and operate at a loss just because you declared you were a business. Thats a handout.

The money a business earns comes from it's customers through voluntary exchange. It doesn't come from the government, like welfare. Every dime of revenue a business takes in is earned. Your belief that a business can arbitrarily determine what it's "expenses" are and thereby pay no taxes is false. A business can only deduct valid expenses - that is, money that it actually spends. A business owner cannot deduct his mortgage payment or his groceries as business expenses because those expenses aren't required to run his business.

You obviously don't have the slightest clue about how a business operates or how the tax laws apply to business.

Are you dumb, stupid or both? The tax write off is a handout. The business can operate at a loss. That means no earned income.

Bwhahaahahahahahah your mom calling your chocolate milk is ready.
The land was unoccupied. The Indians were hunter gatherers. The didn't stay put in a single location. They wandered over large tracts of land. The claim that the Indians "owned" whatever land they happened to wander over is an absurd misinterpretation of the word "own."

If you are a gold prospector and you find gold, is that a "hand out" to yourself?

The idea couldn't be more absurd.

Just because you wander doesnt mean the land is not yours. I dont have to stay in my house and worry about someone taking ownership of it when i go on a months vacation. You cant prospect something thats already been discovered and used. Whites stole the land and gave themselves a hand out. Just admit it.

You have a title to your house. At some point someone claimed the land and made use of it. The government gave them a formal title. It was then exchanged voluntarily from one party to another until you came to own it.

When no one stakes a claim to the land, then it's unowned. At one time no land on Earth was owned. The concept of ownership only came about because lowland bottom farmers staked out a plot of land, tilled the soil and then harvested a crop. They mixed their labor with the land and it thereby became their property. The Indians never did anything accept chase buffalo across the plains. They were parasites on the land. If you want to call the land in America "stolen," then you would have to call every square acre on Earth "stolen." If you believe that, then you're a communist.

So in other words the whites rationalized handouts to themselves. Lets ignore the system the Natives have and give ourselves a handout. They dont have a deed so we get to take their land? Is that your logic?
But white people did have that system. Under that system why did they take the land if it was not theirs to take. Another handout to themselves.

The land was unoccupied. The Indians were hunter gatherers. The didn't stay put in a single location. They wandered over large tracts of land. The claim that the Indians "owned" whatever land they happened to wander over is an absurd misinterpretation of the word "own."

If you are a gold prospector and you find gold, is that a "hand out" to yourself?

The idea couldn't be more absurd.


American Indians have the exact same kind of government you folks advocate for, small.

They did, as the indigenous people in this country, have the "inalienable" right to determine how best to run their own lands.

But it didn't work out that way. A "bigger government" came in and took their land.

That's generally how it works.

So are you saying they did own their land or that they didn't own their land?

Anyone who has ever done any serious reading about the Indians knows your claim is utter horseshit. The Indians didn't have any government at all. They were hunter gatherers. They also had no official territory boundaries to "their land." The areas where they wandered were much different only a few short years before the white-man appeared. That's because diseases wiped most of them out. The boundaries between the various tribes were in a constant state of flux because they were constantly warring against one another. The idea that they were the "owners" of the land where they happened to be hunting buffalo in any given year is utterly specious.

Libturds like to promote this idea that Indians owned the land before we did because it makes it easier to justify expropriating it.
But white people did have that system. Under that system why did they take the land if it was not theirs to take. Another handout to themselves.

The land was unoccupied. The Indians were hunter gatherers. The didn't stay put in a single location. They wandered over large tracts of land. The claim that the Indians "owned" whatever land they happened to wander over is an absurd misinterpretation of the word "own."

If you are a gold prospector and you find gold, is that a "hand out" to yourself?

The idea couldn't be more absurd.

The U.S. Government created the rules governing acquisition and "ownership" of native lands--and the subsequent distribution. Therefore, the government doled out wealth. Therefore, "welfare."

No not really,but pissing for distance is popular,the homestead act had a few clause,you had to build and developed at certain rates or off the land you went,chopping down trees and plowing wasn't done by the Gov.

Its a real interesting position so many take,total depends and adorment of an.
authoritarian .

Guess some like the borg more than the individual.
But white people did have that system. Under that system why did they take the land if it was not theirs to take. Another handout to themselves.

The land was unoccupied. The Indians were hunter gatherers. The didn't stay put in a single location. They wandered over large tracts of land. The claim that the Indians "owned" whatever land they happened to wander over is an absurd misinterpretation of the word "own."

If you are a gold prospector and you find gold, is that a "hand out" to yourself?

The idea couldn't be more absurd.

The U.S. Government created the rules governing acquisition and "ownership" of native lands--and the subsequent distribution. Therefore, the government doled out wealth. Therefore, "welfare."

Welfare is money taken from other people. The natives didn't own the land so nothing was taken from them. Claiming the Indians owned it makes a mockery of the term "own." The idea that the Sioux owned all of Montana, the Dakotas, Kansas, Nebraska and Minnesota is utterly absurd.
The land was unoccupied. The Indians were hunter gatherers. The didn't stay put in a single location. They wandered over large tracts of land. The claim that the Indians "owned" whatever land they happened to wander over is an absurd misinterpretation of the word "own."

If you are a gold prospector and you find gold, is that a "hand out" to yourself?

The idea couldn't be more absurd.


American Indians have the exact same kind of government you folks advocate for, small.

They did, as the indigenous people in this country, have the "inalienable" right to determine how best to run their own lands.

But it didn't work out that way. A "bigger government" came in and took their land.

That's generally how it works.

So are you saying they did own their land or that they didn't own their land?

Anyone who has ever done any serious reading about the Indians knows your claim is utter horseshit. The Indians didn't have any government at all. They were hunter gatherers. They also had no official territory boundaries to "their land." The areas where they wandered were much different only a few short years before the white-man appeared. That's because diseases wiped most of them out. The boundaries between the various tribes were in a constant state of flux because they were constantly warring against one another. The idea that they were the "owners" of the land where they happened to be hunting buffalo in any given year is utterly specious.

Libturds like to promote this idea that Indians owned the land before we did because it makes it easier to justify expropriating it.

Either way white people gave themselves a handout. The native americans were here first thus the owners if you want to use white terms. If using native american terms the land was not up for sale or seizure by whites. Regardless of how you look at it whites gave themselves a free handout.

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