25,000-35,000 Democratic Voters Carried Thad Cochran to Victory?

Well well well.. All day long the librul Zombie posse here has been in meltdown mode claiming quite the opposite.. G5000 stated there wasn't any surge in numbers from Democrats from the first primary .. LMAO I love the way leftists make up shit out of thin air and then when called on it, they run screaming like diaper babies to either have the thread moved or meltdown..
I'll tell you this much.. The GOP fucked up royally.. They have pissed off a lot of conservatives with their circus liberal stunt.. It's going to come back to haunt them.. I'm already reading about donations drying up to the RNC- campaign to get McDaniel to go as a write in candidate.. Yep, they fucked up.
USMB Libs claiming Cochran beat the snot out of the evil tea bagger...
Well we know that the Democrat party secured the victory.
Pointing out that post-election challenges usual fail, one Tea Party leader, Judson Phillips is calling for Thad Cochran's primary challenger, State Senator Chris McDaniel to run as a write-in candidate in the Fall. “The Republican Establishment thinks they have fought back an insurrection from conservatives and now we will meekly fall in line in November and support a RINO who needs Democrats to win? Never,” said Mr. Phillips, who also writes a column in The Washington Times. “If Chris McDaniel loses his challenges to this election, then he needs to be a write-in candidate this fall.” It's increasingly clear that...

Conservatives Urge McDaniel To Run as Write-In Candidate in the Fall
Fall in line my pretty ass.. Not going to happen. The Establishment is all but dead and this race proved it.. When you have to betray the very values you supposedly support to win an election and make a deal with the devil, you've already lost not only that race, but the Conservative base also.
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These brain dead little BamaBots are full of shit, as usual.
Pointing out that post-election challenges usual fail, one Tea Party leader, Judson Phillips is calling for Thad Cochran's primary challenger, State Senator Chris McDaniel to run as a write-in candidate in the Fall. “The Republican Establishment thinks they have fought back an insurrection from conservatives and now we will meekly fall in line in November and support a RINO who needs Democrats to win? Never,” said Mr. Phillips, who also writes a column in The Washington Times. “If Chris McDaniel loses his challenges to this election, then he needs to be a write-in candidate this fall.” It's increasingly clear that...

Conservatives Urge McDaniel To Run as Write-In Candidate in the Fall

Lieberman did quite well in his bid after being torpedoed by his own party.
I'll tell you this much.. The GOP fucked up royally.. They have pissed off a lot of conservatives with their circus liberal stunt.. It's going to come back to haunt them.. I'm already reading about donations drying up to the RNC- campaign to get McDaniel to go as a write in candidate.. Yep, they fucked up.

Why can't we mount a campaign for him to run third party? I'll jump in and do what I do best to help out.

Let's do it and kick some Cochran ass.
It may be necessary for the Tea Party to make it official and declare itself a third party.

Then allow the GOP to die the death it so richly deserves.
It may be necessary for the Tea Party to make it official and declare itself a third party.

Then allow the GOP to die the death it so richly deserves.

We did that up here. We crushed the Progressive Conservative Party on the national level.
It can be done.

Washington needs an enema.

ETA: I'm a dual citizen. That's why I stay connected.
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Oh dear...I sense a little bit of disappointment in this thread.
The number of cross over Dems is about 6000 but still enough to ensure a mainstream GOP victory.
The number of cross over Dems is about 6000 but still enough to ensure a mainstream GOP victory.

LOL Jake, you don't know shit.

I can post 20 more sources that will tell you it's more, quit pretending you are some Repub ObiewanKenobi.

Last night you watched the beginning of the end for stand for nothing people like you ;)
Thad Cochran survives thanks to Democrats

Thad Cochran survives thanks to Democrats

The man has no shame. Power hungry greedy old men the whole lot of the inside the Beltway bastards.

That's both sides.

Not willing to pass on the torch to a younger generation. Disgusting.

This is about the ENTIRE Republican establishment.

Oh I do believe that they must be flushed. I took a lot of heat a while back with people trying to convince me that it was better to work within the party to change the party.

From my own personal experience in politics and in life when something gets so FUBAR'd like what we have with the RNC and in the past with what was known as the Progressive Conservative Party up here, you have to flush it.

No two ways around it. Start over and start fresh and you can succeed. We did it.

BUT I'm saying in the here and now what is very doable is to run McDaniels as a third party candidate.

Official third party candidate. We can't lose and here's why.

You let Cochran know you are coming for him. You make him fight for his seat on two fronts. You make the RNC commit to spending even more money to keep this son of a bitch going to Washington.

So you drain the RNC's coffers as well.

Win the general or not, the key is to make sure Cochran loses. And that's a win. Retirement package given to Thad by the Tea Party and Conservatives.


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