25,000-35,000 Democratic Voters Carried Thad Cochran to Victory?

The establishment candidate won in Oklahoma too, despite his tea party opponent getting millions of dollars from outside groups and dozens of endorsements from prominent Tea Party sympathizers.

You haven't seen the last of TW Shannon. He's incredibly well spoken and has a bright future ahead of him in CONSERVATIVE circles.

Yeah big fish in a small pond.
And as yet another somewhat less than stellar showing fades into history, Cult-Tards are busy engaging in their usual meaningless puffery, and spouting their usual ominously empty assurances that all responsible for cheating them out of their rightful victory will soon pay dearly for their folly.

Once again proving they wouldn't be in a cult if reality didn't scare the shit out of them.

Fact is Dems who actually live in Mississippi, unlike Cult-Tard useful idiots, actually have some skin in the game regarding the results of this primary. Fact is your boy lost because folks who actually had some skin in the game found his anti American, Neo Confederate southern secessionist BS extreme enough to back Cochran.

Fact is the best damned thing you can do for Democrats in the Nov election is get McDaniel on the ticket as a write in candidate and split the vote, so by all means knock yourselves out.

It'll give you another excuse to play badass wannabees.
we should thank Rush limpballs for coming up with the original idea of operation CHAOS!!

Yea, I have two threads going here on this , all day today where the liberal whackos melted down .. Cochran used posters that told Democrats the evil Tea Party would not let "blacks vote, will take away their food stamps." ITS DESPICABLE and right out of the librul playbook of scare tactics.

Well if the other guy didn't have white supremacist leanings they wouldn't have believed the hype.
The establishment candidate won in Oklahoma too, despite his tea party opponent getting millions of dollars from outside groups and dozens of endorsements from prominent Tea Party sympathizers.

And the beat goes on as if nothing in the country is a problem. Not the devaluation of the dollar, not the longest and weakest recovery from a recession in US history, not immigration, not the massive and growing debt, not the division in the country is greater then I have seen since the civil war and a host of other government created problems. NONE of those need fixed we need to keep pork barrel politicians in and those who have the audacity to go against the establishment must be destroyed with lies and smear. The beat goes on.

The primaries, and in this case a run off, is suppose to decide whom the Republicans want to run against the democrats but Republicans were disenfranchised by lies told by the establishment in the RNC.

Living where I do I can actually understand open primaries. Too many times it is who wins the democrat primary that becomes the office holder the general election being meaningless. All because the democrat party wises to maintain the status quo even if the guy is a "republican." A republican much like Jake is a republican.
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Yea, I have two threads going here on this , all day today where the liberal whackos melted down .. Cochran used posters that told Democrats the evil Tea Party would not let "blacks vote, will take away their food stamps." ITS DESPICABLE and right out of the librul playbook of scare tactics.

Well if the other guy didn't have white supremacist leanings they wouldn't have believed the hype.

Could you quote or give an example from McDaniel that has led you to this observation?
Thad Cochran survives thanks to Democrats

Thad Cochran survives thanks to Democrats

The man has no shame. Power hungry greedy old men the whole lot of the inside the Beltway bastards.

That's both sides.

Not willing to pass on the torch to a younger generation. Disgusting.

Seriously, I think you can go a little easy on Cochran, I doubt he knows if he is eating peas or corn. He is like a hammer it is those using him which are the problem. Without the "establishment" pushing him, and giving him pork to take home, he would be down the senior citizen center picking lint from his belly button. But the establishment democrats would have none of it they just had to disenfranchise the republican party.
The number of cross over Dems is about 6000 but still enough to ensure a mainstream GOP victory.

LOL Jake, you don't know shit.

I can post 20 more sources that will tell you it's more, quit pretending you are some Repub ObiewanKenobi.

Last night you watched the beginning of the end for stand for nothing people like you ;)

Let us have a vote on whether this short video more or less describes Jake. (Caution, some vulgarity)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7QNw1LRJv4]Dave Chapelle whore uniform - YouTube[/ame]

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