Trump needed to find 11,000 votes....Looks like they found 12,400

I'm not trying to push anything... Just looking at the conversation and using common sense to suggest that yes irregularities could be involved or not, so let the best reasoning and evidence win in such a case.
Ok! Ty....

I'm ready to argue! :)

I think rules should be followed....but if caught afterwards, two years later in this case, an election can not be redone or uncertified.... it's too late, 5 million other legal voters, already voted....

And making them to come out and come to another election to redo their vote is inherently unfair.

If Georgia feels this law on 30 days is important, then they would tell the citizens about it publicly in a campaign to inform, AND they would have a means to check for it, before any vote was cast.

To disqualify all citizens that voted because a handful did not follow the rules, and make them find the time to vote again, is just not feasible, or fair in any manner.

It allows sinister characters to organize a means of irregularity votes, so to set up a new election where half of the original voters can't or don't show up.
Dayum…I’m so stealing this one
Ok! Ty....

I'm ready to argue! :)

I think rules should be followed....but if caught afterwards, two years later in this case, an election can not be redone or uncertified.... it's too late, 5 million other legal voters, already voted....

And making them to come out and come to another election to redo their vote is inherently unfair.

If Georgia feels this law on 30 days is important, then they would tell the citizens about it publicly in a campaign to inform, AND they would have a means to check for it, before any vote was cast.

To disqualify all citizens that voted because a handful did not follow the rules, and make them find the time to vote again, is just not feasible, or fair in any manner.

It allows sinister characters to organize a means of irregularity votes, so to set up a new election where half of the original voters can't or don't show up.
Not allowing a wrong to be righted, ummm allows sinister character's that come into power to then reek havock upon us, otherwise if we don't right that wrong somehow through stop checks. Look at Joe Biden for example, he is the example of sinister that we all are dealing with currently, so maybe it didn't disenfranchise those confused voter's at the time, but it sure has gotten a lot of people killed afterwards. Is that worth it ?? I say we have to right a wrong if it happens. Using disenfranchisement is not an option if those voter's we're duped or nefariously used to begin with.
Yeah, on twerp corral that held up the 411 for an entire nation as a non-news outlet. I suppose that this will at least raise eyebrows and wrinkle garments.
It wasn't got it ass backwards.
At this point, Senate doesn't seem to matter now , does it?

The senate confirms presidential appointments. If you don't think that matters....well you're dumber than you look. And that is saying something.
The senate confirms presidential appointments. If you don't think that matters....well you're dumber than you look. And that is saying something.
LOL......they can't pass legislation without the house, sweetie......LOL
No he didn't.
Get back to me after January 3rd....... :biggrin:
Infrastructure, BBB, Stimulus, Vaccines, Vaccine Boosters, Military payraise, protecting SSM and interracial marriage.

Like 12 major pieces of legislation. KJB on the bench.
Infrastructure, BBB, Stimulus, Vaccines, Vaccine Boosters, Military payraise, protecting SSM and interracial marriage.

Like 12 major pieces of legislation. KJB on the bench.
DOA J3........ :biggrin:

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