25% Fed Employees Say They'll Quit If Trump Elected

In my long career in both public and private sector I observed that many people can be removed from a private company - even some who are considered "irreplaceable" - and within a few months nobody can even remember what they did. Actually it happens all the time.

In my 8 years with DoD (3 years military) I saw so much wasted time and effort it finally made me decide to quit. My whole ORGANIZATION could have been eliminated without significant trouble, if related organizations had decent managers.

As a general proposition, government employees never quit. Where would they go? No real employers offer the combination of pay, benefits, and absurdly-early retirement that the Government offers, and most private sector employers are very leery of offering a responsible job to an ex-government person. The chances of him being a total slug are just too great. Same for Military officers. Generally worthless in the real world.

If 25% of the entire Federal workforce resigned, it would take about a year for everything to get back to normal. In most agencies the main thing impeding recovery would be other employees dragging their feet, to show resentment at having to do a little extra work. But this is all bullshit. As said above, where would they go? Nowhere.
:lol: Sure they will. And all the dumb Limousine Liberals will leave the country too. Not gonna happen. They're liars.

Canuckistan won't take them in unless they have money or a job lined up....maybe Trump should build the wall with a one-way door OUT....let them practice their "diversity" around real mehicans for a change.
Angus, I already busted your hillary got fired nonsense.

No, no one will quit. They all will work together to derail Trump's programs they don't want.
Did anyone notice when the government shutdown? Except for the Park Rangers being paid overtime to shutdown public sidewalks illegally, no one noticed.
Don't be surprised if 25% of most jobs go away if Trump is elected
good. We can start with all of the "non essential workers" who get a free day off with pay every time DC and environs gets 4 inches of snow or more.
What pisses me off is these people are not even required to work from home.
I will even compromise. If the snow event forces non essentials to not report to work, they must use a PTO or vacation day if they want to be paid.....Otherwise, no workie ,no money
Who says Trump won't cut government? Faster please.

Trump, and the Punditry's Scary Groupthink | RealClearPolitics

The country would shut down and fold within a few days.

You idiots don't realize what government does for you.
Oh please.
Government does nothing for us.
Name one thing we cannot do without save for essential functions such as national defense, a central banking system and all the other items listed in that pesky US Constitution?

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