~25% of Americans do Not Believe in God

I'm no lost sheep, I'm agnostic. I just don't believe in the book of arrogant wolves. The true power of God stretches far further than the blue confines of this Earth.

If I were a star then I would be a part of you all, so to the warmth of God touches all things. Existence is true glory of His work. We are but a quiet expression of His love for life.

But He is trying to speak to you.

Do you want to understand what He is trying to tell you?

You can; it is up to you.

Your book says I'm a sinner Sir. That God would turn his back on me simply because I desire both halves of His creation. I say your book is wrong because I most certainly feel the love for all of His designs. If I am destined for Hell for ceding to my celebrations of such wondrous beauty, so be it. I'll face Hell as many times as needed to find a scant moments of peace in the universe - my heaven is a rainbow in my mind. Had God not wished me to be as I am, then I would not be, and if I am a creature of the devil sent to corrupt His sheep... then I've done quite well so far. Also means God was a fool to let my [ex]husband set me free from the cage of virtuous behavior I was in; perhaps He'll learn His lesson when I devour my next 'victim.'
Evangelical religions, of what ever stripe, always devolve into a contradictory thicket of 'Thou Shalt Nots'. And virtually always end up in pushing willful ignorance, for knowledge is an anathema to such religions.
I'm no lost sheep, I'm agnostic. I just don't believe in the book of arrogant wolves. The true power of God stretches far further than the blue confines of this Earth.

If I were a star then I would be a part of you all, so to the warmth of God touches all things. Existence is true glory of His work. We are but a quiet expression of His love for life.

But He is trying to speak to you.

Do you want to understand what He is trying to tell you?

You can; it is up to you.

No, that's the voices in your head. There is medication for that.
No, that's the voices in your head. There is medication for that.
Yes, intuition sometimes feels like that, but it is not an audible voice.

It is just something that tells you to make a specific choice or that something is true, etc.

People used to call it a 'gut feeling'.

The voices in my head are something else entirely. :p
Your book says I'm a sinner Sir.
No, my book says that we are all sinners.

All you have to do is fight against it rather than surrender to it.

I will never surrender to any fight. I enjoy it too much :p

If you did fight it, you might like the person you become more, but it is your business, so I will no longer comment on your spiritual life.

At least we can agree to disagree. :) Say a prayer for me, maybe God will stop screwing with His plans to contain me over here; [ex]husband and I are supposed to go to marriage counseling (cause ya know marriage is supposed to be forever and stuff,) should be quite amusing to see what the poor therapist will do with us troublemakers. I think my husband should enjoy the coals, and he wanted to cut and run with some other chick. I figure I'm going to need at least a couple sessions just to stop laughing at my [ex]husband's weakness...
People who don't believe in God are more likely to buy into bad ideas like Communism, Nazism, eugenics, abortion-on-demand, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, experimentation on humans, legalization of sex with children, etc. Nothing good will come of it if more people lose their faith in God.
Really? So what about Catholic priests? Speaking of sex with children. Religion is corrupt.
Jesus sent a message to me in the form of a potato chip in a Lay's bag that was in the image of the Virgin Mary! I tried to sell it on Ebay, but they won't list edible items like that. She was delicious!
Another atheist demonstrating their total ignorance of the topic.

Amazing how atheists like to wallow in their own stupidity.

How do you know he is atheist and not agnostic, or perhaps simply of non-Christian belief?
I am not an atheist, but to link atheism with stupidity shows someone's true character, very UnChristian like.
He is absent and has been for a long time. He no longer walks with people. We have to go with faith now, and some just refuse to embrace it (faith).
God is not absent, though I can understand how some may feel that way.

He does not speak directly t people as He did before the Great Flood, or at least we can no longer perceive His 'speech' to us.

Perhaps as we have become more focused on verbal communication in humanity's evolution we lost the ability to *feel* our intuitive truths so well any more?

I know I feel like God communicates to me intuitively, and I have known others who feel this communication as well. What we do with it is the real question for us, I suppose, but it is not an audible voice we hear. It is more like the memory of a voice.

To hear Him, we have to slow down, clear our minds and hearts of what is dominant and simply open ourselves up to Him. Many need a device to help them, like a Rosary or flipping pages through a Bible and reading what is found. I am speaking of an intuitive Voice we are trying to hear, which I think is legit and exists, but the best way to try to 'hear' God is to study the Bible and think with the mind God gave us to understand what He has already given to us.

God bless you Gracie, and if you look for God's Voice may you find it. He promised that you will.

That was beautiful, Jim.
And I'm an agnostic.
He is absent and has been for a long time. He no longer walks with people. We have to go with faith now, and some just refuse to embrace it (faith).
God is not absent, though I can understand how some may feel that way.

He does not speak directly t people as He did before the Great Flood, or at least we can no longer perceive His 'speech' to us.

Perhaps as we have become more focused on verbal communication in humanity's evolution we lost the ability to *feel* our intuitive truths so well any more?

I know I feel like God communicates to me intuitively, and I have known others who feel this communication as well. What we do with it is the real question for us, I suppose, but it is not an audible voice we hear. It is more like the memory of a voice.

To hear Him, we have to slow down, clear our minds and hearts of what is dominant and simply open ourselves up to Him. Many need a device to help them, like a Rosary or flipping pages through a Bible and reading what is found. I am speaking of an intuitive Voice we are trying to hear, which I think is legit and exists, but the best way to try to 'hear' God is to study the Bible and think with the mind God gave us to understand what He has already given to us.

God bless you Gracie, and if you look for God's Voice may you find it. He promised that you will.
Oh, He speaks to me. I was talking about those who cannot hear him...or choose not to.


After signing an executive order earlier this month that seeks to relax restrictions on the political activities of tax-exempt churches, President Trump said the order was an important affirmation of the American identity. “We’re a nation of believers,” he said. Trump is right in one sense — 69 percent of Americans say a belief in God is an important part of being American — but he’s wrong demographically: Atheists constitute a culturally significant part of American society.

We’re not sure how significant, though. The number of atheists in the U.S. is still a matter of considerable debate. Recent surveys have found that only about one in 10 Americans report that they do not believe in God, and only about 3 percent identify as atheist. But a new study suggests that the true number of atheists could be much larger, perhaps even 10 times larger than previously estimated.

Way More Americans May Be Atheists Than We Thought

All religions are brainwashing for simple minded people.

I think it's a shame that so many people are dumb enough to believe what's in the bible.

The Bible is a document that is full of shit.


After signing an executive order earlier this month that seeks to relax restrictions on the political activities of tax-exempt churches, President Trump said the order was an important affirmation of the American identity. “We’re a nation of believers,” he said. Trump is right in one sense — 69 percent of Americans say a belief in God is an important part of being American — but he’s wrong demographically: Atheists constitute a culturally significant part of American society.

We’re not sure how significant, though. The number of atheists in the U.S. is still a matter of considerable debate. Recent surveys have found that only about one in 10 Americans report that they do not believe in God, and only about 3 percent identify as atheist. But a new study suggests that the true number of atheists could be much larger, perhaps even 10 times larger than previously estimated.

Way More Americans May Be Atheists Than We Thought

All religions are brainwashing for simple minded people.

I think it's a shame that so many people are dumb enough to believe what's in the bible.

The Bible is a document that is full of shit.

What's full of shit about it? The oldest most circulated book in the world

And how do religions brain wash people


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