~25% of Americans do Not Believe in God



After signing an executive order earlier this month that seeks to relax restrictions on the political activities of tax-exempt churches, President Trump said the order was an important affirmation of the American identity. “We’re a nation of believers,” he said. Trump is right in one sense — 69 percent of Americans say a belief in God is an important part of being American — but he’s wrong demographically: Atheists constitute a culturally significant part of American society.

We’re not sure how significant, though. The number of atheists in the U.S. is still a matter of considerable debate. Recent surveys have found that only about one in 10 Americans report that they do not believe in God, and only about 3 percent identify as atheist. But a new study suggests that the true number of atheists could be much larger, perhaps even 10 times larger than previously estimated.

Way More Americans May Be Atheists Than We Thought
If they can convince you a virgin birth happened it's easy to convince you Iraq had a.WMDs or that global warming isn't real

Well sane people know Global Warming is a Red Herring


Nope. But just like when the tobacco companies were insisting cigs don't cause cancer, Republicans like you defended them. And when gas had lead in it, guys like you defended the oil companies. So today no surprise you defend the corporations. You are a conservative. Most religious people are and that is no coincidence. If you can be convinced a god visited 2000 years ago without any proof it's probably pretty easy to convince those same people that global warming isn't real. You are proof of that sir. Even though 99% of the scientific community agrees, you side with the corporations.

You do the same think with evolution. See sir you are the proof I need that religion makes people stupid.

If Americans don't believe in God

What do they believe in

Fucking Satan?


After signing an executive order earlier this month that seeks to relax restrictions on the political activities of tax-exempt churches, President Trump said the order was an important affirmation of the American identity. “We’re a nation of believers,” he said. Trump is right in one sense — 69 percent of Americans say a belief in God is an important part of being American — but he’s wrong demographically: Atheists constitute a culturally significant part of American society.

We’re not sure how significant, though. The number of atheists in the U.S. is still a matter of considerable debate. Recent surveys have found that only about one in 10 Americans report that they do not believe in God, and only about 3 percent identify as atheist. But a new study suggests that the true number of atheists could be much larger, perhaps even 10 times larger than previously estimated.

Way More Americans May Be Atheists Than We Thought
If they can convince you a virgin birth happened it's easy to convince you Iraq had a.WMDs or that global warming isn't real

Well sane people know Global Warming is a Red Herring


Nope. But just like when the tobacco companies were insisting cigs don't cause cancer, Republicans like you defended them. And when gas had lead in it, guys like you defended the oil companies. So today no surprise you defend the corporations. You are a conservative. Most religious people are and that is no coincidence. If you can be convinced a god visited 2000 years ago without any proof it's probably pretty easy to convince those same people that global warming isn't real. You are proof of that sir. Even though 99% of the scientific community agrees, you side with the corporations.

You do the same think with evolution. See sir you are the proof I need that religion makes people stupid.

"Most religious people are" conservative? Where do you get that from?

Even going by the numbers from the OP article, 75% of the country believe in some sort of god. Do you think anywhere close to 75% of the country is conservative? If not, there are plenty of religious people with different political views.
I'm part of that. I don't necessarily doubt the existence of a "God" I just don't believe in god as most people know it
Nope. But just like when the tobacco companies were insisting cigs don't cause cancer, Republicans like you defended them. And when gas had lead in it, guys like you defended the oil companies. So today no surprise you defend the corporations. You are a conservative. Most religious people are and that is no coincidence. If you can be convinced a god visited 2000 years ago without any proof it's probably pretty easy to convince those same people that global warming isn't real. You are proof of that sir. Even though 99% of the scientific community agrees, you side with the corporations.

You do the same think with evolution. See sir you are the proof I need that religion makes people stupid.



After signing an executive order earlier this month that seeks to relax restrictions on the political activities of tax-exempt churches, President Trump said the order was an important affirmation of the American identity. “We’re a nation of believers,” he said. Trump is right in one sense — 69 percent of Americans say a belief in God is an important part of being American — but he’s wrong demographically: Atheists constitute a culturally significant part of American society.

We’re not sure how significant, though. The number of atheists in the U.S. is still a matter of considerable debate. Recent surveys have found that only about one in 10 Americans report that they do not believe in God, and only about 3 percent identify as atheist. But a new study suggests that the true number of atheists could be much larger, perhaps even 10 times larger than previously estimated.

Way More Americans May Be Atheists Than We Thought
If they can convince you a virgin birth happened it's easy to convince you Iraq had a.WMDs or that global warming isn't real

Well sane people know Global Warming is a Red Herring


Nope. But just like when the tobacco companies were insisting cigs don't cause cancer, Republicans like you defended them. And when gas had lead in it, guys like you defended the oil companies. So today no surprise you defend the corporations. You are a conservative. Most religious people are and that is no coincidence. If you can be convinced a god visited 2000 years ago without any proof it's probably pretty easy to convince those same people that global warming isn't real. You are proof of that sir. Even though 99% of the scientific community agrees, you side with the corporations.

You do the same think with evolution. See sir you are the proof I need that religion makes people stupid.

"Most religious people are" conservative? Where do you get that from?

Even going by the numbers from the OP article, 75% of the country believe in some sort of god. Do you think anywhere close to 75% of the country is conservative? If not, there are plenty of religious people with different political views.
How do liberals who approve of abortion believe in God? Didn't god say don't murder? I'm talking about real Christians who think gays are sinning types
I believe in GOD
Always have and will

Thanks again for that.

Did you hear Trump speaking religion in Saudi Arabia today?
Speaking of terrorism:
'Your soul will be fully condemned!'
Trump's speech warns terrorists their days are numbered | Daily Mail Online

Can you imagine that from the snake, Obama?
Obama made empty threats too and he even bombed the terrorists. Is Trump going to bomb them better?

On the subject of religion....
....which is the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced?
I believe in GOD
Always have and will

Thanks again for that.

Did you hear Trump speaking religion in Saudi Arabia today?
Speaking of terrorism:
'Your soul will be fully condemned!'
Trump's speech warns terrorists their days are numbered | Daily Mail Online

Can you imagine that from the snake, Obama?
Obama made empty threats too and he even bombed the terrorists. Is Trump going to bomb them better?

On the subject of religion....
....which is the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced?

Does Christianity need to be stood up for? Is it under attack? Then shut the fuck up Jesus H Christ!!!!
I believe in GOD
Always have and will

Thanks again for that.

Did you hear Trump speaking religion in Saudi Arabia today?
Speaking of terrorism:
'Your soul will be fully condemned!'
Trump's speech warns terrorists their days are numbered | Daily Mail Online

Can you imagine that from the snake, Obama?
Obama made empty threats too and he even bombed the terrorists. Is Trump going to bomb them better?

On the subject of religion....
....which is the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced?

Does Christianity need to be stood up for? Is it under attack? Then shut the fuck up Jesus H Christ!!!!

One can always tell by the resort to coarseness that I've hit a nerve.

I've exposed one more of the fools who supported Barack Hussein Obama, the dirt-eating low-life, crypto-Islamist, back-stabbing, infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being.
8 Reasons Jesus Wants You to Witness
Telling others about Christ has many purposes.

Permit me to give you, briefly, 8 reasons God desires all believers to share their faith.

First, as you witness, you bring glory to God. Jesus says in John 15:8, “By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.”

Second, the love of Christ compels us to share our faith. In Paul’s words, “The love of Christ constrains us.” If you have experienced the love of the Lord Jesus, you will also want to introduce him to others.

Third, sharing your faith is a direct command from Jesus Christ. He says, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” And, “You did not choose me, but I chose you to go and bear fruit – fruit that will last.”

Fourth, people without Christ are lost. Jesus says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” The Word of God declares emphatically, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”

» How You Can Introduce Others to Christ
the question is, why is that low IQ jesus stuff so big in the south?
I believe in GOD
Always have and will

Thanks again for that.

Did you hear Trump speaking religion in Saudi Arabia today?
Speaking of terrorism:
'Your soul will be fully condemned!'
Trump's speech warns terrorists their days are numbered | Daily Mail Online

Can you imagine that from the snake, Obama?
Obama made empty threats too and he even bombed the terrorists. Is Trump going to bomb them better?

On the subject of religion....
....which is the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced?

Does Christianity need to be stood up for? Is it under attack? Then shut the fuck up Jesus H Christ!!!!

One can always tell by the resort to coarseness that I've hit a nerve.

I've exposed one more of the fools who supported Barack Hussein Obama, the dirt-eating low-life, crypto-Islamist, back-stabbing, infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being.
Says the rwnj who would defend and support satan if he was the GOP nominee.

Again I'll ask, does Christianity need to be stood up for? Is it under attack?

I can tell by you not answering the question my point was made. Thanks. I win again.
Thanks again for that.

Did you hear Trump speaking religion in Saudi Arabia today?
Speaking of terrorism:
'Your soul will be fully condemned!'
Trump's speech warns terrorists their days are numbered | Daily Mail Online

Can you imagine that from the snake, Obama?
Obama made empty threats too and he even bombed the terrorists. Is Trump going to bomb them better?

On the subject of religion....
....which is the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced?

Does Christianity need to be stood up for? Is it under attack? Then shut the fuck up Jesus H Christ!!!!

One can always tell by the resort to coarseness that I've hit a nerve.

I've exposed one more of the fools who supported Barack Hussein Obama, the dirt-eating low-life, crypto-Islamist, back-stabbing, infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being.
Says the rwnj who would defend and support satan if he was the GOP nominee.

Again I'll ask, does Christianity need to be stood up for? Is it under attack?

I can tell by you not answering the question my point was made. Thanks. I win again.

"Again I'll ask, does Christianity need to be stood up for? Is it under attack?"

1. Every value and tradition upon which the nation was built is under attack by you Leftists.

2. Just as our government has no business funding the slaughter of the unborn....public schools should not be funded either based that drumbeat of attacks on religion:

"Student says teacher taught 'God is not real'
A Katy [Texas] seventh grader ...says her teacher asked the class to deny God exists.

... it all happened during a class assignment and now the school is apologizing.

...the teacher that came up with the assignment is distraught, and on Tuesday the principal determined the assignment wasn't something that was necessary for students.

[Jordan] Wooley originally answered the question 'there is no God' in two ways. "I said it was fact or opinion," said Wooley, adding she answered that way because "based on my religion and based on what I think and believe, I do not think it was a common place assertion."

Wooley says her seventh grade reading teacher at West Memorial Junior High School said both her answers were wrong and that she had to admit God wasn't real.
"It was really confusing to me at first because I didn't really know what to do, so the first thing I did was tell my mom," Wooley said.

Her mom Chantel couldn't believe it.
“That a kid was literally graded against her faith in [G]od in a classroom ....
"So the kids were caught in a Catch-22," said Chantel. "If they argued their faith, they were being told they were arguing against their faith and that happened in the classroom."Student says teacher taught 'God is not real'

Recently one of our Liberal pals posted this:

"...bible crazies coming out weekly talking on campus.." Why Liberals Hate Free Speech | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

When asked to explain that reference..........he ran off and hid.
Now....where would he have learned that?

“A Lewis-Palmer High School student who was told she must apologize for mentioning Jesus in a valedictorian speech or not receive a diploma…” Monument teen appeals over Jesus graduation speech

"...a kid was literally graded against her faith in [G]od in a classroom ....

3. "On Tuesday, Katy [Texas government school] released a statement saying, in part, that the assignment was intended to encourage critical thinking and dialogue and not question any students' religious beliefs.
[A truly indefensible excuse.]

"Are we talking about impressionable 12- or 13-year-olds or are we talking about 24-year-olds in college who already have a firm grasp of the world around them?"

"I love reading so for me personally to have to fail reading because of what my beliefs are just shocked me," Wooley said.
Wooley says the assignment was in fact graded, so she says she would've had to have contradicted her faith to pass. ... We went to the teacher's home for a response but she never came to the door.

Katy ISD said in a statement that the assignment was to encourage critical thinking and dialogue and not question any student's religious beliefs.
Student says teacher taught 'God is not real'

The assignment was graded....and to pass, a student had to deny her faith.

Anyone believe that that assignment was designed "to encourage critical thinking" rather than advance a political agenda?

Has anyone ever seen 'critical thinking assignments' in government schools dealing with the Left’s love affair with Marxism, Socialism, Racialism, the slaughter of 100 million during the last century, the Command Economy, or public debt?

Both the bias and hatred of traditional American values, and the failure to educate, are reasons to end public schools monopoly.

Liberal bigotry and bias openly on public display.
Thanks again for that.

Did you hear Trump speaking religion in Saudi Arabia today?
Speaking of terrorism:
'Your soul will be fully condemned!'
Trump's speech warns terrorists their days are numbered | Daily Mail Online

Can you imagine that from the snake, Obama?
Obama made empty threats too and he even bombed the terrorists. Is Trump going to bomb them better?

On the subject of religion....
....which is the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced?

Does Christianity need to be stood up for? Is it under attack? Then shut the fuck up Jesus H Christ!!!!

One can always tell by the resort to coarseness that I've hit a nerve.

I've exposed one more of the fools who supported Barack Hussein Obama, the dirt-eating low-life, crypto-Islamist, back-stabbing, infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being.
Says the rwnj who would defend and support satan if he was the GOP nominee.

Again I'll ask, does Christianity need to be stood up for? Is it under attack?

I can tell by you not answering the question my point was made. Thanks. I win again.

The corruption of the public schools is bad enough....but it is not the only point of attack on traditional religion by Liberals/Democrats....

. "Congressman: IRS asked pro-life group about 'the content of their prayers'

During a House Ways and Means Committee hearing today, Rep. Aaron Schock, R-Ill., grilled outgoing IRS commissioner Steven Miller about the IRS targeting a pro-life group in Iowa.

“Their question, specifically asked from the IRS to the Coalition for Life of Iowa: ‘Please detail the content of the members of your organization’s prayers,’" Schock declared.

“Would that be an inappropriate question to a 501 c3 applicant?” asked Schock. “The content of one’s prayers?”

Fromtheir report:

Coalition for Life of Iowa found itself in the IRS’s crosshairs when the group applied for tax exempt status in October 2008. Nearly ten months of interrogation about the group’s opposition to Planned Parenthood included a demand by a Ms. Richards from the IRS’ Cincinnati office unlawfully insisted that all board members sign a sworn declaration promising not to picket/protest Planned Parenthood.

Further questioning by the IRS requested detailed information about the content of the group’s prayer meetings, educational seminars, and signs their members hold outside Planned Parenthood."
Congressman: IRS asked pro-life group about 'the content of their prayers'

Congress Receives Irrefutable Evidence of IRS Harassment of Pro-Life Organizations | Thomas More Society

So much for freedom of thought, and conscience, and religion, under Liberal/Democrat governance.
Thanks again for that.

Did you hear Trump speaking religion in Saudi Arabia today?
Speaking of terrorism:
'Your soul will be fully condemned!'
Trump's speech warns terrorists their days are numbered | Daily Mail Online

Can you imagine that from the snake, Obama?
Obama made empty threats too and he even bombed the terrorists. Is Trump going to bomb them better?

On the subject of religion....
....which is the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced?

Does Christianity need to be stood up for? Is it under attack? Then shut the fuck up Jesus H Christ!!!!

One can always tell by the resort to coarseness that I've hit a nerve.

I've exposed one more of the fools who supported Barack Hussein Obama, the dirt-eating low-life, crypto-Islamist, back-stabbing, infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being.
Says the rwnj who would defend and support satan if he was the GOP nominee.

Again I'll ask, does Christianity need to be stood up for? Is it under attack?

I can tell by you not answering the question my point was made. Thanks. I win again.

The low-life, Obama, The Faux Christian-in-Chief provided a peek into his true beliefs:

"Speaking in Ireland this week, President Obama stated that Catholic schools were divisive:

“If towns remain divided—if Catholics have their schools and buildings and Protestants have theirs, if we can’t see ourselves in one another and fear or resentment are allowed to harden—that too encourages division and discourages cooperation.” On Thursday, the American Catholics for Religious Freedom fired back on President Obama’s words to 2,000 young people at the G8 Summit, stating,“President Obama’s anti-faith, secular agenda was shamefully on full display yesterday when he told the young people of Northern Ireland that Catholic education and other faith-based schools were divisive and an obstacle to peace.

All Americans of faith should be outraged by these comments which clearly telegraph the President’s belief system and are in fact at their core even anti-American.”

American Catholics for Religious Freedom points out that the [Liberal] media has completely ignored the story, and adds, “Secular progressives like President Obama ignore the truth that faith-based education is a component of the Religious Freedom guaranteed by the Constitution.

He can’t bear the thought that Catholic and parochial schools not only teach important values but consistently produce better educational results at lower cost than America’s failing public schools.

The President’s troubling values are showing here in a way that demonstrate just how dangerous this Administration is and how committed it is to eroding the rights of all people of faith.”
Catholics Fire Back at Obama over School Comments: 'Anti-Faith, Secular Agenda Shamelessly on Full Display' - Breitbart

Couldn't have said it better!

What a fool that man is.

Oh.....and you too.

Obama made empty threats too and he even bombed the terrorists. Is Trump going to bomb them better?

On the subject of religion....
....which is the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced?

Does Christianity need to be stood up for? Is it under attack? Then shut the fuck up Jesus H Christ!!!!

One can always tell by the resort to coarseness that I've hit a nerve.

I've exposed one more of the fools who supported Barack Hussein Obama, the dirt-eating low-life, crypto-Islamist, back-stabbing, infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being.
Says the rwnj who would defend and support satan if he was the GOP nominee.

Again I'll ask, does Christianity need to be stood up for? Is it under attack?

I can tell by you not answering the question my point was made. Thanks. I win again.

"Again I'll ask, does Christianity need to be stood up for? Is it under attack?"

1. Every value and tradition upon which the nation was built is under attack by you Leftists.

2. Just as our government has no business funding the slaughter of the unborn....public schools should not be funded either based that drumbeat of attacks on religion:

"Student says teacher taught 'God is not real'
A Katy [Texas] seventh grader ...says her teacher asked the class to deny God exists.

... it all happened during a class assignment and now the school is apologizing.

...the teacher that came up with the assignment is distraught, and on Tuesday the principal determined the assignment wasn't something that was necessary for students.

[Jordan] Wooley originally answered the question 'there is no God' in two ways. "I said it was fact or opinion," said Wooley, adding she answered that way because "based on my religion and based on what I think and believe, I do not think it was a common place assertion."

Wooley says her seventh grade reading teacher at West Memorial Junior High School said both her answers were wrong and that she had to admit God wasn't real.
"It was really confusing to me at first because I didn't really know what to do, so the first thing I did was tell my mom," Wooley said.

Her mom Chantel couldn't believe it.
“That a kid was literally graded against her faith in [G]od in a classroom ....
"So the kids were caught in a Catch-22," said Chantel. "If they argued their faith, they were being told they were arguing against their faith and that happened in the classroom."Student says teacher taught 'God is not real'

Recently one of our Liberal pals posted this:

"...bible crazies coming out weekly talking on campus.." Why Liberals Hate Free Speech | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

When asked to explain that reference..........he ran off and hid.
Now....where would he have learned that?

“A Lewis-Palmer High School student who was told she must apologize for mentioning Jesus in a valedictorian speech or not receive a diploma…” Monument teen appeals over Jesus graduation speech

"...a kid was literally graded against her faith in [G]od in a classroom ....

3. "On Tuesday, Katy [Texas government school] released a statement saying, in part, that the assignment was intended to encourage critical thinking and dialogue and not question any students' religious beliefs.
[A truly indefensible excuse.]

"Are we talking about impressionable 12- or 13-year-olds or are we talking about 24-year-olds in college who already have a firm grasp of the world around them?"

"I love reading so for me personally to have to fail reading because of what my beliefs are just shocked me," Wooley said.
Wooley says the assignment was in fact graded, so she says she would've had to have contradicted her faith to pass. ... We went to the teacher's home for a response but she never came to the door.

Katy ISD said in a statement that the assignment was to encourage critical thinking and dialogue and not question any student's religious beliefs.
Student says teacher taught 'God is not real'

The assignment was graded....and to pass, a student had to deny her faith.

Anyone believe that that assignment was designed "to encourage critical thinking" rather than advance a political agenda?

Has anyone ever seen 'critical thinking assignments' in government schools dealing with the Left’s love affair with Marxism, Socialism, Racialism, the slaughter of 100 million during the last century, the Command Economy, or public debt?

Both the bias and hatred of traditional American values, and the failure to educate, are reasons to end public schools monopoly.

Liberal bigotry and bias openly on public display.

Sorry if the truth hurts. I can tell I hit a nerve based on your reply. Now that teacher shouldn't have told the kid the truth unless the kid was running his/her mouth off about how evolution isn't real because the bible told him/her so. Then the kid needed to hear the truth. He/She is brainwashed by ignorant lying parents and priests.

How many people has Christianity slaughtered in the last 2000 years? A hell of a lot. Count up the indians and slaves in America alone stupid.

And I'm sorry sweetheart but it's your fellow Christians who are murdering the babies.

70% of Women Who Get Abortions Identify as Christians, Survey Finds

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