25 Reason Trump won't pay a dime to E Carrol...

This disturbed woman needs to be sued by Trump for LYING and taking something that never happened and have her spend some time in prison. This is a Liberal shakedown for a man they hate. I hope he can appeal and sue the HELL out of her. Some of the items below might be minor but when you put the whole package together she is a Liberal nutcase.​

1) Carroll has said rape is “sexy”​

She backs up this insane statement with, “Think of the fantasies” (which my wife and I can’t stop saying to each other). For the record, having someone forcibly violate you against your will is the exact opposite of “sexy.”

2) She’s already bragging about shopping sprees​

Remember in “Goodfellas” when that idiot shows up at the party with his wife wearing a $20,000 fur coat and De Niro tells him to “bring it back”? When you run a scam, you need to lay low for a while. Carroll, conversely, is making appearances on national television telling Rachel Maddow she’s going to buy her a “penthouse in Paris” as well as fishing gear and a motorcycle for her counsel (could she pick weirder presents?). Her lawyer awkwardly murmured, “Uh, that’s a joke.”

Yeah, this whole thing is a joke..

3) The scenario she described came from her favorite TV show​

She is a self-described “Law & Order” fan, and there is an episode wherein a man muscles his way into a changing room at Bergdorf Goodman and sexually molests a woman. This is likely where she got the idea. She’s also a big fan of “The Apprentice.” Would you like to watch your rapist on TV?

4) She didn’t want to press criminal charges​

Being on the cover of New York magazine is one thing, but taking your BS story into an actual courtroom is a whole other level of fraud. When Bill de Blasio said he would change the law to make the case admissible, Carroll kept awkwardly repeating, “The experts told me … the time has passed.”

5) They changed the law​

The case had no merit because the statute of limitations on civil action had passed. So what happened? The New York State Legislature changed the law. Is there anything that screams “witch hunt” more than that? What are we, Zimbabwe?

6) The man who backed the lawsuit is a major DNC donor​

Leftist activist billionaire Reid Hoffman is the money behind this operation. His motive is obviously to bankrupt Trump so he can’t run again. Carroll denied this at first because she’s a liar, but her lawyer was forced to come clean.

7) The whole thing was George Conway’s idea, apparently​

Though she denies it, it’s clear this entire plan was concocted by “conservative lawyer” Conway at a radical leftist cocktail party in Manhattan.

8) Carroll’s lawyer is desperate to fix her reputation as a rape-enabler​

Roberta Kaplan was supposed to champion victims of sexual assault with her #TimesUp movement, but she used it instead to run cover for perverts such as Andrew Cuomo. She got caught and she got fired. Her comeback included representing Ashley Biden (A Biden lawyer going after Trump? Is anyone surprised?), but this case could permanently rescue her Google results.

9) Carroll’s dress didn’t exist back then​

Carroll said the rape happened in the early 1990s. We just learned the particular dress she said she was allegedly wearing did not exist at the time.

10) She cannot remember when the rape happened​

We’re not talking about the exact date. She can’t tell us if it was 1993 or 1995.

11) She won’t let anyone test her coat for DNA​

Carroll calls the dress her “bad luck dress” and told CNN she will never make a talisman out of it — as though the idea had occurred to anyone. Why did she keep it around? This could be the left’s Monica Lewinsky dress, but she refuses to let anyone analyze it.

12) She doesn’t know if Trump ejaculated​

I don’t know if anyone reading this has engaged in sexual intercourse, but evidence of the male orgasm is almost impossible to hide.

13) She is a serial accuser​

Despite being a 3.5, she has claimed men have sexually assaulted her at least a half-dozen times. This isn’t proof of Trump’s innocence in and of itself, but it becomes relevant when surrounded by 24 other points.

14) She said it wasn’t sexual​

Carroll has said pretty much everything that you could say about this encounter, from “it was not sexual” to “it was the definition of rape.” She said she would not press charges, however, because it would trivialize the experience of illegal aliens who are being “raped around the clock.”

15) She’s not his type​

Trump is into elegant Slavs. This woman is like that hysterical chicken lady from “The Kids in the Hall.”

16) The judge and Carroll’s lawyer are pals​

We’re told Judge Lewis Kaplan was Roberta Kaplan’s (no relation) mentor back when they both worked at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison. Roberta Kaplan denies this, but it can’t be denied they worked at the same firm at the same time. That alone is a conflict of interest.

17) Carroll didn’t talk to anyone about the alleged assault, until she did​

If a woman is sexually assaulted, she is morally obligated to report it immediately, so the rapist doesn’t do it again. Carroll did not do this. What’s more, she didn’t talk to any of her friends about it. At least not at first. This is peculiar behavior for a blabbermouth.

18) Even if it’s all true, the settlement would be tiny​

Carroll alleged that Trump cost her a columnist job at Elle, but the magazine made it clear it ended her contract as an advice columnist based on nothing more than lack of interest. But let’s assume Elle fired her because Trump wrote a mean tweet. A good price for an advice column would be a couple of hundred bucks per piece. That’s $2,000 a year for Elle. Assuming Carroll lives as long as “Dear Abby” columnist Pauline Esther Friedman, who died at 94, that would be a whopping total of $28,000 (Carroll is 80).

So, we’re off by about $82,972,000.

19) She said women “love” being abducted​

She told Charlie Rose (remember him?) in 1995 that women love the idea of a caveman knocking them unconscious with a club and then dragging them — by their hair — back to the cave. I’m no feminist, but I’m pretty sure the cerebral contusions from this kind of violence are not a turn-on.

20) She said it wasn’t a big deal​

“I’m a mature woman,” she said. “I can handle it.” OK, then why does she need $83 million to recover? That’s four times the amount of money you get when your kid is decapitated.

21) She lives in a Mouse House​

Anyone who doubts this lady’s mental state needs to check out her house. She calls it “The Mouse House” because it’s infested with rodents (to whom she has given individual names, such as “Terbrusky”). She has painted the trees blue. She has printed out 27 years of advice column questions and stacked them all over the place. Yes, writers can be weird. But it is impossible to look at her place and not think, “This is nuts.”

22) She is a hoarder​

Hoarding is a mental disorder. You can’t sue someone for calling you “crazy” if you have a mental disorder.

23) Her cat is called “Vagina” — seriously​

E. Jean Carroll is obsessed with sex and her vagina. She said she lives in the woods because if she lived in the city, she’d have 16 boyfriends. She’s 80, remember?

Her dog “Tits” has blue hair, and her cat is named “Vagina.” The left-wing media thinks this is irrelevant. “Among the stranger complaints made by the former president … was that the jury wasn’t informed about the name of his accuser’s cat: Vagina T. Fireball.” Uh, when the charge is “calling a sane woman crazy,” Vagina T. Fireball matters.

24) She writes notes to herself​

Wait, doesn’t everyone do that? Not like this. “The Mouse House” is festooned with bizarre messages. Her microwave says, “Burn Baby Burn.” Her bookshelf says, “Always amused never angry.” And, in a moment of deranged honesty, she taped a note to a lamp that says, “Hold your nerve. Pursue your radical options to the bitter END!”

25) Carroll said she wanted to “rape” Trump​

Apparently, she thought having rough sex with him in the changing room would make for a “funny story.” (Wait, I thought she didn’t tell anyone about what happened to her out of fear.) She also suggested she’d do it for $17,000 if he was unable to speak. Sounds awfully rapey, doesn’t it?
Anyone who takes this case seriously and doesn’t see E. Jean Carroll as a complete basket case is a complete basket case.

When I saw the thread title I thought it referred to the other 25 women Trump sexually assaulted. I'll add them to the list of people "out to get Trump" including all the members of the multiple grand juries who voted to indict him, all the DA's and SC's who acted on the grand jury votes, all the judges (and their clerks) presiding on the cases, all the judges who make up the appeals courts who ruled against him, the students of his fraudulent real estate school who filed suit against him, the judge in NY who fined him $2M for stealing from his charitable foundation, members of the DoJ who filed a housing discrimination suit, the 82M people who voted for Biden, the media, the historians who rank him so poorly, and people around the world who recognize him as the authoritarian inclined, incompetent buffoon he is.
It would be delicious if the Trump DOJ goes after this shit-eating rodent in about a year.

Get it before it goes to room temperature. And lock it up. Nobody is above the law.

Trump doesn’t care about protecting the people

Under Trump, DOJ will have two missions

1. Protect him from criminal prosecution
2. Attack his personal enemies
What you know about President Trump, factually, could probably fit in your girlfriend's dickhole.... hmm?

And you probably have something to hide from impartial law enforcement. (Don't tell us what it is, then we're a party to it).

Good luck with that.
What you know about President Trump, factually, could probably fit in your girlfriend's dickhole.... hmm?

And you probably have something to hide from impartial law enforcement. (Don't tell us what it is, then we're a party to it).

Good luck with that.
As usual, you turn a topic into means to display your homoerotic fetishes
Yeah, you go after a criminal that falsely accused someone of rape.

That will be a criminal prosecution.

Do I have to hold your fucking hand through this?

Retard, you posted if you falsely accuse someone of rape, the accuser should get the sentence the accused would have gotten.

Trump can't get sentenced; so according to you, Carroll should not be sentenced to jail time if it could be proven she lied about being raped.

You didn't think this through. You just mindlessly posted a meme to do your thinking for you.
But it should be obvious there could not possibly have been any evidence, since it was 30 years ago, and its her word against his.
I see no way a fair jury could have ruled in her favor.

Trump's own words convicted him. He doesn't deny assaulting and raping women. He freely admits he does it and he gets away with it because he's a star. He simply claimed he didn't assault THIS woman, but the evidence says that he did.

And Trump lied when he said he "didn't know her". He claimed she wasn't "his type" but mistook a picture of Ms. Carroll for his then wife, Marla Maples. Multiple photos of Ms. Carroll and Mr. Trump were produced.

Also, Ms. Carroll told others about the attack at the time it happened, even though she didn't pursue criminal charges.

The Cult makes much of Tara Reade's claims versus those of E. Jean Carroll. Reade's story changed over time. She said she filed a formal complaint with the ethics office but didn't have a copy. Well maybe she just talked to someone and didn't file a complaint.

Reade said she told her brother and mother about the assault at time. Her brother denied any such thing and her mother is dead. Others came forward and said the Reade had scammed them out of money or rent, generally using stories about abuse. The first time I heard her story, it sounded to me like yet another political groupie who threw herself at the Senator, and being a married man, he rejected her advances. The "You're nothing to me" sounded very real when she said it. I can see a man using such words to reject her advances, but not to try to get into her pants. Hardly an enticing sentiment.

Carroll told several friends about the assault at the time. And her behaviour is consistent with 70% of women who are raped. They don't report it or file charges. 99% of rapists are acquitted, especially those who are rich and she willingly went into that dressing room with him.

Carroll didn't sue Trump because he raped her. She sued Trump because he called her a liar and a "crackpot". Among other things. He could have kept his mouth shut and said nothing when her book was released. Like Les Moonves did. But Trump LOVES to play the victim, and he went on the attack. And he refused to stop. Even when found guilty and ordered to pay, Trump went on national television and repeated the things he had been fined $5 million for saying.

All Trump had to do was keep his mouth shut and there never would have been a trial. At all.

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