25 Reason Trump won't pay a dime to E Carrol...

And being in a civil court, she needed only to prove her claims beyond a preponderance of the evidence. She did that.

It all comes down to….more likely than not

Two juries believed Carrol and found Trump to be untruthful
OK USMB Conservatives
You be the Jury

Carrols Claim: Trump forced me into a dressing room and sexually assaulted me

Supporting Evidence:
Trump bragging that he is rich and likes to grab women by the pussy
Multiple other women have made the same accusation
Friends of Carrol testifying they had been told the story years ago

Trumps Claim:
1. I don’t know this woman
Plaintiff Lawyers show a picture of Trump talking and laughing with Carrol.
Lawyers point to all the times Trump claimed he didn’t know someone only to be proved he did.

2. She is not my type.
Lawyers point to Carrol in a picture and Trump identifies her as his wife Marla

OK Jury
Who would you rule in favor of?
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"Testimony can be evidence, but only when it demonstrates that one was actually there, saw something......"

Well, lemme first admit I ain't always the brightest candle on the cake. So stipulated.
However, as I understand poor poster Rigby, he asserts that for testimony to be credible - someone had to have actually been in that dressing room. To have actually seen something.

OK, fair enough. Seems reasonable.

Accordingly, can the forum humbly submit there was someone there and saw stuff...... and testified under oath to such?

I.E. ---- E.Jean Carroll.
Really? What was that evidence? It’s what I’ve been waiting ti see all this time. People keep talking about this evidence…where is it? WHAT is it?

The jury has to rule on a standard of “more likely than not” instead of “beyond a reasonable doubt”

In this case, the jury found it more likely that Carrol was telling the truth than Trump
A Jury has to consider ….Is this more likely than not

If a woman accused Mike Pence of forcing her into a dressing room and sexually assaulting her, the Jury would hear evidence that Pence is a deeply Christian man who never allows himself to be seen alone with a woman who is not his wife

If a woman accused Donald Trump of the same, The Jury would hear evidence of him bragging how he can just grab women by the pussy because he is rich and famous and that over a dozen women have accused him of similar acts.

Which one would be more likely than not?
Carroll testified under oath for hours, including cross examination from Trump's lawyers.

Trump refused to testify under oath before the jury, or subject himself to cross examination under oath in front of them.

Trump did get questioned in a deposition under oath prior to the trial which the jury got to see....and it was an absolutely disastrous deposition which showed his untruthfulness.

The jury, who had front row seats, believed Carroll and did not believe Trump.
Did you read that deposition? What was so disastrous about it?
These people don't read real documents. They get the spin on them from rightwing sites. They really are that stupid, literally dumbing themselves down.

Evidence, what evidence....

Your side doesn't like "evidence," it prefers Stalin-esque show trials that deny the actual evidence, which is that this witch is a big liar with no evidence to back up her pathetic claim...
There's no fool like an old fool...

going around talking about how she is going to spend money .. ill-gotten gains


Trump would never touch a stupid ass liberal b******* like that
Evidence, what evidence....

Your side doesn't like "evidence," it prefers Stalin-esque show trials that deny the actual evidence, which is that this witch is a big liar with no evidence to back up her pathetic claim...

Sure there's evidence. She claims Trump grabbed her by the pussy. You know what Trump said celebrities can do, right?
The entire "evidence" is the "word" of this sick witch who names her pets after sexual body parts...???

Nope. Again, there was Trump's own admission that celebrities can grab women by their pussy.

It makes her claim much more believable.

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