26 Palestinian Prisoners To Be Released By Israel December 31, 2013


WHAT to do but laugh at the Hubris of Zionists?

They think they are God, I cannot wait to watch the future in Palestine unfold and watch God show them His justice for Zionist crimes there.

I say this , but when I see the ways God's justice actually comes to the Zionist State, like an Israeli Jewish woman with four small children facing being evicted and made homeless on Sunday in Israel because she cannot afford housing and has been living in an abandoned apartment for the past month , what I actually do is cry and pray for her and her children.

The very same organization is an advocate for her rights and rights of Palestinians being forced unjustly from their lands and that organization is Rabbis For Human Rights.

Such a wicked person as yourself is rare to find. You said you believe in equal rights, but you do not. You celebrate the release of killers but the tears of the victims amuse you.

You are not a follower of Jesus.

Sherri is an Islamist.

Post 157

Sherri is now trolling, lets not go down to that level

What lies, is that all the Zionist can produce this beautiful day?

A day for celebration in Palestine.

:lol: No celebration at all. They are safer in Israeli jails than they are free. As I said, they need to watch their backs.

Oh, and the Jewish land is called Israel. If you don't know that, then it is no wonder you are confused. :lol:

WHAT to do but laugh at the Hubris of Zionists?

They think they are God, I cannot wait to watch the future in Palestine unfold and watch God show them His justice for Zionist crimes there.

I say this , but when I see the ways God's justice actually comes to the Zionist State, like an Israeli Jewish woman with four small children facing being evicted and made homeless on Sunday in Israel because she cannot afford housing and has been living in an abandoned apartment for the past month , what I actually do is cry and pray for her and her children.

The very same organization is an advocate for her rights and rights of Palestinians being forced unjustly from their lands and that organization is Rabbis For Human Rights.

Such a wicked person as yourself is rare to find. You said you believe in equal rights, but you do not. You celebrate the release of killers but the tears of the victims amuse you.

You are not a follower of Jesus.

I am not amused by the tears of victims.

There are many victims of Occupation, Zionist victims and Palestinian victims.

And I am a follower of Jesus.

There is a woman named Natali Khodedah who was expected to be evicted from an apartment, an empty public housing apartment she was living in for about a month and a half, she was living in this apartment with her four children there squatting, on Sunday.

Rabbis For Human Rights has been trying to work with MKs to prevent her being evicted.

You say you are in Israel.

Do you care about this woman facing homelessness?

Here is a contact number, XXXXXXX.

Social activists were planning to gather at her home Sunday in the Katamonin neighborhood.

Natali works as an assistant teacher in a municipal kindergarten and cannot afford housing.
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WHAT to do but laugh at the Hubris of Zionists?

They think they are God, I cannot wait to watch the future in Palestine unfold and watch God show them His justice for Zionist crimes there.

I say this , but when I see the ways God's justice actually comes to the Zionist State, like an Israeli Jewish woman with four small children facing being evicted and made homeless on Sunday in Israel because she cannot afford housing and has been living in an abandoned apartment for the past month , what I actually do is cry and pray for her and her children.

The very same organization is an advocate for her rights and rights of Palestinians being forced unjustly from their lands and that organization is Rabbis For Human Rights.

Such a wicked person as yourself is rare to find. You said you believe in equal rights, but you do not. You celebrate the release of killers but the tears of the victims amuse you.

You are not a follower of Jesus.

Sherri is an Islamist.

Post 157


I am sorry but nothing in that post makes me an Islamist.

I posted a video and wrote Insha Allah

What does Insha Allah mean? I remember looking this up before and reading about that and I will share that information with you here.

What Does Insha'Allah Mean? (with pictures)

"The phrase insha'Allah means “God willing” or “if God wills it” in Arabic. Devout Muslims say "insha'Allah" whenever they make a statement about a plan to do something, in a way of requesting God to bless the activity. The phrase also acknowledges submission to God, with the speaker putting him or herself into God's hands, and accepting the fact that God sometimes works in inscrutable ways"

I said the words after stating one day Israel's pogroms and Occupation in Palestine would end.

Nothing in that post makes me an Islamist.

WHAT to do but laugh at the Hubris of Zionists?

They think they are God, I cannot wait to watch the future in Palestine unfold and watch God show them His justice for Zionist crimes there.

I say this , but when I see the ways God's justice actually comes to the Zionist State, like an Israeli Jewish woman with four small children facing being evicted and made homeless on Sunday in Israel because she cannot afford housing and has been living in an abandoned apartment for the past month , what I actually do is cry and pray for her and her children.

The very same organization is an advocate for her rights and rights of Palestinians being forced unjustly from their lands and that organization is Rabbis For Human Rights.

Such a wicked person as yourself is rare to find. You said you believe in equal rights, but you do not. You celebrate the release of killers but the tears of the victims amuse you.

You are not a follower of Jesus.

I am not amused by the tears of victims.

There are many victims of Occupation, Zionist victims and Palestinian victims.

And I am a follower of Jesus.

There is a woman named Natali Khodedah who was expected to be evicted from an apartment, an empty public housing apartment she was living in for about a month and a half, she was living in this apartment with her four children there squatting, on Sunday.

Rabbis For Human Rights has been trying to work with MKs to prevent her being evicted.

You say you are in Israel.

Do you care about this woman facing homelessness?

Here is a contact number, 054-8003521.

Social activists were planning to gather at her home Sunday in the Katamonin neighborhood.

Natali works as an assistant teacher in a municipal kindergarten and cannot afford housing.

Since you have her contact number, how much money are you going to send her to help with her plight??
Such a wicked person as yourself is rare to find. You said you believe in equal rights, but you do not. You celebrate the release of killers but the tears of the victims amuse you.

You are not a follower of Jesus.

Sherri is an Islamist.

Post 157


I am sorry but nothing in that post makes me an Islamist.

I posted a video and wrote Insha Allah

What does Insha Allah mean? I remember looking this up before and reading about that and I will share that information with you here.

What Does Insha'Allah Mean? (with pictures)

"The phrase insha'Allah means “God willing” or “if God wills it” in Arabic. Devout Muslims say "insha'Allah" whenever they make a statement about a plan to do something, in a way of requesting God to bless the activity. The phrase also acknowledges submission to God, with the speaker putting him or herself into God's hands, and accepting the fact that God sometimes works in inscrutable ways"

I said the words after stating one day Israel's pogroms and Occupation in Palestine would end.

Nothing in that post makes me an Islamist.

No true Christian would say that. Well, we knew you were not a true Christian anyway.

I am sorry but nothing in that post makes me an Islamist.

I posted a video and wrote Insha Allah

What does Insha Allah mean? I remember looking this up before and reading about that and I will share that information with you here.

What Does Insha'Allah Mean? (with pictures)

"The phrase insha'Allah means “God willing” or “if God wills it” in Arabic. Devout Muslims say "insha'Allah" whenever they make a statement about a plan to do something, in a way of requesting God to bless the activity. The phrase also acknowledges submission to God, with the speaker putting him or herself into God's hands, and accepting the fact that God sometimes works in inscrutable ways"

I said the words after stating one day Israel's pogroms and Occupation in Palestine would end.

Nothing in that post makes me an Islamist.

No true Christian would say that. Well, we knew you were not a true Christian anyway.

Christians say God willing all of the time, when they Pray about difficult circumstances they face in their lives. We pray that God's will be done, sometimes there is pain where that takes one. Just listening to my Pastor in his Sermon speaking of a Church member's Prayer for Him to Pray for her to die well if it was her time to go. She has not given up on living, but first and foremost she desires God's will be done in her life and she knows what matters most is her response to her circumstances, does she respond like Christ. We Christians know we can endure anything, God is with us through all. And a better place is in store for all of us in Heaven.
Against the act of injustice and mockery, Israel is also positively remembering those who stood there to protest the lunacy. up until their release, there were those who dared to stand and protest against the absurdity, building a protest encampment infront of the prime minister's house. One of them was 14 year old Tamar Fogel, who was present with her uncle and 11 year old brother, Ro'i. She called the prime minister to look them in the eye and tell them this is right. She also said that in any future-planned terrorists release, she'll be found in protest encampments.


Dear Tamari! so grown up! God bless this girl. She's a true heroine and a model to what a daughter of Israel should be like!
Knesset Member Ayelet Shaked initiated the idea that regarding future terrorists release, the Israeli court will determine upon deciding on the punishment, that their release will not be an option. I see it as a very positive step. Either that, or kill them on the spot when they get caught. The tears of the mourning family members should not go in vain. That's the ideal solution. This proposition can very well get accepted by the Knesset, we have faith it will.
I can only conclude from Gruppenführer Sherri's refusal to answer my question that, despite her advertising the woman's contact number in an effort to solicit funds, she refuses to put her money where her mouth is and send some of her own cash to aid the woman in her plight.

Quelle surprise.

WHAT to do but laugh at the Hubris of Zionists?

They think they are God, I cannot wait to watch the future in Palestine unfold and watch God show them His justice for Zionist crimes there.

I say this , but when I see the ways God's justice actually comes to the Zionist State, like an Israeli Jewish woman with four small children facing being evicted and made homeless on Sunday in Israel because she cannot afford housing and has been living in an abandoned apartment for the past month , what I actually do is cry and pray for her and her children.

The very same organization is an advocate for her rights and rights of Palestinians being forced unjustly from their lands and that organization is Rabbis For Human Rights.

Such a wicked person as yourself is rare to find. You said you believe in equal rights, but you do not. You celebrate the release of killers but the tears of the victims amuse you.

You are not a follower of Jesus.

I am not amused by the tears of victims.

There are many victims of Occupation, Zionist victims and Palestinian victims.

And I am a follower of Jesus.

There is a woman named Natali Khodedah who was expected to be evicted from an apartment, an empty public housing apartment she was living in for about a month and a half, she was living in this apartment with her four children there squatting, on Sunday.

Rabbis For Human Rights has been trying to work with MKs to prevent her being evicted.

You say you are in Israel.

Do you care about this woman facing homelessness?

Here is a contact number, XXXXXXX.

Social activists were planning to gather at her home Sunday in the Katamonin neighborhood.

Natali works as an assistant teacher in a municipal kindergarten and cannot afford housing.

You celebrate the injustice of guilty not getting punished, and celebrate the joy of those with blood on their hands getting released.

Jesus weeps that such a person as yourself is calling herself a "follower" of christ.

Do I care for those who are left without housing? yes, I care. I also care for the weak ones in my country. You don't know me and what I do, for you, being "Zionist" equals being a killer, and that is why you're such a small person with narrow mind who cannot care less about the truth, sherri.

We used to employ an old lady with no money in our house, in cleaning. we had her for years, my mom and her held tight friendship. This woman had four kids and no husband to maintain her. One day she and my mom had a fight and my mom had to fire her.

But even though she did it, she never forgot what it means to be caring and human. we fired her 10 years ago, and each holiday, if Rosh Hashama, or Passover, or Channukah, each year! we bought her clothes and food and heating and bread, we bought enough for her kids, too. when her son was sick, we payed for doctor. When her daughter turned 12 but could not afford a Bat-Mitzvah party, my family took her to a 40 days trip around the world, so she could see something else. When her daughter gave birth, we bought the first toys, when her son got married, we payed for the party.

So you tell me, what being a zionist only means being a killer. When was the last time you did something like this out of friendship and pure human kindness, like my old woman did?
Knesset Member Ayelet Shaked initiated the idea that regarding future terrorists release, the Israeli court will determine upon deciding on the punishment, that their release will not be an option. I see it as a very positive step. Either that, or kill them on the spot when they get caught. The tears of the mourning family members should not go in vain. That's the ideal solution. This proposition can very well get accepted by the Knesset, we have faith it will.
In the future, Take No Prisoners. "We don't need no stinkin' prisoners"!
Response Post 117

A ZIONIST who rejects Jesus as Messiah is certainly not one to make a statement about what make Jesus weep.

LIPUSH's rejection of Jesus makes Jesus weep and I know that because what Jesus said in Matthew 23.

These 26 men did not have fair and just and lawful trials, so Justice is served and done by their release from unlawful Zionist captivity.

Jesus had and has a special place in His heart for prisoners, guilty and non guilty ones.

Jesus was Himself unlawfully and unjustly imprisoned.

Jesus was crucified by people Zionists on this board would call Zionists.(See the thread entitled Even Jesus was a Zionist).

A convicted common criminal was offered the gift of Salvation as he hung on a cross beside Jesus, by Jesus.

Jesus loves these Palestinian prisoners too.

And as I am not the issue of this thread, I am not responding to your personal attacks.

WHAT I wanted you to personally know about is this woman and her 4 children facing eviction in what you call your country.
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