26 Palestinian Prisoners To Be Released By Israel December 31, 2013

Watch "Palestinians gather at Erez crossing as Israel prepares to release prisoners" on YouTube
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Meanwhile, of course, Mrs. Sherri doesn't care about about those who are being detained and tortured in Syria. She is just happy that murderers are being let out of the Israeli jails. I guess if there is no peace agreement, then Israel will be free to pick up this murderers.


My celebrating prisoners detained unlawfully for 25 years says nothing about a thing going on in Syria.

I think all that baby killing in Vietnam has destroyed this posters ability to reason and say a thing that even makes any sense.

One would think that since you are posting on a Middle East forum that once in a while you would talk about what is happening in the various Middle East countries. After all, this is not exclusively an Israel/Palestine forum. By the way, Mrs. Sherri, you really should stop missing your psychiatrist appointments. I realize that you hate to leave your house because it would interfere with your posting nonsense. This befuddled woman who has to have her meds changed thinks I was in Vietnam when I was actually raising three children at the time, and I did things with them and would never think of ignoring them to post nonsense on the Internet if it had been available then.

One would think the baby killer would know by now that Palestine is in the Middle East but all the baby killer can do is try to divert threads whenever the topic is Palestine.
Freedom of speech is a right we still have in America, despite Zionist's desire to see it end when the speech criticizes Israel.
Israel releases 26 Palestinian prisoners

Last updated: 1 hour ago

Inmates freed from Israeli jails as part of US-brokered deal to restart Middle East negotiations

After departing on buses from Israeli jails overnight, the prisoners*received hero's welcomes upon their return to the occupied West Bank and Gaza with*officials and relatives lining up to greet them.

At his headquarters*in Ramallah, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas waited to meet the men in*the middle of the night. Speaking before thousands, he pledged to continue*pressing for the release of long-serving and ill prisoners.

"We will not sign a final peace deal with Israel before all the prisoners*are released,'' he said

Israel releases 26 Palestinian prisoners - Al Jazeera English
Israel releases 26 Palestinian prisoners

Last updated: 1 hour ago

Inmates freed from Israeli jails as part of US-brokered deal to restart Middle East negotiations

After departing on buses from Israeli jails overnight, the prisoners*received hero's welcomes upon their return to the occupied West Bank and Gaza with*officials and relatives lining up to greet them.

At his headquarters*in Ramallah, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas waited to meet the men in*the middle of the night. Speaking before thousands, he pledged to continue*pressing for the release of long-serving and ill prisoners.

"We will not sign a final peace deal with Israel before all the prisoners*are released,'' he said

Israel releases 26 Palestinian prisoners - Al Jazeera English

ISRAELI JAILS AND HOSPITALS -----to gaza Arab muslims should not be under
the control of Israeli jailers and nursers. The control of a muslim by a jew is contrary
This was indeed a sad day. Hay God take his wrath and vengeance on the terrorists soon. Our only relief is that not now, and not in the foreseen future, Arab-Israeli terrorists will be released. The Americans and Palestinians failed in trying to force us to back down from this red line, but Israel had the last word on that. Thankfully.
Hopefully this release will lead to more such events and lead to a chance for peace in the region.

Always nice to be hopeful. But I go for realism; Hamas will boast of this as a 'victory' and renew their terrorism. There is no chance that they will recognise Israel's right to exist and, therefore, no chance of peace.
Lots more building within all areas that will become part of Israel proper is now to be done. It is the least that can be done for the good of the Jewish people who are in dire need of homes in their own land.
Watch celebrations in Jerusalem nd Ramallah!

Watch "Israel Frees 26 Palestinian Prisoners" on YouTube
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Watch "Jubilation as Israel releases Palestinian prisoners" on YouTube

The Guardian releases this video of Jubilation in Palestine.
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Trust in God, and they have nothing to fear.

Fear of God's coming wrath is what Zionists in Palestine should be fearing.
Trust in God, and they have nothing to fear.

Fear of God's coming wrath is what Zionists in Palestine should be fearing.

They believe in some entity called Allah which is not the real G-d, therefore they are doomed. Those released terrorists should be afraid, very afraid.

WHAT to do but laugh at the Hubris of Zionists?

They think they are God, I cannot wait to watch the future in Palestine unfold and watch God show them His justice for Zionist crimes there.

I say this , but when I see the ways God's justice actually comes to the Zionist State, like an Israeli Jewish woman with four small children facing being evicted and made homeless on Sunday in Israel because she cannot afford housing and has been living in an abandoned apartment for the past month , what I actually do is cry and pray for her and her children.

The very same organization is an advocate for her rights and rights of Palestinians being forced unjustly from their lands and that organization is Rabbis For Human Rights.

WHAT to do but laugh at the Hubris of Zionists?

They think they are God, I cannot wait to watch the future in Palestine unfold and watch God show them His justice for Zionist crimes there.

I say this , but when I see the ways God's justice actually comes to the Zionist State, like an Israeli Jewish woman with four small children facing being evicted and made homeless on Sunday in Israel because she cannot afford housing and has been living in an abandoned apartment for the past month , what I actually do is cry and pray for her and her children.

The very same organization is an advocate for her rights and rights of Palestinians being forced unjustly from their lands and that organization is Rabbis For Human Rights.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqoxDqHMxTc]Am yisrael chai - YouTube[/ame]

WHAT to do but laugh at the Hubris of Zionists?

They think they are God, I cannot wait to watch the future in Palestine unfold and watch God show them His justice for Zionist crimes there.

I say this , but when I see the ways God's justice actually comes to the Zionist State, like an Israeli Jewish woman with four small children facing being evicted and made homeless on Sunday in Israel because she cannot afford housing and has been living in an abandoned apartment for the past month , what I actually do is cry and pray for her and her children.

The very same organization is an advocate for her rights and rights of Palestinians being forced unjustly from their lands and that organization is Rabbis For Human Rights.

Such a wicked person as yourself is rare to find. You said you believe in equal rights, but you do not. You celebrate the release of killers but the tears of the victims amuse you.

You are not a follower of Jesus.
Photos of Palestinians celebrating freedom for 26 Palestinian heroes





Maan Images - In photos: Israel releases 26 Palestinian prisoners | Maan News Agency
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