26 Palestinian Prisoners To Be Released By Israel December 31, 2013

Response Post 117

A ZIONIST who rejects Jesus as Messiah is certainly not one to make a statement about what make Jesus weep.

These 26 men did not have fair and just and lawful trials, so Justice is served and done by their release from unlawful Zionist captivity.

Jesus had and has a special place in His heart for prisoners, guilty and non guilty ones.

Jesus was Himself unlawfully and unjustly imprisoned.

Jesus was crucified by people Zionists on this board would call Zionists.(See the thread entitled Even Jesus was a Zionist).

A convicted common criminal was offered the gift of Salvation as he hung on a cross beside Jesus, by Jesus.

And as I am not the issue of this thread, I am not responding to your personal attacks.

WHAT I wanted you to personally to know about is this woman and her 4 children facing eviction in what you call your country.

Jesus lives these Palestinian prisoners too.
The difference is: Jesus didn't kill anybody. These prisoners are depraved animalistic killers.
Response Post 117

A ZIONIST who rejects Jesus as Messiah is certainly not one to make a statement about what make Jesus weep.

LIPUSH's rejection of Jesus makes Jesus weep and I know that because what Jesus said in Matthew 23.

These 26 men did not have fair and just and lawful trials, so Justice is served and done by their release from unlawful Zionist captivity.

Jesus had and has a special place in His heart for prisoners, guilty and non guilty ones.

Jesus was Himself unlawfully and unjustly imprisoned.

Jesus was crucified by people Zionists on this board would call Zionists.(See the thread entitled Even Jesus was a Zionist).

A convicted common criminal was offered the gift of Salvation as he hung on a cross beside Jesus, by Jesus.

Jesus lives these Palestinian prisoners too.

And as I am not the issue of this thread, I am not responding to your personal attacks.

WHAT I wanted you to personally know about is this woman and her 4 children facing eviction in what you call your country.

Here again Sherri represents nothing but dark character. She seems to think that Jews have no freedom of religion to worship however the want and however they want. Yet she constantly says how righteous she is in following Jesus' step.

I don't use Jesus' name and in the same breath wishing destruction and pain for the people I dislike, Sherri; That what makes you and I different. I don't use Jesus' name and put a SMILEY FACE in a threat which talks about BABIES DYING! I don't applause on pilots getting killed and I don't generalize people by saying their main cause of LIVING is to KILL OTHER PEOPLE.

So, by all means, if two of us were worshipers of Jesus Christ, who would you think he'd dislike more?

P.S- Jesus was killed by the Romans. Even the pope said so, idiot.
Lipush obviously does not understand English.

I wished hurt or hate on no living creature in my post.

There is no darkness in love, only Light.

And that Light is something to keep a smile on a face for a lifetime.

What is to hate in a smile?

What is to hate in Light?
Lipush obviously does not understand English.

I wished hurt or hate on no living creature in my post.

There is no darkness in love, only Light.

And that Light is something to keep a smile on a face for a lifetime.

What is to hate in a smile?

What is to hate in Light?

Your views are the most hate-filled and irrational views on the whole forum. Plain for all to see.
Lipush obviously does not understand English.

I wished hurt or hate on no living creature in my post.

There is no darkness in love, only Light.

And that Light is something to keep a smile on a face for a lifetime.

What is to hate in a smile?

What is to hate in Light?

I could ask you what you and the Iranian gang have planned for New Year's Eve. However, in keeping with the thread title which refers to prisoners and since you have such an affinity for prisoners, I wonder if you can hold a prayer vigil with the church ladies for these Kurdish prisoners. Perhaps you can get word to these prisoners to please eat to keep up their strength.

Hunger Strike Turns Critical For Kurdish Prisoners Eurasia Review
Lipush obviously does not understand English.

I wished hurt or hate on no living creature in my post.

There is no darkness in love, only Light.

And that Light is something to keep a smile on a face for a lifetime.

What is to hate in a smile?

What is to hate in Light?

Your views are the most hate-filled and irrational views on the whole forum. Plain for all to see.

With Mrs. Sherri constantly posting like some maniacal parrot for others to learn English or they do not understand English, perhaps she is projecting and the Iranian gang is having a difficult time posting and has to have a dictionary by their side to look up words. If they could only post in Farsi, all would be well.
Response Post 117

A ZIONIST who rejects Jesus as Messiah is certainly not one to make a statement about what make Jesus weep.

These 26 men did not have fair and just and lawful trials, so Justice is served and done by their release from unlawful Zionist captivity.

Jesus had and has a special place in His heart for prisoners, guilty and non guilty ones.

Jesus was Himself unlawfully and unjustly imprisoned.

Jesus was crucified by people Zionists on this board would call Zionists.(See the thread entitled Even Jesus was a Zionist).

A convicted common criminal was offered the gift of Salvation as he hung on a cross beside Jesus, by Jesus.

And as I am not the issue of this thread, I am not responding to your personal attacks.

WHAT I wanted you to personally to know about is this woman and her 4 children facing eviction in what you call your country.

Jesus lives these Palestinian prisoners too.
The difference is: Jesus didn't kill anybody. These prisoners are depraved animalistic killers.

real historians agree that ALL of the people who were crucified on the day that Jesus
was crucified -----were crucified for the same crime "SEDITION AGAINST ROME"
The fact is that crucifixtion was reserved for that particular crime------simple robbery
was not included. Of course it is possible that Barrbabas robbed a ROMAN ----
such an act could be considered sedition against Rome at that time. Roman law was
VERY much the forerunner of the laws that sherri's kith and kin elaborated in order
to justify their genocides of hundreds of millions --------the biggest crimes were
"sedition" which in the case of sherri's kith and kin over the past 1700 years included
refusal to accept the state religion and especially in the case of the followers of the
meccan rapist----ANY tinge of rejection of complete subjgation to their filth.
The nuremberg laws were based on the ROMAN MODEL-----taken from the laws
elaborated by CONSTANTINE----and codified by his grandson JUSTINIAN.
Constantine did not start from "nowhere". Genocide is the name of the game
amongst sherri's kith and kin. Be generous ----she is not responsible for the filth of
her culture and that with which she was inculcated
Lipush obviously does not understand English.

I wished hurt or hate on no living creature in my post.

There is no darkness in love, only Light.

And that Light is something to keep a smile on a face for a lifetime.

What is to hate in a smile?

What is to hate in Light?

Your views are the most hate-filled and irrational views on the whole forum. Plain for all to see.

I thank you for speaking lies about me and hating me.

I am Blessed by your hate of me.

You go on, girl, by all means, keep that hate coming.

WHAT to do but laugh at the Hubris of Zionists?

They think they are God, I cannot wait to watch the future in Palestine unfold and watch God show them His justice for Zionist crimes there.

I say this , but when I see the ways God's justice actually comes to the Zionist State, like an Israeli Jewish woman with four small children facing being evicted and made homeless on Sunday in Israel because she cannot afford housing and has been living in an abandoned apartment for the past month , what I actually do is cry and pray for her and her children.

The very same organization is an advocate for her rights and rights of Palestinians being forced unjustly from their lands and that organization is Rabbis For Human Rights.

Such a wicked person as yourself is rare to find. You said you believe in equal rights, but you do not. You celebrate the release of killers but the tears of the victims amuse you.

You are not a follower of Jesus.

I am not amused by the tears of victims.

There are many victims of Occupation, Zionist victims and Palestinian victims.

And I am a follower of Jesus.

There is a woman named Natali Khodedah who was expected to be evicted from an apartment, an empty public housing apartment she was living in for about a month and a half, she was living in this apartment with her four children there squatting, on Sunday.

Rabbis For Human Rights has been trying to work with MKs to prevent her being evicted.

You say you are in Israel.

Do you care about this woman facing homelessness?

Here is a contact number, XXXXXXX.

Social activists were planning to gather at her home Sunday in the Katamonin neighborhood.

Natali works as an assistant teacher in a municipal kindergarten and cannot afford housing.

If you followed Jesus then you would not use ANTI SEMITIC NAZI JEW HATRED terms for Israel, Israelis and Jews. You do realise that Jesus is one of those Zionists you so hate, and if he was alive today he would be at the front of the queue returning fire to the muslim child murderers.
I also see that you support thieves and other criminals as squatting is an illegal act in most nations, as you deprive the rightfull owners of the right to their property.
Response Post 117

A ZIONIST who rejects Jesus as Messiah is certainly not one to make a statement about what make Jesus weep.

These 26 men did not have fair and just and lawful trials, so Justice is served and done by their release from unlawful Zionist captivity.

Jesus had and has a special place in His heart for prisoners, guilty and non guilty ones.

Jesus was Himself unlawfully and unjustly imprisoned.

Jesus was crucified by people Zionists on this board would call Zionists.(See the thread entitled Even Jesus was a Zionist).

A convicted common criminal was offered the gift of Salvation as he hung on a cross beside Jesus, by Jesus.

And as I am not the issue of this thread, I am not responding to your personal attacks.

WHAT I wanted you to personally to know about is this woman and her 4 children facing eviction in what you call your country.

Jesus lives these Palestinian prisoners too.
The difference is: Jesus didn't kill anybody. These prisoners are depraved animalistic killers.

real historians agree that ALL of the people who were crucified on the day that Jesus
was crucified -----were crucified for the same crime "SEDITION AGAINST ROME"
The fact is that crucifixtion was reserved for that particular crime------simple robbery
was not included. Of course it is possible that Barrbabas robbed a ROMAN ----
such an act could be considered sedition against Rome at that time. Roman law was
VERY much the forerunner of the laws that sherri's kith and kin elaborated in order
to justify their genocides of hundreds of millions --------the biggest crimes were
"sedition" which in the case of sherri's kith and kin over the past 1700 years included
refusal to accept the state religion and especially in the case of the followers of the
meccan rapist----ANY tinge of rejection of complete subjgation to their filth.
The nuremberg laws were based on the ROMAN MODEL-----taken from the laws
elaborated by CONSTANTINE----and codified by his grandson JUSTINIAN.
Constantine did not start from "nowhere". Genocide is the name of the game
amongst sherri's kith and kin. Be generous ----she is not responsible for the filth of
her culture and that with which she was inculcated

None of the 26 released prisoners were found guilty of a crime in a lawful criminal proceedings, so I see them established as having committed no crimes.

Freedom for 26 innocent men is Justice.
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Occupied Ramallah- Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association holds the Israeli Occupation forces and the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) responsible for the life of 16 year-old*Mohammad Azzeh. Addameer expresses its utmost concern*that*Mohammad’s deteriorating health condition is caused by *his continued*detention and medical negligence*by prison staff.

Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association - ADDAMEER - Addameer Holds the Occupation Responsible for the Life of Child Prisoner Mohammad Azzeh

Now why doesn't the use of a biased and terrorist funded group as evidence not surprise me. If this is the best you can do then it is time to hang up your keyboard.

Every human rights group in our world who investigates human rights abuses in Palestine confirms the maltreatment of Palestinian prisoners and their unlawful detentions.

NO THEY DONT all they do is take the word of LYING MUSLIMS, until you go into one of the prisons and see what the conditions are like you cant pass comment.
The difference is: Jesus didn't kill anybody. These prisoners are depraved animalistic killers.

real historians agree that ALL of the people who were crucified on the day that Jesus
was crucified -----were crucified for the same crime "SEDITION AGAINST ROME"
The fact is that crucifixtion was reserved for that particular crime------simple robbery
was not included. Of course it is possible that Barrbabas robbed a ROMAN ----
such an act could be considered sedition against Rome at that time. Roman law was
VERY much the forerunner of the laws that sherri's kith and kin elaborated in order
to justify their genocides of hundreds of millions --------the biggest crimes were
"sedition" which in the case of sherri's kith and kin over the past 1700 years included
refusal to accept the state religion and especially in the case of the followers of the
meccan rapist----ANY tinge of rejection of complete subjgation to their filth.
The nuremberg laws were based on the ROMAN MODEL-----taken from the laws
elaborated by CONSTANTINE----and codified by his grandson JUSTINIAN.
Constantine did not start from "nowhere". Genocide is the name of the game
amongst sherri's kith and kin. Be generous ----she is not responsible for the filth of
her culture and that with which she was inculcated

None of the 26 released prisoners were found guilty of a crime in a lawful criminal proceedings, so I see them established as having committed no crimes.

Freedom for 26 innocent men is Justice.

I bet you don't have legitimate proof of your claims.
Such a wicked person as yourself is rare to find. You said you believe in equal rights, but you do not. You celebrate the release of killers but the tears of the victims amuse you.

You are not a follower of Jesus.

I am not amused by the tears of victims.

There are many victims of Occupation, Zionist victims and Palestinian victims.

And I am a follower of Jesus.

There is a woman named Natali Khodedah who was expected to be evicted from an apartment, an empty public housing apartment she was living in for about a month and a half, she was living in this apartment with her four children there squatting, on Sunday.

Rabbis For Human Rights has been trying to work with MKs to prevent her being evicted.

You say you are in Israel.

Do you care about this woman facing homelessness?

Here is a contact number, XXXXXXX.

Social activists were planning to gather at her home Sunday in the Katamonin neighborhood.

Natali works as an assistant teacher in a municipal kindergarten and cannot afford housing.

If you followed Jesus then you would not use ANTI SEMITIC NAZI JEW HATRED terms for Israel, Israelis and Jews. You do realise that Jesus is one of those Zionists you so hate, and if he was alive today he would be at the front of the queue returning fire to the muslim child murderers.
I also see that you support thieves and other criminals as squatting is an illegal act in most nations, as you deprive the rightfull owners of the right to their property.

Anyone who has read The Gospels knows Jesus was not a Zionist.

And I refer you to the words of Jesus In Matthew 23, where you see words Jesus spoke to the unjust and hypocrites and ones doing evil He lived amidst/amongst, people of Judea, Pharisees and teachers of the law. He confronted Injustice with Truth and that is the example He sets for all who follow Him to follow in.

What I read in your post is your own personal hate, why don't you confront your hate and deal with that?

Throwing out baseless unsupported claims against me adds nothing to the discussion of this thread topic which is the release of 26 Palestinian prisoners and just feeds your own hate, it's like you are throwing gasoline on a fire, and the more hate you spew at me the greater the fire grows, the more hate builds up inside of you..
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Cast Lead was a skirmish designed to protect Israeli citizens.

The unlawful use of civilians as shields by the cowardly terrorists of Hamas is where your anger should be.

I'm sure you join me in condemning Hamas for such cowardice.

The UN fact finding mission after cast lead found that hamas leaders forced women and children out of bunkers so they could be safe making the women and children human shields

You are a liar.

No such finding was made.

I am not amused by the tears of victims.

There are many victims of Occupation, Zionist victims and Palestinian victims.

And I am a follower of Jesus.

There is a woman named Natali Khodedah who was expected to be evicted from an apartment, an empty public housing apartment she was living in for about a month and a half, she was living in this apartment with her four children there squatting, on Sunday.

Rabbis For Human Rights has been trying to work with MKs to prevent her being evicted.

You say you are in Israel.

Do you care about this woman facing homelessness?

Here is a contact number, XXXXXXX.

Social activists were planning to gather at her home Sunday in the Katamonin neighborhood.

Natali works as an assistant teacher in a municipal kindergarten and cannot afford housing.

If you followed Jesus then you would not use ANTI SEMITIC NAZI JEW HATRED terms for Israel, Israelis and Jews. You do realise that Jesus is one of those Zionists you so hate, and if he was alive today he would be at the front of the queue returning fire to the muslim child murderers.
I also see that you support thieves and other criminals as squatting is an illegal act in most nations, as you deprive the rightfull owners of the right to their property.

Anyone who has read The Gospels knows Jesus was not a Zionist.

And I refer you to the words of Jesus In Matthew 23, where you see words Jesus spoke to the unjust and hypocrites and ones doing evil He lived amidst/amongst, people of Judea, Pharisees and teachers of the law. He confronted Injustice with Truth and that is the example He sets for all who follow Him to follow in.


Strange how Mrs. Sherri, the supposedly "good Christian," keeps on coming up with the same stuff from the Bible that perhaps she and her Iranian gang picked up from the Internet. Why not tell us about the fake Gospel the Muslims have which shows that Jesus eliminated waste just like other humans do. Another Muslim once brought this Gospel up years and years ago while posting.
This struggle is going to increasingly become a struggle for equal rights for all in the land.

That means both sides respect rights of one another.

The unlawful and unequal trial practices taint present detentions.

As in the illegal kidnapping of a young Israeli citizen who was kept a prisoner without having his human rights attended to. Chained to radiators and left to rot in his unwashed clothes, denied access to Red Cross assistance and health checks , no contact with his family or the Israeli authorities. Mind he fared better than the last lot of hamas prisoners who were returned in a truck bagged up ready for burial. Showing signs of beatings, torture, sodomy and experimentation. That is how hamas and fatah operate, is it any wonder he decent human beings of the world hate them so much

If you are discussing Gilad Shalit, he was a Zionist soldier enforcing an unlawful Occupation against the Palestinian people.

And your claims here about him are lies.

Why do you never back up your claims with sources , Israeli shill?

Should I write Gilad Shalit a letter and ask him if he was sodomized?

Showing your NAZISM again, do you have a black gestapo uniform in your closet that you wear on special occasions. How about all those murdering Palestinians then that are child molesters, enforcing a religion of hatred on the Israelis and looking to dominate the world. Have you seen the video of saadam getting sodomised with a metal pole, or the report of other Islamic leaders being sodomised and defiled by members of the arab spring. No citations are needed as these are proven events by AI and other NGO's, and any produced you would just dismiss as being " Zionist lies".
real historians agree that ALL of the people who were crucified on the day that Jesus
was crucified -----were crucified for the same crime "SEDITION AGAINST ROME"
The fact is that crucifixtion was reserved for that particular crime------simple robbery
was not included. Of course it is possible that Barrbabas robbed a ROMAN ----
such an act could be considered sedition against Rome at that time. Roman law was
VERY much the forerunner of the laws that sherri's kith and kin elaborated in order
to justify their genocides of hundreds of millions --------the biggest crimes were
"sedition" which in the case of sherri's kith and kin over the past 1700 years included
refusal to accept the state religion and especially in the case of the followers of the
meccan rapist----ANY tinge of rejection of complete subjgation to their filth.
The nuremberg laws were based on the ROMAN MODEL-----taken from the laws
elaborated by CONSTANTINE----and codified by his grandson JUSTINIAN.
Constantine did not start from "nowhere". Genocide is the name of the game
amongst sherri's kith and kin. Be generous ----she is not responsible for the filth of
her culture and that with which she was inculcated

None of the 26 released prisoners were found guilty of a crime in a lawful criminal proceedings, so I see them established as having committed no crimes.

Freedom for 26 innocent men is Justice.

I bet you don't have legitimate proof of your claims.

I already presented it, reports by about five or six different human rights groups all identifying violations of law in Israel's military court system.I cannot post the bodies of the reports in posts but as I addressed in prior posts there are links to many of these reports by human rights groups on Adameer s website. I remember one report from a number of years ago that addressed how at every single step of the legal system that incarcerated Palestinians their legal rights under international law are violated. Legitimate convictions simply do not result from such fatally flawed criminal court systems. It's like justice for a black man in the days of slavery in the US or Pre Civil Rights Movement South Justice did not exist.
What do you have against equal rights for all in the land?

Does this mean you are for Israel to have equal rights in targeting muslim children in muslim schools. For Israeli police to have the same equal rights to spray muslim civilians with machine guns because they have a headache, For Israeli civilians to make qassams and fire them at muslim civilian areas and claim that they cant aim them properly.

I would surround Israel with traps, mines and trip wires and then close every gate so the muslims could not get in. Then tell the muslims they have their right of return on production of a land deed and payment of back taxes to 1948. Any attack to be met with a forcefull retaliation of a rolling bombardment spreading out from the area of attack.

The only ones attacking schools in Palestine are Zionists, and evidence is damaged and destroyed schools in Gaza attacked by Zionists in Cast Lead.

And your comments show you are a sadist.

Did you see the Goldstone report that stated the schools were used as shields during the shelling of Israel.

Your comments show you to be a FILTHY LYING NAZI ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATER with no humanity in your soul whatsoever
As in the illegal kidnapping of a young Israeli citizen who was kept a prisoner without having his human rights attended to. Chained to radiators and left to rot in his unwashed clothes, denied access to Red Cross assistance and health checks , no contact with his family or the Israeli authorities. Mind he fared better than the last lot of hamas prisoners who were returned in a truck bagged up ready for burial. Showing signs of beatings, torture, sodomy and experimentation. That is how hamas and fatah operate, is it any wonder he decent human beings of the world hate them so much

If you are discussing Gilad Shalit, he was a Zionist soldier enforcing an unlawful Occupation against the Palestinian people.

And your claims here about him are lies.

Why do you never back up your claims with sources , Israeli shill?

Should I write Gilad Shalit a letter and ask him if he was sodomized?

Showing your NAZISM again, do you have a black gestapo uniform in your closet that you wear on special occasions. How about fall those murdering Palestinians then that are child molesters, enforcing a religion of hatred on the Israelis and looking to dominate the world. Have you seen the video of saadam getting sodomised with a metal pole, or the report of other Islamic leaders being sodomised and defiled by members of the arab spring. No citations are needed as these are proven events by AI and other NGO's, and any produced you would just dismiss as being " Zionist lies".

No Nazism in my post, unless it is you recognizing the similarities of Zionists to Nazis that you are commenting on.

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