26 Palestinian Prisoners To Be Released By Israel December 31, 2013


WHAT to do but laugh at the Hubris of Zionists?

They think they are God, I cannot wait to watch the future in Palestine unfold and watch God show them His justice for Zionist crimes there.

I say this , but when I see the ways God's justice actually comes to the Zionist State, like an Israeli Jewish woman with four small children facing being evicted and made homeless on Sunday in Israel because she cannot afford housing and has been living in an abandoned apartment for the past month , what I actually do is cry and pray for her and her children.

The very same organization is an advocate for her rights and rights of Palestinians being forced unjustly from their lands and that organization is Rabbis For Human Rights.

Have you read your bible lately and seen what God has in store for the Palestinians, how he will send his only son back to Earth and he will enter Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple once again. All those who oppose his will, will be destroyed .
I told you where the reports are, learn English and go read them.

Oh look,Mrs. Sherri is back with her "learn English" for the umpteenth time. I wonder if one of her Iranian gang needed a dictionary to type that since the language they are fluent in is Farsi.

She (or he) even said in November there was no such country called England. :lol:

That is correct, there is a country called the United Kingdom.

WHAT to do but laugh at the Hubris of Zionists?

They think they are God, I cannot wait to watch the future in Palestine unfold and watch God show them His justice for Zionist crimes there.

I say this , but when I see the ways God's justice actually comes to the Zionist State, like an Israeli Jewish woman with four small children facing being evicted and made homeless on Sunday in Israel because she cannot afford housing and has been living in an abandoned apartment for the past month , what I actually do is cry and pray for her and her children.

The very same organization is an advocate for her rights and rights of Palestinians being forced unjustly from their lands and that organization is Rabbis For Human Rights.

Have you read your bible lately and seen what God has in store for the Palestinians, how he will send his only son back to Earth and he will enter Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple once again. All those who oppose his will, will be destroyed .

My Bible does not say that.
Is that why he is no longer a member of Pink Floyd and has lost the majority of his fan base ?

HE left Pink Floyd long ago.

It had nothing to do with Palestine.

Still calling the land 'Palestine' eh? Like the true Islamist you are. :lol:

I wonder if when speaking, sherri says "palestine" or "balestine"-----
for the record----Farsi speakers have no trouble with the "P" but arabic
speakers do -----Egyptians seem to have the most trouble ABSOLUTELY NO "P"---
and with an expression of obvious hatred virtually SPIT

there is nothing like that very bitter egyptian facial expression on the faces of
egyptians whenever confronted with "BALESTINIAN" If you have never
experienced it-----you cannot know. Whenever I encounter it----I have a sense of
sympathy for "BALESTINIANS"
Watch "Israeli attack on Gaza school kills 30" on YouTube

Later shown to be an Islamic LIE and that the hamas murdering scum had used the school as a shield.

Al-Fakhura school incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

John Ging, Director of UNRWA operations, said that three shells had landed "at the perimeter of the school".[31] He said Israel knew it was targeting a UN facility.[32][33] Later, in an investigation by The Globe & Mail which concluded that Israel did not attack the school, Ging stated that all three Israeli mortar shells landed outside the school and that he knew that "no one was killed in the school."[33]

OCHA also reported on 6 January that the missile strikes had been outside the school.[34] In its report of the following day, however, it said the school itself had been shelled.[35] Three weeks later, this error was corrected by Maxwell Gaylord, the UN humanitarian coordinator, who stated that the UN "would like to clarify that the shelling, and all of the fatalities, took place outside rather than inside the school.[36] As a result, several news agencies claimed that the UN had backtracked from its original claim that the strike had hit the school[37] Abraham Rabinovich of The Australian also criticized John Ging and other UN officials claiming they did not "dispel widespread suspicions" and that one of Ging's statement implied the school was hit directly.[38


Wikipedia is not a legitimate source, as it is regularly edited by Zionists or anyone else who feels like editing it.

We have human rights groups reports finding Israel.attacked multiple schools in Gaza in Cast Lead. It was not just one school attacked even.

Now isn't that strange? Mrs. Sherri's friend, Mr. George, whom she continually thanks for his posts, has used Wikipedia so many times, and yet Mrs. Sherri has never called him out on it. I hope the next time he uses Wikipedia as a source that she tells him that Wikipedia is not a legitimate source.
HE left Pink Floyd long ago.

It had nothing to do with Palestine.

Still calling the land 'Palestine' eh? Like the true Islamist you are. :lol:

I call the land the name it has been called since the days of Herodotus.

Islam did not even exist then.

Clever girl. Of course the religion of hate didn't exist then. Take a bow.

However, the land has been called Israel since 1948. Get used to it.
I am not amused by the tears of victims.

There are many victims of Occupation, Zionist victims and Palestinian victims.

And I am a follower of Jesus.

There is a woman named Natali Khodedah who was expected to be evicted from an apartment, an empty public housing apartment she was living in for about a month and a half, she was living in this apartment with her four children there squatting, on Sunday.

Rabbis For Human Rights has been trying to work with MKs to prevent her being evicted.

You say you are in Israel.

Do you care about this woman facing homelessness?

Here is a contact number, XXXXXXX.

Social activists were planning to gather at her home Sunday in the Katamonin neighborhood.

Natali works as an assistant teacher in a municipal kindergarten and cannot afford housing.

If you followed Jesus then you would not use ANTI SEMITIC NAZI JEW HATRED terms for Israel, Israelis and Jews. You do realise that Jesus is one of those Zionists you so hate, and if he was alive today he would be at the front of the queue returning fire to the muslim child murderers.
I also see that you support thieves and other criminals as squatting is an illegal act in most nations, as you deprive the rightfull owners of the right to their property.

Anyone who has read The Gospels knows Jesus was not a Zionist.

And I refer you to the words of Jesus In Matthew 23, where you see words Jesus spoke to the unjust and hypocrites and ones doing evil He lived amidst/amongst, people of Judea, Pharisees and teachers of the law. He confronted Injustice with Truth and that is the example He sets for all who follow Him to follow in.

What I read in your post is your own personal hate, why don't you confront your hate and deal with that?

Throwing out baseless unsupported claims against me adds nothing to the discussion of this thread topic which is the release of 26 Palestinian prisoners and just feeds your own hate, it's like you are throwing gasoline on a fire, and the more hate you spew at me the greater the fire grows, the more hate builds up inside of you..

Lets see if you understand what a Zionist is and what they think, so in your own words define Zionist ?
if you are discussing gilad shalit, he was a zionist soldier enforcing an unlawful occupation against the palestinian people.

And your claims here about him are lies.

Why do you never back up your claims with sources , israeli shill?

Should i write gilad shalit a letter and ask him if he was sodomized?

showing your nazism again, do you have a black gestapo uniform in your closet that you wear on special occasions. How about fall those murdering palestinians then that are child molesters, enforcing a religion of hatred on the israelis and looking to dominate the world. Have you seen the video of saadam getting sodomised with a metal pole, or the report of other islamic leaders being sodomised and defiled by members of the arab spring. No citations are needed as these are proven events by ai and other ngo's, and any produced you would just dismiss as being " zionist lies".

no nazism in my post, unless it is you recognizing the similarities of zionists to nazis that you are commenting on.

define zionism
Oh look,Mrs. Sherri is back with her "learn English" for the umpteenth time. I wonder if one of her Iranian gang needed a dictionary to type that since the language they are fluent in is Farsi.

She (or he) even said in November there was no such country called England. :lol:

That is correct, there is a country called the United Kingdom.

Really? Wow, so there is no country called England? :lol:
The Zionist poster using the name Phoneall.needs to go look at a map and read history.

Iraq is not part of Palestine and his sadistic fantasies about Sadam have nothing to do with anything happening in Palestine.

What is this posters obsession with child molesters about?

The only matter I have read about such a topic is IDF soldiers sexually abusing Palestinian children prisoners, actually sexual abusing them and threatening them or relatives with sexual abuse. We have reports of human rights groups documenting this.

Maybe you should look at the original map of Palestine again and see how in takes in part of Iraq. As for child molestation the Palestinians are followers of the great child rapist Mohamed who fornicated with a 9 year old girl because he was a paedophile. These same Palestinians follow in his footsteps and have sex with girls as young as 6.
In my country we have just broken up a muslim child rape ring and 500 muslims have been arrested on child sex charges. THis had been going on for many years and was covered up by people just like you, now those same people are silent and in hiding.
Israeli TV corrects the record — no rockets were fired from UNRWA schools in Gaza during ‘Cast Lead’

Another staple of Israeli propangada has been busted, as Israeli television has – years late – admitted that claims rockets were fired from*UNRWA*schools in Gaza were false.

UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestine refugees, issued a statement yesterday, in eastern occupied Jerusalem, that says in part:

Israel’s highest-rating news programme, Channel Two News, has published a statement correcting false claims that rockets were fired from schools operated by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) during the Gaza war in 2008-2009. The statement makes clear that Israeli officials themselves acknowledged that such claims were false and that there was no evidence to support them.

Israeli TV corrects the record -- no rockets were fired from UNRWA schools in Gaza during 'Cast Lead'

UN corrects the whole affair and states conclusively that Israel did not fire on the school

It was a false claim by Israel.from the beginning, the claim militants were firing from the school Israel.attacked.

STOP DEFLECTING you claimed that Israel fired on the UN school, I have just shown that you are a LIAR. And if you read the link you will see that the UN admits that the militants were firing from the vicinity of the school, were Israel returned the fire.
Watch "Israeli attack on Gaza school kills 30" on YouTube

Later shown to be an Islamic LIE and that the hamas murdering scum had used the school as a shield.

Al-Fakhura school incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

John Ging, Director of UNRWA operations, said that three shells had landed "at the perimeter of the school".[31] He said Israel knew it was targeting a UN facility.[32][33] Later, in an investigation by The Globe & Mail which concluded that Israel did not attack the school, Ging stated that all three Israeli mortar shells landed outside the school and that he knew that "no one was killed in the school."[33]

OCHA also reported on 6 January that the missile strikes had been outside the school.[34] In its report of the following day, however, it said the school itself had been shelled.[35] Three weeks later, this error was corrected by Maxwell Gaylord, the UN humanitarian coordinator, who stated that the UN "would like to clarify that the shelling, and all of the fatalities, took place outside rather than inside the school.[36] As a result, several news agencies claimed that the UN had backtracked from its original claim that the strike had hit the school[37] Abraham Rabinovich of The Australian also criticized John Ging and other UN officials claiming they did not "dispel widespread suspicions" and that one of Ging's statement implied the school was hit directly.[38


Wikipedia is not a legitimate source, as it is regularly edited by Zionists or anyone else who feels like editing it.

We have human rights groups reports finding Israel.attacked multiple schools in Gaza in Cast Lead. It was not just one school attacked even.

BUT THE UN IS and that is who gave the report if you read the link

John Ging, Director of UNRWA operations, said that three shells had landed "at the perimeter of the school".[31] He said Israel knew it was targeting a UN facility.[32][33] Later, in an investigation by The Globe & Mail which concluded that Israel did not attack the school, Ging stated that all three Israeli mortar shells landed outside the school and that he knew that "no one was killed in the school."[33]
Watch "Pink Floyd, Roger Waters - Song for Palestine." on YouTube

I am actually getting bored with this, it gets old. There are people out there who want to discuss what is happening in Palestine. Did you know that? Roger Waters is certainly not afraid to speak out and sing out for Palestine. Now, he is not boring, he is a brave man not afraid to speak Truth about Palestine.

He should be there celebrating with those prisoners right now, singing this song.

SONG appears at beginning of post.

Is that why he is no longer a member of Pink Floyd and has lost the majority of his fan base ?

HE left Pink Floyd long ago.

It had nothing to do with Palestine.

And when they got back together for one final set he was told that the band was to go its separate ways afterwards. His fans deserted him because of his support for terrorism and he will never get them back.
Oh look,Mrs. Sherri is back with her "learn English" for the umpteenth time. I wonder if one of her Iranian gang needed a dictionary to type that since the language they are fluent in is Farsi.

She (or he) even said in November there was no such country called England. :lol:

That is correct, there is a country called the United Kingdom.

Strange thing is I actually live in merry olde England, which is but one of 4 countries in the United Kingdom of Great Britain. There is no country called the United Kingdom, so it does not a Football team . Care to argue about this, or will you accept the evidence of someone who has English as their nationality. If you know any radio hams ask them what the callsign for England is, as opposed to that of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland .

WHAT to do but laugh at the Hubris of Zionists?

They think they are God, I cannot wait to watch the future in Palestine unfold and watch God show them His justice for Zionist crimes there.

I say this , but when I see the ways God's justice actually comes to the Zionist State, like an Israeli Jewish woman with four small children facing being evicted and made homeless on Sunday in Israel because she cannot afford housing and has been living in an abandoned apartment for the past month , what I actually do is cry and pray for her and her children.

The very same organization is an advocate for her rights and rights of Palestinians being forced unjustly from their lands and that organization is Rabbis For Human Rights.

Have you read your bible lately and seen what God has in store for the Palestinians, how he will send his only son back to Earth and he will enter Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple once again. All those who oppose his will, will be destroyed .

My Bible does not say that.

Then it is not a Christian Bible
Later shown to be an Islamic LIE and that the hamas murdering scum had used the school as a shield.

Al-Fakhura school incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

John Ging, Director of UNRWA operations, said that three shells had landed "at the perimeter of the school".[31] He said Israel knew it was targeting a UN facility.[32][33] Later, in an investigation by The Globe & Mail which concluded that Israel did not attack the school, Ging stated that all three Israeli mortar shells landed outside the school and that he knew that "no one was killed in the school."[33]

OCHA also reported on 6 January that the missile strikes had been outside the school.[34] In its report of the following day, however, it said the school itself had been shelled.[35] Three weeks later, this error was corrected by Maxwell Gaylord, the UN humanitarian coordinator, who stated that the UN "would like to clarify that the shelling, and all of the fatalities, took place outside rather than inside the school.[36] As a result, several news agencies claimed that the UN had backtracked from its original claim that the strike had hit the school[37] Abraham Rabinovich of The Australian also criticized John Ging and other UN officials claiming they did not "dispel widespread suspicions" and that one of Ging's statement implied the school was hit directly.[38


Wikipedia is not a legitimate source, as it is regularly edited by Zionists or anyone else who feels like editing it.

We have human rights groups reports finding Israel.attacked multiple schools in Gaza in Cast Lead. It was not just one school attacked even.

Shamesty International? :lol:
UN? :lol:
B'Tselem? :lol:
Ma'an? :lol:
Press TV? :lol:

But those sources are different.

Somehow. :eusa_shhh:

She (or he) even said in November there was no such country called England. :lol:

That is correct, there is a country called the United Kingdom.

Strange thing is I actually live in merry olde England, which is but one of 4 countries in the United Kingdom of Great Britain. There is no country called the United Kingdom, so it does not a Football team . Care to argue about this, or will you accept the evidence of someone who has English as their nationality. If you know any radio hams ask them what the callsign for England is, as opposed to that of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland .

England is Not an Independent CountryBut the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a Country

England is Not an Independent Country

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