26 Palestinian Prisoners To Be Released By Israel December 31, 2013

It seems like Phoneall.is full of BS

Roger Waters has the 6th highest grossing tour of all time.

And he did it as a solo act, when he was not part of Pink Floyd and recently, 2010-2012

6.*Roger Waters – The Wall Live (2010-2012) – $377 million


6 Highest Grossing Tours of All Time
I think Roger Waters position on Palestine shows him to be a man of integrity and draws fans to him.
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Later shown to be an Islamic LIE and that the hamas murdering scum had used the school as a shield.

Al-Fakhura school incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

John Ging, Director of UNRWA operations, said that three shells had landed "at the perimeter of the school".[31] He said Israel knew it was targeting a UN facility.[32][33] Later, in an investigation by The Globe & Mail which concluded that Israel did not attack the school, Ging stated that all three Israeli mortar shells landed outside the school and that he knew that "no one was killed in the school."[33]

OCHA also reported on 6 January that the missile strikes had been outside the school.[34] In its report of the following day, however, it said the school itself had been shelled.[35] Three weeks later, this error was corrected by Maxwell Gaylord, the UN humanitarian coordinator, who stated that the UN "would like to clarify that the shelling, and all of the fatalities, took place outside rather than inside the school.[36] As a result, several news agencies claimed that the UN had backtracked from its original claim that the strike had hit the school[37] Abraham Rabinovich of The Australian also criticized John Ging and other UN officials claiming they did not "dispel widespread suspicions" and that one of Ging's statement implied the school was hit directly.[38


Wikipedia is not a legitimate source, as it is regularly edited by Zionists or anyone else who feels like editing it.

We have human rights groups reports finding Israel.attacked multiple schools in Gaza in Cast Lead. It was not just one school attacked even.

BUT THE UN IS and that is who gave the report if you read the link

John Ging, Director of UNRWA operations, said that three shells had landed "at the perimeter of the school".[31] He said Israel knew it was targeting a UN facility.[32][33] Later, in an investigation by The Globe & Mail which concluded that Israel did not attack the school, Ging stated that all three Israeli mortar shells landed outside the school and that he knew that "no one was killed in the school."[33]

Zionist, stop lying.

If there is a link to a UN Report, where is your link?

AND as I have said, Israel targeted and damaged/destroyed multiple schools in Cast Lead as confirmed by reports of human rights groups.

I provided the link to one report documenting the attacks, the Amnesty Report on Cast Lead.

Israel/Gaza: Operation "Cast Lead": 22 days of death and destruction



Page 30 Amnesty Cast Lead Report

On 1/17/2009, Israel used white phosphorous weapons in a strike on a UNRWA primary school in Beit Lahia, the white phosphorus artillery shell exploded at 6 AM .

Over 1500 people were sheltering at the UN school.

Two children, Muhammad al-Ashqar and his brother, Bilal., age 5 and 7 respectively, were killed.

The children were killed in the classroom where they were sleeping with their parents and siblings and some 30 relatives, several of whom were injured in the attack.

This is a finding of Amnesty International in their report on Cast Lead.
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Israel/Gaza: Operation "Cast Lead": 22 days of death and destruction


Israel/Gaza: Operation "Cast Lead": 22 days of death and destruction | Amnesty International

Page 30 Amnesty Cast Lead Report

On 1/17/2009, Israel used white phosphorous weapons in a strike on a UNRWA primary school in Beit Lahia, the white phosphorus artillery shell exploded at 6 AM .

Over 1500 people were sheltering at the UN school.

Two children, Muhammad al-Ashqar and his brother, Bilal., age 5 and 7 respectively, were killed.

The children were killed in the classroom where they were sleeping with their parents and siblings and some 30 relatives, several of whom were injured in the attack.

This is a finding of Amnesty International in their report on Cast Lead.

Hamas rockets and force against Fatah brought that on.


Rockets (red dot with a white star) launched near schools (yellow) in the Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood of Gaza City. In proximity to the schools there are training camps, terrorist organisation workshops for the manufacture of weapons and arms caches (red) (Source: IDF Spokesperson)

Israel/Gaza: Operation "Cast Lead": 22 days of death and destruction


Israel/Gaza: Operation "Cast Lead": 22 days of death and destruction | Amnesty International

There is a photo on Page 30 of the Amnesty Report of the damage to the school.

The mother of the two children who died, 28 year old Anjun sustained serious injuries to her head and other parts of her body and her right hand had to be amputated.

The children's 18 yr old cousin Mona lost her left leg from the attack.

AMNESTY delegates found lumps of white phosphorus still smouldering in the schoolyard two days after the attack and they found fragments of 155 mm white phosphorus artillery carrier shells. The classroom where the children were killed was burned down.

Children sheltering in the school where the 2 children died told Amnesty they were asleep and awoke and "fireballs were raining down on the school and everybody was scared and screaming,"

Other fragments of white phosphorus artillery carrier shells were found in nearby areas.

AMNESTY states it is not clear how many white phosphorus shells were fired over the school and surrounding areas but photographs and mobile telephone footage show the sky dense with fireballs raining down on the school.

The Israeli Army had the school coordinates.

The UN Board Of Inquiry that investigated the attack found "the undisputed cause was artillery fired by the IDF. It found that this firing caused two shell casings to fall onto the school causing the deaths of two children, as well as serious and less serious injuries to members of families who had taken shelter in the compoind."

This is all right there in AmnestysReport, pgs 30 and 31 of my printed copy of that report.

Israel/Gaza: Operation "Cast Lead": 22 days of death and destruction


Israel/Gaza: Operation "Cast Lead": 22 days of death and destruction | Amnesty International

Page 30 Amnesty Cast Lead Report

On 1/17/2009, Israel used white phosphorous weapons in a strike on a UNRWA primary school in Beit Lahia, the white phosphorus artillery shell exploded at 6 AM .

Over 1500 people were sheltering at the UN school.

Two children, Muhammad al-Ashqar and his brother, Bilal., age 5 and 7 respectively, were killed.

The children were killed in the classroom where they were sleeping with their parents and siblings and some 30 relatives, several of whom were injured in the attack.

This is a finding of Amnesty International in their report on Cast Lead.

Hamas rockets and force against Fatah brought that on.


Rockets (red dot with a white star) launched near schools (yellow) in the Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood of Gaza City. In proximity to the schools there are training camps, terrorist organisation workshops for the manufacture of weapons and arms caches (red) (Source: IDF Spokesperson)

No, Israel's deliberate targeting of civilians in a school brought all of that on..
No rockets were fired from the UNRWA school.

AND even if they had been, targeting the school would have remained unlawful and a war crime under the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Israel/Gaza: Operation "Cast Lead": 22 days of death and destruction


Israel/Gaza: Operation "Cast Lead": 22 days of death and destruction | Amnesty International

Page 30 Amnesty Cast Lead Report

On 1/17/2009, Israel used white phosphorous weapons in a strike on a UNRWA primary school in Beit Lahia, the white phosphorus artillery shell exploded at 6 AM .

Over 1500 people were sheltering at the UN school.

Two children, Muhammad al-Ashqar and his brother, Bilal., age 5 and 7 respectively, were killed.

The children were killed in the classroom where they were sleeping with their parents and siblings and some 30 relatives, several of whom were injured in the attack.

This is a finding of Amnesty International in their report on Cast Lead.

As the readers cam see. Mrs. Sherri doesn't want to miss out on posting about the Cast Lead inciddent before the clock hits midnight. She has pulled it up time and time again, completely forgetting of course that her friends have murdered over 115,000 people just in Syria alone, and the number of dead children is well over 11,000. Here I thought Mrs. Sherri would be busy arranging with her church ladies a virgil for those Kurdish prisoners who are starving themselves in an Iranian prison. I guess starving Palestinian prisoners are the only ones who catch her interest, but prisoners held elsewhere in the Middle East don't mean anything to her.
That diagram is not of the UNRWA school Israel attacked in Cast Lead I have been discussing and the school discussed in the Amnesty Repirt pages 30. That is somewhere in Gaza City , the school in a Zionist posters diagram.

The UNRWA school Israel attacked with white phosphorous in Cast Lead was in Beit Lahia.

AS I have pointed out, Israel has targeted and damaged and destroyed many schools in Gaza.
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Israel/Gaza: Operation "Cast Lead": 22 days of death and destruction


Israel/Gaza: Operation "Cast Lead": 22 days of death and destruction | Amnesty International

Page 30 Amnesty Cast Lead Report

On 1/17/2009, Israel used white phosphorous weapons in a strike on a UNRWA primary school in Beit Lahia, the white phosphorus artillery shell exploded at 6 AM .

Over 1500 people were sheltering at the UN school.

Two children, Muhammad al-Ashqar and his brother, Bilal., age 5 and 7 respectively, were killed.

The children were killed in the classroom where they were sleeping with their parents and siblings and some 30 relatives, several of whom were injured in the attack.

This is a finding of Amnesty International in their report on Cast Lead.

As the readers cam see. Mrs. Sherri doesn't want to miss out on posting about the Cast Lead inciddent before the clock hits midnight. She has pulled it up time and time again, completely forgetting of course that her friends have murdered over 115,000 people just in Syria alone, and the number of dead children is well over 11,000. Here I thought Mrs. Sherri would be busy arranging with her church ladies a virgil for those Kurdish prisoners who are starving themselves in an Iranian prison. I guess starving Palestinian prisoners are the only ones who catch her interest, but prisoners held elsewhere in the Middle East don't mean anything to her.

Consider the source. The Pro Palestinian can't stand the fact that Israel exists :lol:

Israel/Gaza: Operation "Cast Lead": 22 days of death and destruction


Israel/Gaza: Operation "Cast Lead": 22 days of death and destruction | Amnesty International

Page 30 Amnesty Cast Lead Report

On 1/17/2009, Israel used white phosphorous weapons in a strike on a UNRWA primary school in Beit Lahia, the white phosphorus artillery shell exploded at 6 AM .

Over 1500 people were sheltering at the UN school.

Two children, Muhammad al-Ashqar and his brother, Bilal., age 5 and 7 respectively, were killed.

The children were killed in the classroom where they were sleeping with their parents and siblings and some 30 relatives, several of whom were injured in the attack.

This is a finding of Amnesty International in their report on Cast Lead.

As the readers cam see. Mrs. Sherri doesn't want to miss out on posting about the Cast Lead inciddent before the clock hits midnight. She has pulled it up time and time again, completely forgetting of course that her friends have murdered over 115,000 people just in Syria alone, and the number of dead children is well over 11,000. Here I thought Mrs. Sherri would be busy arranging with her church ladies a virgil for those Kurdish prisoners who are starving themselves in an Iranian prison. I guess starving Palestinian prisoners are the only ones who catch her interest, but prisoners held elsewhere in the Middle East don't mean anything to her.

Consider the source. The Pro Palestinian can't stand the fact that Israel exists :lol:

... or that Cast Lead was a defensive operation designed to root out "Palestinian" Islamic terrorists.
That diagram is not of the UNRWA school Israel attacked in Cast Lead I have been discussing and the school discussed in the Amnesty Repirt pages 30. That is somewhere in Gaza City , the school in a Zionist posters diagram.

The UNRWA school Israel attacked with white phosphorous in Cast Lead was in Beit Lahia.

AS I have pointed out, Israel has targeted and damaged and destroyed many schools in Gaza.

What Mahmoud doesn't want to admit is that Cast Lead was launched by Israel in response to "Palestinian" arab terrorists launching rockets into Israel.

As is typical for Islamic terrorist apologists, Mahmoud reacts with pretentious anger and vitriol when his terrorist heroes get their arses kicked.

Israel/Gaza: Operation "Cast Lead": 22 days of death and destruction


Israel/Gaza: Operation "Cast Lead": 22 days of death and destruction | Amnesty International

Page 30 Amnesty Cast Lead Report

On 1/17/2009, Israel used white phosphorous weapons in a strike on a UNRWA primary school in Beit Lahia, the white phosphorus artillery shell exploded at 6 AM .

Over 1500 people were sheltering at the UN school.

Two children, Muhammad al-Ashqar and his brother, Bilal., age 5 and 7 respectively, were killed.

The children were killed in the classroom where they were sleeping with their parents and siblings and some 30 relatives, several of whom were injured in the attack.

This is a finding of Amnesty International in their report on Cast Lead.

As the readers cam see. Mrs. Sherri doesn't want to miss out on posting about the Cast Lead inciddent before the clock hits midnight. She has pulled it up time and time again, completely forgetting of course that her friends have murdered over 115,000 people just in Syria alone, and the number of dead children is well over 11,000. Here I thought Mrs. Sherri would be busy arranging with her church ladies a virgil for those Kurdish prisoners who are starving themselves in an Iranian prison. I guess starving Palestinian prisoners are the only ones who catch her interest, but prisoners held elsewhere in the Middle East don't mean anything to her.

Consider the source. The Pro Palestinian can't stand the fact that Israel exists :lol:

My source is Amnesty International. Certainly; they have credibility you lack.

And this discussion began when another poster falsely started slinging out false claims that Muslims were killing cchildren in schools in Palestine.

The term for Zionists falsely accusing others for what they are doing is Projection.

Thus, Zionists who support Zionists killing of children in Occupied Palestine and Zionists who also killed children themselves in wars constantly falsely accuse others of the killing they have done and Zionists are doing in Palestine.

These posters need a psychiatrist.
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This study (completed during the first week of Operation Cast Lead) provides many examples of how Gazan civilians are used as human shields during terrorist attacks against Israel and combat against the IDF. The examples are based on Israel 's accumulated experience in its combating terrorism from the Gaza Strip, including the first week of the Operation. The main findings are the following:

i) Military and security personnel, facilities and installations are situated within dense population concentrations (including residential dwellings and public institutions, such as schools, mosques and hospitals) : The military infrastructure attacked massively attacked by the IDF during Operation Cast Lead, includes terrorist operatives, weapons, and the facilities and installations themselves: headquarters, bases, offices, arsenals, tunnel and underground networks, lathes, workshops and bunkers. Constructing a vast security-military infrastructure within the civilian population exposes it to frequent "work accidents” and puts it on the front line in the fighting when the Israeli security forces carry out counterterrorism activities or when there are violent internal Palestinian conflicts.

ii) Rockets and mortar shells are fired at Israeli population centers from inside or close to private Palestinian residences and sometimes from educational institutions or mosques. The rocket launching squads deliberately situate their launchers near houses to camouflage themselves and to protect themselves from the IDF. The attacks carried out by the terrorists often disrupt the daily lives of the Palestinian population and endanger them. Sometimes rockets explode as they are being prepared for firing, and in some instances homemade Qassam rockets (whose technical quality is low) fall in the Gaza Strip instead of Israel and kill and wound local civilians.

iii) The terrorists fight against the IDF from within residences and public institutions, and use ambulances to evacuate terrorist operatives from the battlefield : In Operation Cast Lead, terrorist operatives found refuge in facilities such as hospitals, educational institutions and mosques. In IDF operations carried out in recent years, including Operation Hot Winter in March 2008 and Operation Autumn Clouds in October 2006, the IDF often faced terrorist operatives fighting from within private residences and receiving support from civilians, including women and children, who patrolled and carried out intelligence missions. In some instances the terrorist operatives wore civilian clothing, making it difficult to distinguish between them and genuine civilians. During Operation Hot Winter the IDF found weapons hidden in a mosque in the Jabaliya refugee camp. During battles in the Al-Zeitun neighborhood in 2004, the terrorists used UNRWA ambulances to evacuate a wounded Palestinian and terrorist operatives. All are grave breaches of the laws of war and an exploitation of the special protection afforded to places of worship and medical installations and vehicles.

iv) Civilians, including women and children, are deliberately used as human shields to protect terrorist operatives whose houses the organizations fear may be attacked by the IDF : During Operation Cast Lead and in many instances in the past, the terrorist organizations have exploited IDF warnings to civilians to evacuate their residences before attacks to send children and adolescents to the relevant locations, knowing the IDF will not deliberately attack civilians. Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniya and many other Hamas leaders (such as Nizar Rayyan, killed in Operation Cast Lead) have openly boasted about their use of their human shield tactics.

Hamas Exploitation of Civilians as Human Shields
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My source is Amnesty International. Certainly; they have credibility you lack.

And this discussion began when another poster falsely started slinging out false claims that Muslims were killing cchildren in schools in Palestine.

The term for Zionists falsely accusing others for what they are doing is Projection.

Thus, Zionists who support Zionists killing of children in Occupied Palestine and Zionists who also killed children themselves in wars constantly falsely accuse others of the killing they have done and Zionists are doing in Palestine.

These posters need a psychiatrist.

Sherri----you are using terms you do not understand. Give it up ---you make a fool
of yourself. It is amusing that you comment on your claim that the posters who
do not agree with your filth simply "do not understand english" The term
"projection" is a technical term which you do not grasp just as you do not grasp
the language of the bible. Who writes your petitions and briefs? As to killing---
to MASSIVE KILLING ----consider the actions both historically and presently of
your very own kith and kin. How many babies did your shiite/alawite pals murder
today? It must break your little jihado/fascist heart the the dead little ones
lying in the gutter are not jews. Talk to your imaginary friend ISA---about it
Zionists kill children and falsely project their killing onto others.

I have a degree in Psychology, I studied in the field.

Another thing I learned, as a victim is victimized, they victimize others. We see that illustrated in child abuse cases. And this is why this eternal victim complex created by The Holocaust is harmful .

"The classic example of Freudian projection is that of a woman who has been unfaithful to her husband but who accuses her husband of cheating on her. Another example of psychological projection is someone who feels a compulsion to steal things then projects those feelings onto others. She might begin to fear that her purse is going to be stolen or that she is going to be shortchanged when she buys something."

Psychological Projection: Dealing With Undesirable Emotions | Lifescript.com
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