29 people shot in less than 18 hours in liberal Chicago

Cure the wild Chicago-style killing in England!

3.10.2016 'Innocent bystander' shot dead in 'uzi-style drive by shooting' in North London
Man, 25, shot dead in Islington North London

Read more: Man, 25, shot dead in Islington North London
8.21.16 Rapper shot in the head after huge argument outside north London studio Rapper shot in the head after huge argument outside north London studio

Why does Trump not keep Londoners safe?
Does not he love them?
Trump hates London.
While open carry states are maligned. Sad.
The only thing good about open carry laws is that you don't have to worry about your concealed firearm imprinting.

Since you have the right to carry openly or concealed nobody cares if you end up flashing your weapon inadvertently.
And none in Greater London?

London gun crime was up 42% last year...violent crime is up 24% there....

Gun crime in the U.S. since the 1990s...as more Americans owned and actually carried guns...down 75%....gun murder, down 49%.....violent crime ....down 72%.
29 people shot in less than 18 hours in Chicago

Hopefully, SCOTUS grants all law abiding Americans the right to apply for a conceal carry permit.
Did Chicago "miss the memo" that more guns equals a more polite society?

The people doing the shooting are shooting other criminals......and are doing it with guns they can't legally buy, own or carry.....and Illinois only got concealed carry a few years ago....it takes a while for criminals to get the message..

On top of that.....the left wing attack on cops...the Ferguson Effect, has crippled the Chicago police.....

Left wing attacks on police, not law abiding gun owners, is responsible for the increase in criminals shooting other criminals.
Obama Lover Think...and Jake think too: It is only a problem when a white cop shoots a black man...otherwise nothing to be concerned about.
Typical falsehood that from a typica neo-fascist of the Alt Right, our gipper. The argument he makes is that CCW makes everyone safer: safer in a climate when gun deaths are anywhere from 1:12 to 1:18 in gun control England compared to America. How many gun deaths were there in Greater London last night.

London gun crime is up 42% last year.......keep trying to use Britain...it is going to dissapoint you....

Gun crime in the U.S. since the 1990s...as more Americans owned and actually carried guns...down 75%....gun murder, down 49%.....violent crime ....down 72%.
Cure the wild Chicago-style killing in England!

3.10.2016 'Innocent bystander' shot dead in 'uzi-style drive by shooting' in North London
Man, 25, shot dead in Islington North London

Read more: Man, 25, shot dead in Islington North London
8.21.16 Rapper shot in the head after huge argument outside north London studio Rapper shot in the head after huge argument outside north London studio

You missed the more recent shootings in Britain....look at Manchester, and Liverpool....
And none in Greater London?

London gun crime was up 42% last year...violent crime is up 24% there....

Gun crime in the U.S. since the 1990s...as more Americans owned and actually carried guns...down 75%....gun murder, down 49%.....violent crime ....down 72%.
So it went from ten to fourteen cases last year, while Chicago and Dallas and New York and Chicago and Miami and almost all metro areas have sky rocketed since Ferguson.

How many were killed in Greater London last night, last week, last month.

This argument has never been one you can even argue intelligently much less win.
29 people shot in less than 18 hours in Chicago

Hopefully, SCOTUS grants all law abiding Americans the right to apply for a conceal carry permit.
What the hell.... :(
Maybe the only solution is harsh criminal laws and punishments, more policemen on the street and maybe some social programm useful to help those who are criminals but want to "change" their lives (maybe they're not too many but you can find someone like that)
Of course this "solution" wouldn't be perfect because criminals are "inextinguishable" :(
And none in Greater London?

London gun crime was up 42% last year...violent crime is up 24% there....

Gun crime in the U.S. since the 1990s...as more Americans owned and actually carried guns...down 75%....gun murder, down 49%.....violent crime ....down 72%.
So it went from ten to fourteen cases last year, while Chicago and Dallas and New York and Chicago and Miami and almost all metro areas have sky rocketed since Ferguson.

How many were killed in Greater London last night, last week, last month.

This argument has never been one you can even argue intelligently much less win.

Yes...it is. When you are looking for the cause of a problem you look at the variables. You remove variables and see how they effect the problem. That is how you do it..right?

In Britain, they removed one of the variables....gun ownership by law abiding British citizens, and they did this with a gun ban.

What happened.....after taking guns away from law abiding British gun owners.....the gun crime rate went up. It spiked in fact. Then, after about ten years it went back down to the exact same level it was at before they took guns away from normal, law abiding, British gun owners.

Now....gun crime in 2015 in Britain went up 4%...10% in the major cities....last year, 2016, gun crime went up 42% in London.

So the one variable so far.....taking guns away from law abiding gun owners in Britain did what? It did not decrease the gun crime or gun murder rate....

What actually happened.....gun crime spiked, returned to the same level, and is now going up...a lot.

So the one variable....taking guns away from normal, law abiding gun owners, did not effect the gun crime or gun murder rate by reducing it..

So you are simply wrong.....their gun crime rate, their gun murder rate did not depend on normal people owning or buying guns.

What makes your point even less likely....it is an island nation......isolating it from the rest of Europe....with limited points of entry.

And gun crime went up there 42% in London last year.

Violent crime in Britain went up 24%.......

What happened in the United States as we went from 200 million guns to 357-400 million guns...our gun crime rate went down 75%...

Do you understand what that number means? As more AMericans own guns..the gun crime rate went down...showing that you are wrong...again.

And what happened when we went from 4.7 million Americans actually carrying guns for self defense, legally, to over 15 million carrying guns for self defense..legally...?

Our gun crime rate went down 75%...our gun murder rate went down 49%...and our violent crime rate went down 72%.........

So you are just wrong.

The reason Britain doesn't have a higher gun murder rate......their criminals have not been willing to actually use guns to end the lives of their felloow Brits....they will use them to rob them, they will torture them...but they haven'ty been willing to commit murder...they have a different criminal culture...

But as I keep telling you..that is changing...
And none in Greater London?

London gun crime was up 42% last year...violent crime is up 24% there....

Gun crime in the U.S. since the 1990s...as more Americans owned and actually carried guns...down 75%....gun murder, down 49%.....violent crime ....down 72%.
So it went from ten to fourteen cases last year, while Chicago and Dallas and New York and Chicago and Miami and almost all metro areas have sky rocketed since Ferguson.

How many were killed in Greater London last night, last week, last month.

This argument has never been one you can even argue intelligently much less win.

And yet, your point still doesn't hold any water.....

Chicago, New York and LA all have the same restrictive gun laws and the same access to out of state guns......yet Chicago has a higher murder rate than New York and L.A.....combined.....the difference ....the variable...is their gang culture......Chicago gangs are less organized, and have younger members in the leadership....less control over their lower level thugs........and chicago has lower sentences for actual gun offenders....

ON top of that...all the major cities have had an increase in gun crime....because obama, black lives matter and every other left wing group..including the ACLU...have made cops stop doing extra work that keeps the crime rate low....

All because of the Ferguson Effect.

And in Chicago, the ACLU has forced so much paperwork on Chicago cops that they are doing less actual stopping of criminals.....

You have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to gun crime...you want to ban guns, so you ignore the actual causes of the violent crime....
And none in Greater London?

London gun crime was up 42% last year...violent crime is up 24% there....

Gun crime in the U.S. since the 1990s...as more Americans owned and actually carried guns...down 75%....gun murder, down 49%.....violent crime ....down 72%.
So it went from ten to fourteen cases last year, while Chicago and Dallas and New York and Chicago and Miami and almost all metro areas have sky rocketed since Ferguson.

How many were killed in Greater London last night, last week, last month.

This argument has never been one you can even argue intelligently much less win.

You are simply wrong......

Gun crime in London increases by 42% - BBC News

Gun crime offences in London surged by 42% in the last year, according to official statistics.

The Met Police's figures showed there were 2,544 gun crime offences from April 2016 to April 2017 compared to 1,793 offences from 2015 until 2016.

Knife crime also increased by 24% with 12,074 recorded offences from 2016 to 2017.

Gun and knife crime soaring in London, official figures show

More worryingly, there was also a rise in the number of guns being fired on London’s streets, up from 239 cases in 2015/16 to 306 cases in the last financial year.

There was also a 20 per cent increase in the rate of knife attacks involving injuries to victims, up from 3,663 to 4,415 in 2016/17.


“We are concerned about the rise of gun crime and rise of knife crime offences committed by young people and the changing nature of the offenders. “

He said there was evidence that more young people are carrying knives for a variety of reasons including status, criminality and self-protection but said only around a quarter are affiliated with gangs.

He said police were focusing on reducing stabbings by taking weapons and dangerous offenders off the streets and trying to prevent and divert people from crime.

“With double-digit growth in gun and knife crime - and a youth homicide almost every fortnight - the crime challenge for London is real and serious and has serious impacts for London’s most disadvantaged communities.”
He added: “With 600 victims of serious youth violence each month, the Met needs a new plan to tackle the violence on our capital’s streets if they are to help impoverished communities.

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