2a Rewrite? Sounds like an abortion amendment.

Let's not forget that 30+ years ago the concept of "gay marriage" was publicly laughed at. It was ridiculed widely, it looked as absurd as it was when cartooned.

Fast forward to modern day and we see people who "marry" themselves, people who stick their junk into cups of worms, believe they're trans-species, and lunatics like Chunk Yogurt from "The Young Turds" channel who endorse bestiality.

These "people" will never stop. They're drones. Mindless, deliberately ignorant, devoted to promoting ignorance and determined to destroy everything normal, logical and realistic.

This "professor" is "educated" and these ideas it has will NEVER GO AWAY no matter who hard it is ridiculed, rejected, or especially "compromised " with. The 2A is the last bastion of free people on earth. The globalists who want humans to be their labor resource are pushing as hard as they can to undermine this right. It really has been a long term struggle between elites and regular people.


Here is my re-write:

"Neither Congress or any State shall enact legislation that has the intent or the effect of limiting in any way the right to own, possess, or carry ANY weapon, without limitation of any kind, for any reason whatsoever. For the sole purpose of providing guidance to Congress, the United States Supreme Court, or any State or Local government as to the level and scope of this amendment to the powers stripped from all government authority, this amendment means, for example, that any person, regardless of status under the law, shall be unobstructed in carrying any firearm or other weapon, including a belt-fed fully automatic machine gun, into Congress, any Court, any school, and any other building. No law limiting the right of any individual to obtain, own, possess, carry, or use a firearm or other weapon shall be upheld by any Court and any such law passed by Congress or any State Legislature shall be immediately void. Any government official who, with the intent of limiting the individual right to own, possess, or carry ANY weapon, attempts to enact a law that has the effect of limiting the rights preserved in this amendment shall be guilty of high treason, with a minimum sentence of death upon conviction."

There. Let's do this.
The Russians were always jealous that Americans believed their own propaganda. I see nothing has changed.
'Individual rights' !!!
What a laugh.
These bed wetters REALLY ARE THAT STUPID folks....

Some democrook whipped a black man 180 years ago, and the picture of the resulting scars are supposed to promote the idea that the modern democrook agenda to disarm everyone would result in less brutality?

How do pieces of shit that stupid evade natural selection? It's a serious national crisis at this point. All the nuclear weapons on earth and those that may be held by intergalactic civilizations light years away, falling asteroids, volcanoes, along with all the diseases, jihadists, car accidents, obesity, cancers, and venomous snakes combined are not as much of a danger to humanity as asinine, bed wetting, Lefts Syndrome jabbering retarded drones like cnm with a stack of mail in ballots.

Pieces of shit like that are the reason I ENDORSE, ENCOURAGE and would VOTE TO FUND THE ABORTIONS of all leftist whores. Decent conservative women won't even consider abortion, but the weakest biologically impaired women who pollute the gene pool with beta male soy boys and "gender fluid" dykes are a serious threat to our species.

I am not joking about this either. There is actual scientific data to back up my assertion, or I would not have expressed it.

These bed wetters REALLY ARE THAT STUPID folks....
This lunatic will have me believe that when the 2A was written it was to guarantee blacks the individual right to bear firearms, rather than a mechanism to keep them suppressed and enslaved. What a hoot. He can't see past the propaganda he's been fed since birth.

Which has been the whole point of feeding that propaganda from birth, of course.
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This lunatic will have me believe that when the 2A was written it was to guarantee blacks the individual right to bear firearms. What a hoot. He can't see past the propaganda he's been fed since birth.

No...shitbird......but slavery was not the reason for the 2nd Amendment...you idiot...as you have been shown over and over again.
That's the most ignorant thing I've ever heard...lol
That's because you don't know your own history, only the propaganda fed to you since birth.

The US' economic base was built by the North processing the produce of the South, which was obtained through unpaid coerced labour.
That's the most ignorant thing I've ever heard...lol
And that bed wetter would flat line a polygraph if you asked him if he believes that shit. Of course he would have to ignore the fact that it wasn't until after slavery was abolished that we really began to industrialize.
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This lunatic will have me believe that when the 2A was written it was to guarantee blacks the individual right to bear firearms, rather than a mechanism to keep them suppressed and enslaved. What a hoot. He can't see past the propaganda he's been fed since birth.

Which has been the whole point of feeding that propaganda from birth, of course.
This bed wetting parasite believes that shit. It's as if the first man that legally owned a black man in North America wasn't also black, or that slavery was legalized by the colonial court system under the British government long before the revolution, and the first time the democrooks passed any gun control laws was after abolition. It was after that when the NRA was established and laws that confirmed all citizens INCLUDING BLACKS had the freedom of the bill of rights. There were also NO LAWS that I'm aware of that prevented free blacks, and there were many, from owning guns prior to emancipation.

Yet this jabbering retard will continue to insist slavery had shit to do with the 2A. Ignorance that profound is truly remarkable.

The thread premise fails as a strawman fallacy, nothing but a ridiculous lie.

No one seeks to ‘rewrite’ the Second Amendment, no one seeks to ‘scrap’ the Second Amendment.

Conservatives do nothing but lie.

Checkmate motherfucker.

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where the 2a was written to allow the slave states to have the ability to put down slave rebellions without recourse to a federal govt suspected of a lack of sympathy.

Then why did they not just leave the right to bear arms to the states themselves?

Obviously, the non-slave states had no reason to bear arms.

In fact, the first battle of the Revolutionary War was an attempt by The British to seize stocks of gunpowder from the American populace, effectively disarming them.

The British, as well as our Founding Fathers, were fully aware of the need to disarm the populace in order to revoke their freedoms.
Then why did they not just leave the right to bear arms to the states themselves?
I imagine because the slave patrols weren't state bodies.
The British, as well as our Founding Fathers, were fully aware of the need to disarm the populace in order to revoke their freedoms.
Oh. So that's why the slaves were disarmed. Pretty clever, those founding fathers, eh?

I'm a little surprised to read no comment on the slaves' right to bear arms being abridged in the land of sacred individual rights. Perhaps they didn't reside in free states.
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The funny thing is that you guys can't come to terms with the massive contradictions in your founding documents so you pretend they don't exist.

Being fed propaganda since birth assists that pretence.
I imagine because the slave patrols weren't state bodies.

Oh. So that's why the slaves were disarmed. Pretty clever, those founding fathers, eh?

I'm a little surprised to read no comment on the slaves' right to bear arms being abridged in the land of sacred individual rights. Perhaps they didn't reside in free states.

No...they lived in the states that would eventually be controlled by the democrat party.
The funny thing is that you guys can't come to terms with the massive contradictions in your founding documents so you pretend they don't exist.

Being fed propaganda since birth assists that pretence.

There are no contradictions...

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