2a Rewrite? Sounds like an abortion amendment.

I imagine because the slave patrols weren't state bodies.

State sanctioned. Duly authorized in slave states (even allowed to operate in some non-slave states).

The US Constitution was a patchwork of compromise and contradiction on the subject of slavery. The issue that nearly prevented our nation from becoming at all was eventually settled nearly 100 years later after a bloody and protracted war.

Constitutional Amendments (13th, 14th, and 15th) that finally gave freed Blacks unabridged citizenship automatically imbued them with the right to Bear Arms, Free Speech, and the Right to Vote (50 years before women of any race could vote in America).

It took another 100 years to remove the impediments that various states had imposed to attempt to circumvent those Amendments but, eventually, the issue of slavery was resolved.
State sanctioned. Duly authorized in slave states (even allowed to operate in some non-slave states).

The US Constitution was a patchwork of compromise and contradiction on the subject of slavery. The issue that nearly prevented our nation from becoming at all was eventually settled nearly 100 years later after a bloody and protracted war.

Constitutional Amendments (13th, 14th, and 15th) that finally gave freed Blacks unabridged citizenship automatically imbued them with the right to Bear Arms, Free Speech, and the Right to Vote (50 years before women of any race could vote in America).

It took another 100 years to remove the impediments that various states had imposed to attempt to circumvent those Amendments but, eventually, the issue of slavery was resolved.

It took another 100 years to remove the impediments that various states had imposed to attempt to circumvent those Amendments but, eventually, the issue of slavery was resolved.

And which political party was responsible for those impediment?
It took another 100 years to remove the impediments that various states had imposed to attempt to circumvent those Amendments but, eventually, the issue of slavery was resolved.
And guys still pretend the 2A was about freedom, rather than its suppression.
If you feel oppressed by my firearms ... THANKS!
Absolutely not. We have them under reasonable control. For instance I don't think you'd be able to bring any handguns or military style semi automatic rifles here. You're welcome to all the licit long guns you'd like, no limit.
Absolutely not. We have them under reasonable control. For instance I don't think you'd be able to bring any handguns or military style semi automatic rifles here. You're welcome to all the licit long guns you'd like, no limit.


But in 2020, gun crime hit a new peak.

Police figures show 2399 people were charged with 4542 firearm-related offences, nearly double that of a decade earlier.

In total, 1862 firearms were seized under sections 6 or 18 of the Search and Surveillance Act, more than double the 860 that were seized a decade earlier.


And that pisses you off. Your brain is stuck in a loop. It's going round and round saying, "If you don't like it go home, if you don't like it go home".

And unless you're a native American, you too are a foreigner so you have to fuck off too.

I wouldn't expect a Brit to listen to any American who tells them to give up their monarchy and replace subject with citizens.
The thread premise fails as a strawman fallacy, nothing but a ridiculous lie.

No one seeks to ‘rewrite’ the Second Amendment, no one seeks to ‘scrap’ the Second Amendment.

Conservatives do nothing but lie.

This video does another scholarly look at the inane proposals of "intellectual" academic neo-bolsheviks, and of course bed wetting parasites like C_Clayton_Jones will deny it's even a reality and continue to assert it's all a lie in spite of the documented reality of the matter, because bed wetting leftist diseases like him exist in a false reality and will condemn everyone who refuses to share his deliberate ignorance. Never mind the democrook efforts of well over a century to regulate the 2A out of existence through
Jim Crow Style Laws, a Tax like the NFA or the laws passed that force people to jump through hoops in order to purchase guns, get permits to even keep them in their houses and purchase ammo or their efforts to marginalize the weapons with magazine restrictions and the banning of the most popular models.

Leftist parasites ARE DESPERATE to scrap the 2A. These ghouls dance in the blood of victims when incidents they can exploit for political gains occur. It absolutely has FUCK ALL TO DO WITH "PUBLIC SAFETY", and has everything to do with commissar safety. Had the Kulaks and millions of others brutally murdered and staved by the bolshevik government had the sort of 2A freedom that existed in the US at the time the soviet union would have collapsed before Molotov could have signed a pact with Ribbentrop, and any German offensive would have ground to a halt as soon as their supply lines expanded beyond the rifle range of local hunters. Authoritarian elitist sociopaths will never stop attacking this fundamental right, and sniveling, servile malignant pieces of shit like C_Clayton_Jones, cnm, and the rest of these repulsive wads of genetic garbage who parrot global collectivist agitprop will NEVER STOP seeking to undermine freedom at every opportunity.


And that pisses you off. Your brain is stuck in a loop. It's going round and round saying, "If you don't like it go home, if you don't like it go home".

And unless you're a native American, you too are a foreigner so you have to fuck off too.
If you were born in the territory of the US to parents that legally resided within said boundaries, you're a NATIVE AMERICAN. You owe no allegiance to any other nation and if you wish to remain within said boundaries, you owe the nation and the COTUS your loyalty.

Or get the fuck out.

I would say the same thing to anyone born in the UK, Sri Lanka, Fiji, Iraq, North Korea, Poland and all nations of the world. If you don't like where you live, find a place more acceptable, petition that government to accept your entry. As far as the opinions go regarding the politics of other countries, especially when you live in a declining shithole like the UK, unfuck yourself before lecturing people from anywhere else.

And that pisses you off. Your brain is stuck in a loop. It's going round and round saying, "If you don't like it go home, if you don't like it go home".

And unless you're a native American, you too are a foreigner so you have to fuck off too.
I was born here.

The day I go to another country and try to tell them how to live their lives is the day you or cmn can talk.
If you don't like it, go home, if you don't like it, go home, if you don't like it, go home. The classic phrase to foreigners you guys make when you've been proved wrong.
1. Nobody proved ANYTHING wrong, so get that shit the fuck outta here.
2. Would it be appropriate for me to go to Canada and start demanding a bunch of shit?
3. I was born here. This is my home. If you want different, you should stay where you are or go to a better place.
4. Fuck you.
Nothing makes me want to beat the shit out of the UK a THIRD time like those asswipes showing up here and telling us how to live. Bunch of limey fucking cocksuckers can get bent and eat shit.

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