$3.5T Not As Big As You Might Think

The sad thing is that g5000 thinks he's better than the Trumpers. All the "never Trumpers" do.

But they're not. They're worse. Because they know better
Of course in order to keep the 3.5T from adding to the debt, it would require that g5000 pay more in taxes. Not a lot more. But more

And that makes him NUTS
PLEASE....Look into what's in the bill....people earning over $800,000 per year....there are wealthy tax breaks coming back that Trump got rid of...if while they are telling you it will cost the rich more in taxes....

They are lying...and this comes from Joe Machin.....
'there seems to be a hell of a lot of tax breaks so rich folks can buy electric cars'.

Those are tax credits, people have to purchase or do something to get them, which most of them are, tax credits, not tax cuts, which you don't have to do anything.

Some democrats want to eliminate Trump's SALT tax limit, that's not in the bill.

'you really look at the bill its brings back all of the wasteful tax breaks for the rich'.

Like what?

I've read what has been reported.
Of course in order to keep the 3.5T from adding to the debt, it would require that g5000 pay more in taxes. Not a lot more. But more

And that makes him NUTS
What they fail to mention is the $3.5 trillion is spread over 10 years.
Yep anybody that doesn't pay every cent of tax owed according to the revenue codes is a fool and anyone who pays a cent more is an idiot. If you don't like the amounts certain companies and people pay, change the codes, don't criticize the taxpayers for following the rules.
Given the scrutiny Trump was under for the past six years, if he underpaid his taxes the IRS and whatever the New York tax entity is called would be all over him. Instead it's a political hack who campaigned on getting Trump.
Yes, change the code, and that's what republicans have been doing, for decades, via ALEC, the federalist society and corporations.
They write the codes and republicans introduce the bills to do their bidding.
The NYAG ARE, all over him, Trump has court cases to keep the AG office from revealing the contents.
Trump and his cult are, of course, calling it a witch hunt.

' a political hack who campaigned on getting Trump'.
That and the fact that cost savings offset one trillion of that
IDK, the amount is all over the place, but it needs to be done, it's long overdue.
Republican obstruction of Obama's plan, they finally voted for it, after whittling it down, to where it didn't do much, then whined about it.
5 years of promises by Trump.
Only a delusional Leftist lunatic thinks raising taxes on Americans right after the worst pandemic in history when businesses have been shut down and record unemployment is a good idea. It just proves how out of touch the Democratic Party leadership truly is. The GOP of course wants the Democrats to continue with this lunacy. Obama and co., who are actually running the Biden presidency, will once again get their asses "shellacked" come the mid-terms.
Only a delusional RWNJ thinks investing in infrastructure and people in America is crazy.
Taxes on Americans making $400,000 or more, they are so broke.
It's republicans who stopped unemployment benefits, long before a scintilla of recovery, how did that work out?

That proves republicans could give a fuck about America or the people in it.
trump is the best biden is a senile old wreck who craps himself
Sure he is.
When Biden say's something this stupid, I'll worry.

July 5, 2019
"In June of 1775, the Continental Congress created a unified Army out of the Revolutionary Forces encamped around Boston and New York, and named after the great George Washington, commander in chief," Trump said during his address Thursday.

"Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rocket's red glare it had nothing but victory."

Then the moron tried to blame his teleprompter and the rain.

"We had a lot of rain. I stood in the rain. The teleprompter went out," he said in response to a question from NBC's Kelly O'Donnell. "It kept going on, and then at the end, it just went out. It went kaput!"

"I do the speech very well, so I was able to do it without a teleprompter, but the teleprompter did go out," he said. "But despite the rain, that was just a fantastic evening."

Fantastic for comedians.
What a dolt.
Sure he is.
When Biden say's something this stupid, I'll worry.

July 5, 2019
"In June of 1775, the Continental Congress created a unified Army out of the Revolutionary Forces encamped around Boston and New York, and named after the great George Washington, commander in chief," Trump said during his address Thursday.

"Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rocket's red glare it had nothing but victory."

Then the moron tried to blame his teleprompter and the rain.

"We had a lot of rain. I stood in the rain. The teleprompter went out," he said in response to a question from NBC's Kelly O'Donnell. "It kept going on, and then at the end, it just went out. It went kaput!"

"I do the speech very well, so I was able to do it without a teleprompter, but the teleprompter did go out," he said. "But despite the rain, that was just a fantastic evening."

Fantastic for comedians.
What a dolt.
FFS, go home, listen to your record player and chill out.
See "1 trillion a DAY"

I do.
Do you understand your link?


Let me know if any of the words are too difficult.
I'm always happy to help.
An that money came from the Fed in the first place, What's your point?

I'm pointing out your error filled claims. Do I need to continue?
My $1000 did not come from the Fed. Do you need more proof
that banks are lending much more to the Fed than they are borrowing from the Fed?
i love Congress

it gives us so many public people to mock when they come up with bullshit ideas like this
Trump lost. Get over it. China is now on the back foot thanks to Uncle Joe.

As for Trump and China...ha!!!

You are such a LOSER....in every way...being a Deplorable, being a Trump fan....you're probably fat, white trailer trash too...heh...

Ohhh look, a Nazi is lying, Another demon got his horns.

Quid Pro is the best thing that's happened to China since Nixon.

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