3.9 Percent Unemployment

The Biden Boom economy continues with mega booming jobs and GDP

Bush crashed the economy, Trump crashed the economy and had weak low growth and mega deficits.
Biden has the economy booming like Clinton.

Biden is winning on foreign policy too, uniting Europe and NATO while Trump weakened NATO and destroyed our European alliance.

Trump called Putin smart, Trump looks really stupid
The Biden Boom economy continues with mega booming jobs and GDP

Bush crashed the economy, Trump crashed the economy and had weak low growth and mega deficits.
Biden has the economy booming like Clinton.

Biden is winning on foreign policy too, uniting Europe and NATO while Trump weakened NATO and destroyed our European alliance.

Trump called Putin smart, Trump looks really stupid
Biden rescued America from the disastrous Trump economy, COVID and our international alliances
Are we supposed to ignore how many jobs were lost because of COVID shutdowns? Youre president is a complete dud.
You might be able to say biden is a dud IF unemployment had stayed at 6.7%. But it didn't. It is 3.9%

You seem upset that Joe is bringing back lost jobs and also creating new jobs.
Sour grapes and BDS make you miserable, and I enjoy that.

Keep creating jobs Joe, then the economy will soar even higher.
Trump promised 4 or 5 or even 6% GDP.
He NEVER got over 3% for a calendar year, just like you bitched about Obama.
The Amazing Biden is leading an economic recovery

Record JOBS increase
Record GDP increase
Record Stovk Market
/——-/ you forgot record inflation, doubled gas prices, illegals pour over the border, Putin invading Ukraine, and empty store shelves. And you record “Stovk” market???


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the numbers don’t lie

Biden has a better economy after one year than Trump had in four
/——/ You’re caught in another whopper.
Within hours of President Trump's decision to restrict travel from China on Jan. 31, top Democrats and media figures immediately derided the move as unnecessary and xenophobic -- and they are now beating a hasty retreat from that position as the coronavirus continues to ravage the economy and cause scores of deaths.

Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden led the way, quickly attacking what he called Trump's "record of hysteria, xenophobia and fear-mongering" after the travel restrictions were announced, and arguing that Trump "is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency." Biden, on Wednesday, didn't criticize the travel ban in any way, and instead accused Trump of "downplaying" the virus early on in remarks to Fox News.

"I had Biden calling me xenophobic," Trump told Fox News' "Hannity" on March 26. "He called me a racist, because of the fact that he felt it was a racist thing to stop people from China coming in."
The unemployment rate was 6.7 percent when Trump left office.

Today, it stands at 3.9 percent.

Anyone who wants a job can get one.

Let's Go Brandon!

You're such a Brandon cheerleader.

Kill yourself.
Trump was an inept leader during COVID

Cost him his job
He did fine, the issue was Trump's abrasiveness. The states shut down economies and Democrats would not work with him because of that. Biden isn't as abrasive however he is in serious denial about our current economic crisis.
He did fine, the issue was Trump's abrasiveness. The states shut down economies and Democrats would not work with him because of that. Biden isn't as abrasive however he is in serious denial about our current economic crisis.
Trump was more concerned with being elected than beating COVID
So if it ended because of Trump, how was it allowed to start under Trump?
Dont you remember, the experts said if we lock down for 2 weeks, we defeat the virus. Trump reluctantly agreed. Then they kept extending it and eventually Trump had enough. You lefties sure forget things quickly.

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