3 Black Lives Matter activists arrested

Obama almost sounded like a President today for a few minutes. I couldn't believe my ears.....and then........
Blah Blah Blah Jim Crow, Blub Blub Blub
Racial Bias, And the topper......kids can get a Glok easier than a book!
He never changes, he just lectures and divides.

He's been pushing his race war for 8 years, he finally got it.
I'm gonna start a thread about a Teabagger that needs a bra. Obviously he's a Teabagger, he's fat and he's white.

I have as much evidence that this man is a Teabagger as you do those 3 men being connected to BLM.

See how that works? Weeeeeeeeee!

Cruella, you're a hack - and it's really all you are. Kudos that you grasp how badly this is hurting your filthy party - particularly with congress on senate elections. But Hillary is suffering as well.

Still, you spewing your shit does little. The three men are in the midst of a BLM protest, stealing guns to attack the police that that same BLM protest is protesting against, in the city that sparked the newest battle in Obama's race war.

So the link of these men may be circumstantial, but your claim that there is no link is patently dishonest. Now I get it, you hold party above all and have no integrity, still...
For credible threat against police.

This little terrorist organization is full of lots of interesting folks. Murderers, stalkers, human traffickers....

Obama's sons have been busy little bee's .

Oh and lookie here ...broke into a pawn shop and stole guns to murder police with. Wonder what gun control laws would have prevented that?

The Latest: Police: 3 suspects arrested in 'credible threat'

"Police say they have arrested three suspects and are seeking a possible fourth accused of stealing several handguns as part of an alleged plot to harm police officers in the Baton Rouge area.

Baton Rouge police Chief Carl Dabadiesaid in a press conference Tuesday that authorities discovered the plot while responding to a burglary at a pawn shop.

They arrested one suspect on the scene and then tracked down two others. Authorities called on the fourth suspect to turn himself in."

There's nothing showing the 3 men were part of BLM...not in your link, and not in the video.
Right. I'm sure they're upstanding members of the local United Methodist Church and they're just misunderstood.
And going to college, sweet,
For credible threat against police.

This little terrorist organization is full of lots of interesting folks. Murderers, stalkers, human traffickers....

Obama's sons have been busy little bee's .

Oh and lookie here ...broke into a pawn shop and stole guns to murder police with. Wonder what gun control laws would have prevented that?

The Latest: Police: 3 suspects arrested in 'credible threat'

"Police say they have arrested three suspects and are seeking a possible fourth accused of stealing several handguns as part of an alleged plot to harm police officers in the Baton Rouge area.

Baton Rouge police Chief Carl Dabadiesaid in a press conference Tuesday that authorities discovered the plot while responding to a burglary at a pawn shop.

They arrested one suspect on the scene and then tracked down two others. Authorities called on the fourth suspect to turn himself in."

There's nothing showing the 3 men were part of BLM...not in your link, and not in the video.
Right. I'm sure they're upstanding members of the local United Methodist Church and they're just misunderstood.
And going to college, sweet,
Obviously also working hard to feed the poor and put clothes on the backs of the down trodden ...like good little democrats.
I'm gonna start a thread about a Teabagger that needs a bra. Obviously he's a Teabagger, he's fat and he's white.

I have as much evidence that this man is a Teabagger as you do those 3 men being connected to BLM.

See how that works? Weeeeeeeeee!

Cruella, you're a hack - and it's really all you are. Kudos that you grasp how badly this is hurting your filthy party - particularly with congress on senate elections. But Hillary is suffering as well.

Still, you spewing your shit does little. The three men are in the midst of a BLM protest, stealing guns to attack the police that that same BLM protest is protesting against, in the city that sparked the newest battle in Obama's race war.

So the link of these men may be circumstantial, but your claim that there is no link is patently dishonest. Now I get it, you hold party above all and have no integrity, still...
Well... The twit certainly has no problem sentencing the entire police force in multiple cities to a death sentence based on the hearsay that they use to incite the masses into a frenzy so....

She can suck it up and eat shit. :)
Obama has sown the wind, and he's reaping the whirlwind. It's fitting that the race war explode on his watch. The only real work he's done during his term has been to foment it.
AMERICA is reaping the whirlwind, Barrack Hussein Obamer is out of office in about seven months, thank God.
Cruella, you're a hack - and it's really all you are. Kudos that you grasp how badly this is hurting your filthy party - particularly with congress on senate elections. But Hillary is suffering as well.

Still, you spewing your shit does little. The three men are in the midst of a BLM protest, stealing guns to attack the police that that same BLM protest is protesting against, in the city that sparked the newest battle in Obama's race war.

So the link of these men may be circumstantial, but your claim that there is no link is patently dishonest. Now I get it, you hold party above all and have no integrity, still...

Watching the Dimbocrats stew in their own shit is just hilarious, though mighty stinky.
And there's nothing in that video that shows they are connected to BLM.

So., the way for you to cover for BLM is to pretend it doesn't even exist.


Nothing in picture indicates these democrats were connected to the KKK - you moronic hack.
For credible threat against police.

This little terrorist organization is full of lots of interesting folks. Murderers, stalkers, human traffickers....

Obama's sons have been busy little bee's .

Oh and lookie here ...broke into a pawn shop and stole guns to murder police with. Wonder what gun control laws would have prevented that?

The Latest: Police: 3 suspects arrested in 'credible threat'

"Police say they have arrested three suspects and are seeking a possible fourth accused of stealing several handguns as part of an alleged plot to harm police officers in the Baton Rouge area.

Baton Rouge police Chief Carl Dabadiesaid in a press conference Tuesday that authorities discovered the plot while responding to a burglary at a pawn shop.

They arrested one suspect on the scene and then tracked down two others. Authorities called on the fourth suspect to turn himself in."

I had a gun stolen from my LOCKED car sitting on PRIVATE PROPERTY a few years ago. I have yet to have one of the gun control nuts tell me which of the laws they support would do a background check on that criminal.
Yep. Notice how they ignore the fact that the criminals in the OP STOLE the guns they were going to use to assassinate cops.

It didn't fit their liberal agenda so they bury their heads in the sand.

Since none of those asked could tell me which law they supported would do a background check on that thief that stole my gun, I have to assume there isn't one and that no background check would be conducted on the person that did it.

I did have one, while he couldn't tell me what kind of background check was going to be done, blame me for it being stolen. I was curious as to why he thought I was at fault. He said I should have secured it better. When I thought about it, I determined that I had broken absolutely no laws in the manner in which I kept the gun yet the thief broke three in the process of stealing it. He/She came onto private property where he/she didn't belong, entered a locked vehicle using vandalism, and took something from it that didn't belong to him/her.
he'd be the creative one. It is the lesson taught by liberals. how to take what is not yours.
So., the way for you to cover for BLM is to pretend it doesn't even exist.


Nothing in picture indicates these democrats were connected to the KKK - you moronic hack.

Well, the bodies lynched from that tree would be certain proof of Democratic Party involvement, the historical mass murdering party of blacks in American history (but that is past, they are champions of blacks now, doncha know?)
So., the way for you to cover for BLM is to pretend it doesn't even exist.


Nothing in picture indicates these democrats were connected to the KKK - you moronic hack.

Well, the bodies lynched from that tree would be certain proof of Democratic Party involvement, the historical mass murdering party of blacks in American history (but that is past, they are champions of blacks now, doncha know?)

The photo is a well documented campaign event in Upstate New York in 1922, for the democratic party to support their nominee for Governor.

BUT is it often used as an example of the KKK. Just as Cruella whined, there is nothing that shows a connection to the KKK - but any rational person knows full well it was a KKK event.

The democrats are required to be irrational to support the party, Cruella excels at being irrational.

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