3 democrat run cities are responsible for the rise in the U.S. murder rate....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep...if you want to be murdered...vote democrat....

Three DEMOCRAT-Run Cities Are Most Responsible For National Murder Rate Increase

tionwide, while Democrats currently hold fewer seats than they have at any time since Republicans took away all their slaves after the Civil War, where they do remain in power, the murder rate is on the rise. According to a new report, across the country, the murder rate rose 8% over last year, but this is primarily due to a handful of cities -- Chicago, Baltimore, and Houston. And all three of those cities have been run exclusively by Democrats for decades.

n 2015 and 2016, several cities -- especially Chicago -- saw their murder rates increase significantly. The distorting effect of this concentrated increase is illustrated in Figure 6, which breaks down the total increase in murders between 2014 and 2016 by city. As shown below, Baltimore, Chicago and Houston together account for around half of the increase in murder in major cities between 2014 and 2016.

Chicago hasn't had a Republican mayor in 86 years. The Windy City's current mayor is President Obama's former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. Last year was the deadliest year to live in Chicago since 1996. Murders jumped 58% over the previous year to 762. Overall, there were 4,331 shooting victims.

Chicago has some of the toughest gun control laws in the country.

Baltimore hasn't had a Republican mayor in 50 years. According to The Baltimore Sun, 2016 was the second-deadliest year on record in that city. The single deadliest year was 2015, the year of the riots sparked by the death of Freddie Gray and CNN's horrific coverage of that event, which undoubtedly (and intentionally) whipped up all that violence.

Baltimore has some of the toughest gun control laws in the country.

Houston has not had a Republican mayor in 36 years. According to local news reports, 302 people were killed last year, a five-year high -- 50 percent higher than 2011.

Like the rest of Texas, gun control laws are reasonable in Houston.

All three of these failing Democrat-run cities are also run by politicians who appear to be more interested in sticking their nose into national politics and left-wing fads, as opposed to doing the mayoral work of filling potholes and decreasing the murder rate.

Poor OP, left hanging now that he can't blame it on Former President Obama anymore.
The only downside to the dim controlled cities' black murder rates is that on some occasions innocent hood dwellers also get killed or wounded in their shooting gallery streets. But black thugs killing other black thugs in the streets is good community service.
Still don't know the difference between an adjective and a noun. Ah well
Never a mention of the violent confederate cities, Birmingham? Atlanta?
Still the uppity nixxers fault I guess
Still blabbing the gun control garbage ? Never mention you can go 3 feet outside Chicago and get as many guns as you want
You wonder if Democrats actually want a high murder rate in Rotting Cities, like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore.

Dead Democrats are much more reliable voters, and cause far less trouble.

Of course if they are dead, they can't keep making more Illegitimate Welfare Babies to keep the Federal Money flowing in. So there's that.

Sometimes only evil choices are available to the wisdom of degenerate Bolshevik Retards...like Dead Fish Emanuel.
Birmingham and Atlanta are both Democratically controlled cities.
Still don't know the difference between an adjective and a noun. Ah well
Never a mention of the violent confederate cities, Birmingham? Atlanta?
Still the uppity nixxers fault I guess
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Still blabbing the gun control garbage ? Never mention you can go 3 feet outside Chicago and get as many guns as you want

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