3 killed in shooting at Rite Aid distribution center in Maryland. Well, they have Band-Aid's!

Isn’t trump pushing in righty judges?
At such a rate it is not going to matter who is elected anymore, the right is going to be running for courtrooms to get/keep/change the laws they want...trump is sealing up the country with his appointments, liberals are about to find out what "unconstitutional" has felt like to the rest of America for 5 decades.
End of the day, society has a moral problem. Laws can't and won't change the moral problem in society. Society has to resolve its own moral problem, and only then will it reflect on the laws that follow as a result.
End of the day countries with strong gun control don’t have regular mass shootings. Certainly not 3 in 2 days.

By the way....those countries.....in Europe....murdered 12 million innocent men, women and children.....Japan? 3 million innocent men, women and children......they didn't have guns....the socialists had guns...

If you average those murders out...they beat us ......they have more murder than we do.
Legal gun, massive gun control laws already in effect, including universal background checks INCLUDING private sales, mandatory registration of handguns, seven day waiting period, state permit required to purchase a firearm, mandatory firearm training for issue of permit, ban on high capacity magazines and required securing of firearms...female shooter...no suggested course of action from Johnlaw bodecea Vandalshandle or the OP Baz Ares ...

...thread will now be ignored completely...

Totally false. You can buy any gun in a private transaction in AZ without a background check or registration. Then, you can conceal carry without a license, or even having to demonstrate where the safety is. Do you always pull information out of your ass, or just on message boards?


This shooter, the one in Florida last month AND the one in Maryland last week ALL BOUGHT AND REGISTERED THEIR FIREARMS IN MARYLAND.

READ THE FUCKING THREAD...It may partially mitigate your stupidity...

...but I doubt it.

Ok. I got it. It is Ok to shoot people in Maryland if you buy the gun legally, even if you are as batshit crazy homicidal maniac.

Maryland gun law...

Permits required to purchase
Universal background checks ANY sale, ffl or private
STATE and federal background checks
Registration of all handguns and Ar-15 style rifles
Mandatory firearms training required for permits
SEVEN day waiting period
High capacity magazine ban

Didn't matter one iota. Three Maryland bought and registered mass shootings.

Gun control isn't going to stop mass shootings...the proof is here.
And yet countries with strong gun control don’t have a mass shooting problem.

Sure a lot less dead when rifle isn’t used eh?

Yes...she could have used a rental truck.....a muslim terrorist in France used a rental truck and murdered 86 people, injured 435 in 5 minutes.....trucks are deadlier than rifles, pistols or shotguns....
End of the day countries with strong gun control don’t have regular mass shootings. Certainly not 3 in 2 days.

They also don't have a constitutional right to bear arms or a system of checks and balances. That's a major flaw in your comparison. Respectfully speaking. Those countries are largely dictatorships, for the most part, run by Kings and Queens and legislative courts, their people subjugate to them.

I maintain that a lot of the violence we see in America comes as a consequence of the gradual erosion of virtue in society. That's the root problem, in my view. And, again, I contend that laws will not resolve this particular problem.

But, I'll hear you out. What do you want to do about these acts of violence? What's your solution? As specifically as you can be, please, though I don't expect you to write a white paper. Cliff notes will do. Thanks!
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A gunman killed three people and wounded two others Thursday at a drugstore distribution center in Harford County, Maryland, officials said Thursday.

The shooting occurred at a Rite Aid support facility, and "what I understand is the location is secure," said Rite Aid spokeswoman Susan Henderson. Roughly 1,000 employees work there, she said. ( Seems 3 killed 5 wounded)
3 killed in shooting at Rite Aid distribution center in Maryland - CNN

:dunno:Hmm? Why would this happen?
And I sure hope the corrupted ATF and FBI are not investigating this
NRA approved use of guns. That would be wrong and so unfair per the Great Douche spews.
It's hard to purchase a gun in Maryland.
Legal gun, massive gun control laws already in effect, including universal background checks INCLUDING private sales, mandatory registration of handguns, seven day waiting period, state permit required to purchase a firearm, mandatory firearm training for issue of permit, ban on high capacity magazines and required securing of firearms...female shooter...no suggested course of action from Johnlaw bodecea Vandalshandle or the OP Baz Ares ...

...thread will now be ignored completely...

Totally false. You can buy any gun in a private transaction in AZ without a background check or registration. Then, you can conceal carry without a license, or even having to demonstrate where the safety is. Do you always pull information out of your ass, or just on message boards?


This shooter, the one in Florida last month AND the one in Maryland last week ALL BOUGHT AND REGISTERED THEIR FIREARMS IN MARYLAND.

READ THE FUCKING THREAD...It may partially mitigate your stupidity...

...but I doubt it.

Ok. I got it. It is Ok to shoot people in Maryland if you buy the gun legally, even if you are as batshit crazy homicidal maniac.

Maryland gun law...

Permits required to purchase
Universal background checks ANY sale, ffl or private
STATE and federal background checks
Registration of all handguns and Ar-15 style rifles
Mandatory firearms training required for permits
SEVEN day waiting period
High capacity magazine ban

Didn't matter one iota. Three Maryland bought and registered mass shootings.

Gun control isn't going to stop mass shootings...the proof is here.

I sure hope that they don't figure this out in Australia, and the industrialized countries of Europe and the Pacific Rim!

Gun ban. Gotcha. I mean, you're too cowardly to come out and say it, but we get it.

Mass government confiscation.

100,000,000 gun owners penalized over the actions of the .0000000001%.
Legal gun, massive gun control laws already in effect, including universal background checks INCLUDING private sales, mandatory registration of handguns, seven day waiting period, state permit required to purchase a firearm, mandatory firearm training for issue of permit, ban on high capacity magazines and required securing of firearms...female shooter...no suggested course of action from Johnlaw bodecea Vandalshandle or the OP Baz Ares ...

...thread will now be ignored completely...

Totally false. You can buy any gun in a private transaction in AZ without a background check or registration. Then, you can conceal carry without a license, or even having to demonstrate where the safety is. Do you always pull information out of your ass, or just on message boards?


This shooter, the one in Florida last month AND the one in Maryland last week ALL BOUGHT AND REGISTERED THEIR FIREARMS IN MARYLAND.

READ THE FUCKING THREAD...It may partially mitigate your stupidity...

...but I doubt it.

Ok. I got it. It is Ok to shoot people in Maryland if you buy the gun legally, even if you are as batshit crazy homicidal maniac.

Maryland gun law...

Permits required to purchase
Universal background checks ANY sale, ffl or private
STATE and federal background checks
Registration of all handguns and Ar-15 style rifles
Mandatory firearms training required for permits
SEVEN day waiting period
High capacity magazine ban

Didn't matter one iota. Three Maryland bought and registered mass shootings.

Gun control isn't going to stop mass shootings...the proof is here.
And yet countries with strong gun control don’t have a mass shooting problem.

Sure a lot less dead when rifle isn’t used eh?

Maryland HAS strong gun control...why didn't it work?
Legal gun, massive gun control laws already in effect, including universal background checks INCLUDING private sales, mandatory registration of handguns, seven day waiting period, state permit required to purchase a firearm, mandatory firearm training for issue of permit, ban on high capacity magazines and required securing of firearms...female shooter...no suggested course of action from Johnlaw bodecea Vandalshandle or the OP Baz Ares ...

...thread will now be ignored completely...

Totally false. You can buy any gun in a private transaction in AZ without a background check or registration. Then, you can conceal carry without a license, or even having to demonstrate where the safety is. Do you always pull information out of your ass, or just on message boards?


This shooter, the one in Florida last month AND the one in Maryland last week ALL BOUGHT AND REGISTERED THEIR FIREARMS IN MARYLAND.

READ THE FUCKING THREAD...It may partially mitigate your stupidity...

...but I doubt it.

Ok. I got it. It is Ok to shoot people in Maryland if you buy the gun legally, even if you are as batshit crazy homicidal maniac.

Maryland gun law...

Permits required to purchase
Universal background checks ANY sale, ffl or private
STATE and federal background checks
Registration of all handguns and Ar-15 style rifles
Mandatory firearms training required for permits
SEVEN day waiting period
High capacity magazine ban

Didn't matter one iota. Three Maryland bought and registered mass shootings.

Gun control isn't going to stop mass shootings...the proof is here.
And yet countries with strong gun control don’t have a mass shooting problem.

Sure a lot less dead when rifle isn’t used eh?

She could have bought an AR-15 with exactly the same effort as a handgun in Maryland...try again.
---------------------------------- who cares Brian .
Those that care about life.
----------------------------------------------------- i care about MY life and do as much as i decide to do to preserve MY and my Families lives Brian .
Impressively selfish of you. The government should protect us all. Clearly our current gun laws make that impossible. Our homicide rate is 4-5x that of countries with strong gun control.
------------------------------------ the more FREEDOM a person has the more chance he has of killing himself or someone else Brian . Free to ride motorcycles and drive cars and there is more chance that you might kill yourself or others Brian .
I’ve no use for the freedom to quickly and easily become a mass killer.

You oppose cars, truck, vans, semi tractor trailers, bottled propane, pressure cookers, pipes, chlorine bleach, ammonia, gasoline, alcohol, styrofoam, vasoline, castol beans...good lord, the list goes on and on...
Totally false. You can buy any gun in a private transaction in AZ without a background check or registration. Then, you can conceal carry without a license, or even having to demonstrate where the safety is. Do you always pull information out of your ass, or just on message boards?


This shooter, the one in Florida last month AND the one in Maryland last week ALL BOUGHT AND REGISTERED THEIR FIREARMS IN MARYLAND.

READ THE FUCKING THREAD...It may partially mitigate your stupidity...

...but I doubt it.

Ok. I got it. It is Ok to shoot people in Maryland if you buy the gun legally, even if you are as batshit crazy homicidal maniac.

Maryland gun law...

Permits required to purchase
Universal background checks ANY sale, ffl or private
STATE and federal background checks
Registration of all handguns and Ar-15 style rifles
Mandatory firearms training required for permits
SEVEN day waiting period
High capacity magazine ban

Didn't matter one iota. Three Maryland bought and registered mass shootings.

Gun control isn't going to stop mass shootings...the proof is here.
And yet countries with strong gun control don’t have a mass shooting problem.

Sure a lot less dead when rifle isn’t used eh?

Yes...she could have used a rental truck.....a muslim terrorist in France used a rental truck and murdered 86 people, injured 435 in 5 minutes.....trucks are deadlier than rifles, pistols or shotguns....

And look what they did....put up barriers to keep vehicles away from certain areas/buildings.
A gunman killed three people and wounded two others Thursday at a drugstore distribution center in Harford County, Maryland, officials said Thursday.

The shooting occurred at a Rite Aid support facility, and "what I understand is the location is secure," said Rite Aid spokeswoman Susan Henderson. Roughly 1,000 employees work there, she said. ( Seems 3 killed 5 wounded)
3 killed in shooting at Rite Aid distribution center in Maryland - CNN

:dunno:Hmm? Why would this happen?
And I sure hope the corrupted ATF and FBI are not investigating this
NRA approved use of guns. That would be wrong and so unfair per the Great Douche spews.
It's hard to purchase a gun in Maryland.
Interesting. What about coming into the state with a legal gun?
Totally false. You can buy any gun in a private transaction in AZ without a background check or registration. Then, you can conceal carry without a license, or even having to demonstrate where the safety is. Do you always pull information out of your ass, or just on message boards?


This shooter, the one in Florida last month AND the one in Maryland last week ALL BOUGHT AND REGISTERED THEIR FIREARMS IN MARYLAND.

READ THE FUCKING THREAD...It may partially mitigate your stupidity...

...but I doubt it.

Ok. I got it. It is Ok to shoot people in Maryland if you buy the gun legally, even if you are as batshit crazy homicidal maniac.

Maryland gun law...

Permits required to purchase
Universal background checks ANY sale, ffl or private
STATE and federal background checks
Registration of all handguns and Ar-15 style rifles
Mandatory firearms training required for permits
SEVEN day waiting period
High capacity magazine ban

Didn't matter one iota. Three Maryland bought and registered mass shootings.

Gun control isn't going to stop mass shootings...the proof is here.

I sure hope that they don't figure this out in Australia, and the industrialized countries of Europe and the Pacific Rim!

Gun ban. Gotcha. I mean, you're too cowardly to come out and say it, but we get it.

Mass government confiscation.

100,000,000 gun owners penalized over the actions of the .0000000001%.

Right. Hillary, and her band of paranoids are going to take your gun from you in the middle of the night while you are asleep.
A gunman killed three people and wounded two others Thursday at a drugstore distribution center in Harford County, Maryland, officials said Thursday.

The shooting occurred at a Rite Aid support facility, and "what I understand is the location is secure," said Rite Aid spokeswoman Susan Henderson. Roughly 1,000 employees work there, she said. ( Seems 3 killed 5 wounded)
3 killed in shooting at Rite Aid distribution center in Maryland - CNN

:dunno:Hmm? Why would this happen?
And I sure hope the corrupted ATF and FBI are not investigating this
NRA approved use of guns. That would be wrong and so unfair per the Great Douche spews.
People kill people not firearms
People use people killing firearms to kill people. The reason they are made is to kill living thangs.
Guns are made to kill living thangs. Knives are used way
more to cut (98%) items, than for killing (2%) thangs btw. On the other hand
guns are used mostly (98%) to kill thangs.

I’m going to need a little more help here. It appears as though I have some defective firearms. I don’t think I’ll mention how many. However, none of them have ever killed anyone. I can only assume, by your assertion that they exist mainly to kill people, that they are defective.

I have killed a dozen or so Copperhead rattlesnakes with them. Are Copperhead Rattlesnakes considered people now? If so, we may be good, and my firearms are not defective after all.

Copperhead Rattlesnakes are very common in this area. Death is not certain if you are bitten, but it is quite possible. In fact, Copperhead bites have increased by more than 137% in recent years, bites of other venomous snakes has more than doubled.

So shooting a Copperhead in the yard is pretty much what not only I do, but my neighbors as well. As an aside, killing venomous snakes that pose a danger to humans is legal in Georgia. I don’t go into the woods looking for them, but I do object to them entering the yard proper. In the woods, I wear a set of snake bite protection and heavy boots around my legs, and unless the snake strikes at me, is not going to be killed.

Perhaps my firearm is defective after all. I mean, shouldn’t this bloodthirsty inanimate object want to kill anything and anyone it comes near? I mean, you make them sound like Christine from the Stephen King book.
FFS..GrandMaster DOPer. Guns were made (design) in the 10th century for war. To kill people in the beginning by kings/lords in their wars
who had money to build them. No peasant farmers had the money or skills to make them for home protection or hunting. At some point, kings/lords started hunting food meat with them. They did not need AR15 to hunt for food, ever. If your in a home protection battle with an AR15, your just a moron NRA dick sucking moron falling for their BS. List all the home burglaries/invasions in 2017. List all of the ones stopped by a gun by the homeowner. Not many are.

There are roughly some 2.5 million burglaries a year, 66% of those being home break-ins.
I see few were reported stop by people armed at home.
Why is that? You don't need a gun. Just a sign that lies.
And a few fake home security system camera's.


If they still are coming in. It's you they want.

You do realize your fake sign only works if somebody else does have guns. For example, that sign would not work in your beloved gun free nations.

Now, guns are designed to do a job. Just like a hammer. The gun is designed to fire ammunition, in a direction, with varying degrees of accuracy. What I mean by that is that you can’t hit a target a mile away with a pistol.

Now, what guns are. Guns are tools, and we humans are Tool Users. It is what separates us from the animals. They have tooth and claw. We have fingers with pathetic nails, and teeth utterly unsuited for any killing bites. We do have the ability to use tools though. Man’s first weapon was a rock, then a sharpened stick, and then bows and arrows. None of them were designed and marketed to kill.

Gunpowder was first used for signaling. Later, it was used to propel defensive weapons, and then later still for defensive cannons. Defensive, because the items were too big, and difficult to move. But the powder was not designed to kill. The powder was adapted to kill, just as a rock, and stick were not designed by some Deity for killing, but adapted to allow primitive man to hunt bigger game, and feed more people. Further adaptations of the stick allowed farming.

Flint was chipped away, and used for hunting once sharp enough. It was quickly discovered, and this is a no brain needed assumption, that if it is good for killing a deer, it is also good for killing a person, an enemy who is trying to harm you.

Guns are the same way. It is hunting that led to more effective killing. Long range rifles were not designed to kill people farther away, but to hunt game that was wary enough to make a closer approach too difficult. The big rifles used to nearly eradicate the Buffalo were not adapted from sniper rifles, but were designed for that fact from the beginning. Those same principles were adapted to different rifles for battlefields.

The same is true of sailing vessels. The first ones were used for fishing, or traveling to a different place, and then adapted for violence. Why? Man is what he is. Man is still an animal, even if evolved. Human Being is just another animal. How many times have we heard that Dolphins, and Orca’s are smarter than we are?

You can put up a sign, and if it does deter someone, it is only because I do have a gun. Because it is considered possible if not probable that you are armed because it is probable not possible that I am. It is the presence of all those guns you decry that keeps people from entering your home looking for you.

We know a lot about humans, and we know a lot that isn’t true but we wish it was. One of those things is that without a sharpened stick, we will all learn to get along. That hasn’t been true ever. And it never will be. The reason is that anything can be a weapon. I was cut before, and in that bar fight, the man who cut me wasn’t wielding a knife, but a bottle. I’ve been bonked on the skull by a flashlight. An item that was not designed, but was adapted by the circumstances, to bop me on the Noggin.

Guns may scare you, but the gun has never scared me. The fellow holding the gun may have my undivided attention. But the gun doesn’t worry me.
A gunman killed three people and wounded two others Thursday at a drugstore distribution center in Harford County, Maryland, officials said Thursday.

The shooting occurred at a Rite Aid support facility, and "what I understand is the location is secure," said Rite Aid spokeswoman Susan Henderson. Roughly 1,000 employees work there, she said. ( Seems 3 killed 5 wounded)
3 killed in shooting at Rite Aid distribution center in Maryland - CNN

:dunno:Hmm? Why would this happen?
And I sure hope the corrupted ATF and FBI are not investigating this
NRA approved use of guns. That would be wrong and so unfair per the Great Douche spews.
People kill people not firearms
People use people killing firearms to kill people. The reason they are made is to kill living thangs.
Guns are made to kill living thangs. Knives are used way
more to cut (98%) items, than for killing (2%) thangs btw. On the other hand
guns are used mostly (98%) to kill thangs.

I’m going to need a little more help here. It appears as though I have some defective firearms. I don’t think I’ll mention how many. However, none of them have ever killed anyone. I can only assume, by your assertion that they exist mainly to kill people, that they are defective.

I have killed a dozen or so Copperhead rattlesnakes with them. Are Copperhead Rattlesnakes considered people now? If so, we may be good, and my firearms are not defective after all.

Copperhead Rattlesnakes are very common in this area. Death is not certain if you are bitten, but it is quite possible. In fact, Copperhead bites have increased by more than 137% in recent years, bites of other venomous snakes has more than doubled.

So shooting a Copperhead in the yard is pretty much what not only I do, but my neighbors as well. As an aside, killing venomous snakes that pose a danger to humans is legal in Georgia. I don’t go into the woods looking for them, but I do object to them entering the yard proper. In the woods, I wear a set of snake bite protection and heavy boots around my legs, and unless the snake strikes at me, is not going to be killed.

Perhaps my firearm is defective after all. I mean, shouldn’t this bloodthirsty inanimate object want to kill anything and anyone it comes near? I mean, you make them sound like Christine from the Stephen King book.
FFS..GrandMaster DOPer. Guns were made (design) in the 10th century for war. To kill people in the beginning by kings/lords in their wars
who had money to build them. No peasant farmers had the money or skills to make them for home protection or hunting. At some point, kings/lords started hunting food meat with them. They did not need AR15 to hunt for food, ever. If your in a home protection battle with an AR15, your just a moron NRA dick sucking moron falling for their BS. List all the home burglaries/invasions in 2017. List all of the ones stopped by a gun by the homeowner. Not many are.

There are roughly some 2.5 million burglaries a year, 66% of those being home break-ins.
I see few were reported stop by people armed at home.
Why is that? You don't need a gun. Just a sign that lies.
And a few fake home security system camera's.


If they still are coming in. It's you they want.

You do realize your fake sign only works if somebody else does have guns. For example, that sign would not work in your beloved gun free nations.

Now, guns are designed to do a job. Just like a hammer. The gun is designed to fire ammunition, in a direction, with varying degrees of accuracy. What I mean by that is that you can’t hit a target a mile away with a pistol.

Now, what guns are. Guns are tools, and we humans are Tool Users. It is what separates us from the animals. They have tooth and claw. We have fingers with pathetic nails, and teeth utterly unsuited for any killing bites. We do have the ability to use tools though. Man’s first weapon was a rock, then a sharpened stick, and then bows and arrows. None of them were designed and marketed to kill.

Gunpowder was first used for signaling. Later, it was used to propel defensive weapons, and then later still for defensive cannons. Defensive, because the items were too big, and difficult to move. But the powder was not designed to kill. The powder was adapted to kill, just as a rock, and stick were not designed by some Deity for killing, but adapted to allow primitive man to hunt bigger game, and feed more people. Further adaptations of the stick allowed farming.

Flint was chipped away, and used for hunting once sharp enough. It was quickly discovered, and this is a no brain needed assumption, that if it is good for killing a deer, it is also good for killing a person, an enemy who is trying to harm you.

Guns are the same way. It is hunting that led to more effective killing. Long range rifles were not designed to kill people farther away, but to hunt game that was wary enough to make a closer approach too difficult. The big rifles used to nearly eradicate the Buffalo were not adapted from sniper rifles, but were designed for that fact from the beginning. Those same principles were adapted to different rifles for battlefields.

The same is true of sailing vessels. The first ones were used for fishing, or traveling to a different place, and then adapted for violence. Why? Man is what he is. Man is still an animal, even if evolved. Human Being is just another animal. How many times have we heard that Dolphins, and Orca’s are smarter than we are?

You can put up a sign, and if it does deter someone, it is only because I do have a gun. Because it is considered possible if not probable that you are armed because it is probable not possible that I am. It is the presence of all those guns you decry that keeps people from entering your home looking for you.

We know a lot about humans, and we know a lot that isn’t true but we wish it was. One of those things is that without a sharpened stick, we will all learn to get along. That hasn’t been true ever. And it never will be. The reason is that anything can be a weapon. I was cut before, and in that bar fight, the man who cut me wasn’t wielding a knife, but a bottle. I’ve been bonked on the skull by a flashlight. An item that was not designed, but was adapted by the circumstances, to bop me on the Noggin.

Guns may scare you, but the gun has never scared me. The fellow holding the gun may have my undivided attention. But the gun doesn’t worry me.

Most Gun Nutter and Morons are cowards. And won't go up against a gun possible firing at them. Signs work. Same for fake camera in view.
Most Gun slinging robbers are cowards. And won't go up against a gun possible firing at them. Signs work. Same for fake camera in view.
I told y'all she was a black tranny. Looks like one to me.

PICTURED: Female shooter, 26, who killed three and injured four others then turned the gun on herself after showing up at work 'wanting to pick a fight' at Maryland Rite Aid warehouse where she worked


Maryland shooting: Female shooter kills three at Rite Aid warehouse | Daily Mail Online

That thing is a "female"? I see no tits.

Not much of a "gunner" either. I head it had to shoot itself in the head two times.

Enjoy your searing headache, dumbass. :lmao:
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