3 men arrested in white supremacist plot in Virginia targeting blacks, Jews

ah,, another dumbing downer. Nice you all stick together.

No, it's just very apparent.
Yep, I'm a parent and a grand parent. I have seen dumb like you for a very long time. It jumps out at ya when you least expect it. But keep fighting the battle, one day your dumbness might where off.

Yep, I'm a parent and a grand parent. I have seen dumb like you for a very long time. It jumps out at ya when you least expect it. But keep fighting the battle, one day your dumbness might where off.

Like I said, apparent.
He is not well versed in the english language. You gotta cut him some slack and encourage him to learn.
BTW, how many times are you going to try this. I would like to move along. Throw up your hands and admit defeat and do a different dance.
Stop begging and buckle down so you can learn.
No, it's just very apparent.
Yep, I'm a parent and a grand parent. I have seen dumb like you for a very long time. It jumps out at ya when you least expect it. But keep fighting the battle, one day your dumbness might where off.
Figures. You have never seen the word "apparent" and got it mixed up with "a parent".
now see, I done gone taught the dumb what humor is. facetious, go look it up. Oh wait, you'd be too dumb to look that up. Just stick with the humor thingy,
No that wont work. You took way too long. Its obvious you had to look up what "apparent" meant. Stop trying to convince me you knew the entire time and was just making a funny. I simply dont believe you.
you 'dont' believe me, or you don't believe me. Look I've already stated I don't do your dumbing downing and you giving me more examples of your dumbness, I don't need. So can you move along, it seems you keep going in circles. I know, I know, that's just dumb, but trying to keep it at your level.

I dont believe you. Thats why I said to stop trying to convince me. I agree that you stated you were at the lowest level of dumbness. I can help you rise above that. Just give me the word.
you're only lesson is you showing off your hate toward white people. It is very dominate in your posts. I'm learning a lot. What a racist looks like on a message board.
If thats the lesson you get then you are lacking in the basic intellect required to attend some of my more advanced courses. Like they always say "when the student is ready then the teacher will appear".
but as I already wrote, I don't do dumbing downing. you all have that captured so well. I don't wish to learn dumb, never intend to learn dumb, so please keep your dumb learning to yourself.
We agree you cant get any dumber than you are now. However, I was inviting you to learn. Your basic understanding of my posts betray an alarming state of ignorance on your part.
when the ignorant try to teach, they don't do very well, so you're lessons fail due to your ignorance. I get that.

Thats a good sign. At least you understand you are too ignorant to try and teach and you agree that you failed my lessons due to sheer ignorance.
again, the only thing I learned was how ignorant you and your peers here are. The dumbing down of the liberals, you have that at the ready.
Yep, I'm a parent and a grand parent. I have seen dumb like you for a very long time. It jumps out at ya when you least expect it. But keep fighting the battle, one day your dumbness might where off.
Figures. You have never seen the word "apparent" and got it mixed up with "a parent".
now see, I done gone taught the dumb what humor is. facetious, go look it up. Oh wait, you'd be too dumb to look that up. Just stick with the humor thingy,
No that wont work. You took way too long. Its obvious you had to look up what "apparent" meant. Stop trying to convince me you knew the entire time and was just making a funny. I simply dont believe you.
you 'dont' believe me, or you don't believe me. Look I've already stated I don't do your dumbing downing and you giving me more examples of your dumbness, I don't need. So can you move along, it seems you keep going in circles. I know, I know, that's just dumb, but trying to keep it at your level.

I dont believe you. Thats why I said to stop trying to convince me. I agree that you stated you were at the lowest level of dumbness. I can help you rise above that. Just give me the word.
wash, rinse, repeat
If thats the lesson you get then you are lacking in the basic intellect required to attend some of my more advanced courses. Like they always say "when the student is ready then the teacher will appear".
but as I already wrote, I don't do dumbing downing. you all have that captured so well. I don't wish to learn dumb, never intend to learn dumb, so please keep your dumb learning to yourself.
We agree you cant get any dumber than you are now. However, I was inviting you to learn. Your basic understanding of my posts betray an alarming state of ignorance on your part.
when the ignorant try to teach, they don't do very well, so you're lessons fail due to your ignorance. I get that.

Thats a good sign. At least you understand you are too ignorant to try and teach and you agree that you failed my lessons due to sheer ignorance.
again, the only thing I learned was how ignorant you and your peers here are. The dumbing down of the liberals, you have that at the ready.
If you limit yourself by saying "only" we cant help you raise your intellect level. Youre going to need a lot of help and now that you have basically confessed you are a conservative, the job is going to be harder than I imagined.
Figures. You have never seen the word "apparent" and got it mixed up with "a parent".
now see, I done gone taught the dumb what humor is. facetious, go look it up. Oh wait, you'd be too dumb to look that up. Just stick with the humor thingy,
No that wont work. You took way too long. Its obvious you had to look up what "apparent" meant. Stop trying to convince me you knew the entire time and was just making a funny. I simply dont believe you.
you 'dont' believe me, or you don't believe me. Look I've already stated I don't do your dumbing downing and you giving me more examples of your dumbness, I don't need. So can you move along, it seems you keep going in circles. I know, I know, that's just dumb, but trying to keep it at your level.

I dont believe you. Thats why I said to stop trying to convince me. I agree that you stated you were at the lowest level of dumbness. I can help you rise above that. Just give me the word.
wash, rinse, repeat
Thats is a good analogy of the learning process. Did someone just tell you that and you are now trying to impress me?
Back to the topic. Why do these inbred cave chimps keep failing to start their coveted race war? Is it because they lack the heart, are they too stupid, or is it just there is not enough of them?

Because racism is the heart and soul of the democrat party….Whites just don't care about race….democrats and their minority allies are obsessed with it…..if democrats stopped making up racism, then there wouldn't be race problems in this country.
So your claim is that you crackas cant start your race war because democrats something or other?

No…we don't care about race so why would we start a race war….the democrats are the ones obsessed with race…..imaginary race issues in particular…they need to fan the fires of racism to get votes…..
Who cares, blacks brutally killed more blacks in Chicago in the last week than these poor losers have managed to intimidate in their entire lives.
Why are these crackas failing in their bid to start a race war?

Because whites don't care about race….
Thats not true. White care very much about race. Just a quick glance on the topics show a large percentage of them revolve around race and here we have 3 cave chimps that are white and wanted a race war.

No…we care about crime, the economy and what is true, factual and we care about reality…..
funny that they are allowed to vote eh? So who do they vote for, you don't have any idea little fk, voting is done in secret so unless you have a ballot with that proof, you should really stfu already.
Just deal with it: New Study Finds The KKK Was Instrumental In Switching Southern Voters From Democrats To Republicans

That crap……..the non racist whites in the south became republicans..the racists have stayed democrats…..get over it….racism is the core idea in the democrat party…every core organization in the democrat party is openly racist and proudly racist…….
Lying to us is boring, lying to yourself in idiotic. The KKK voting for liberals? Not a chance, and the map still looks like this, only the parties flipped.

Same old South, and just as racist.
so you admit the KKK was democrat, who's to say it still ain't that way. Again you don't know shit. And btw, as for slaving, the dems are all in favor they have their slaves behaving just as they want, and intra fighting at that.
Southern Dems were racists, and now they are Southern GOPers. Congrats on that.
funny that they are allowed to vote eh? So who do they vote for, you don't have any idea little fk, voting is done in secret so unless you have a ballot with that proof, you should really stfu already.
Just deal with it: New Study Finds The KKK Was Instrumental In Switching Southern Voters From Democrats To Republicans

That crap……..the non racist whites in the south became republicans..the racists have stayed democrats…..get over it….racism is the core idea in the democrat party…every core organization in the democrat party is openly racist and proudly racist…….
Lying to us is boring, lying to yourself in idiotic. The KKK voting for liberals? Not a chance, and the map still looks like this, only the parties flipped.

Same old South, and just as racist.
so you admit the KKK was democrat, who's to say it still ain't that way. Again you don't know shit. And btw, as for slaving, the dems are all in favor they have their slaves behaving just as they want, and intra fighting at that.
Southern Dems were racists, and now they are Southern GOPers. Congrats on that.

No…racists stayed in the democrat party…just look at all the racist groups that make up the party…what changed? The racists of all colors joined the democrat party because they all seek to use the power of a vast, centralized government to punish their race enemies...
Back to the topic. Why do these inbred cave chimps keep failing to start their coveted race war? Is it because they lack the heart, are they too stupid, or is it just there is not enough of them?

Because racism is the heart and soul of the democrat party….Whites just don't care about race….democrats and their minority allies are obsessed with it…..if democrats stopped making up racism, then there wouldn't be race problems in this country.
So your claim is that you crackas cant start your race war because democrats something or other?

No…we don't care about race so why would we start a race war…

Dude, you're IN a thread about white boys wanting a race war.
Back to the topic. Why do these inbred cave chimps keep failing to start their coveted race war? Is it because they lack the heart, are they too stupid, or is it just there is not enough of them?

Because racism is the heart and soul of the democrat party….Whites just don't care about race….democrats and their minority allies are obsessed with it…..if democrats stopped making up racism, then there wouldn't be race problems in this country.
So your claim is that you crackas cant start your race war because democrats something or other?

No…we don't care about race so why would we start a race war…

Dude, you're IN a thread about white boys wanting a race war.
He doesnt get the import of that very important fact

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