3 men charged with federal hate crimes in killing of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia

I see an unarmed man on foot, being chased by an armed man in a truck.
That's what I saw. I didn't see anyone "out for a jog".

Well, let's see . . . man in shorts and a t-shirt, running down the street . . . what is the essential element that constitutes "out for a jog" that you think is missing?
Wait, I thought you said he was "being chased by an armed man in a truck". That's different from "out for a jog".

The missing element is "being chased by an armed man in a truck".

There appears to be no evidence that Arbery was "out for a jog".

Is the argument you're going with, "He wasn't jogging, because they were chasing him, so that means it was okay for them to chase him"? Really, you want that to be your final answer?
No. I will spell it out for you and the other simpletons.

His mom and the media are the only ones who said he was "out for a jog". Both his family and the media have something to gain by having you believe that he was just a good boy, not doing anything wrong and bothering no one. Just like George Floyd's case, those lawyers were there in a heartbeat promising his folks millions in civil settlement money.

There is no evidence to support that Arbery was taking a jog from his house on Boykin Ridge Drive. He would have had to go across US 17 and down Santilla Drive. No ring doorbell videos, no garage cameras, nothing that we have seen that shows a guy go "jogging" by. When we first see Arbery in the neighbors surveillance video, he is not jogging. He is clearly walking towards the empty house. When we see him in the house, he appears to be wearing cargo shorts. How many people do you see jogging in cargo shorts? Whatever kind of shorts they were, they don't look like athletic shorts to me

Some fool on here said he was jogging in the video where he got shot. How stupid. He has already been confronted by the rednecks at that point, so he was running away and not "out for a jog".

The whole point is that YOU are being led to feel a certain way about Arbery. You havent taken time to notice that the language being used over and over again by the media is being purposely drilled into your head to "help" you reach your conclusion.

I'm not saying Arbery was doing anything wrong and I'm not saying he wasnt. But its weird that the jogging thing is being beat over our heads over and over without any evidence. If Arbery was not out jogging like everyone in the media has said, then why are we being told he was? That is what I want you all to consider. The power of the media is strong.

And now I will spell it out for YOU, Captain Kneejerk.

It really doesn't matter if he was out for a jog or not. Whatever you want to call it, it's not illegal to run down a street in the state of Georgia. Without evidence that there was something criminal involved in it - which you, despite ample opportunity, have not provided - it most certainly is not legal in the state of Georgia for private citizens to jump in their trucks with their guns and chase him simply because he was running through the neighborhood and they thought he looked like the suspect in a string of burglaries that happened weeks earlier (which is from their own statements).

There really doesn't need to be any evidence that he was jogging. The United States, last time I checked, does not require people to prove their innocence. What needs evidence is that he was doing something criminal, and as I've pointed out, you haven't provided that. You've just maundered on with aimless obsession on, "Well, we have no proof he was jogging." He was running on the street. Call it jogging or call it flying on purple gossamer wings, whatever grabs you. Just don't try to call it justification for chasing him with guns unless you have proof of something criminal.

"There's no video of him getting from his neighborhood to Satilla, and . . . and . . . he was WALKING, not jogging, when he went up to the empty house." Yeah, and?

I really don't give a fuck what some other person did or didn't say on here. Unless it was me or you who said it, it has no place in a post addressed to me, and you're cordially invited to stop wasting screen space and my time arguing at me against someone else's words because you don't have anything to offer in regards to MY post. FOCUS!

The whole point is that YOU have no argument and no evidence. YOU have led yourself to believe a certain way about Ahmaud Arbery because of the last year of bullshit and riots over "unarmed black men being shot" to the point where you automatically want to believe any story of that nature MUST be the black man's fault, and anyone who disagrees with your snap, partisan judgement must only be doing so because they're a leftist/they're blindly believing the mainstream media; any thought that YOU have, however emotional and illogical, is obviously THE conservative position, and agreeing with it is the litmus test. Fuck that. Unless you think The Daily Wire is a left-wing media outlet complicitly using special language to drill the left's narrative into my head - and by the way, as I've mentioned before, the mainstream media has largely memory-holed this whole story, which is the best proof that Arbery really was a victim - I do not wish to hear your ASSumptions about what I have and haven't noticed, and how I'm being "led" because you want to think that.

I've looked at the same evidence you have, but I parked MY emotions at the door and evaluated it strictly on the basis of THIS case and what was actually there. Whenever you'd like to stop asserting your opinions as fact and actually provide some real exculpatory evidence, you are welcome to do so. God knows, I've asked multiple times.
You must have manure for your brains. It does matter if he was out for a jog.

The whole foundation that this incident rested on is the supposed fact that Arbery was just out jogging.....minding his own business. You understand? We have been told that the reason that Arbery was on Santilla Ct. was because he was just trying to stay in shape.

You and I both know that he was not in that neighborhood because he was trying to stay physically fit. He was not fucking jogging. So since that surely appears to be false, we have to ask, why was he in that neighborhood? From there, you guys can debate all you want about whether he assaulted them or they hunted him. I dont really give a shit.

I just dont like being fucking lied to by the media in order to try to make me feel sorry for this fucking guy.

The truth is no one knows what ahmaud arbary's intent was for being in that neighborhood....and it really is not important.

However, I do agree with you that the media has spun it to make arbary appear to be completely innocent...now whether or not arbary had any evil or illegal motive to be in that neighborhood aka casing it out for a burglary is unknown...yet the media spins it to the effect that it is absolutely true he was just out jogging for fun or whatever....the problem with that spin is that Arbary whilst in the house under construction sees the neighbor come out and hears him call the police to tell them about a stranger or intruder being in the house under construction and when he hears that Arbary takes off running...guilty people usually run...I am not saying he was guilty of anything at this point as in I do not know nor do I think anyone knows for sure and certainly the media does not know for sure that he was innocent....as they portray him and they also ignore his criminal history and his mental history. It is known he had mental problems.

Yet it is also absolutely clear he was trespassing in a construction site....however I do not know the Georgia law on that.

In conclusion on this particular matter of him being in the house under construction (which is a felony in some states aka to tresspass onto a construction site) the only real relevance it has is that is what motivated the McMichaels to begin their chase as in they had been notified that someone was in the house....then in addition to that the elder McMichael sees arbary running down the road past the front of his house and as he is out in the front of his house
he recognizes Arbary from a previous security cam video that captures arbary tresspassing in the house under construction --- thus when you add the two factors together.....getting a phone call about a trespasser and then seeing and recognizing Arbary he was motivated to give chase....and justifiably so

Why are you trying so hard to spin this? If the McMichaels thought that there was a criminal around, they should have called the police. 911 calls are recorded. We will listen to their calls to 911 dispatchers. Right now, we are looking at a guy who drove behind Arbery and recording him jogging. And then two guys parked in the middle of the street heavily armed. Arbery was not carrying a gun.
Under GA law, they are allowed to make a citizens arrest instead of waiting for cops to arrive as the criminal gets away.

Post the law.
look it up yourself....fucking lazy people suck

So do dumbasses.
well, quit looking in the mirror...now, you are a lazy dumb ass...gotcha
Serious question. The MSM has consistently reported that Arbery was jogging. Is there any evidence at all to support that claim?
No ...

Aubry was casing houses for theft.

Even if it was true. It doesn’t help the McMichaels at all. No crime was committed in their presence. So they had no authority to effect a citizens arrest. Instead they committed a felony.

No citizens arrest was made....thus your claim of a felony being committed is false.

You are very confused.

Tell us what you think constitutes an arrest?
I see an unarmed man on foot, being chased by an armed man in a truck.
That's what I saw. I didn't see anyone "out for a jog".

Well, let's see . . . man in shorts and a t-shirt, running down the street . . . what is the essential element that constitutes "out for a jog" that you think is missing?
Wait, I thought you said he was "being chased by an armed man in a truck". That's different from "out for a jog".

The missing element is "being chased by an armed man in a truck".

There appears to be no evidence that Arbery was "out for a jog".

Is the argument you're going with, "He wasn't jogging, because they were chasing him, so that means it was okay for them to chase him"? Really, you want that to be your final answer?
No. I will spell it out for you and the other simpletons.

His mom and the media are the only ones who said he was "out for a jog". Both his family and the media have something to gain by having you believe that he was just a good boy, not doing anything wrong and bothering no one. Just like George Floyd's case, those lawyers were there in a heartbeat promising his folks millions in civil settlement money.

There is no evidence to support that Arbery was taking a jog from his house on Boykin Ridge Drive. He would have had to go across US 17 and down Santilla Drive. No ring doorbell videos, no garage cameras, nothing that we have seen that shows a guy go "jogging" by. When we first see Arbery in the neighbors surveillance video, he is not jogging. He is clearly walking towards the empty house. When we see him in the house, he appears to be wearing cargo shorts. How many people do you see jogging in cargo shorts? Whatever kind of shorts they were, they don't look like athletic shorts to me

Some fool on here said he was jogging in the video where he got shot. How stupid. He has already been confronted by the rednecks at that point, so he was running away and not "out for a jog".

The whole point is that YOU are being led to feel a certain way about Arbery. You havent taken time to notice that the language being used over and over again by the media is being purposely drilled into your head to "help" you reach your conclusion.

I'm not saying Arbery was doing anything wrong and I'm not saying he wasnt. But its weird that the jogging thing is being beat over our heads over and over without any evidence. If Arbery was not out jogging like everyone in the media has said, then why are we being told he was? That is what I want you all to consider. The power of the media is strong.

And now I will spell it out for YOU, Captain Kneejerk.

It really doesn't matter if he was out for a jog or not. Whatever you want to call it, it's not illegal to run down a street in the state of Georgia. Without evidence that there was something criminal involved in it - which you, despite ample opportunity, have not provided - it most certainly is not legal in the state of Georgia for private citizens to jump in their trucks with their guns and chase him simply because he was running through the neighborhood and they thought he looked like the suspect in a string of burglaries that happened weeks earlier (which is from their own statements).

There really doesn't need to be any evidence that he was jogging. The United States, last time I checked, does not require people to prove their innocence. What needs evidence is that he was doing something criminal, and as I've pointed out, you haven't provided that. You've just maundered on with aimless obsession on, "Well, we have no proof he was jogging." He was running on the street. Call it jogging or call it flying on purple gossamer wings, whatever grabs you. Just don't try to call it justification for chasing him with guns unless you have proof of something criminal.

"There's no video of him getting from his neighborhood to Satilla, and . . . and . . . he was WALKING, not jogging, when he went up to the empty house." Yeah, and?

I really don't give a fuck what some other person did or didn't say on here. Unless it was me or you who said it, it has no place in a post addressed to me, and you're cordially invited to stop wasting screen space and my time arguing at me against someone else's words because you don't have anything to offer in regards to MY post. FOCUS!

The whole point is that YOU have no argument and no evidence. YOU have led yourself to believe a certain way about Ahmaud Arbery because of the last year of bullshit and riots over "unarmed black men being shot" to the point where you automatically want to believe any story of that nature MUST be the black man's fault, and anyone who disagrees with your snap, partisan judgement must only be doing so because they're a leftist/they're blindly believing the mainstream media; any thought that YOU have, however emotional and illogical, is obviously THE conservative position, and agreeing with it is the litmus test. Fuck that. Unless you think The Daily Wire is a left-wing media outlet complicitly using special language to drill the left's narrative into my head - and by the way, as I've mentioned before, the mainstream media has largely memory-holed this whole story, which is the best proof that Arbery really was a victim - I do not wish to hear your ASSumptions about what I have and haven't noticed, and how I'm being "led" because you want to think that.

I've looked at the same evidence you have, but I parked MY emotions at the door and evaluated it strictly on the basis of THIS case and what was actually there. Whenever you'd like to stop asserting your opinions as fact and actually provide some real exculpatory evidence, you are welcome to do so. God knows, I've asked multiple times.
You must have manure for your brains. It does matter if he was out for a jog.

The whole foundation that this incident rested on is the supposed fact that Arbery was just out jogging.....minding his own business. You understand? We have been told that the reason that Arbery was on Santilla Ct. was because he was just trying to stay in shape.

You and I both know that he was not in that neighborhood because he was trying to stay physically fit. He was not fucking jogging. So since that surely appears to be false, we have to ask, why was he in that neighborhood? From there, you guys can debate all you want about whether he assaulted them or they hunted him. I dont really give a shit.

I just dont like being fucking lied to by the media in order to try to make me feel sorry for this fucking guy.

The truth is no one knows what ahmaud arbary's intent was for being in that neighborhood....and it really is not important.

However, I do agree with you that the media has spun it to make arbary appear to be completely innocent...now whether or not arbary had any evil or illegal motive to be in that neighborhood aka casing it out for a burglary is unknown...yet the media spins it to the effect that it is absolutely true he was just out jogging for fun or whatever....the problem with that spin is that Arbary whilst in the house under construction sees the neighbor come out and hears him call the police to tell them about a stranger or intruder being in the house under construction and when he hears that Arbary takes off running...guilty people usually run...I am not saying he was guilty of anything at this point as in I do not know nor do I think anyone knows for sure and certainly the media does not know for sure that he was innocent....as they portray him and they also ignore his criminal history and his mental history. It is known he had mental problems.

Yet it is also absolutely clear he was trespassing in a construction site....however I do not know the Georgia law on that.

In conclusion on this particular matter of him being in the house under construction (which is a felony in some states aka to tresspass onto a construction site) the only real relevance it has is that is what motivated the McMichaels to begin their chase as in they had been notified that someone was in the house....then in addition to that the elder McMichael sees arbary running down the road past the front of his house and as he is out in the front of his house
he recognizes Arbary from a previous security cam video that captures arbary tresspassing in the house under construction --- thus when you add the two factors together.....getting a phone call about a trespasser and then seeing and recognizing Arbary he was motivated to give chase....and justifiably so

Why are you trying so hard to spin this? If the McMichaels thought that there was a criminal around, they should have called the police. 911 calls are recorded. We will listen to their calls to 911 dispatchers. Right now, we are looking at a guy who drove behind Arbery and recording him jogging. And then two guys parked in the middle of the street heavily armed. Arbery was not carrying a gun.
Under GA law, they are allowed to make a citizens arrest instead of waiting for cops to arrive as the criminal gets away.

Post the law.
look it up yourself....fucking lazy people suck

So do dumbasses.
well, quit looking in the mirror...now, you are a lazy dumb ass...gotcha

I already knew what it was shit head, I wanted to see if she did since she claimed it.
Serious question. The MSM has consistently reported that Arbery was jogging. Is there any evidence at all to support that claim?
No ...

Aubry was casing houses for theft.

Even if it was true. It doesn’t help the McMichaels at all. No crime was committed in their presence. So they had no authority to effect a citizens arrest. Instead they committed a felony.

No citizens arrest was made....thus your claim of a felony being committed is false.

You are very confused.

Tell us what you think constitutes an arrest?

Well. I’ll be sure to tell the lawyers for the McMichaels and Roddy that they never arrested anyone. And they never attempted to arrest anyone. Since they are claiming that the effort to stop Arbury was an attempted Citizens Arrest.

Lawyers for Travis McMichael have said they expected that the citizen’s arrest law, as it existed on the day of the shooting, would be central to the defense of their client when the case eventually goes to trial. Still, Mr. Arbery’s family said they were heartened by the reforms to the law.

So you be sure to let those lawyers know there never was an arrest. Sure they’ll have to get the statements of the McMichaels to the police suppressed. And their filings to the court. And somehow redact the public statements they had said so far.

But hey. It isn’t contained in your only video that matters so I guess it doesn’t affect the case.
Triggered much? You fucking liberals are just alike. You sanctimonious asshole, YOU are the one who replied to me first. You are the one who started with the smart ass insults and belligerence. Typical asshole who thinks his opinions are the only ones that matter. I bet at night when you go to bed, you feel like the king of the message boards don't ya? Loser.

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If you have some evidence that Arbery was doing something other than running and minding his own business - actual EVIDENCE, not this "We both know, because I've decided it's fact" left-thinking bullshit - then bring it out. I've asked you to do so many times, and all you ever come back with is "You have manure for brains because you disagree with me, you KNOW I'm right".

You realize that you are doing exactly what you are accusing me of right? I asked if there was any evidence that Arbery was jogging and YOU felt comfortable enough to declare that my question didnt matter and then you proceeded to spout off your opinion of everything that you "decided it's fact".

I don't owe you any fucking research on the matter, I dont owe you any evidence on the subject. I posed the question wondering how the media's portrayal of Arbery and his actions that day have affected public sentiment and I don't owe you a fucking thing. My opinion won't be changed by some pansy ass king of the message board. Diamond Member - Wizard Level - I don't give a shit. Take your little triggered ass somewhere else and try to tuck in all that ego and sanctimony. It's ugly.

Triggered much? I can almost see the spittle frothing from your lips.

Your surrender has already been noted. Don't embarrass yourself further by trying to pretend otherwise. One might start to suspect that the real reason you're clinging to your "Arbery HAS to have been at fault, no matter what I have to invent!" narrative is because he's black.
Serious question. The MSM has consistently reported that Arbery was jogging. Is there any evidence at all to support that claim?
No ...

Aubry was casing houses for theft.

Even if it was true. It doesn’t help the McMichaels at all. No crime was committed in their presence. So they had no authority to effect a citizens arrest. Instead they committed a felony.

No citizens arrest was made....thus your claim of a felony being committed is false.

You are very confused.

Tell us what you think constitutes an arrest?

Well. I’ll be sure to tell the lawyers for the McMichaels and Roddy that they never arrested anyone. And they never attempted to arrest anyone. Since they are claiming that the effort to stop Arbury was an attempted Citizens Arrest.

Lawyers for Travis McMichael have said they expected that the citizen’s arrest law, as it existed on the day of the shooting, would be central to the defense of their client when the case eventually goes to trial. Still, Mr. Arbery’s family said they were heartened by the reforms to the law.

So you be sure to let those lawyers know there never was an arrest. Sure they’ll have to get the statements of the McMichaels to the police suppressed. And their filings to the court. And somehow redact the public statements they had said so far.

But hey. It isn’t contained in your only video that matters so I guess it doesn’t affect the case.

Pssh!! You and your facts. That whole "finding evidence and then drawing a conclusion" thing is so passe, dontcha know? These days, we decide what conclusion we like, and then we just "know" whatever we have to invent to fit it.

What are you, a leftist? I thought they were the only droolers who could say with a straight face, "I get to just assert something, and I don't have to prove it; YOU have to disprove it, or accept it."

As far as I'm concerned, moron, you just proved it wasn't true with your post. Everything you say henceforth will be automatically viewed as a lie, simply because you said it.

Thanks for playing.
What are you, a leftist? I thought they were the only droolers who could say with a straight face, "I get to just assert something, and I don't have to prove it; YOU have to disprove it, or accept it."

As far as I'm concerned, moron, you just proved it wasn't true with your post. Everything you say henceforth will be automatically viewed as a lie, simply because you said it.

Thanks for playing.
I don't have to prove shit.

And, I could care less what you think about this topic.

Everyone knows what Arbery was doing.
You and I both know that he was not in that neighborhood because he was trying to stay physically fit. He was not fucking jogging. So since that surely appears to be false, we have to ask, why was he in that neighborhood?
Holy shit

You go from "You and I both know that he was not in that neighborhood because he was trying to stay physically fit. He was not fucking jogging." (completely without evidence)

To " So since that surely appears to be false". It absolutely does NOT....simply making an unsupported declaration does not make a thing fact.

He was "in that neighborhood" because he WANTED to be. That's legal ya know since it's public property
What are you, a leftist? I thought they were the only droolers who could say with a straight face, "I get to just assert something, and I don't have to prove it; YOU have to disprove it, or accept it."

As far as I'm concerned, moron, you just proved it wasn't true with your post. Everything you say henceforth will be automatically viewed as a lie, simply because you said it.

Thanks for playing.
I don't have to prove shit.

And, I could care less what you think about this topic.

Everyone knows what Arbery was doing.

He was in possession of no stolen property. No videos of the construction site show him stealing anything. So he was not stealing. That leaves jogging.
What are you, a leftist? I thought they were the only droolers who could say with a straight face, "I get to just assert something, and I don't have to prove it; YOU have to disprove it, or accept it."

As far as I'm concerned, moron, you just proved it wasn't true with your post. Everything you say henceforth will be automatically viewed as a lie, simply because you said it.

Thanks for playing.
I don't have to prove shit.

And, I could care less what you think about this topic.

Everyone knows what Arbery was doing.

He was in possession of no stolen property. No videos of the construction site show him stealing anything. So he was not stealing. That leaves jogging.

Don't be silly. John "knows" that he was breaking the law, because he wants it to be true. Facts are irrelevant and must be utterly ignored in the face of what John is going to "know" no matter what.
He was in possession of no stolen property. No videos of the construction site show him stealing anything. So he was not stealing. That leaves jogging.
I never said he was stealing.

But, you go ahead and believe those fake news MSM Lies about jogging.

I bet you still believe Michael Brown put up his hands and said don't shoot .....
Don't be silly. John "knows" that he was breaking the law, because he wants it to be true. Facts are irrelevant and must be utterly ignored in the face of what John is going to "know" no matter what.
Leftist referring to facts .....

Now that's rich.
He was in possession of no stolen property. No videos of the construction site show him stealing anything. So he was not stealing. That leaves jogging.
I never said he was stealing.

But, you go ahead and believe those fake news MSM Lies about jogging.

I bet you still believe Michael Brown put up his hands and said don't shoot .....

Ok. He wasn’t stealing. What crime was he committing?
He was in possession of no stolen property. No videos of the construction site show him stealing anything. So he was not stealing. That leaves jogging.
I never said he was stealing.

But, you go ahead and believe those fake news MSM Lies about jogging.

I bet you still believe Michael Brown put up his hands and said don't shoot .....

Ok. He wasn’t stealing. What crime was he committing?

Apparently, running while black.
I don't believe he was "jogging." I believe he was trespassing, and fled.
Of course you don't believe he was jogging. You saw his skin color.
He wasn't jogging, dumbass.

Why in the hell would he be jogging?
Seriously? Why would anyone be jogging? For exercise. I realize that is a foreign word to you, Chubby.
Obvious projection.

So now we know, bodecea is a fatass.

The reason he was not jogging is because jogging is horrible for your body. And of course his football coach would have taught him that.

Sprinting is very good exercise but jogging is very bad for you.

You're a dumbass, fatass.
Poor Chubby.....keep that projection on others going....You hit 500 lbs yet?
I've only read the bare details to this but based on what I've seen, even if he was trespassing, trying to commit theft (and then fleeling) he doesn't deserve to be shot dead.

When you do that, you make martyrs of criminals.

That's not justice, it's murder. Plain and simple.

This is my issue with stitch-up jobs like Derek Chauvin - it muddies the waters and spills into everything else. Decent people don't have to talk sides black vs white in everything else as a result of it.

We need to see things clearly. If this guy had fled and was pursued and gunned down - then that's cold blooded murder when he was no threat.
He attacked them trying to grab their gun.......

HE attacked them....

this said---you should be shot for stealing---it would cut down on crime. Flee arrest while the citizens are trying to have your criminal ass removed---you really should expect to be shot.
I've only read the bare details to this but based on what I've seen, even if he was trespassing, trying to commit theft (and then fleeling) he doesn't deserve to be shot dead.

When you do that, you make martyrs of criminals.

That's not justice, it's murder. Plain and simple.

This is my issue with stitch-up jobs like Derek Chauvin - it muddies the waters and spills into everything else. Decent people don't have to talk sides black vs white in everything else as a result of it.

We need to see things clearly. If this guy had fled and was pursued and gunned down - then that's cold blooded murder when he was no threat.
He attacked them trying to grab their gun.......

HE attacked them....

this said---you should be shot for stealing---it would cut down on crime. Flee arrest while the citizens are trying to have your criminal ass removed---you really should expect to be shot.

Yeah, they were just peacefully chasing him with the guns and then advancing on him with the guns. How DARE he turn such a peaceful, non-threatening incident into something confrontational!

By the way, have you offered any proof whatsoever of this constant assertion that, "He was stealing! He was, HE WAS, because I want to believe it!"? What did he steal? Why wasn't it anywhere on his person when the cops showed up?

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