3 men charged with federal hate crimes in killing of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia

What crime did he commit on the day?
This type of trespassing is a misdemeanor, not the required felony that would allow a private citizen to attempt a citizen's arrest IF said felony was committed in their presence, which it was not, if it occurred at all.
It's the McMichaels who committed the assault, Arbery was defending himself. This is Georgia's statute:

O.C.G.A. § 16-11-102
Under O.C.G.A. §16-11-102, it is illegal to intentionally and without legal justification point or aim a gun or pistol at another. It is immaterial whether the gun or pistol is loaded or unloaded​

As pointed out previously the shotgun was not pointed at ahmaud before he attacked.

That is just another media lie.....watch the video and compare that to how the media describes it.....you then will understand how they have lied about the whole thing.....any black person should understand that the media does nor want the truth.....they present a narrative that will divide the nation...they want to turn blacks against whites and vice versa....in a nutshell they want to provoke riots, lootings and burnings.

Thus the leftwingers....socialists, communists and the MSM are using blacks to accomplish their goals......all they care about blacks is their vote.
What crime did he commit on the day?
This type of trespassing is a misdemeanor, not the required felony that would allow a private citizen to attempt a citizen's arrest IF said felony was committed in their presence, which it was not, if it occurred at all.
The man defended himself when assaulted by the black thief.
The black guy could had run away between the houses if he wanted. Instead he ran around their vehicle where they couldn’t see him, he ambushed them, tried to take the man’s shotgun away.

Another thug criminal dead.

So you oppose Stand your ground laws. Excellent information for the future.

The more you post the more it can be seen how coinfused you are.....now here you want to claim Ahmaud had the legal right under the stand your ground law to assault and attempt to take the weapon from Travis?

Am I correct?

Absolutely. He had been assaulted by the two vehicles. Again according to the statements made to the police, and physical evidence including a handprint and dent on Roddy’s truck. He had the legal right to defend himself.

bwaaaaaaaaaaa how was he assaulted by these vehicles
That's exceptionally stupid.

Vehicular Assault
If you injure another person while operating a motor vehicle, in addition to being liable in civil court for the injury and damage you cause, you can be charged with a crime. In some states, the crime is known as vehicular assault. The grounds for a criminal charge of this type vary from state to state,

Ahmaud was not injured by any of the vehicles

And you know this how?
Because I read it.
What crime did he commit on the day?
This type of trespassing is a misdemeanor, not the required felony that would allow a private citizen to attempt a citizen's arrest IF said felony was committed in their presence, which it was not, if it occurred at all.
It's the McMichaels who committed the assault, Arbery was defending himself. This is Georgia's statute:

O.C.G.A. § 16-11-102
Under O.C.G.A. §16-11-102, it is illegal to intentionally and without legal justification point or aim a gun or pistol at another. It is immaterial whether the gun or pistol is loaded or unloaded​

As pointed out previously the shotgun was not pointed at ahmaud before he attacked.

That is just another media lie.....watch the video and compare that to how the media describes it.....you then will understand how they have lied about the whole thing.....any black person should understand that the media does nor want the truth.....they present a narrative that will divide the nation...they want to turn blacks against whites and vice versa....in a nutshell they want to provoke riots, lootings and burnings.

Thus the leftwingers....socialists, communists and the MSM are using blacks to accomplish their goals......all they care about blacks is their vote.
What crime did he commit on the day?
This type of trespassing is a misdemeanor, not the required felony that would allow a private citizen to attempt a citizen's arrest IF said felony was committed in their presence, which it was not, if it occurred at all.
The man defended himself when assaulted by the black thief.
The black guy could had run away between the houses if he wanted. Instead he ran around their vehicle where they couldn’t see him, he ambushed them, tried to take the man’s shotgun away.

Another thug criminal dead.

So you oppose Stand your ground laws. Excellent information for the future.

The more you post the more it can be seen how coinfused you are.....now here you want to claim Ahmaud had the legal right under the stand your ground law to assault and attempt to take the weapon from Travis?

Am I correct?

Absolutely. He had been assaulted by the two vehicles. Again according to the statements made to the police, and physical evidence including a handprint and dent on Roddy’s truck. He had the legal right to defend himself.

bwaaaaaaaaaaa how was he assaulted by these vehicles

The McMichaels and Roddy tried to trap and contain him. Their statements to the police. Again. You need to do more research than watch the one video.

Evidence collected included dents and handprints of Arbury on the trucks. They struck him with their vehicles.

This is where their defense which you rejected comes in. If Arbury had committed a crime their actions up until the shooting could have been justifiable. But since he had not their actions are assault. Attempted kidnapping. Or in Georgia Law Attempted False Imprisonment which Roddy is charged with if you remember.

That means that criminals blocked his path. Arbury was absolutely justified in defending himself. Including attempting in an act of desperation to disarm the criminals who were now committing the crime of aggravated assault.

He was attacked by felons if you apply Georgia Law in effect at the time. That is why people in Georgia are not rushing to support or defend the McMichaels. That is why the legislature in nearly unanimous agreement restricted the citizens arrest law. We don’t ever want to see this sort of thing again.

How could they have trapped him with their vehicles....he was around only 1 vehicle at a time and never had a problem joggin away from it.
The most that can be complained about how the vehicle was used is in it was used to impede him somewhat......there is no law regarding that.

Trying to claim they used a vehicle to imprision him is a ridiculous charge....no jury woud buy into that.

And irregardless of what you cliam there was no excuse for the assult by ahmaud on Travis....at that point per video you can see he was free as a bird jogging down the road....he could have gone in any direction he wanted.....he chose to jog towards thr McMichaels ....if he was in fear of his life why would he do that?
Since you are an expert on Georgia law....give us the Georgia law on vehicular assault......put up or shut up. hehheh

I am not an expert. But let me tell you why I knew the shooting was bad before the state arrested them.

When I got my CCW I wanted to make sure that I understood my rights. I took a course taught by a cop. The cop told us if we used our weapons in a threatening manner it was aggravated assault. If the bad guy runs let him go. Chasing him armed up is a sure way to get either killed by cops or charged with a crime. Oh it was the cop who said citizens arrest was a bet your life move. If you are right and saw the bad guy commit a crime you are fine. If you are mistaken you go to jail for false imprisonment

The lawyer told me that holding someone at gunpoint is aggravated assault. He said it is a coin toss if I would be indicted.

So the weapon I carry is self defense only. Pulled out only when a threat to life exists.

I spoke to an attorney. He told me if I ever had to use my weapon I was to point out the evidence to the cops. Give them my identification including my ccw and shut the everloving fuck up. His words. Say nothing else until I talk with a lawyer.

I joined USCCA. Their information says to point out the evidence and remain silent. Talk to a lawyer.

The McMichaels did everything I was told not to by both police and lawyers.

My familiarity with the case is because unlike you I read a lot of articles on it. Explanations from lawyers. Defense attorneys who say the McMichaels have a very slim chance at avoiding prison. Not because they are white. The jury will be majority white. But because of the actions they took in light of Georgia Law.

You could cure your ignorance as well. Read some. Watch the preliminary hearing I posted earlier. Watch the defense attorneys. Watch the investigator outline the evidence against the men.

Here is a synopsis of the hearing.

According to Dial, Arbery “couldn’t run anymore and saw someone with a shotgun, so he chose to fight.” When defense attorneys tried to ask Dial whether Travis McMichael could claim self-defense, Dial specifically stated, no, it was Arbery who was defending himself in this incident, due to the fact that he had pickup trucks both in front and behind him.

Read more. Learn more. Stop making statements that are untrue.
What crime did he commit on the day?
This type of trespassing is a misdemeanor, not the required felony that would allow a private citizen to attempt a citizen's arrest IF said felony was committed in their presence, which it was not, if it occurred at all.
It's the McMichaels who committed the assault, Arbery was defending himself. This is Georgia's statute:

O.C.G.A. § 16-11-102
Under O.C.G.A. §16-11-102, it is illegal to intentionally and without legal justification point or aim a gun or pistol at another. It is immaterial whether the gun or pistol is loaded or unloaded​

As pointed out previously the shotgun was not pointed at ahmaud before he attacked.

That is just another media lie.....watch the video and compare that to how the media describes it.....you then will understand how they have lied about the whole thing.....any black person should understand that the media does nor want the truth.....they present a narrative that will divide the nation...they want to turn blacks against whites and vice versa....in a nutshell they want to provoke riots, lootings and burnings.

Thus the leftwingers....socialists, communists and the MSM are using blacks to accomplish their goals......all they care about blacks is their vote.
What crime did he commit on the day?
This type of trespassing is a misdemeanor, not the required felony that would allow a private citizen to attempt a citizen's arrest IF said felony was committed in their presence, which it was not, if it occurred at all.
The man defended himself when assaulted by the black thief.
The black guy could had run away between the houses if he wanted. Instead he ran around their vehicle where they couldn’t see him, he ambushed them, tried to take the man’s shotgun away.

Another thug criminal dead.

So you oppose Stand your ground laws. Excellent information for the future.

The more you post the more it can be seen how coinfused you are.....now here you want to claim Ahmaud had the legal right under the stand your ground law to assault and attempt to take the weapon from Travis?

Am I correct?

Absolutely. He had been assaulted by the two vehicles. Again according to the statements made to the police, and physical evidence including a handprint and dent on Roddy’s truck. He had the legal right to defend himself.

bwaaaaaaaaaaa how was he assaulted by these vehicles
That's exceptionally stupid.

Vehicular Assault
If you injure another person while operating a motor vehicle, in addition to being liable in civil court for the injury and damage you cause, you can be charged with a crime. In some states, the crime is known as vehicular assault. The grounds for a criminal charge of this type vary from state to state,

Ahmaud was not injured by any of the vehicles

And you know this how?
Because I read it.

You read that Arbury wasn’t injured by the vehicle?
What crime did he commit on the day?
This type of trespassing is a misdemeanor, not the required felony that would allow a private citizen to attempt a citizen's arrest IF said felony was committed in their presence, which it was not, if it occurred at all.
It's the McMichaels who committed the assault, Arbery was defending himself. This is Georgia's statute:

O.C.G.A. § 16-11-102
Under O.C.G.A. §16-11-102, it is illegal to intentionally and without legal justification point or aim a gun or pistol at another. It is immaterial whether the gun or pistol is loaded or unloaded​

As pointed out previously the shotgun was not pointed at ahmaud before he attacked.

That is just another media lie.....watch the video and compare that to how the media describes it.....you then will understand how they have lied about the whole thing.....any black person should understand that the media does nor want the truth.....they present a narrative that will divide the nation...they want to turn blacks against whites and vice versa....in a nutshell they want to provoke riots, lootings and burnings.

Thus the leftwingers....socialists, communists and the MSM are using blacks to accomplish their goals......all they care about blacks is their vote.
What crime did he commit on the day?
This type of trespassing is a misdemeanor, not the required felony that would allow a private citizen to attempt a citizen's arrest IF said felony was committed in their presence, which it was not, if it occurred at all.
The man defended himself when assaulted by the black thief.
The black guy could had run away between the houses if he wanted. Instead he ran around their vehicle where they couldn’t see him, he ambushed them, tried to take the man’s shotgun away.

Another thug criminal dead.

So you oppose Stand your ground laws. Excellent information for the future.

The more you post the more it can be seen how coinfused you are.....now here you want to claim Ahmaud had the legal right under the stand your ground law to assault and attempt to take the weapon from Travis?

Am I correct?

Absolutely. He had been assaulted by the two vehicles. Again according to the statements made to the police, and physical evidence including a handprint and dent on Roddy’s truck. He had the legal right to defend himself.

bwaaaaaaaaaaa how was he assaulted by these vehicles
That's exceptionally stupid.

Vehicular Assault
If you injure another person while operating a motor vehicle, in addition to being liable in civil court for the injury and damage you cause, you can be charged with a crime. In some states, the crime is known as vehicular assault. The grounds for a criminal charge of this type vary from state to state,

Ahmaud was not injured by any of the vehicles

And you know this how?
Because I read it.

You read that Arbury wasn’t injured by the vehicle?

not me.....do you have any evidence of injury?
What the state of Georgia has done is to put up a bullshit politics case under pressure from the biden regime and others......now they find a jury stupid enough to buy into this charade but it would have to be an incredibly stupid and negligent jury with no concept of justice.

The heart of our judicial system is to provide justice....to try and convict good citizens whose only motivation was to protect their neighborhood goes against all concepts of justice and is an insult not only to those in that community in Georgia but to all of America....we are not what we once were but if this kind of nonsense we see in this case is allowed to prevail our complete destruction cannot be far in the future.
I don't believe he was "jogging." I believe he was trespassing, and fled.
Of course you don't believe he was jogging. You saw his skin color.
He wasn't jogging, dumbass.

Why in the hell would he be jogging?
Seriously? Why would anyone be jogging? For exercise. I realize that is a foreign word to you, Chubby.
Obvious projection.

So now we know, bodecea is a fatass.

The reason he was not jogging is because jogging is horrible for your body. And of course his football coach would have taught him that.

Sprinting is very good exercise but jogging is very bad for you.

You're a dumbass, fatass.
Poor Chubby.....keep that projection on others going....You hit 500 lbs yet?
More obvious projection.
Since you are an expert on Georgia law....give us the Georgia law on vehicular assault......put up or shut up. hehheh

I am not an expert. But let me tell you why I knew the shooting was bad before the state arrested them.

When I got my CCW I wanted to make sure that I understood my rights. I took a course taught by a cop. The cop told us if we used our weapons in a threatening manner it was aggravated assault. If the bad guy runs let him go. Chasing him armed up is a sure way to get either killed by cops or charged with a crime. Oh it was the cop who said citizens arrest was a bet your life move. If you are right and saw the bad guy commit a crime you are fine. If you are mistaken you go to jail for false imprisonment

The lawyer told me that holding someone at gunpoint is aggravated assault. He said it is a coin toss if I would be indicted.

So the weapon I carry is self defense only. Pulled out only when a threat to life exists.

I spoke to an attorney. He told me if I ever had to use my weapon I was to point out the evidence to the cops. Give them my identification including my ccw and shut the everloving fuck up. His words. Say nothing else until I talk with a lawyer.

I joined USCCA. Their information says to point out the evidence and remain silent. Talk to a lawyer.

The McMichaels did everything I was told not to by both police and lawyers.

My familiarity with the case is because unlike you I read a lot of articles on it. Explanations from lawyers. Defense attorneys who say the McMichaels have a very slim chance at avoiding prison. Not because they are white. The jury will be majority white. But because of the actions they took in light of Georgia Law.

You could cure your ignorance as well. Read some. Watch the preliminary hearing I posted earlier. Watch the defense attorneys. Watch the investigator outline the evidence against the men.

Here is a synopsis of the hearing.

According to Dial, Arbery “couldn’t run anymore and saw someone with a shotgun, so he chose to fight.” When defense attorneys tried to ask Dial whether Travis McMichael could claim self-defense, Dial specifically stated, no, it was Arbery who was defending himself in this incident, due to the fact that he had pickup trucks both in front and behind him.

Read more. Learn more. Stop making statements that are untrue.

First of all what do they base their claim of a racial slur being used after Ahmaud was killed? There were only 2 people present the father and the son.

and then the bullshit claim he could not run anymore....total crap he had no way of knowing that.....and even if it were true that still gave him no excuse to committ assault...he had a lot of energy to put up a fight when he attacked travis....but this crap is so typical of this outrageous politically motivated show trial....very similar to the political trials in Russia under Stalin.

All one has to do to see how the media has lied about this case is to watch the video that shows Ahmaud attacking Travis and getting killed and compare that to how the media and the prosecutor portrays it.

Travis was fighting for his life....there is no doubt if Ahmaud had been able to get control of the weapon he would have used it to kill him.

You have been misled unfortunately......you have no grasp on the real truth about this case and display an incredible lack not only of common sense but of logic as well and your willingness to join up with those who want to bring America down is very sad.
What crime did he commit on the day?

There are surveillance photos of literally dozens of people walking around that construction site. The owner has even said that it was common for people to go there for water, because there were two sources available on the site. So why was that the only person "trespassing" that the McMichaels thought they needed to chase down in trucks with guns?
I sincerely hope that they are able to get a conviction and that people's eyes are finally open to what's been happening all around them, even if they were unable of it.​
April 28, 2021, 2:32 PM PDT / Updated April 28, 2021, 4:08 PM PDT​
By Tim Fitzsimons​
Three Georgia men previously charged in the killing of Ahmaud Arbery were indicted Wednesday by a federal grand jury and charged with hate crimes and attempted kidnapping.​
Ahmaud Arbery.
Ahmaud Arbery. Courtesy of Family
Arbery was jogging in Brunswick, Georgia, when Travis McMichael, 35, and his father, Gregory McMichael, 65, pursued him in their truck and shot him dead on Feb. 23, 2020.​
William "Roddie" Bryan, 51, who was driving behind them in a separate truck, filmed the shooting.​
Later, Gregory McMichael, a retired police officer, leaked the video because he wanted "the public to know the truth," his attorney said in 2020.
The Department of Justice alleged on Wednesday that the men confronted Arbery "because of his race."​
The incident sparked outrage and spurred an international movement to draw attention to racism against Black runners, NBC News reported.
Travis and Gregory were also each charged with "carrying, and brandishing—and in Travis’s case, discharging—a firearm during and in relation to a crime of violence," the DOJ said in a press release.​
Gregory and Travis, father and son, were previously each charged with murder in May 2020 for the death of Arbery.​
So now it’s a “hate crime” to confront thieves in your neighborhood. It’s a “hate crime” to defend yourself when they attack you and try to take your gun away.

If these men were police, they would had been 100% justified in shooting him. And there is no reason a citizen can’t make a citizens arrest when catching a criminal in the act.

We’ve seen the video evidence, we know he was guilty.

No, it's a hate crime to kill someone you've decided is a thief with absolutely no evidence. It's a hate crime to kill them when THEY defend themselves against you, and it's despicable to try to claim self-defense because they "attacked" you when you were just "peacefully" advancing on them with a gun.

"If these men were police". Yeah, and if the moon was made of green cheese, we'd have mouse astronauts. Daydreaming about "If they were police" as though that has anything to do with them when they AREN'T police is horseshit.

And there is one very good reason why a citizen can't make a citizen's arrest in this case: because Arbery WASN'T in the act of a crime.

You've seen the video evidence of Arbery committing a crime? You should take it to the cops, then, because they sure as Hell haven't.
It’s not a “hate crime” to shoot someone trying to take a gun from you that is fighting you.

If they wanted to murder him, they would had shot him in the back while he was running. That’s not what happened though is it? The black guy ran around the vehicle hiding and jumped the guy with the gun, assaulting him.

It is when you STARTED the fight by advancing on him holding a weapon, and then call him a "fucking n**r" as he's bleeding out on the ground.

Don't give me that "They didn't murder him THIS way, so that means they didn't murder him" crap. The "black guy" ran around the vehicle because the assailants stopped him in front of it. Is running around a vehicle in front of you a crime? Or is it just being black?
I sincerely hope that they are able to get a conviction and that people's eyes are finally open to what's been happening all around them, even if they were unable of it.​
April 28, 2021, 2:32 PM PDT / Updated April 28, 2021, 4:08 PM PDT​
By Tim Fitzsimons​
Three Georgia men previously charged in the killing of Ahmaud Arbery were indicted Wednesday by a federal grand jury and charged with hate crimes and attempted kidnapping.​
Ahmaud Arbery.
Ahmaud Arbery. Courtesy of Family
Arbery was jogging in Brunswick, Georgia, when Travis McMichael, 35, and his father, Gregory McMichael, 65, pursued him in their truck and shot him dead on Feb. 23, 2020.​
William "Roddie" Bryan, 51, who was driving behind them in a separate truck, filmed the shooting.​
Later, Gregory McMichael, a retired police officer, leaked the video because he wanted "the public to know the truth," his attorney said in 2020.
The Department of Justice alleged on Wednesday that the men confronted Arbery "because of his race."​
The incident sparked outrage and spurred an international movement to draw attention to racism against Black runners, NBC News reported.
Travis and Gregory were also each charged with "carrying, and brandishing—and in Travis’s case, discharging—a firearm during and in relation to a crime of violence," the DOJ said in a press release.​
Gregory and Travis, father and son, were previously each charged with murder in May 2020 for the death of Arbery.​
So now it’s a “hate crime” to confront thieves in your neighborhood. It’s a “hate crime” to defend yourself when they attack you and try to take your gun away.

If these men were police, they would had been 100% justified in shooting him. And there is no reason a citizen can’t make a citizens arrest when catching a criminal in the act.

We’ve seen the video evidence, we know he was guilty.

Oh good. We are starting this again. Ok. What crime was Arbury committing at the time the McMichaels chased him, confronted him, and killed him?
They saw him trespassing on that property. They also recognized him from before, he had been in the neighborhood and stole shit out of cars before.

He attacked the man with the shotgun, tried to take it from him, got blasted.

Nobody ever saw him stealing anything. There is no video of him stealing from the construction site. I repeat. What crime did he commit on the day?
Why don’t YOU tell us what he was doing in this neighborhood that was nowhere near where he lived?

Just jogging? LOL.

Yes, because no one EVER goes jogging in neighborhoods other than the one they live in.
I followed the case very closely when it happened. It doesn’t matter if Arbery was jogging, casing the place, trespassing or whatever. You can’t deputize yourself, form a posse and chase someone down. They should have dialed 911. The hate crime angle is a joke though.
Arbery reached out and attempted to steal the gun. He deserved what he got.

Ahhh, more "how DARE he fight back?!" Great argument. Remember that if you're ever mugged. You deserve to have that mugger shoot you if you dare to resist. Just stand there and cooperate.
I think the main thing we can learn from this is that, if you have a construction site near a certain demographic makeup, you need to either hire security or have a secure fence around it. Otherwise, "joggers" may decide to borrow a few things.

I think the main thing we can learn from this is that emotional "follow the narrative no matter what" thinking isn't limited to leftists.
Triggered much? You fucking liberals are just alike. You sanctimonious asshole, YOU are the one who replied to me first. You are the one who started with the smart ass insults and belligerence. Typical asshole who thinks his opinions are the only ones that matter. I bet at night when you go to bed, you feel like the king of the message boards don't ya? Loser.

View attachment 485636

If you have some evidence that Arbery was doing something other than running and minding his own business - actual EVIDENCE, not this "We both know, because I've decided it's fact" left-thinking bullshit - then bring it out. I've asked you to do so many times, and all you ever come back with is "You have manure for brains because you disagree with me, you KNOW I'm right".

You realize that you are doing exactly what you are accusing me of right? I asked if there was any evidence that Arbery was jogging and YOU felt comfortable enough to declare that my question didnt matter and then you proceeded to spout off your opinion of everything that you "decided it's fact".

I don't owe you any fucking research on the matter, I dont owe you any evidence on the subject. I posed the question wondering how the media's portrayal of Arbery and his actions that day have affected public sentiment and I don't owe you a fucking thing. My opinion won't be changed by some pansy ass king of the message board. Diamond Member - Wizard Level - I don't give a shit. Take your little triggered ass somewhere else and try to tuck in all that ego and sanctimony. It's ugly.

Triggered much? I can almost see the spittle frothing from your lips.

Your surrender has already been noted. Don't embarrass yourself further by trying to pretend otherwise. One might start to suspect that the real reason you're clinging to your "Arbery HAS to have been at fault, no matter what I have to invent!" narrative is because he's black.
That's it? Lose an argument and the best you got is to call me a racist? Not a surprise at all. Like I said earlier. You commented on my post and immediately started insulting and being a smart ass. That should have clued me in on what I needed to know. What I should have done is not feed you. It's futile anyway for people like you. Your opinion is your reality and politics wont allow you to see a different reality.... or even imagine one.

Oh, you're still talking at me like you think you're still a person. That's so cute.
What the state of Georgia has done is to put up a bullshit politics case under pressure from the biden regime and others......now they find a jury stupid enough to buy into this charade but it would have to be an incredibly stupid and negligent jury with no concept of justice.

The heart of our judicial system is to provide justice....to try and convict good citizens whose only motivation was to protect their neighborhood goes against all concepts of justice and is an insult not only to those in that community in Georgia but to all of America....we are not what we once were but if this kind of nonsense we see in this case is allowed to prevail our complete destruction cannot be far in the future.
This shit has been going on for 300 years and thanks to the cameras in everyone`s pocket, it`s slowly coming to an end. Deal with it.
I think the main thing we can learn from this is that, if you have a construction site near a certain demographic makeup, you need to either hire security or have a secure fence around it. Otherwise, "joggers" may decide to borrow a few things.

I think too much attention is being given to the trespassing aspect of this case....though it is what got the McMicharls involved as in Gregory McMichals a former policeman and investigator had been deputized to handle such problems in the neighborhood since he lived there and stuff had been stolen from his son's truck.

The critical part of this case to me and though I have never practiced law(I did go to Law School in Atlanta) is the way Ahmaud Arbary brazenly attacked Travis McMichael even though he was holding a shotgun.

Some ask would anyone sane do such a thing?

Well we could all conjecture about that...but it is on record that Ahmaud had mental problems and a persecution complex which can be seen in the various videos of his previous encounters with the police.....the enhanced glorious photo of ahmaud circulated by the media does not show the real Amaud....a convicted thief.
This much is certain -- if Ahmaud was white, we'd never have heard of him, and no one would care that he got shot.

The story just has the right racial optics to manipulate the masses.

Maybe so. It's looking more and more certain to me that if Arbery had been white, you wouldn't be cheering for his murderers.
What crime did he commit on the day?
This type of trespassing is a misdemeanor, not the required felony that would allow a private citizen to attempt a citizen's arrest IF said felony was committed in their presence, which it was not, if it occurred at all.
The man defended himself when assaulted by the black thief.
The black guy could had run away between the houses if he wanted. Instead he ran around their vehicle where they couldn’t see him, he ambushed them, tried to take the man’s shotgun away.

Another thug criminal dead.

If he hadn't chased Arbery down and advanced on him holding a gun, he wouldn't have needed to "defend" himself against Arbery defending himself.

And I'm amused that you think Arbery deserved to be chased down and killed for "trespassing", and the argument you present for "He deserved it even more!" is that he didn't choose to trespass more.
I followed the case very closely when it happened. It doesn’t matter if Arbery was jogging, casing the place, trespassing or whatever. You can’t deputize yourself, form a posse and chase someone down. They should have dialed 911. The hate crime angle is a joke though.
Arbery reached out and attempted to steal the gun. He deserved what he got.

Ahhh, more "how DARE he fight back?!" Great argument. Remember that if you're ever mugged. You deserve to have that mugger shoot you if you dare to resist. Just stand there and cooperate.
I would never find myself in that situation. As a Black man I know that I am racially profiled by the police and white citizens.
He should have put his hands up, or laid down on the ground.
Arbery grabbed the gun, pulled on it, and the trigger went off.
Bad situation, he won't repeat that mistake again.

With Love and Respect,

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