3 men charged with federal hate crimes in killing of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia

I would never find myself in that situation. As a Black man I know that I am racially profiled by the police and white citizens.
He should have put his hands up, or laid down on the ground.
Arbery grabbed the gun, pulled on it, and the trigger went off.
Bad situation, he won't repeat that mistake again.

With Love and Respect,
I agree.

Regardless of the circumstances ... attacking a man and trying to take his weapon can earn you a Darwin Award.

How'd that stupidity work out for Michael Brown?

Arbury is dead. It was a desperation move on his part. A last desperate effort to save his life. And three men are on trial for killing him. When your life is threatened will you meekly submit to the thugs?
You wont catch me walking through empty houses or "casing" places.
In addition I have a LTC and carry a .45 with hollow points and I train weekly in hand to hand combat and self defense.
If three butterball white boys cross my path, there will be three butterball turkeys on ice at the county morgue.

With Love and Respect,

You are making threats....that could cause you problems if someone reports it....and it has been known to happen on here.

Remember that white dude that went into a black church and killed several people....he used to post on this board.
Absolutely not. I am not threatening anyone. I exercise my Constitutional right to own a gun. In addition I train weekly in hand to hand combat.
I was pointing out the fact, that if anyone or a group for that matter attacked me, I would fight back as I would never have been found in a situation where it looked like I was suspicious. Arbury was a "THUGH" AND HAD PRIOR RUN INS WITH THE LAW. HE AND GEORGE FLOYD DESERVED WHAT THEY EARNED

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Now there is the real Ahmuad
I followed the case very closely when it happened. It doesn’t matter if Arbery was jogging, casing the place, trespassing or whatever. You can’t deputize yourself, form a posse and chase someone down. They should have dialed 911. The hate crime angle is a joke though.
Arbery reached out and attempted to steal the gun. He deserved what he got.

Ahhh, more "how DARE he fight back?!" Great argument. Remember that if you're ever mugged. You deserve to have that mugger shoot you if you dare to resist. Just stand there and cooperate.
I would never find myself in that situation. As a Black man I know that I am racially profiled by the police and white citizens.
He should have put his hands up, or laid down on the ground.
Arbery grabbed the gun, pulled on it, and the trigger went off.
Bad situation, he won't repeat that mistake again.

With Love and Respect,

So your position is, "He didn't just submit, so he deserved to die"?

Sorry, but that still doesn't make what the McMichaels did any less wrong and criminal.

Geez what a dumbass....I bet you did not even watch the video of ahmaud getting killed.

Anyhow....in a nutshell you do not know the facts of the case....you and your ilk just watch t.v. and absorb all the propagand and then come on here and spew it out your piehole.
I did watch. At the very end, he grabbed the gun and pulled on it and BANG the gun went off.
He should have never grabbed a loaded gun. End of story.

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I would be shocked if any jury would go along with the nonsense the prosecution in this case is promoting.....sheer propaganda which will undoubtedly incite violence.

Then I suggest you get one of those automatic defibrillators. It sounds like you are going to need it.

I do not believe the people of Georgia are so stupid to fall for the nonsense the prosecution is promoting.

So the people of Georgia are supposed to, according to you, realize it is all a conspiracy from the left.

Friend. If that is true. You RW types have already lost.

The Left had to travel back in time to 1992 to convince the Georgia Court of Appeals to write the Winn Dixie decision that defined Citizens Arrest. This precedent has been on the books since. This was when George HW Bush was President.

The point is that all these laws have been on the books for years. Again. I keep suggesting you read and learn.

Their lawyers are not arguing to the Judge that the State is making laws or precedents up. The Defense Attorneys are not arguing that the laws are misapplied. The entire case for the Defense is that they were attempting to effect a Citizens Arrest. This is their defense despite the fact that the 1992 Winn Dixie decision shows they don’t have it.

The defense is essentially admitting if the jury finds it was not a legal citizens arrest than all those other charges are right.

My Father taught me that if you have a problem see an expert. If you are unwell see a Doctor. If you are facing legal trouble get a lawyer. My Father also taught me that the cops are not your friends. Never trust them. They will lie and you will talk your way into jail.

The McMichaels talked their way into this mess. They can’t undo those statements. It reduces the options For their legal defense.

I could explain the reason they didn’t. But you would tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about.

In the meantime. When the trial starts talk to your Doctor out getting some Xanex and get that automatic defibrillator. I honestly think you are going to need it.
I think the main thing we can learn from this is that, if you have a construction site near a certain demographic makeup, you need to either hire security or have a secure fence around it. Otherwise, "joggers" may decide to borrow a few things.

I think the main thing we can learn from this is that emotional "follow the narrative no matter what" thinking isn't limited to leftists.
I'm not saying what the McMichaels did was justified, but the owner of the property clearly felt pressure to retract his previous claims that theft had occurred.

Hindsight is 20/20, but proper security often prevents theft issues.
I think the main thing we can learn from this is that, if you have a construction site near a certain demographic makeup, you need to either hire security or have a secure fence around it. Otherwise, "joggers" may decide to borrow a few things.

I think too much attention is being given to the trespassing aspect of this case....though it is what got the McMicharls involved as in Gregory McMichals a former policeman and investigator had been deputized to handle such problems in the neighborhood since he lived there and stuff had been stolen from his son's truck.

The critical part of this case to me and though I have never practiced law(I did go to Law School in Atlanta) is the way Ahmaud Arbary brazenly attacked Travis McMichael even though he was holding a shotgun.

Some ask would anyone sane do such a thing?

Well we could all conjecture about that...but it is on record that Ahmaud had mental problems and a persecution complex which can be seen in the various videos of his previous encounters with the police.....the enhanced glorious photo of ahmaud circulated by the media does not show the real Amaud....a convicted thief.
This much is certain -- if Ahmaud was white, we'd never have heard of him, and no one would care that he got shot.

The story just has the right racial optics to manipulate the masses.

Maybe so. It's looking more and more certain to me that if Arbery had been white, you wouldn't be cheering for his murderers.
Assuming I had even heard about Arbery if he was white, I wouldn't care either way. I don't care either way with the current situation either, but I don't like the racial repercussions that have happened as a result of the media's exaggerated coverage.

If the McMichaels go to jail, that has no effect on me. If they don't go to jail, it's the same.

What I don't like is when the media takes anything that happens to involve white people shooting a black person and then to pretend like it's some sort of epidemic.

If we look at FBI crime stats, there are far more cases of black on white crime than white on black crime, but no one cares when it's a black person attacking a white person.

So, why do people care so much with the reverse? Seems like "black lives matter" more than white lives. Of course, black lives don't matter when it involves blacks killing other blacks.
I followed the case very closely when it happened. It doesn’t matter if Arbery was jogging, casing the place, trespassing or whatever. You can’t deputize yourself, form a posse and chase someone down. They should have dialed 911. The hate crime angle is a joke though.
Arbery reached out and attempted to steal the gun. He deserved what he got.

Ahhh, more "how DARE he fight back?!" Great argument. Remember that if you're ever mugged. You deserve to have that mugger shoot you if you dare to resist. Just stand there and cooperate.
I would never find myself in that situation. As a Black man I know that I am racially profiled by the police and white citizens.
He should have put his hands up, or laid down on the ground.
Arbery grabbed the gun, pulled on it, and the trigger went off.
Bad situation, he won't repeat that mistake again.

With Love and Respect,

So your position is, "He didn't just submit, so he deserved to die"?

Sorry, but that still doesn't make what the McMichaels did any less wrong and criminal.

Geez what a dumbass....I bet you did not even watch the video of ahmaud getting killed.

Anyhow....in a nutshell you do not know the facts of the case....you and your ilk just watch t.v. and absorb all the propagand and then come on here and spew it out your piehole.
I did watch. At the very end, he grabbed the gun and pulled on it and BANG the gun went off.
He should have never grabbed a loaded gun. End of story.

View attachment 485913
I would be shocked if any jury would go along with the nonsense the prosecution in this case is promoting.....sheer propaganda which will undoubtedly incite violence.

Then I suggest you get one of those automatic defibrillators. It sounds like you are going to need it.

I do not believe the people of Georgia are so stupid to fall for the nonsense the prosecution is promoting.

So the people of Georgia are supposed to, according to you, realize it is all a conspiracy from the left.

Friend. If that is true. You RW types have already lost.

The Left had to travel back in time to 1992 to convince the Georgia Court of Appeals to write the Winn Dixie decision that defined Citizens Arrest. This precedent has been on the books since. This was when George HW Bush was President.

The point is that all these laws have been on the books for years. Again. I keep suggesting you read and learn.

Their lawyers are not arguing to the Judge that the State is making laws or precedents up. The Defense Attorneys are not arguing that the laws are misapplied. The entire case for the Defense is that they were attempting to effect a Citizens Arrest. This is their defense despite the fact that the 1992 Winn Dixie decision shows they don’t have it.

The defense is essentially admitting if the jury finds it was not a legal citizens arrest than all those other charges are right.

My Father taught me that if you have a problem see an expert. If you are unwell see a Doctor. If you are facing legal trouble get a lawyer. My Father also taught me that the cops are not your friends. Never trust them. They will lie and you will talk your way into jail.

The McMichaels talked their way into this mess. They can’t undo those statements. It reduces the options For their legal defense.

I could explain the reason they didn’t. But you would tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about.

In the meantime. When the trial starts talk to your Doctor out getting some Xanex and get that automatic defibrillator. I honestly think you are going to need it.

You are right about the police and the McMichaels talking too much and I have advised people on this board many times if you are arrested for anything serious say nothing.....absolutely nothing to the police and quickly lawyer up..........

yet I still think any decent jury will or should see through the governments desire to railroad some innocent men for political reasons.....perhaps we are farther down the road of oppression aka totalitariansim than I want to admit.
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What crime did he commit on the day?
This type of trespassing is a misdemeanor, not the required felony that would allow a private citizen to attempt a citizen's arrest IF said felony was committed in their presence, which it was not, if it occurred at all.
It's the McMichaels who committed the assault, Arbery was defending himself. This is Georgia's statute:

O.C.G.A. § 16-11-102
Under O.C.G.A. §16-11-102, it is illegal to intentionally and without legal justification point or aim a gun or pistol at another. It is immaterial whether the gun or pistol is loaded or unloaded​

As pointed out previously the shotgun was not pointed at ahmaud before he attacked.

That is just another media lie.....watch the video and compare that to how the media describes it.....you then will understand how they have lied about the whole thing.....any black person should understand that the media does nor want the truth.....they present a narrative that will divide the nation...they want to turn blacks against whites and vice versa....in a nutshell they want to provoke riots, lootings and burnings.

Thus the leftwingers....socialists, communists and the MSM are using blacks to accomplish their goals......all they care about blacks is their vote.
What crime did he commit on the day?
This type of trespassing is a misdemeanor, not the required felony that would allow a private citizen to attempt a citizen's arrest IF said felony was committed in their presence, which it was not, if it occurred at all.
The man defended himself when assaulted by the black thief.
The black guy could had run away between the houses if he wanted. Instead he ran around their vehicle where they couldn’t see him, he ambushed them, tried to take the man’s shotgun away.

Another thug criminal dead.

So you oppose Stand your ground laws. Excellent information for the future.

The more you post the more it can be seen how coinfused you are.....now here you want to claim Ahmaud had the legal right under the stand your ground law to assault and attempt to take the weapon from Travis?

Am I correct?

Absolutely. He had been assaulted by the two vehicles. Again according to the statements made to the police, and physical evidence including a handprint and dent on Roddy’s truck. He had the legal right to defend himself.

bwaaaaaaaaaaa how was he assaulted by these vehicles

The McMichaels and Roddy tried to trap and contain him. Their statements to the police. Again. You need to do more research than watch the one video.

Evidence collected included dents and handprints of Arbury on the trucks. They struck him with their vehicles.

This is where their defense which you rejected comes in. If Arbury had committed a crime their actions up until the shooting could have been justifiable. But since he had not their actions are assault. Attempted kidnapping. Or in Georgia Law Attempted False Imprisonment which Roddy is charged with if you remember.

That means that criminals blocked his path. Arbury was absolutely justified in defending himself. Including attempting in an act of desperation to disarm the criminals who were now committing the crime of aggravated assault.

He was attacked by felons if you apply Georgia Law in effect at the time. That is why people in Georgia are not rushing to support or defend the McMichaels. That is why the legislature in nearly unanimous agreement restricted the citizens arrest law. We don’t ever want to see this sort of thing again.
Do you happen to know the reason they were refused bail?
So the people of Georgia are supposed to, according to you, realize it is all a conspiracy from the left.

Friend. If that is true. You RW types have already lost.

The Left had to travel back in time to 1992 to convince the Georgia Court of Appeals to write the Winn Dixie decision that defined Citizens Arrest. This precedent has been on the books since. This was when George HW Bush was President.

The point is that all these laws have been on the books for years. Again. I keep suggesting you read and learn.

Their lawyers are not arguing to the Judge that the State is making laws or precedents up. The Defense Attorneys are not arguing that the laws are misapplied. The entire case for the Defense is that they were attempting to effect a Citizens Arrest. This is their defense despite the fact that the 1992 Winn Dixie decision shows they don’t have it.

The defense is essentially admitting if the jury finds it was not a legal citizens arrest than all those other charges are right.

My Father taught me that if you have a problem see an expert. If you are unwell see a Doctor. If you are facing legal trouble get a lawyer. My Father also taught me that the cops are not your friends. Never trust them. They will lie and you will talk your way into jail.

The McMichaels talked their way into this mess. They can’t undo those statements. It reduces the options For their legal defense.

I could explain the reason they didn’t. But you would tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about.

In the meantime. When the trial starts talk to your Doctor out getting some Xanex and get that automatic defibrillator. I honestly think you are going to need it.

You are right about the police and the McMichaels talking too much and I have advised people on this board many times if you are arrested for anything serious say nothing.....absolutely nothing to the police and quickly lawyer up..........

yet I still think any decent jury will or should see through the governments desire to railroad some innocent men for political reasons.....perhaps we are farther down the road of oppression aka totalitariansim than I want to admit.

There is the problem. You don’t think they did anything wrong. The problem is that the laws they are accused of violating have specific meanings defined by precedent. And these meanings have existed for years, or decades.

One of those precedents I keep harping on is criminal record of a person for citizens arrest. The Court decided long ago that the criminal history could not be considered regarding citizens arrest. So as I mentioned before in this thread. It would not matter if the baddie being chased was Jesse James. It is what crime he may have committed to your knowledge.

And here we get to the reason Daddy and Junior set off in pursuit. It had nothing to do with a rash of burglaries. There wasn’t some crime spree. There was one.

And that one was from Travis’s truck. His gun got taken from his truck.

These heroes you are trying to lionize are idiots. Travis was dumb enough to leave a firearm unattended. In an unlocked truck. That is just stupid. We mocked the Federal Agent for doing that in San Francisco didn’t we?

But Daddy and Travis decided this black guy stole the gun. It grated on them to see him running by free. With the gun he stole from Travis. Now I don’t know if Arbury stole it or not. I know there is no video or witnesses who saw it. So we don’t know who stole it. In any event the time between the theft if there was one, and the killing meant the crime was old news. Way too old to justify an attempted citizens arrest.

But I believe it grated on them. An intolerable insult. That is why they thought he was armed. They thought he was carrying the gun he stole on himself. They were convinced. Only they had no evidence other than who else could it be. And that is not probable cause or even reasonable suspicion.

I can only guess their plan was to catch him with the gun and then have that be the proof. But it doesn’t work that way for cops what made them think it would work that way for two idiots?

So now we come post shooting. Here Daddy made his last mistake. He counted on his old buddies covering it up. The official term is prosecutorial discretion. The unofficial term is good old boys network.

The cops wanted to arrest the idiots. The former boss and now former DA said no. Then she got the reports and saw it was a shit sandwich. So instead of following protocol for the recusal she asked her neighbor to take it.

Protocol was for her to contact the Attorney General and ask him to pass it to another DA. The neighbor tried to save the McMichaels. That effort has him now trying to save his law license. His read on the law was not based on the precedents we talked about. He then passed it on. And this time the DA took one look and said it was a crime what those two idiots did.

The Good Old Boys wanted to save the McMichaels but didn’t want to go down with them. Because the line between discretion and misconduct is mighty thin.

The McMichaels are screwed. They gambled on the Good old Boys and lost. They will almost certainly be convicted.
What crime did he commit on the day?
This type of trespassing is a misdemeanor, not the required felony that would allow a private citizen to attempt a citizen's arrest IF said felony was committed in their presence, which it was not, if it occurred at all.
It's the McMichaels who committed the assault, Arbery was defending himself. This is Georgia's statute:

O.C.G.A. § 16-11-102
Under O.C.G.A. §16-11-102, it is illegal to intentionally and without legal justification point or aim a gun or pistol at another. It is immaterial whether the gun or pistol is loaded or unloaded​

As pointed out previously the shotgun was not pointed at ahmaud before he attacked.

That is just another media lie.....watch the video and compare that to how the media describes it.....you then will understand how they have lied about the whole thing.....any black person should understand that the media does nor want the truth.....they present a narrative that will divide the nation...they want to turn blacks against whites and vice versa....in a nutshell they want to provoke riots, lootings and burnings.

Thus the leftwingers....socialists, communists and the MSM are using blacks to accomplish their goals......all they care about blacks is their vote.
What crime did he commit on the day?
This type of trespassing is a misdemeanor, not the required felony that would allow a private citizen to attempt a citizen's arrest IF said felony was committed in their presence, which it was not, if it occurred at all.
The man defended himself when assaulted by the black thief.
The black guy could had run away between the houses if he wanted. Instead he ran around their vehicle where they couldn’t see him, he ambushed them, tried to take the man’s shotgun away.

Another thug criminal dead.

So you oppose Stand your ground laws. Excellent information for the future.

The more you post the more it can be seen how coinfused you are.....now here you want to claim Ahmaud had the legal right under the stand your ground law to assault and attempt to take the weapon from Travis?

Am I correct?

Absolutely. He had been assaulted by the two vehicles. Again according to the statements made to the police, and physical evidence including a handprint and dent on Roddy’s truck. He had the legal right to defend himself.

bwaaaaaaaaaaa how was he assaulted by these vehicles

The McMichaels and Roddy tried to trap and contain him. Their statements to the police. Again. You need to do more research than watch the one video.

Evidence collected included dents and handprints of Arbury on the trucks. They struck him with their vehicles.

This is where their defense which you rejected comes in. If Arbury had committed a crime their actions up until the shooting could have been justifiable. But since he had not their actions are assault. Attempted kidnapping. Or in Georgia Law Attempted False Imprisonment which Roddy is charged with if you remember.

That means that criminals blocked his path. Arbury was absolutely justified in defending himself. Including attempting in an act of desperation to disarm the criminals who were now committing the crime of aggravated assault.

He was attacked by felons if you apply Georgia Law in effect at the time. That is why people in Georgia are not rushing to support or defend the McMichaels. That is why the legislature in nearly unanimous agreement restricted the citizens arrest law. We don’t ever want to see this sort of thing again.
Do you happen to know the reason they were refused bail?

The Judge said they were a danger to the community. I suspect he believes they are a flight risk. Because by now they have to realize they are going to prison unless they head to Mexico.
Arbury is dead. It was a desperation move on his part. A last desperate effort to save his life. And three men are on trial for killing him. When your life is threatened will you meekly submit to the thugs?
How'd that "desperation" work out for Ol' Arbery?
He never should have been put into that situation where we was running and had to fight for his life, period!

He may have lost his life, but if there is any justice in this world three racist idiots will lose their freedom. I wonder why they're still locked up almost a year later and not free on bail.
I would never find myself in that situation. As a Black man I know that I am racially profiled by the police and white citizens.
He should have put his hands up, or laid down on the ground.
Arbery grabbed the gun, pulled on it, and the trigger went off.
Bad situation, he won't repeat that mistake again.

With Love and Respect,
I agree.

Regardless of the circumstances ... attacking a man and trying to take his weapon can earn you a Darwin Award.

How'd that stupidity work out for Michael Brown?

Arbury is dead. It was a desperation move on his part. A last desperate effort to save his life. And three men are on trial for killing him. When your life is threatened will you meekly submit to the thugs?
You wont catch me walking through empty houses or "casing" places.
In addition I have a LTC and carry a .45 with hollow points and I train weekly in hand to hand combat and self defense.
If three butterball white boys cross my path, there will be three butterball turkeys on ice at the county morgue.

With Love and Respect,

You are making threats....that could cause you problems if someone reports it....and it has been known to happen on here.

Remember that white dude that went into a black church and killed several people....he used to post on this board.
Dylann Roof used to be a member of U.S. Message board? :shok:
He never should have been put into that situation where we was running and had to fight for his life, period!

He may have lost his life, but if there is any justice in this world three racist idiots will lose their freedom. I wonder why they're still locked up almost a year later and not free on bail.
Arbery was a criminal.

He was not put in a position to have to fight his life until he made the decision to try to take the shotgun away from the other guy.

That's what you call earning yourself a Darwin Award.

And, just because the men went after a Black criminal does not make them Racist.

If they are found to have acted outside the law then let them pay for their crimes.

If not you can expect more gnashing of teeth from our bedwetting Leftist friends.
So the people of Georgia are supposed to, according to you, realize it is all a conspiracy from the left.

Friend. If that is true. You RW types have already lost.

The Left had to travel back in time to 1992 to convince the Georgia Court of Appeals to write the Winn Dixie decision that defined Citizens Arrest. This precedent has been on the books since. This was when George HW Bush was President.

The point is that all these laws have been on the books for years. Again. I keep suggesting you read and learn.

Their lawyers are not arguing to the Judge that the State is making laws or precedents up. The Defense Attorneys are not arguing that the laws are misapplied. The entire case for the Defense is that they were attempting to effect a Citizens Arrest. This is their defense despite the fact that the 1992 Winn Dixie decision shows they don’t have it.

The defense is essentially admitting if the jury finds it was not a legal citizens arrest than all those other charges are right.

My Father taught me that if you have a problem see an expert. If you are unwell see a Doctor. If you are facing legal trouble get a lawyer. My Father also taught me that the cops are not your friends. Never trust them. They will lie and you will talk your way into jail.

The McMichaels talked their way into this mess. They can’t undo those statements. It reduces the options For their legal defense.

I could explain the reason they didn’t. But you would tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about.

In the meantime. When the trial starts talk to your Doctor out getting some Xanex and get that automatic defibrillator. I honestly think you are going to need it.

You are right about the police and the McMichaels talking too much and I have advised people on this board many times if you are arrested for anything serious say nothing.....absolutely nothing to the police and quickly lawyer up..........

yet I still think any decent jury will or should see through the governments desire to railroad some innocent men for political reasons.....perhaps we are farther down the road of oppression aka totalitariansim than I want to admit.

There is the problem. You don’t think they did anything wrong. The problem is that the laws they are accused of violating have specific meanings defined by precedent. And these meanings have existed for years, or decades.

One of those precedents I keep harping on is criminal record of a person for citizens arrest. The Court decided long ago that the criminal history could not be considered regarding citizens arrest. So as I mentioned before in this thread. It would not matter if the baddie being chased was Jesse James. It is what crime he may have committed to your knowledge.

And here we get to the reason Daddy and Junior set off in pursuit. It had nothing to do with a rash of burglaries. There wasn’t some crime spree. There was one.

And that one was from Travis’s truck. His gun got taken from his truck.

These heroes you are trying to lionize are idiots. Travis was dumb enough to leave a firearm unattended. In an unlocked truck. That is just stupid. We mocked the Federal Agent for doing that in San Francisco didn’t we?

But Daddy and Travis decided this black guy stole the gun. It grated on them to see him running by free. With the gun he stole from Travis. Now I don’t know if Arbury stole it or not. I know there is no video or witnesses who saw it. So we don’t know who stole it. In any event the time between the theft if there was one, and the killing meant the crime was old news. Way too old to justify an attempted citizens arrest.

But I believe it grated on them. An intolerable insult. That is why they thought he was armed. They thought he was carrying the gun he stole on himself. They were convinced. Only they had no evidence other than who else could it be. And that is not probable cause or even reasonable suspicion.

I can only guess their plan was to catch him with the gun and then have that be the proof. But it doesn’t work that way for cops what made them think it would work that way for two idiots?

So now we come post shooting. Here Daddy made his last mistake. He counted on his old buddies covering it up. The official term is prosecutorial discretion. The unofficial term is good old boys network.

The cops wanted to arrest the idiots. The former boss and now former DA said no. Then she got the reports and saw it was a shit sandwich. So instead of following protocol for the recusal she asked her neighbor to take it.

Protocol was for her to contact the Attorney General and ask him to pass it to another DA. The neighbor tried to save the McMichaels. That effort has him now trying to save his law license. His read on the law was not based on the precedents we talked about. He then passed it on. And this time the DA took one look and said it was a crime what those two idiots did.

The Good Old Boys wanted to save the McMichaels but didn’t want to go down with them. Because the line between discretion and misconduct is mighty thin.

The McMichaels are screwed. They gambled on the Good old Boys and lost. They will almost certainly be convicted.
This was so very well written. Thank you!
What crime did he commit on the day?
This type of trespassing is a misdemeanor, not the required felony that would allow a private citizen to attempt a citizen's arrest IF said felony was committed in their presence, which it was not, if it occurred at all.
It's the McMichaels who committed the assault, Arbery was defending himself. This is Georgia's statute:

O.C.G.A. § 16-11-102
Under O.C.G.A. §16-11-102, it is illegal to intentionally and without legal justification point or aim a gun or pistol at another. It is immaterial whether the gun or pistol is loaded or unloaded​

As pointed out previously the shotgun was not pointed at ahmaud before he attacked.

That is just another media lie.....watch the video and compare that to how the media describes it.....you then will understand how they have lied about the whole thing.....any black person should understand that the media does nor want the truth.....they present a narrative that will divide the nation...they want to turn blacks against whites and vice versa....in a nutshell they want to provoke riots, lootings and burnings.

Thus the leftwingers....socialists, communists and the MSM are using blacks to accomplish their goals......all they care about blacks is their vote.
What crime did he commit on the day?
This type of trespassing is a misdemeanor, not the required felony that would allow a private citizen to attempt a citizen's arrest IF said felony was committed in their presence, which it was not, if it occurred at all.
The man defended himself when assaulted by the black thief.
The black guy could had run away between the houses if he wanted. Instead he ran around their vehicle where they couldn’t see him, he ambushed them, tried to take the man’s shotgun away.

Another thug criminal dead.

So you oppose Stand your ground laws. Excellent information for the future.

The more you post the more it can be seen how coinfused you are.....now here you want to claim Ahmaud had the legal right under the stand your ground law to assault and attempt to take the weapon from Travis?

Am I correct?

Absolutely. He had been assaulted by the two vehicles. Again according to the statements made to the police, and physical evidence including a handprint and dent on Roddy’s truck. He had the legal right to defend himself.

bwaaaaaaaaaaa how was he assaulted by these vehicles

The McMichaels and Roddy tried to trap and contain him. Their statements to the police. Again. You need to do more research than watch the one video.

Evidence collected included dents and handprints of Arbury on the trucks. They struck him with their vehicles.

This is where their defense which you rejected comes in. If Arbury had committed a crime their actions up until the shooting could have been justifiable. But since he had not their actions are assault. Attempted kidnapping. Or in Georgia Law Attempted False Imprisonment which Roddy is charged with if you remember.

That means that criminals blocked his path. Arbury was absolutely justified in defending himself. Including attempting in an act of desperation to disarm the criminals who were now committing the crime of aggravated assault.

He was attacked by felons if you apply Georgia Law in effect at the time. That is why people in Georgia are not rushing to support or defend the McMichaels. That is why the legislature in nearly unanimous agreement restricted the citizens arrest law. We don’t ever want to see this sort of thing again.
Do you happen to know the reason they were refused bail?

The Judge said they were a danger to the community. I suspect he believes they are a flight risk. Because by now they have to realize they are going to prison unless they head to Mexico.
A danger to the community based on what they did to Arbery?
He never should have been put into that situation where we was running and had to fight for his life, period!

He may have lost his life, but if there is any justice in this world three racist idiots will lose their freedom. I wonder why they're still locked up almost a year later and not free on bail.
Arbery was a criminal.
His criminal history is no justification for him being treated this way, our laws state as much, you can't grab a gun and chase someone down and kill them just because they have previously been convicted of a crime.

Now if they were betting that no one would care because of his history and that they would get away with it, well they almost did. Thank goodness the case landed in front of the right person.
I think the main thing we can learn from this is that, if you have a construction site near a certain demographic makeup, you need to either hire security or have a secure fence around it. Otherwise, "joggers" may decide to borrow a few things.

I think the main thing we can learn from this is that emotional "follow the narrative no matter what" thinking isn't limited to leftists.
I'm not saying what the McMichaels did was justified, but the owner of the property clearly felt pressure to retract his previous claims that theft had occurred.

Hindsight is 20/20, but proper security often prevents theft issues.

"Clearly felt pressure"? Is that "pressure" from the fact that there are no surveillance tapes that we've seen so far showing any thefts, no police reports about thefts from that property? Does "clear" mean "I want to believe it"?
I sincerely hope that they are able to get a conviction and that people's eyes are finally open to what's been happening all around them, even if they were unable of it.​
April 28, 2021, 2:32 PM PDT / Updated April 28, 2021, 4:08 PM PDT​
By Tim Fitzsimons​
Three Georgia men previously charged in the killing of Ahmaud Arbery were indicted Wednesday by a federal grand jury and charged with hate crimes and attempted kidnapping.​
Ahmaud Arbery.
Ahmaud Arbery. Courtesy of Family
Arbery was jogging in Brunswick, Georgia, when Travis McMichael, 35, and his father, Gregory McMichael, 65, pursued him in their truck and shot him dead on Feb. 23, 2020.​
William "Roddie" Bryan, 51, who was driving behind them in a separate truck, filmed the shooting.​
Later, Gregory McMichael, a retired police officer, leaked the video because he wanted "the public to know the truth," his attorney said in 2020.
The Department of Justice alleged on Wednesday that the men confronted Arbery "because of his race."​
The incident sparked outrage and spurred an international movement to draw attention to racism against Black runners, NBC News reported.
Travis and Gregory were also each charged with "carrying, and brandishing—and in Travis’s case, discharging—a firearm during and in relation to a crime of violence," the DOJ said in a press release.​
Gregory and Travis, father and son, were previously each charged with murder in May 2020 for the death of Arbery.​
With the Bolsheviks in control, the world is once more cursed with Justice subordinate to Who? Whom?
With the Bolsheviks in control, the world is once more cursed with Justice subordinate to Who? Whom?
Just be open in your white supremacist beliefs. No one is fooled by your dumbfuckery.
I sincerely hope that they are able to get a conviction and that people's eyes are finally open to what's been happening all around them, even if they were unable of it.​
April 28, 2021, 2:32 PM PDT / Updated April 28, 2021, 4:08 PM PDT​
By Tim Fitzsimons​
Three Georgia men previously charged in the killing of Ahmaud Arbery were indicted Wednesday by a federal grand jury and charged with hate crimes and attempted kidnapping.​
Ahmaud Arbery.
Ahmaud Arbery. Courtesy of Family
Arbery was jogging in Brunswick, Georgia, when Travis McMichael, 35, and his father, Gregory McMichael, 65, pursued him in their truck and shot him dead on Feb. 23, 2020.​
William "Roddie" Bryan, 51, who was driving behind them in a separate truck, filmed the shooting.​
Later, Gregory McMichael, a retired police officer, leaked the video because he wanted "the public to know the truth," his attorney said in 2020.
The Department of Justice alleged on Wednesday that the men confronted Arbery "because of his race."​
The incident sparked outrage and spurred an international movement to draw attention to racism against Black runners, NBC News reported.
Travis and Gregory were also each charged with "carrying, and brandishing—and in Travis’s case, discharging—a firearm during and in relation to a crime of violence," the DOJ said in a press release.​
Gregory and Travis, father and son, were previously each charged with murder in May 2020 for the death of Arbery.​
So now it’s a “hate crime” to confront thieves in your neighborhood. It’s a “hate crime” to defend yourself when they attack you and try to take your gun away.

If these men were police, they would had been 100% justified in shooting him. And there is no reason a citizen can’t make a citizens arrest when catching a criminal in the act.

We’ve seen the video evidence, we know he was guilty.

Oh good. We are starting this again. Ok. What crime was Arbury committing at the time the McMichaels chased him, confronted him, and killed him?
They saw him trespassing on that property. They also recognized him from before, he had been in the neighborhood and stole shit out of cars before.

He attacked the man with the shotgun, tried to take it from him, got blasted.

Fine upstanding citizens aren't they Chickenhawk, reminds you of the Good Ole Days.

Definitely good citizens ....former policeman and his son a veteran of the Coast Guard with no criminal history vs. Ahmaud Arbary a convicted thief with mental problems.

Definitely racist trash, that's why you love them.

You hate them because they are white

I hate them because they murdered an unarmed innocent black man.

What would you do if you were holding a shotgun and a white dude tried to take it away from you and repeatedly slugged you in the process?

If I were chasing him with intent to do him harm, I would expect him to try and defend himself.
I sincerely hope that they are able to get a conviction and that people's eyes are finally open to what's been happening all around them, even if they were unable of it.​
April 28, 2021, 2:32 PM PDT / Updated April 28, 2021, 4:08 PM PDT​
By Tim Fitzsimons​
Three Georgia men previously charged in the killing of Ahmaud Arbery were indicted Wednesday by a federal grand jury and charged with hate crimes and attempted kidnapping.​
Ahmaud Arbery.
Ahmaud Arbery. Courtesy of Family
Arbery was jogging in Brunswick, Georgia, when Travis McMichael, 35, and his father, Gregory McMichael, 65, pursued him in their truck and shot him dead on Feb. 23, 2020.​
William "Roddie" Bryan, 51, who was driving behind them in a separate truck, filmed the shooting.​
Later, Gregory McMichael, a retired police officer, leaked the video because he wanted "the public to know the truth," his attorney said in 2020.
The Department of Justice alleged on Wednesday that the men confronted Arbery "because of his race."​
The incident sparked outrage and spurred an international movement to draw attention to racism against Black runners, NBC News reported.
Travis and Gregory were also each charged with "carrying, and brandishing—and in Travis’s case, discharging—a firearm during and in relation to a crime of violence," the DOJ said in a press release.​
Gregory and Travis, father and son, were previously each charged with murder in May 2020 for the death of Arbery.​
So now it’s a “hate crime” to confront thieves in your neighborhood. It’s a “hate crime” to defend yourself when they attack you and try to take your gun away.

If these men were police, they would had been 100% justified in shooting him. And there is no reason a citizen can’t make a citizens arrest when catching a criminal in the act.

We’ve seen the video evidence, we know he was guilty.

Oh good. We are starting this again. Ok. What crime was Arbury committing at the time the McMichaels chased him, confronted him, and killed him?
They saw him trespassing on that property. They also recognized him from before, he had been in the neighborhood and stole shit out of cars before.

He attacked the man with the shotgun, tried to take it from him, got blasted.

Nobody ever saw him stealing anything. There is no video of him stealing from the construction site. I repeat. What crime did he commit on the day?
Why don’t YOU tell us what he was doing in this neighborhood that was nowhere near where he lived?

Just jogging? LOL.

Whatever he was doing. It wasn’t illegal. He committed no crime under Georgia law. That means the pursuit of and murder of him was all a crime.

There is no logical explanation for what he was doing in a place he had no reason to be other than he was casing the place looking for something to steal. Do not forget he was a convicted thief....thieves constantly go about looking for something to steal.

What does that have to do with the day he was murdered?

demonstrates the aggressiveness and beligerance which led him to assault Travis McMichaels.

Chasing someone down the street with guns, that isn't aggression. Smfh.

They were dealing with a convicted criminal.......only prudent to be armed...just a couple of days ago...a policeman was beaten to death by a unarmed black man.

How did they know he was convicted of anything? An unarmed black man had just been murdered as well, so what does any of that have to do with this case?

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