3 men charged with federal hate crimes in killing of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia

What crime did he commit on the day?

Ok. You understand that under Georgia Law he wasn’t actually trespassing. The police could not have arrested him for that. For that the owner or a designated representative would have to have told him to leave.

Further. The McMichaels had no authority to enforce that. So now according to you the attempt to arrest Arbury was criminal and they are murderers.

There was no attempt to arrest Ahmaud....you are a liar and you keep repeating the lie.

The McMichaels say they were. Are they lying too? Their lawyers say that the citizens arrest law is the centerpiece of their defense. Are the defense attorneys lying too?

I posted that before. Shame you didn’t read it.

The McMichaels said that when they headed out..they intended to make a citizens arrest....but no attempt to arrest was made.

The new law is not applicable to the McMicharls as it was enacted after the incident and their arrest....it is just another example of how this nation is being torn apart by wokeness.

I have no idea what the defense team is doing.

What crime did they see him commit?
According to the LAW he was, so what some right wing, racist asshole thinks doesn't matter in this case.
You can post whatever nonsense you like.

However we all know .... including you .... that Arbery ..... just like the rest of them ... was just another criminal.
I sincerely hope that they are able to get a conviction and that people's eyes are finally open to what's been happening all around them, even if they were unable of it.​
April 28, 2021, 2:32 PM PDT / Updated April 28, 2021, 4:08 PM PDT​
By Tim Fitzsimons​
Three Georgia men previously charged in the killing of Ahmaud Arbery were indicted Wednesday by a federal grand jury and charged with hate crimes and attempted kidnapping.​
Ahmaud Arbery.
Ahmaud Arbery. Courtesy of Family
Arbery was jogging in Brunswick, Georgia, when Travis McMichael, 35, and his father, Gregory McMichael, 65, pursued him in their truck and shot him dead on Feb. 23, 2020.​
William "Roddie" Bryan, 51, who was driving behind them in a separate truck, filmed the shooting.​
Later, Gregory McMichael, a retired police officer, leaked the video because he wanted "the public to know the truth," his attorney said in 2020.
The Department of Justice alleged on Wednesday that the men confronted Arbery "because of his race."​
The incident sparked outrage and spurred an international movement to draw attention to racism against Black runners, NBC News reported.
Travis and Gregory were also each charged with "carrying, and brandishing—and in Travis’s case, discharging—a firearm during and in relation to a crime of violence," the DOJ said in a press release.​
Gregory and Travis, father and son, were previously each charged with murder in May 2020 for the death of Arbery.​
So now it’s a “hate crime” to confront thieves in your neighborhood. It’s a “hate crime” to defend yourself when they attack you and try to take your gun away.

If these men were police, they would had been 100% justified in shooting him. And there is no reason a citizen can’t make a citizens arrest when catching a criminal in the act.

We’ve seen the video evidence, we know he was guilty.

Oh good. We are starting this again. Ok. What crime was Arbury committing at the time the McMichaels chased him, confronted him, and killed him?
They saw him trespassing on that property. They also recognized him from before, he had been in the neighborhood and stole shit out of cars before.

He attacked the man with the shotgun, tried to take it from him, got blasted.

Nobody ever saw him stealing anything. There is no video of him stealing from the construction site. I repeat. What crime did he commit on the day?

Assault which is the essential element of this case.

Actually no. You might wish it was. But the reason for the pursuit is the root of the case. The McMichaels maintain they were trying to effect a citizens arrest. Since no crime took place that means the pursuit and effort to detain Arbury was criminal.

In Georgia when criminals pursue you we have stand your ground. It means Arbury’s actions under law were defensive. It also means the McMichaels committed murder.

No.....the Senior McMicharls had been designated as the go to guy for the problems with burglaries and trespassing in that neighborhood as he was a former policeman and investigator.

Chasing someone is not a crime......trying to talk to someone is not a crime....telling someone to stop is not an arrest....you remain coinfused.

I am actually thrilled that you are not their lawyer. Because if you were the appeal about your incompetence during the trial would guarantee them another one. This way they have a competent defense. One with a low probability of success. But a chance.

McMichaels claimed it on the day during interviews with police. His lawyer asked Dial the GBI investigator about it on the hearing I posted in this thread.

But you being right is not about truth or facts. It is about your short attention span and ignorance. You won’t read the links. You won’t watch the videos. I could post more but you have not read one yet.

The McMichaels are almost certainly going to be convicted. If convicted they will get 20 to life in prison. For Daddy that is life. Roddy might get out as an old man. Travis will never leave Prison alive.

Honestly the one with the best chance to avoid prison is Roddy. And his chances are not good. Say ten percent. The Jury might buy his argument that he was trying to help neighbors who he thought were in the right. Maybe. As I said. One chance in ten.

You of course being ignorant of the law, the facts, or anything will blame it on Liberals and all that.

You let your bias delude you.....your understanding of law is thus compromised.

Well a Defense attorney says so.

Another attorney. He says no too.

Odd isn’t it. All the actual legal people seem to be who I am quoting and you are quoting. Yourself and other right wing radicals. Not actual lawyers. You know. Who know the law. And make their living with the law. Ah. What do they know.

I repeat. I am happy the McMichaels are not represented by you. Your understanding of the law would get them the death penalty.

I wish he was representing them.
I think the main thing we can learn from this is that, if you have a construction site near a certain demographic makeup, you need to either hire security or have a secure fence around it. Otherwise, "joggers" may decide to borrow a few things.

I think too much attention is being given to the trespassing aspect of this case....though it is what got the McMicharls involved as in Gregory McMichals a former policeman and investigator had been deputized to handle such problems in the neighborhood since he lived there and stuff had been stolen from his son's truck.

The critical part of this case to me and though I have never practiced law(I did go to Law School in Atlanta) is the way Ahmaud Arbary brazenly attacked Travis McMichael even though he was holding a shotgun.

Some ask would anyone sane do such a thing?

Well we could all conjecture about that...but it is on record that Ahmaud had mental problems and a persecution complex which can be seen in the various videos of his previous encounters with the police.....the enhanced glorious photo of ahmaud circulated by the media does not show the real Amaud....a convicted thief.
This much is certain -- if Ahmaud was white, we'd never have heard of him, and no one would care that he got shot.

The story just has the right racial optics to manipulate the masses.

No if Ahmaud were white they would have never bothered him in the first place, notice that they didn't chase any of the white trespassers on the property. Why is that?
I think the main thing we can learn from this is that, if you have a construction site near a certain demographic makeup, you need to either hire security or have a secure fence around it. Otherwise, "joggers" may decide to borrow a few things.

I think too much attention is being given to the trespassing aspect of this case....though it is what got the McMicharls involved as in Gregory McMichals a former policeman and investigator had been deputized to handle such problems in the neighborhood since he lived there and stuff had been stolen from his son's truck.

The critical part of this case to me and though I have never practiced law(I did go to Law School in Atlanta) is the way Ahmaud Arbary brazenly attacked Travis McMichael even though he was holding a shotgun.

Some ask would anyone sane do such a thing?

Well we could all conjecture about that...but it is on record that Ahmaud had mental problems and a persecution complex which can be seen in the various videos of his previous encounters with the police.....the enhanced glorious photo of ahmaud circulated by the media does not show the real Amaud....a convicted thief.
This much is certain -- if Ahmaud was white, we'd never have heard of him, and no one would care that he got shot.

The story just has the right racial optics to manipulate the masses.

Exactly.......this nation is being ripped apart by a lying propagandistic media and the biden regime constantly playing the race card.

You are mad that the days of the Good Old Boys is dying off. See the police used to do the bidding of the sheet wearers, but those days are coming to a close.
What crime did he commit on the day?
This type of trespassing is a misdemeanor, not the required felony that would allow a private citizen to attempt a citizen's arrest IF said felony was committed in their presence, which it was not, if it occurred at all.

Try and keep up .....there was no attempt to make a citizens arrest.

Thus I will not waste board space by arguing the legality of it.

Gregory McMicharls was a former policeman and investigator.....his son was a former member of the coast guard whos MOS aka military occupational specialty was as as one who interdicts other boats most often drug runners....and they were both armed ........rest assured if thry had wanted to arrest this addled petty crime offender they would have and quite easily.

That was the intention of Gregory McMichaels as they headed our upon sighting Ahmaud but for whatever reason he decided to let the police handle it...thus he called 911 to inform them of the situation.....the police were on the way and the McMichales tactic was then to keep the suspect in sight until the police arrived...the neighbor who got involved decided on his own to try and help by impeding the suspect to not allow him to quickly run away by slowing down his attempt to escape by maneuvering his truck into the path of the suspect.

What none of them expected was the Assault by ahmaud on Travis......thus it became a tragedy for all involved and the nation as well because it gave the media another opportrunity to further divide with their lies and propaganda.

So they just chased him down and committed a murder, thus why their pasty asses are sitting in jail with no bail.
What crime did he commit on the day?
This type of trespassing is a misdemeanor, not the required felony that would allow a private citizen to attempt a citizen's arrest IF said felony was committed in their presence, which it was not, if it occurred at all.
The man defended himself when assaulted by the black thief.
The black guy could had run away between the houses if he wanted. Instead he ran around their vehicle where they couldn’t see him, he ambushed them, tried to take the man’s shotgun away.

Another thug criminal dead.

Well it looks like 3 white pasty, red neck, racists are on their way to joining him.
I sincerely hope that they are able to get a conviction and that people's eyes are finally open to what's been happening all around them, even if they were unable of it.​
April 28, 2021, 2:32 PM PDT / Updated April 28, 2021, 4:08 PM PDT​
By Tim Fitzsimons​
Three Georgia men previously charged in the killing of Ahmaud Arbery were indicted Wednesday by a federal grand jury and charged with hate crimes and attempted kidnapping.​
Ahmaud Arbery.
Ahmaud Arbery. Courtesy of Family
Arbery was jogging in Brunswick, Georgia, when Travis McMichael, 35, and his father, Gregory McMichael, 65, pursued him in their truck and shot him dead on Feb. 23, 2020.​
William "Roddie" Bryan, 51, who was driving behind them in a separate truck, filmed the shooting.​
Later, Gregory McMichael, a retired police officer, leaked the video because he wanted "the public to know the truth," his attorney said in 2020.
The Department of Justice alleged on Wednesday that the men confronted Arbery "because of his race."​
The incident sparked outrage and spurred an international movement to draw attention to racism against Black runners, NBC News reported.
Travis and Gregory were also each charged with "carrying, and brandishing—and in Travis’s case, discharging—a firearm during and in relation to a crime of violence," the DOJ said in a press release.​
Gregory and Travis, father and son, were previously each charged with murder in May 2020 for the death of Arbery.​
So now it’s a “hate crime” to confront thieves in your neighborhood. It’s a “hate crime” to defend yourself when they attack you and try to take your gun away.

If these men were police, they would had been 100% justified in shooting him. And there is no reason a citizen can’t make a citizens arrest when catching a criminal in the act.

We’ve seen the video evidence, we know he was guilty.

Oh good. We are starting this again. Ok. What crime was Arbury committing at the time the McMichaels chased him, confronted him, and killed him?
They saw him trespassing on that property. They also recognized him from before, he had been in the neighborhood and stole shit out of cars before.

He attacked the man with the shotgun, tried to take it from him, got blasted.

Nobody ever saw him stealing anything. There is no video of him stealing from the construction site. I repeat. What crime did he commit on the day?

Assault which is the essential element of this case.

Actually no. You might wish it was. But the reason for the pursuit is the root of the case. The McMichaels maintain they were trying to effect a citizens arrest. Since no crime took place that means the pursuit and effort to detain Arbury was criminal.

In Georgia when criminals pursue you we have stand your ground. It means Arbury’s actions under law were defensive. It also means the McMichaels committed murder.

No.....the Senior McMicharls had been designated as the go to guy for the problems with burglaries and trespassing in that neighborhood as he was a former policeman and investigator.

Chasing someone is not a crime......trying to talk to someone is not a crime....telling someone to stop is not an arrest....you remain coinfused.

I am actually thrilled that you are not their lawyer. Because if you were the appeal about your incompetence during the trial would guarantee them another one. This way they have a competent defense. One with a low probability of success. But a chance.

McMichaels claimed it on the day during interviews with police. His lawyer asked Dial the GBI investigator about it on the hearing I posted in this thread.

But you being right is not about truth or facts. It is about your short attention span and ignorance. You won’t read the links. You won’t watch the videos. I could post more but you have not read one yet.

The McMichaels are almost certainly going to be convicted. If convicted they will get 20 to life in prison. For Daddy that is life. Roddy might get out as an old man. Travis will never leave Prison alive.

Honestly the one with the best chance to avoid prison is Roddy. And his chances are not good. Say ten percent. The Jury might buy his argument that he was trying to help neighbors who he thought were in the right. Maybe. As I said. One chance in ten.

You of course being ignorant of the law, the facts, or anything will blame it on Liberals and all that.

You let your bias delude you.....your understanding of law is thus compromised.

Well a Defense attorney says so.

Another attorney. He says no too.

Odd isn’t it. All the actual legal people seem to be who I am quoting and you are quoting. Yourself and other right wing radicals. Not actual lawyers. You know. Who know the law. And make their living with the law. Ah. What do they know.

I repeat. I am happy the McMichaels are not represented by you. Your understanding of the law would get them the death penalty.

I wish he was representing them.

I love the Constitution so much I want them to have a competent and vigorous defense. Even though I believe they are murdering idiots I want every conviction no matter who the defendant is to be hard won. I want every defendant to have the best defense possible.
According to the LAW he was, so what some right wing, racist asshole thinks doesn't matter in this case.
You can post whatever nonsense you like.

However we all know .... including you .... that Arbery ..... just like the rest of them ... was just another criminal.

Sorry pasty racist the LAW doesn't see him as a criminal, they see him as a murder victim which is why your 3 heroes are sitting their white, racist asses behind bars right now.
I sincerely hope that they are able to get a conviction and that people's eyes are finally open to what's been happening all around them, even if they were unable of it.​
April 28, 2021, 2:32 PM PDT / Updated April 28, 2021, 4:08 PM PDT​
By Tim Fitzsimons​
Three Georgia men previously charged in the killing of Ahmaud Arbery were indicted Wednesday by a federal grand jury and charged with hate crimes and attempted kidnapping.​
Ahmaud Arbery.
Ahmaud Arbery. Courtesy of Family
Arbery was jogging in Brunswick, Georgia, when Travis McMichael, 35, and his father, Gregory McMichael, 65, pursued him in their truck and shot him dead on Feb. 23, 2020.​
William "Roddie" Bryan, 51, who was driving behind them in a separate truck, filmed the shooting.​
Later, Gregory McMichael, a retired police officer, leaked the video because he wanted "the public to know the truth," his attorney said in 2020.
The Department of Justice alleged on Wednesday that the men confronted Arbery "because of his race."​
The incident sparked outrage and spurred an international movement to draw attention to racism against Black runners, NBC News reported.
Travis and Gregory were also each charged with "carrying, and brandishing—and in Travis’s case, discharging—a firearm during and in relation to a crime of violence," the DOJ said in a press release.​
Gregory and Travis, father and son, were previously each charged with murder in May 2020 for the death of Arbery.​
So now it’s a “hate crime” to confront thieves in your neighborhood. It’s a “hate crime” to defend yourself when they attack you and try to take your gun away.

If these men were police, they would had been 100% justified in shooting him. And there is no reason a citizen can’t make a citizens arrest when catching a criminal in the act.

We’ve seen the video evidence, we know he was guilty.

Oh good. We are starting this again. Ok. What crime was Arbury committing at the time the McMichaels chased him, confronted him, and killed him?
They saw him trespassing on that property. They also recognized him from before, he had been in the neighborhood and stole shit out of cars before.

He attacked the man with the shotgun, tried to take it from him, got blasted.

Nobody ever saw him stealing anything. There is no video of him stealing from the construction site. I repeat. What crime did he commit on the day?

Assault which is the essential element of this case.

Actually no. You might wish it was. But the reason for the pursuit is the root of the case. The McMichaels maintain they were trying to effect a citizens arrest. Since no crime took place that means the pursuit and effort to detain Arbury was criminal.

In Georgia when criminals pursue you we have stand your ground. It means Arbury’s actions under law were defensive. It also means the McMichaels committed murder.

No.....the Senior McMicharls had been designated as the go to guy for the problems with burglaries and trespassing in that neighborhood as he was a former policeman and investigator.

Chasing someone is not a crime......trying to talk to someone is not a crime....telling someone to stop is not an arrest....you remain coinfused.

I am actually thrilled that you are not their lawyer. Because if you were the appeal about your incompetence during the trial would guarantee them another one. This way they have a competent defense. One with a low probability of success. But a chance.

McMichaels claimed it on the day during interviews with police. His lawyer asked Dial the GBI investigator about it on the hearing I posted in this thread.

But you being right is not about truth or facts. It is about your short attention span and ignorance. You won’t read the links. You won’t watch the videos. I could post more but you have not read one yet.

The McMichaels are almost certainly going to be convicted. If convicted they will get 20 to life in prison. For Daddy that is life. Roddy might get out as an old man. Travis will never leave Prison alive.

Honestly the one with the best chance to avoid prison is Roddy. And his chances are not good. Say ten percent. The Jury might buy his argument that he was trying to help neighbors who he thought were in the right. Maybe. As I said. One chance in ten.

You of course being ignorant of the law, the facts, or anything will blame it on Liberals and all that.

You let your bias delude you.....your understanding of law is thus compromised.

Well a Defense attorney says so.

Another attorney. He says no too.

Odd isn’t it. All the actual legal people seem to be who I am quoting and you are quoting. Yourself and other right wing radicals. Not actual lawyers. You know. Who know the law. And make their living with the law. Ah. What do they know.

I repeat. I am happy the McMichaels are not represented by you. Your understanding of the law would get them the death penalty.

I wish he was representing them.

I love the Constitution so much I want them to have a competent and vigorous defense. Even though I believe they are murdering idiots I want every conviction no matter who the defendant is to be hard won. I want every defendant to have the best defense possible.

You said you watched the video of Ahmaud getting kilt........could you give us your take on it?

Are you black?
I think the main thing we can learn from this is that, if you have a construction site near a certain demographic makeup, you need to either hire security or have a secure fence around it. Otherwise, "joggers" may decide to borrow a few things.

I think too much attention is being given to the trespassing aspect of this case....though it is what got the McMicharls involved as in Gregory McMichals a former policeman and investigator had been deputized to handle such problems in the neighborhood since he lived there and stuff had been stolen from his son's truck.

The critical part of this case to me and though I have never practiced law(I did go to Law School in Atlanta) is the way Ahmaud Arbary brazenly attacked Travis McMichael even though he was holding a shotgun.

Some ask would anyone sane do such a thing?

Well we could all conjecture about that...but it is on record that Ahmaud had mental problems and a persecution complex which can be seen in the various videos of his previous encounters with the police.....the enhanced glorious photo of ahmaud circulated by the media does not show the real Amaud....a convicted thief.
This much is certain -- if Ahmaud was white, we'd never have heard of him, and no one would care that he got shot.

The story just has the right racial optics to manipulate the masses.

No if Ahmaud were white they would have never bothered him in the first place, notice that they didn't chase any of the white trespassers on the property. Why is that?

They chased Ahmaud for 2 reasons....Gregory McMichales got a call that there was a trespasser in the housr being built whilst he was out in front yard working on his boat and immediately after the call he sees Ahmaud hauling ass down the street...he recognized him from the security cam video and had dealt with him back when he was a cop and thus knew of his criminal history.....that is why they grabbed their guns.
I think the main thing we can learn from this is that, if you have a construction site near a certain demographic makeup, you need to either hire security or have a secure fence around it. Otherwise, "joggers" may decide to borrow a few things.

I think the main thing we can learn from this is that emotional "follow the narrative no matter what" thinking isn't limited to leftists.
I'm not saying what the McMichaels did was justified, but the owner of the property clearly felt pressure to retract his previous claims that theft had occurred.

Hindsight is 20/20, but proper security often prevents theft issues.

Yes....that is why he had security cams installed.....I am surprised they did not indict him also for murder or conspiracy....I am sure he has received threats.

Blacks consider Security Cams racist because they catch more blacks stealing than whites.
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What crime did he commit on the day?

Ok. You understand that under Georgia Law he wasn’t actually trespassing. The police could not have arrested him for that. For that the owner or a designated representative would have to have told him to leave.

Further. The McMichaels had no authority to enforce that. So now according to you the attempt to arrest Arbury was criminal and they are murderers.

There was no attempt to arrest Ahmaud....you are a liar and you keep repeating the lie.

The McMichaels say they were. Are they lying too? Their lawyers say that the citizens arrest law is the centerpiece of their defense. Are the defense attorneys lying too?

I posted that before. Shame you didn’t read it.

The McMichaels said that when they headed out..they intended to make a citizens arrest....but no attempt to arrest was made.

The new law is not applicable to the McMicharls as it was enacted after the incident and their arrest....it is just another example of how this nation is being torn apart by wokeness.

I have no idea what the defense team is doing.

What crime did they see him commit?

You need to put your dunce cap on get back in the corner.....it is well known so called African-Americans have an average i.q. of 85 and you have previously revealed you cannot even do simple math.
I think the main thing we can learn from this is that, if you have a construction site near a certain demographic makeup, you need to either hire security or have a secure fence around it. Otherwise, "joggers" may decide to borrow a few things.

I think too much attention is being given to the trespassing aspect of this case....though it is what got the McMicharls involved as in Gregory McMichals a former policeman and investigator had been deputized to handle such problems in the neighborhood since he lived there and stuff had been stolen from his son's truck.

The critical part of this case to me and though I have never practiced law(I did go to Law School in Atlanta) is the way Ahmaud Arbary brazenly attacked Travis McMichael even though he was holding a shotgun.

Some ask would anyone sane do such a thing?

Well we could all conjecture about that...but it is on record that Ahmaud had mental problems and a persecution complex which can be seen in the various videos of his previous encounters with the police.....the enhanced glorious photo of ahmaud circulated by the media does not show the real Amaud....a convicted thief.
This much is certain -- if Ahmaud was white, we'd never have heard of him, and no one would care that he got shot.

The story just has the right racial optics to manipulate the masses.

No if Ahmaud were white they would have never bothered him in the first place, notice that they didn't chase any of the white trespassers on the property. Why is that?

They chased Ahmaud for 2 reasons....Gregory McMichales got a call that there was a trespasser in the housr being built whilst he was out in front yard working on his boat and immediately after the call he sees Ahmaud hauling ass down the street...he recognized him from the security cam video and had dealt with him back when he was a cop and thus knew of his criminal history.....that is why they grabbed their guns.

Thus that is why you are full of shit. Did Gregory McMichaels witness Ahmaud committing a crime?

When did he see security cam video of him and who did he receive it from?

So in a split instance he remembered him from years ago, only a fool would buy that weak ass defense.
What crime did he commit on the day?

Ok. You understand that under Georgia Law he wasn’t actually trespassing. The police could not have arrested him for that. For that the owner or a designated representative would have to have told him to leave.

Further. The McMichaels had no authority to enforce that. So now according to you the attempt to arrest Arbury was criminal and they are murderers.

There was no attempt to arrest Ahmaud....you are a liar and you keep repeating the lie.

The McMichaels say they were. Are they lying too? Their lawyers say that the citizens arrest law is the centerpiece of their defense. Are the defense attorneys lying too?

I posted that before. Shame you didn’t read it.

The McMichaels said that when they headed out..they intended to make a citizens arrest....but no attempt to arrest was made.

The new law is not applicable to the McMicharls as it was enacted after the incident and their arrest....it is just another example of how this nation is being torn apart by wokeness.

I have no idea what the defense team is doing.

What crime did they see him commit?

You need to put your dunce cap on get back in the corner.....it is well known so called African-Americans have an average i.q. of 85 and you have previously revealed you cannot even do simple math.

This coming from a Shithouse Lawyer who couldn't beat his way out of a wet paper bag.
I think the main thing we can learn from this is that, if you have a construction site near a certain demographic makeup, you need to either hire security or have a secure fence around it. Otherwise, "joggers" may decide to borrow a few things.

I think the main thing we can learn from this is that emotional "follow the narrative no matter what" thinking isn't limited to leftists.
I'm not saying what the McMichaels did was justified, but the owner of the property clearly felt pressure to retract his previous claims that theft had occurred.

Hindsight is 20/20, but proper security often prevents theft issues.

Yes....that is why he had security cams installed.....I am surprised they did not indict him also for murder or conspiracy....I am sure he has received threats.

Blacks consider Security Cams racist because they catch more blacks stealing than whites.

Hmmm so did you miss the whites who were trespassing or were they ghosts on the security cameras and when did he EVER report anything as being stolen?
According to the LAW he was, so what some right wing, racist asshole thinks doesn't matter in this case.
You can post whatever nonsense you like.

However we all know .... including you .... that Arbery ..... just like the rest of them ... was just another criminal.

Sorry pasty racist the LAW doesn't see him as a criminal, they see him as a murder victim which is why your 3 heroes are sitting their white, racist asses behind bars right now.

You are confused....it's not the law but politicians who believe that......the law is blind.
What crime did he commit on the day?

Ok. You understand that under Georgia Law he wasn’t actually trespassing. The police could not have arrested him for that. For that the owner or a designated representative would have to have told him to leave.

Further. The McMichaels had no authority to enforce that. So now according to you the attempt to arrest Arbury was criminal and they are murderers.

There was no attempt to arrest Ahmaud....you are a liar and you keep repeating the lie.

The McMichaels say they were. Are they lying too? Their lawyers say that the citizens arrest law is the centerpiece of their defense. Are the defense attorneys lying too?

I posted that before. Shame you didn’t read it.

The McMichaels said that when they headed out..they intended to make a citizens arrest....but no attempt to arrest was made.

The new law is not applicable to the McMicharls as it was enacted after the incident and their arrest....it is just another example of how this nation is being torn apart by wokeness.

I have no idea what the defense team is doing.

What crime did they see him commit?

If it was known he committed a crime they would have arrested him....but since he was just a person of interest.....they followed him and caled 911
I think the main thing we can learn from this is that, if you have a construction site near a certain demographic makeup, you need to either hire security or have a secure fence around it. Otherwise, "joggers" may decide to borrow a few things.

I think the main thing we can learn from this is that emotional "follow the narrative no matter what" thinking isn't limited to leftists.
I'm not saying what the McMichaels did was justified, but the owner of the property clearly felt pressure to retract his previous claims that theft had occurred.

Hindsight is 20/20, but proper security often prevents theft issues.

Yes....that is why he had security cams installed.....I am surprised they did not indict him also for murder or conspiracy....I am sure he has received threats.

Blacks consider Security Cams racist because they catch more blacks stealing than whites.

Hmmm so did you miss the whites who were trespassing or were they ghosts on the security cameras and when did he EVER report anything as being stolen?

Yes reports had been made .....that is why he installed security cams and that is why Gregory McMichaels had been chosen as the go to guy by the police dept. for anyone having problems in the neighborhood with burglars and or trespassers.
What crime did he commit on the day?

Ok. You understand that under Georgia Law he wasn’t actually trespassing. The police could not have arrested him for that. For that the owner or a designated representative would have to have told him to leave.

Further. The McMichaels had no authority to enforce that. So now according to you the attempt to arrest Arbury was criminal and they are murderers.

There was no attempt to arrest Ahmaud....you are a liar and you keep repeating the lie.

The McMichaels say they were. Are they lying too? Their lawyers say that the citizens arrest law is the centerpiece of their defense. Are the defense attorneys lying too?

I posted that before. Shame you didn’t read it.

The McMichaels said that when they headed out..they intended to make a citizens arrest....but no attempt to arrest was made.

The new law is not applicable to the McMicharls as it was enacted after the incident and their arrest....it is just another example of how this nation is being torn apart by wokeness.

I have no idea what the defense team is doing.

What crime did they see him commit?

You need to put your dunce cap on get back in the corner.....it is well known so called African-Americans have an average i.q. of 85 and you have previously revealed you cannot even do simple math.

This coming from a Shithouse Lawyer who couldn't beat his way out of a wet paper bag.

hehheh did i trigger you? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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