3 men charged with federal hate crimes in killing of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia

What crime did he commit on the day?

Ok. You understand that under Georgia Law he wasn’t actually trespassing. The police could not have arrested him for that. For that the owner or a designated representative would have to have told him to leave.

Further. The McMichaels had no authority to enforce that. So now according to you the attempt to arrest Arbury was criminal and they are murderers.

There was no attempt to arrest Ahmaud....you are a liar and you keep repeating the lie.

The McMichaels say they were. Are they lying too? Their lawyers say that the citizens arrest law is the centerpiece of their defense. Are the defense attorneys lying too?

I posted that before. Shame you didn’t read it.

The McMichaels said that when they headed out..they intended to make a citizens arrest....but no attempt to arrest was made.

The new law is not applicable to the McMicharls as it was enacted after the incident and their arrest....it is just another example of how this nation is being torn apart by wokeness.

I have no idea what the defense team is doing.

What crime did they see him commit?

If it was known he committed a crime they would have arrested him....but since he was just a person of interest.....they followed him and caled 911

No they chased him and murdered him, I know you have to put the racist spin to it.

Have you ever known a black man to be guilty of anything?

Known some to be, have you ever known a white racist to be guilty of anything other than being a racist.

Nothing wrong with racism per se.

Um. No. It isn’t love. It is twisting of words to mean what they do not actually mean.

But we already knew you were delusional so carry on with your poorly coded and idiotically worded explanation about racism.
So why are your pasty, racist buddies sitting in jail with no bail?
I would say because at the moment they are political prisoners.

When the actual evidence comes out .... it should show that these men acted lawfully .... or did not.

Either way .... I could care less .....

Arbery was a criminal who attacked a man with a shotgun ....

Earned himself a Darwin Award in the process .....

Good damn riddance to these criminals ...

And, if the McMichaels acted unlawfully ....

Good damn riddance to them as well.

Political prisoners??? Are you kidding me. So you ass clowns think they can murder a black man and it is supposed to be just swept under the rug because they CLAIM he was committing a crime. Hate to tell your pasty, white, racist ass this but those days are coming to an end.
Of course they believe that because they've been doing so for centuries, including attempting to justify lynchings by claiming the men they lynched "usually" were criminals.

They [lynchings] were often performed without due process of law by self-appointed commissions, mobs, or vigilantes as a form of punishment for presumed criminal offences.[18]
Lynching - Wikipedia
I think the main thing we can learn from this is that, if you have a construction site near a certain demographic makeup, you need to either hire security or have a secure fence around it. Otherwise, "joggers" may decide to borrow a few things.

I think too much attention is being given to the trespassing aspect of this case....though it is what got the McMicharls involved as in Gregory McMichals a former policeman and investigator had been deputized to handle such problems in the neighborhood since he lived there and stuff had been stolen from his son's truck.

The critical part of this case to me and though I have never practiced law(I did go to Law School in Atlanta) is the way Ahmaud Arbary brazenly attacked Travis McMichael even though he was holding a shotgun.

Some ask would anyone sane do such a thing?

Well we could all conjecture about that...but it is on record that Ahmaud had mental problems and a persecution complex which can be seen in the various videos of his previous encounters with the police.....the enhanced glorious photo of ahmaud circulated by the media does not show the real Amaud....a convicted thief.
This much is certain -- if Ahmaud was white, we'd never have heard of him, and no one would care that he got shot.

The story just has the right racial optics to manipulate the masses.

No if Ahmaud were white they would have never bothered him in the first place, notice that they didn't chase any of the white trespassers on the property. Why is that?

They chased Ahmaud for 2 reasons....Gregory McMichales got a call that there was a trespasser in the housr being built whilst he was out in front yard working on his boat and immediately after the call he sees Ahmaud hauling ass down the street...he recognized him from the security cam video and had dealt with him back when he was a cop and thus knew of his criminal history.....that is why they grabbed their guns.

Thus that is why you are full of shit. Did Gregory McMichaels witness Ahmaud committing a crime?

When did he see security cam video of him and who did he receive it from?

So in a split instance he remembered him from years ago, only a fool would buy that weak ass defense.

unlike low I.Q. Africans whites usually have good memories.

All the material on the security cams has been documented and some of them posted on here that showed Ahmaud wandering around the house in the middle of the night looking like he was in a trance......very bizzare....probably doped up or maybe that is the way people with mental issues look. BTW none of them show him drinking water.

I have heard it said some negroes like to go on white peoples property and masturbate.....dont know if that is true....did you ever do anything like that?

Jimi Hendrix the famous black guitarist was kicked out of the Army for masturbating in public.

Funny how you never mention the white folks on those security cameras that were trespassing, why is that Green Hornet? If they are white it is not trespassing, right? What was the white couple doing on his property after dark?
hehheh I don't know what any of them were doing including ahmaud....I never said I did....all we can do regarding that is to speculate.

Yet stuff had been stolen and Ahmaud was a thief and had served time for it......thieves rarely change their spots.

The white folks are unknown and have nothing to do with the case under discussion as far as I know....thus they are irrelevant to this discussion. duh

The homeowner said nothing had been stolen, so where are you coming up with stuff being stolen from? When did Ahmaud serve time? Post that for us all please.

The white folks are unknown because the racist didn't care to confront any of them.

He only said that after all the publicity kicked in....which he wanted no part of ....can hardly blame him for that.....why do you think he installed cameras....why do you think the police dept. deputized Gregory to handle all the complaints?????

You can look it up ....it has been posted....I am not going back over ploughed ground....ahmaud was sentenced to 5 yrs.

While you are at it research his mental history....which probably had a lot of influence regarding the bad decisions he made that day and look at the videos of other confrontations he had with police....he was very aggressive and beligerent....they tried to taze him but it malfunctioned. He is a prime example of why so many young blacks get shot by the police.....they will not listen and they have no respect for the police.

The MacMichaels were never notified about white people being on the property under question....either they had some reason to be there or no one noticed them....Ahmaud had been there several times but was noticed only once....that is when Grergory got the call to check it out.
This is how one article described Gregory McMichael
Gregory McMichael was a former police detective.​
He also worked as an investigator for the local district attorney for years and had retired in 2019.​

Mr McMichael had previously been involved in an investigation of Mr Arbery, according to a letter written by Mr Barnhill, the second prosecutor to recuse.

Here's what another one revealed

Gregory McMichael, the former Georgia police detective charged in the fatal shooting of 25-year-old Ahmaud Arbery, was stripped of his law-enforcement certification last February after failing to complete required use-of-force courses, records state.
Records first obtained by The Washington Post show that McMichael, 64, lost his power to arrest after repeatedly failing to complete required training sessions—even after a 2014 warning that he had not finished mandatory force and firearms courses.​
During his 37-year career in law enforcement, McMichael was stripped of his law-enforcement powers twice: Once in January 2006 after an undisclosed infraction and again in February 2019 after the Georgia Peace Officer Stands and Training Council (POST) suspended him for “failure to maintain training for the year.”​
In all, McMichael had fallen short in various types of training hours in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, and 2010—and did not complete the mandatory use-of-force and firearms training for at least three of those years, the documents from the Brunswick Judicial Circuit District Attorney’s Office state.​
“This situation has been a great embarrassment to me and to Investigator McMichael,” Brunswick District Attorney Jackie Johnson wrote in a June 2014 letter to the Georgia POST director. “It has negatively impacted my office, and I have taken measures to ensure that it doesn’t happen again. Please accept my sincere apology.”​
Of course they believe that because they've been doing so for centuries, including attempting to justify lynchings by claiming the men they lynched "usually" were criminals.

They [lynchings] were often performed without due process of law by self-appointed commissions, mobs, or vigilantes as a form of punishment for presumed criminal offences.[18]​
LMAO ...

Another psycho Leftist who still thinks it's the 1950's.

You and suprabrutha must stay at the same nursing home.
Of course they believe that because they've been doing so for centuries, including attempting to justify lynchings by claiming the men they lynched "usually" were criminals.

They [lynchings] were often performed without due process of law by self-appointed commissions, mobs, or vigilantes as a form of punishment for presumed criminal offences.[18]​
LMAO ...

Another psycho Leftist who still thinks it's the 1950's.

You and suprabrutha must stay at the same nursing home.

Indeed. Let me tell you a true story. One of many I could tell. A co-worker liked to work on cars. It was his hobby. He got a five year old Mercedes AMG that had the engine blow by an idiot who had more money than sense. My friend not only rebuilt the motor but redid everything over a year. He had that car shining like a new penny. It was beautiful.

He worked and made good money. Former soldier. Good family man. Yet every time he drove the car he was pulled over. I was with him three times. Not speeding. Signaling lane changes. All of it. Good safe driving.

Just checking was the excuse one time. Another time the cop said it was a beautiful car and he just wanted a look. And if my friend didn’t mind he would love to see inside. A pretense to search for drugs of course.

Nothing he did was wrong. And yet many here would argue he deserved it because he is Black and everyone knows Blacks are criminals. And if he isn’t one he shouldn’t mind the police harassing him to find the criminals.

Imagine that in your life. Imagine it in your children’s lives. Now imagine it in your grandchildren’s lives. My friend is 72 last month. This all happened six years ago. Before he sold the car. He loved what he had done. The work he had done. But the harassment was too annoying to tolerate.

I will even tell you a second story. About a former First Sergeant in the Army who had to hire a lawyer to get his Concealed Weapons Permit. He wasn’t under investigation. He had never been convicted of a crime. He was just the wrong color.

The judge issued the permit after the lawyer got involved.

If this sort of treatment was the norm for Whites they would vote everyone out of office who advocated it. They would sue everyone in sight. They would donate to cop killers defense funds because the fucking cops deserve it.

Instead. Whites like you pretend it doesn’t happen. And if it does it is because of Democrats. And if it happens in Republican areas it is because the Black was really a criminal. He just got away with it this time.

I have friends who are Black. And I know what happens. I see it.
Indeed. Let me tell you a true story. One of many I could tell. A co-worker liked to work on cars. It was his hobby. He got a five year old Mercedes AMG that had the engine blow by an idiot who had more money than sense. My friend not only rebuilt the motor but redid everything over a year. He had that car shining like a new penny. It was beautiful.

He worked and made good money. Former soldier. Good family man. Yet every time he drove the car he was pulled over. I was with him three times. Not speeding. Signaling lane changes. All of it. Good safe driving.

Just checking was the excuse one time. Another time the cop said it was a beautiful car and he just wanted a look. And if my friend didn’t mind he would love to see inside. A pretense to search for drugs of course.

Nothing he did was wrong. And yet many here would argue he deserved it because he is Black and everyone knows Blacks are criminals. And if he isn’t one he shouldn’t mind the police harassing him to find the criminals.

Imagine that in your life. Imagine it in your children’s lives. Now imagine it in your grandchildren’s lives. My friend is 72 last month. This all happened six years ago. Before he sold the car. He loved what he had done. The work he had done. But the harassment was too annoying to tolerate.

I will even tell you a second story. About a former First Sergeant in the Army who had to hire a lawyer to get his Concealed Weapons Permit. He wasn’t under investigation. He had never been convicted of a crime. He was just the wrong color.

The judge issued the permit after the lawyer got involved.

If this sort of treatment was the norm for Whites they would vote everyone out of office who advocated it. They would sue everyone in sight. They would donate to cop killers defense funds because the fucking cops deserve it.

Instead. Whites like you pretend it doesn’t happen. And if it does it is because of Democrats. And if it happens in Republican areas it is because the Black was really a criminal. He just got away with it this time.

I have friends who are Black. And I know what happens. I see it.
That's a real nice story and all ....

But, unlike your friend .... Arbery was a criminal.

You are comparing Apples to Oranges.
Indeed. Let me tell you a true story. One of many I could tell. A co-worker liked to work on cars. It was his hobby. He got a five year old Mercedes AMG that had the engine blow by an idiot who had more money than sense. My friend not only rebuilt the motor but redid everything over a year. He had that car shining like a new penny. It was beautiful.

He worked and made good money. Former soldier. Good family man. Yet every time he drove the car he was pulled over. I was with him three times. Not speeding. Signaling lane changes. All of it. Good safe driving.

Just checking was the excuse one time. Another time the cop said it was a beautiful car and he just wanted a look. And if my friend didn’t mind he would love to see inside. A pretense to search for drugs of course.

Nothing he did was wrong. And yet many here would argue he deserved it because he is Black and everyone knows Blacks are criminals. And if he isn’t one he shouldn’t mind the police harassing him to find the criminals.

Imagine that in your life. Imagine it in your children’s lives. Now imagine it in your grandchildren’s lives. My friend is 72 last month. This all happened six years ago. Before he sold the car. He loved what he had done. The work he had done. But the harassment was too annoying to tolerate.

I will even tell you a second story. About a former First Sergeant in the Army who had to hire a lawyer to get his Concealed Weapons Permit. He wasn’t under investigation. He had never been convicted of a crime. He was just the wrong color.

The judge issued the permit after the lawyer got involved.

If this sort of treatment was the norm for Whites they would vote everyone out of office who advocated it. They would sue everyone in sight. They would donate to cop killers defense funds because the fucking cops deserve it.

Instead. Whites like you pretend it doesn’t happen. And if it does it is because of Democrats. And if it happens in Republican areas it is because the Black was really a criminal. He just got away with it this time.

I have friends who are Black. And I know what happens. I see it.
That's a real nice story and all ....

But, unlike your friend .... Arbery was a criminal.

You are comparing Apples to Oranges.

Arbury was not committing a crime on the day he died. So his death was the crime.
Arbury was not committing a crime on the day he died. So his death was the crime.
It does not change the fact that he was a criminal and he was persued because he was a criminal.

And, a jury will decide if his death was a crime.
Arbury was not committing a crime on the day he died. So his death was the crime.
It does not change the fact that he was a criminal and he was persued because he was a criminal.

And, a jury will decide if his death was a crime.

I explained all that before Scooter. He was the suspect in one burglary. And the suspect because who else could it be but the black guy.
I explained all that before Scooter. He was the suspect in one burglary. And the suspect because who else could it be but the black guy.
You can make it about race all you want ....

I would not expect anything less from those obsesed over the color of one's skin.

But, the jury may have a different take on this one.
I explained all that before Scooter. He was the suspect in one burglary. And the suspect because who else could it be but the black guy.
You can make it about race all you want ....

I would not expect anything less from those obsesed over the color of one's skin.

But, the jury may have a different take on this one.

Yeah. The Jury is gonna see all the evidence and hear how these boys broke Georgia Law and find them innocent. Right.
I sincerely hope that they are able to get a conviction and that people's eyes are finally open to what's been happening all around them, even if they were unable of it.​
April 28, 2021, 2:32 PM PDT / Updated April 28, 2021, 4:08 PM PDT​
By Tim Fitzsimons​
Three Georgia men previously charged in the killing of Ahmaud Arbery were indicted Wednesday by a federal grand jury and charged with hate crimes and attempted kidnapping.​
Ahmaud Arbery.
Ahmaud Arbery. Courtesy of Family
Arbery was jogging in Brunswick, Georgia, when Travis McMichael, 35, and his father, Gregory McMichael, 65, pursued him in their truck and shot him dead on Feb. 23, 2020.​
William "Roddie" Bryan, 51, who was driving behind them in a separate truck, filmed the shooting.​
Later, Gregory McMichael, a retired police officer, leaked the video because he wanted "the public to know the truth," his attorney said in 2020.
The Department of Justice alleged on Wednesday that the men confronted Arbery "because of his race."​
The incident sparked outrage and spurred an international movement to draw attention to racism against Black runners, NBC News reported.
Travis and Gregory were also each charged with "carrying, and brandishing—and in Travis’s case, discharging—a firearm during and in relation to a crime of violence," the DOJ said in a press release.​
Gregory and Travis, father and son, were previously each charged with murder in May 2020 for the death of Arbery.​
Oh, they'll get a conviction on something. I don't know why the Feds got involved; the Georgia state police seem to have it in hand.

The Feds got involved because Georgia doesn't have a hate crimes law, and they really wanted to charge a hate crime.
Yeah. The Jury is gonna see all the evidence and hear how these boys broke Georgia Law and find them innocent. Right.
Well ... the Jury will see all the evidence .... that part you got right.

And the evidence sinks those three boys. The Jury will find them guilty. They’ll sentence Travis to life without parole. Daddy to Life. And Roddy to 20 Years. Then they’ll head over to start their Federal Trial.
And the evidence sinks those three boys. The Jury will find them guilty. They’ll sentence Travis to life without parole. Daddy to Life. And Roddy to 20 Years. Then they’ll head over to start their Federal Trial.
Maybe so ...

Which towns do you plan to burn if the jurors don't see it your way?
Arbury was not committing a crime on the day he died. So his death was the crime.
It does not change the fact that he was a criminal and he was persued because he was a criminal.

And, a jury will decide if his death was a crime.
Gregory McMichael had previously investigated Arbery. Considering all the problems McMichael had with his law enforcement gig, he may very well have been unconstitutionally profiling him and/or had a beef with him.

None of that however is legal grounds for what these three racists did that day. And yeah using a racial epitaph is proof that one is a racist because people who are not, NEVER use them.
Arbury was not committing a crime on the day he died. So his death was the crime.
It does not change the fact that he was a criminal and he was persued because he was a criminal.

And, a jury will decide if his death was a crime.

I explained all that before Scooter. He was the suspect in one burglary. And the suspect because who else could it be but the black guy.
It is reported that Gregory McMichael had investigated Arbery previously. I bet you he had him on his radar.
Thsoe rednecks are fucked six ways to Sunday...

You said the same thing about Zimmerman and he didnt even have a video to back him up....what he did have was a great defense team....remains to be seen how good the McMichaels defense team is.

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