3 Mexican companies want to work onTrump's border wall


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
Small Mexican company wants to light Trump's border wall

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Among the hundreds of companies expressing interest in helping to build U.S. President Donald Trump's southern border wall, one four-member concern stands out: It is from Mexico.

Ecovelocity, based in the central city of Puebla, is betting it can provide cheap industrial LED lights for the project, which has sparked the ire of Mexicans.

Theodore Atalla, Ecovelocity's owner, is an Egyptian native of Greek heritage who has made Mexico his home for most of the past two decades. He said his firm looked to undercut competition by providing lighting it imports mostly from China.

"It would only be on the Mexican side because I don't think we would be allowed to work on the other side," Atalla said in an interview. "They said they only wanted American products."

Trump has vowed to start work quickly on the barrier along the nearly 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border to prevent illegal immigrants and drugs from crossing to the north. He has repeatedly said Mexico will pay for it, something the Mexican government has flatly said it will not do....

...Ecovelocity is the only one registered in Mexico, possibly a sign of the depth of feeling against the barrier south of the border, where there has been a surge in patriotism triggered by Trump's repeated swipes at the country.

Mexico's Cemex , one of the world's largest cement producers, has said it is open to providing quotes to supply the raw materials for the border wall. Competitor Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua has also signaled a readiness to work on the project....

I like how it's described as "patriotism" in Mexico, but anything patriotic in America is described as "nationalism" by liberals.
I think it's funny. A lot of legal immigrants here would probably be willing to work on it as well.

I'm so sick of the attitude of the left, Mexico and the illegals who come and go as they please that they have a right to take advantage of us. You'd think we have no right to uphold laws.

It's time to stop the flow of people. Look how many criminals have been deported numerous times only to keep coming back and committing more violent crimes. It needs to stop.

Stopping most illegal border crossers would be a simple matter of stopping all rewards for crossing illegally, including granting citizenship for their anchor babies. Criminals will just keep coming and we need a plan to prevent them from sneaking in.
I think it's funny. A lot of legal immigrants here would probably be willing to work on it as well.

I'm so sick of the attitude of the left, Mexico and the illegals who come and go as they please that they have a right to take advantage of us. You'd think we have no right to uphold laws.

It's time to stop the flow of people. Look how many criminals have been deported numerous times only to keep coming back and committing more violent crimes. It needs to stop.

Stopping most illegal border crossers would be a simple matter of stopping all rewards for crossing illegally, including granting citizenship for their anchor babies. Criminals will just keep coming and we need a plan to prevent them from sneaking in.


Obviously, there are national security concerns with hiring Mexican companies to work on the wall. However, sourcing enough materials to cover the entire border wall will probably be tough.

Even if we buy American as much as possible, I don't know if we have enough materials to cover the entire wall (I'm not a construction/contractor expert). If not, in the interest of saving money, I'd be ok with taking bids from foreign companies (not just Mexico) so long as there is sufficient oversight and national security protections.
I like how it's described as "patriotism" in Mexico, but anything patriotic in America is described as "nationalism" by liberals.

Mexicans can call it whatever they want. The bulk of them who are illegally in the U.S. didn't enter the country by traipsing through the wilderness to cross the border. The majority of illegals come to the U.S. legally and overstay their visas, but Trump wants to build a wall to stem the least prevalent means of illegal immigration. (How many Mexicans actually cross the border illegally?) A wall isn't going to do a damn thing to curtail that form of illegal migration to the U.S. If I were a Mexican business owner, I'd probably know that; thus I'd be more than happy to help build Trump's wall, and I could call it patriotic or anything else someone wanted me to call it so long as I get paid.
I like how it's described as "patriotism" in Mexico, but anything patriotic in America is described as "nationalism" by liberals.

Mexicans can call it whatever they want. The bulk of them who are illegally in the U.S. didn't enter the country by traipsing through the wilderness to cross the border. The majority of illegals come to the U.S. legally and overstay their visas, but Trump wants to build a wall to stem the least prevalent means of illegal immigration. (How many Mexicans actually cross the border illegally?) A wall isn't going to do a damn thing to curtail that form of illegal migration to the U.S. If I were a Mexican business owner, I'd probably know that; thus I'd be more than happy to help build Trump's wall, and I could call it patriotic or anything else someone wanted me to call it so long as I get paid.
It will do little to stem illegals crossing the border as well. A billion dollar wall can be defeated by a 100 dollar ladder...
I like how it's described as "patriotism" in Mexico, but anything patriotic in America is described as "nationalism" by liberals.

Mexicans can call it whatever they want. The bulk of them who are illegally in the U.S. didn't enter the country by traipsing through the wilderness to cross the border. The majority of illegals come to the U.S. legally and overstay their visas, but Trump wants to build a wall to stem the least prevalent means of illegal immigration. (How many Mexicans actually cross the border illegally?) A wall isn't going to do a damn thing to curtail that form of illegal migration to the U.S. If I were a Mexican business owner, I'd probably know that; thus I'd be more than happy to help build Trump's wall, and I could call it patriotic or anything else someone wanted me to call it so long as I get paid.
It will do little to stem illegals crossing the border as well. A billion dollar wall can be defeated by a 100 dollar ladder...

That assumes the wall is just a wall and doesn't have any high tech features like motion sensors, thermal imaging cameras/drones, etc.
I like how it's described as "patriotism" in Mexico, but anything patriotic in America is described as "nationalism" by liberals.

Mexicans can call it whatever they want. The bulk of them who are illegally in the U.S. didn't enter the country by traipsing through the wilderness to cross the border. The majority of illegals come to the U.S. legally and overstay their visas, but Trump wants to build a wall to stem the least prevalent means of illegal immigration. (How many Mexicans actually cross the border illegally?) A wall isn't going to do a damn thing to curtail that form of illegal migration to the U.S. If I were a Mexican business owner, I'd probably know that; thus I'd be more than happy to help build Trump's wall, and I could call it patriotic or anything else someone wanted me to call it so long as I get paid.
It will do little to stem illegals crossing the border as well. A billion dollar wall can be defeated by a 100 dollar ladder...

Strictly speaking, I have to agree with you, at least in principle/theory. LOL

Practically speaking, I would hope the wall be monitored well enough that a ladder leaned against it, indeed the people approaching the wall with said ladder, would attract the attention of border guards who could get to the place in question before the climbers can abscond successfully.

I certainly think the wall idea is a dumbass idea from the get-go. I'll grant that a wall sounds like a good idea, but I know better than to think it actually is one. Frankly, I think lots of cactus, quicksand, alligators and other dangerous animals, supplemented by a force of drones are a better strategy than is a wall. Even in broad daylight, a camouflaged rattler is very hard to spot, and you still don't want to step on one.
So, some Mexican based company run by an Egyptian wants to make money off of The Wall, which would of course be paid for with my tax dollars. Cool story bro
Mexico won't be paying for the wall; Americans will; and it won't be built with American labor or material. Trump knows it; Congressional Republicans know it; everybody knows it except for Trump's ignorant and blind supporters.
Small Mexican company wants to light Trump's border wall

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Among the hundreds of companies expressing interest in helping to build U.S. President Donald Trump's southern border wall, one four-member concern stands out: It is from Mexico.

Ecovelocity, based in the central city of Puebla, is betting it can provide cheap industrial LED lights for the project, which has sparked the ire of Mexicans.

Theodore Atalla, Ecovelocity's owner, is an Egyptian native of Greek heritage who has made Mexico his home for most of the past two decades. He said his firm looked to undercut competition by providing lighting it imports mostly from China.

"It would only be on the Mexican side because I don't think we would be allowed to work on the other side," Atalla said in an interview. "They said they only wanted American products."

Trump has vowed to start work quickly on the barrier along the nearly 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border to prevent illegal immigrants and drugs from crossing to the north. He has repeatedly said Mexico will pay for it, something the Mexican government has flatly said it will not do....

...Ecovelocity is the only one registered in Mexico, possibly a sign of the depth of feeling against the barrier south of the border, where there has been a surge in patriotism triggered by Trump's repeated swipes at the country.

Mexico's Cemex , one of the world's largest cement producers, has said it is open to providing quotes to supply the raw materials for the border wall. Competitor Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua has also signaled a readiness to work on the project....

I like how it's described as "patriotism" in Mexico, but anything patriotic in America is described as "nationalism" by liberals.

Good catch on the patriotism/nationalism double standard.
I like how it's described as "patriotism" in Mexico, but anything patriotic in America is described as "nationalism" by liberals.

Mexicans can call it whatever they want. The bulk of them who are illegally in the U.S. didn't enter the country by traipsing through the wilderness to cross the border. The majority of illegals come to the U.S. legally and overstay their visas, but Trump wants to build a wall to stem the least prevalent means of illegal immigration. (How many Mexicans actually cross the border illegally?) A wall isn't going to do a damn thing to curtail that form of illegal migration to the U.S. If I were a Mexican business owner, I'd probably know that; thus I'd be more than happy to help build Trump's wall, and I could call it patriotic or anything else someone wanted me to call it so long as I get paid.
It will do little to stem illegals crossing the border as well. A billion dollar wall can be defeated by a 100 dollar ladder...

Or a five dollar shovel.

Sections of the wall are already built and the cartels have their tunneling system to import drugs, illegals and slaves.

Well at least those wanting the wall will sleep well at night with the false sense of security and when it fails to slow the tide of drugs, slaves and illegals they can next demand the dome!
I like how it's described as "patriotism" in Mexico, but anything patriotic in America is described as "nationalism" by liberals.

Mexicans can call it whatever they want. The bulk of them who are illegally in the U.S. didn't enter the country by traipsing through the wilderness to cross the border. The majority of illegals come to the U.S. legally and overstay their visas, but Trump wants to build a wall to stem the least prevalent means of illegal immigration. (How many Mexicans actually cross the border illegally?) A wall isn't going to do a damn thing to curtail that form of illegal migration to the U.S. If I were a Mexican business owner, I'd probably know that; thus I'd be more than happy to help build Trump's wall, and I could call it patriotic or anything else someone wanted me to call it so long as I get paid.

"Least prevalent"? Excellent spin, to diminish the importance of a problem that allows literally MILLIONS of alien invaders to cross into our population against our wishes.

40% is a large minority worthy of attention.
Mexico won't be paying for the wall; Americans will; and it won't be built with American labor or material. Trump knows it; Congressional Republicans know it; everybody knows it except for Trump's ignorant and blind supporters.

At this point Mexico should WANT to pay for it, to make up for all their sins against US.
Mexico won't be paying for the wall; Americans will; and it won't be built with American labor or material. Trump knows it; Congressional Republicans know it; everybody knows it except for Trump's ignorant and blind supporters.

At this point Mexico should WANT to pay for it, to make up for all their sins against US.
Yeah America is so perfect :rolleyes:
I think it's funny. A lot of legal immigrants here would probably be willing to work on it as well.

I'm so sick of the attitude of the left, Mexico and the illegals who come and go as they please that they have a right to take advantage of us. You'd think we have no right to uphold laws.

It's time to stop the flow of people. Look how many criminals have been deported numerous times only to keep coming back and committing more violent crimes. It needs to stop.

Stopping most illegal border crossers would be a simple matter of stopping all rewards for crossing illegally, including granting citizenship for their anchor babies. Criminals will just keep coming and we need a plan to prevent them from sneaking in.


Obviously, there are national security concerns with hiring Mexican companies to work on the wall. However, sourcing enough materials to cover the entire border wall will probably be tough.

Even if we buy American as much as possible, I don't know if we have enough materials to cover the entire wall (I'm not a construction/contractor expert). If not, in the interest of saving money, I'd be ok with taking bids from foreign companies (not just Mexico) so long as there is sufficient oversight and national security protections.

Yes, we don't need some foreign workers building in a secret entry or tunnel. I think there are many of those now. Should work on destroying the tunnels before anything is built above ground.
Mexican Americans don't like illegal aliens any more than the rest of us.....

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