3 people dead after gunman targeted Black people in Jacksonville

Damn, you have to go all the way back to the 1800s. The Civil Rights Movement was by region and signed by a Democrat President. Give me a GOP tax cut that actually helped the average American, provide actual numbers not your opinion.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Trump's tax cut gave me about $300 more a month of spendable income.

Bush's tax cuts gave a couple of thousand more dollars to spend each year.

I don't remember how much more my take home pay under Reagan but it was more.

Democrat tax increases always resulted in less take home pay.

It is always better for a person to keep the money they earn than give it to some stupid bureaucrat to redistribute to Illegals, ghetto welfare assholes and other shitheads.

Now, to be fair I understand that you being a Negro and on welfare that you didn't get a tax cut so I forgive your ignorance.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Trump's tax cut gave me about $300 more a month of spendable income.

Bush's tax cuts gave a couple of thousand more dollars to spend each year.

I don't remember how much more my take home pay under Reagan but it was more.

Democrat tax increases always resulted in less take home pay.

It is always better for a person to keep the money they earn than give it to some stupid bureaucrat to redistribute to Illegals, ghetto welfare assholes and other shitheads.

Now, to be fair I understand that you being a Negro and on welfare that you didn't get a tax cut so I forgive your ignorance.
You like most lying ass Trump Humpers just claim shit that you don't back up.

IRS data on the 2018 tax season released in May 2019 shows that savings for taxpayers were uneven. For example, the average refund was $90 higher, nationally, in 2018 than 2017. But the taxpayers who saw the largest refund increases had an adjusted gross income (AGI) of at least $200,000. Tax returns showing an AGI of less than $100,000 paid less income tax overall, but returns with an AGI just above $100,000 (many middle-class families) owed more tax, on average. Note that this AGI is per tax return, not per taxpayer: A married couple where each spouse has a salary of $65,000 could very well have an AGI of just above $100,000 if they file jointly.

The lower income tax rates should have helped Americans throughout the year because employers generally withheld less income tax from employee paychecks, increasing their after-tax income. Unfortunately, many workers didn’t know they needed to make changes on their W-4 forms to counteract the changes. The result was that some workers had more take-home pay, but then underpaid their income taxes and owed the IRS thousands of dollars on Tax Day.
You like most lying ass Trump Humpers just claim shit that you don't back up.

IRS data on the 2018 tax season released in May 2019 shows that savings for taxpayers were uneven. For example, the average refund was $90 higher, nationally, in 2018 than 2017. But the taxpayers who saw the largest refund increases had an adjusted gross income (AGI) of at least $200,000. Tax returns showing an AGI of less than $100,000 paid less income tax overall, but returns with an AGI just above $100,000 (many middle-class families) owed more tax, on average. Note that this AGI is per tax return, not per taxpayer: A married couple where each spouse has a salary of $65,000 could very well have an AGI of just above $100,000 if they file jointly.

The lower income tax rates should have helped Americans throughout the year because employers generally withheld less income tax from employee paychecks, increasing their after-tax income. Unfortunately, many workers didn’t know they needed to make changes on their W-4 forms to counteract the changes. The result was that some workers had more take-home pay, but then underpaid their income taxes and owed the IRS thousands of dollars on Tax Day.

You can deny and lie all you want because that is what you stupid Moon Bats do but tax cuts bring more family income. I got $300 more a month from Trump's. You welfare queens didn't get shit, did you? Because you never paid much taxes in the first place.

You live off the fucking government, don't you? You think other people should have to work and pay your bills, don't you? Typical worthless entitlement Democrat voting Negro.
You can deny and lie all you want because that is what you stupid Moon Bats do but tax cuts bring more family income. I got $300 more a month from Trump's. You welfare queens didn't get shit, did you? Because you never paid much taxes in the first place.

You live off the fucking government, don't you? You think other people should have to work and pay your bills, don't you? Typical worthless entitlement Democrat voting Negro.
No numbnuts, I actual bring real numbers not the fairytale bullshit you come with. Your racist privileged ass has benefitted more off the Gov't than I have.
You can deny and lie all you want because that is what you stupid Moon Bats do but tax cuts bring more family income. I got $300 more a month from Trump's. You welfare queens didn't get shit, did you? Because you never paid much taxes in the first place.

You live off the fucking government, don't you? You think other people should have to work and pay your bills, don't you? Typical worthless entitlement Democrat voting Negro.
most blacks do. reparations ugh
Sadly, it's more like a flaming bag of dogshit I find on my doorstep. Every time this happens.. every fucking time, three things occur.

1) We find out the mass shooter had a long history of mental illness or criminal activity that should have precluded him from having a gun.
2) We find out he had no problem getting a gun despite everyone in his life knowing he was crazy.
3) You come on these threads and cover them in fucking spooge about how EVERYONE but the gun industry is responsible for these tragedies.

Jumping over your spooge where you define mass shooting up to make it look less bad,,,

Why should it be? The only reason we know about this guys "Manifesto" is he published it on Facebook. If the gun store had done an investigation of this guy that an employer most certainly would have done, they'd have found that out.

Instead, this freak walked into a gun story, and someone thought he was an awesome customer.

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Your god, government, fails with these rare, violent killers. The government knows about these guys, this guy was involuntarily commited……he had domestic violence charges…and your god, the government, failed to flag him on a background check……,

That has nothing to do with gun stores that obey every law and do the federally mamdated background check.

You could care less about this guy…..you just see him as a means to target normal gun owners and gun stores….while the actual people responsible for 10s of thousands of murders every year, the democrat party……is ignored by you.
Any asshole can get a permit and the standards for police have never been lower. In fact, these Saintly concealed carry holders have killed plenty of cops.

you moron……the vast majority of those are suicides……and self defense shootings…..you idiot. The anti-gun extremists lie about every aspect of the gun debate because the truth, facts and reality dont support anything they believe.
Any asshole can get a permit and the standards for police have never been lower. In fact, these Saintly concealed carry holders have killed plenty of cops.

You are an idiot…..this is from 2014 and the Violence Policy Center hasnt become any more truthfull since then….

The Violence Policy Center regularly puts out the claim that concealed handgun permit holders are a danger to themselves and others. Right now they claim that concealed handgun permits have been responsible for 636 deaths from the entire United States over almost seven years from May 2007 to March 2014. John Lott has pointed out errors in the VPC numbers for Florida, so here let’s take the errors in just one state Michigan.
— In the Michigan state reports on concealed handgun permit holders that are cited by the VPC, 185 people died of suicides during the four reports from 2007 through 2012. That is 29 percent of the purported 636 deaths for the entire United States that the Violence Policy Center attributes to permitted concealed handguns.

But there is the problem: If you look at page 2 in the latest report, you will see that the 28 suicides do not list a cause of death. The report merely notes that permit holders committed suicide. We don’t know if they committed suicide with a gun and if it was a gun, that it was the gun that they carried concealed. Given that the overwhelming majority of these suicides were presumably at home, like the vast majority of suicides, it isn’t even clear why a concealed handgun permit is relevant.

Any asshole can get a permit and the standards for police have never been lower. In fact, these Saintly concealed carry holders have killed plenty of cops.

And the Violence Policy Center lies about concealed carry permit holders...

Academics have published fifty-two peer-reviewed, empirical studies on concealed carry. Of these, 25 found that allowing people to carry reduces violent crime, and 15 found no significant effect. A minority (12) observed increases in violent crime. These 12, however, suffer from a systematic error to varying degrees: they tend to focus on the last 20 years and compare states that recently passed concealed carry laws with more lenient states that had sustained growth in permits over the past two decades. The finding that crime rose relatively in such states is consistent with permit holders reducing crime.

In these pages, Lisa Vicens and John Donohue argue that Donohue’s “most comprehensive study” shows “Shall-Issue” laws increase homicide. But other research using the exact same data and methodology found their results are reversedwith just slightly different specifications.

They also point to one public health journal article claiming that more gun ownership leads to more deaths of police, but they fail to note another peer-reviewed studyspecifically on the issue of permitted concealed handguns shows that Right-to-Carry laws tend to reduce the murders of police. Nor do they mention that properly doingthe public health journal article flips that result and shows that more private gun ownership reduces the deaths of police officers.

Hating black people isn't a crime, but go ahead and try to criminalize it and watch things blow up in your face...lol

Except no one was talking about criminalizing being a bigot. (Although not a bad idea, actually).

I was pointing out that a mere search of this guys' social media history would have been a big red flag. The kind of background investigation an employer most certainly would have done before hiring him.

The problem is that with supposed "background checks" are nothing of the sort. You fill out a form and pinky-swear you are a nice person.

When I applied for a mortgage, the bank did a thorough background check, despite my having a sterling credit score of over 800 and having done business with that bank for over 20 years. It took nearly 30 days to complete and the bank lady remarked on how quickly it went.

When I applied for my current job, they called my former employers and coworkers for character references, checked my credit score, checked my police record (I don't have one beyond traffic violations), and evaluated my finances. Oh, yeah, and they made me piss into a cup.

But someone like this guy or Awake the Rapper or Joker Holmes can walk into a gun store, plop down a couple hundred bucks, and they'll hand him a semi-automatic rifle and a 100 round magazine and no one bats an eye until, oopsie, they shoot up a bunch of people.

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