3 people dead after gunman targeted Black people in Jacksonville

I respond because assholes like you love you some tragedy like this......a mass public shooting is christmas morning for you....and the victims are your mass shooting holiday presents that you get to unwrap.....so you can do your best to lie and confuse uninformed people about these shootings....

Sadly, it's more like a flaming bag of dogshit I find on my doorstep. Every time this happens.. every fucking time, three things occur.

1) We find out the mass shooter had a long history of mental illness or criminal activity that should have precluded him from having a gun.
2) We find out he had no problem getting a gun despite everyone in his life knowing he was crazy.
3) You come on these threads and cover them in fucking spooge about how EVERYONE but the gun industry is responsible for these tragedies.

Jumping over your spooge where you define mass shooting up to make it look less bad,,,


The democrat party, left wing, transgender killer of school children....her manifesto is still not released.....

Why should it be? The only reason we know about this guys "Manifesto" is he published it on Facebook. If the gun store had done an investigation of this guy that an employer most certainly would have done, they'd have found that out.

Instead, this freak walked into a gun story, and someone thought he was an awesome customer.

Believe whatever you wish . This shit keeps happening because there are too.msny guns and they're too freely available to the public.
It keeps happening because there are too few law abiding citizens prepared to defend themselves and there's no law enforcement to keep these clowns off the street.

Enforce the laws on the books. The anti-gunners promised those laws to stop gun crimes.
Sadly, it's more like a flaming bag of dogshit I find on my doorstep. Every time this happens.. every fucking time, three things occur.

1) We find out the mass shooter had a long history of mental illness or criminal activity that should have precluded him from having a gun.
2) We find out he had no problem getting a gun despite everyone in his life knowing he was crazy.
3) You come on these threads and cover them in fucking spooge about how EVERYONE but the gun industry is responsible for these tragedies.

Jumping over your spooge where you define mass shooting up to make it look less bad,,,

Why should it be? The only reason we know about this guys "Manifesto" is he published it on Facebook. If the gun store had done an investigation of this guy that an employer most certainly would have done, they'd have found that out.

Instead, this freak walked into a gun story, and someone thought he was an awesome customer.

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Hating black people isn't a crime, but go ahead and try to criminalize it and watch things blow up in your face...lol
Hating black people isn't a crime, but go ahead and try to criminalize it and watch things blow up in your face...lol
I like black people and made my way for 40 years in one of the most highly recognized predominately black counties is the nation-Prince GeorgesCo Md

That does not mean I ignore the intrinsic and repeated characteristics thereof.
I like black people and made my way for 40 years in one of the most highly recognized predominately black counties is the nation-Prince GeorgesCo Md

That does not mean I ignore the intrinsic and repeated characteristics thereof.
What would I find if I judged white culture by the lowest common denominator…bull conner or the typical white racist.
The media loves this racist shit. Black people over this weekend probably murdered over a hundred other Blacks in Chicago, Baltimore, Washington DC, Detroit, Cleveland, New Orleans, St. Louis, Minneapolis, etc.
The way it might be perceived, is rather a quite genocide taking place or rather it's a constant going on that is sort of quietly ok by the powers in charge, otherwise that act as if their hands are all tied when it comes to making or entertaining solid no non-sense solution's.

Many things going in in this country could be easily stopped, and a new path or beginning started, but it's not stopped even though we have the supposed ability to control the world in many people's crazy opinions, but yet we can't even control ourselves. Pathetic stuff.
The way it might be perceived, is rather a quite genocide taking place or rather it's a constant going on that is sort of quietly ok by the powers in charge, otherwise that act as if their hands are all tied when it comes to making or entertaining solid no non-sense solution's.

Many things going in in this country could be easily stopped, and a new path or beginning started, but it's not stopped even though we have the supposed ability to control the world in many people's crazy opinions, but yet we can't even control ourselves. Pathetic stuff.
Depends on where you live. I live in Spokane Valley right next to Idaho and it's law and order around here. The idiots stay away.
Based on number of crimes for permit holders versus non holders.
You really are elementary school
Whose fault is it that so many non holders have guns?
Nation`s Real Assholes aka public enemy #1.
Criminals and terrorists couldn`t ask for a better friend.
Yep the gop has been doing things for African americans for hundreds of years…even all the way back then

Fighting your demaklan the entire time
What made them stop in the last 60yrs? Today's republican party works against black folks, they have the mindset of the sheet wearers and folks like you have the mindset of the house negro.
Strict Records , Registration & Training ( Especially here in California where I have mine ) My County has had only
a handful of shootings by Permit holders that were not Justified in last 25 years
How is it that you guys love to make a statement, but you don't want to post the information to back it up.

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